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IMPORTANT Applications for Leaders

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King Jacob

May 27, 2021
1. Jacob/Jake
2. 20
4. 10-15hrs
5. Jacob Glockz | Bloods#1609
6. Jacob Glockz
7. 6220
Additional information
1. Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I want to be leader of this organisation as i have spent most of my time in the city as a marabunta gang member, This gang for me has been the reason I have spent so much time in the city due to it being non-toxic and friendly to all of its members. Over time I have began to meet everyone from this gang and to this day since i first joined everyone has been so kind and like family, I would like to be the leader and I do not want its legacy to end and continue to be a family with the best of people in the city, This will be my first leadership but i believe that with the help of the people i have gotten to know this will not be an issue and will be better than ever!
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
My advice is to crack down on rules and make sure everyone is following the correct rules for each specific situation, also i have a lot of ideas for gang events etc to make it more interesting and fun for not only marabunta but other organisations the city,I also believe that this will help grow the city! Its time for change give new faces a chance to lead!

Kevin Som

✨Who Am I?
May 7, 2021
The Following Players are Invited to the LOS SANTOS VAGOS Interview at 20:00 Server Time on Thursday (7/15/2021):

1. Ink Lovell - Ink#7085
2. Eva DeJefes - Evathebanana#5203
3. Dragan Majstorovic - Filip#5089
4. Sammy Junior - NTSamJunior#5020
5. Alex Morato - Šaee#0069

Application for Leaders of Vagos are now CLOSED.


Jul 16, 2021
1. Your name IRL darnesha childs
2. Your age29
3. Time zonecenter
4. Average online per day 2 hour
5. Your Discord neshapoo03
6. Your Nicknamenene
7. Your ID dont have one
Additional information
1. Leader of... wanna to help people
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) just try to be a good frend be there forpeople who need me
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. first time


Jul 10, 2021
1. Your name IRL- Sandro Tsimakuridze
2. Your age- 17
3. Time zone- Gmt +2
4. Average online per day- 7+
5. Your Discord - Sandro#2282
6. Your Nickname- Nick Aaronson
7. Your ID- 35941
Additional information
1. Leader of... marabunta
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
2. I want to be leader of marabunta because when i was in marabunta it was filled with my family members and i want it to stay that way and not to be ruled by other family. Also when i was in marabunta i had provided them with many good people marabunta is like a family to me. The 3rd reason is that i want marabunta to rule over ghetto and I will make sure we will.
3. When i will be the leader of marabunta there will be a strong discipline and friendship between every member of marabunta, also i will organize many events for my members and i will be tough with other gangs because I will not need help from other gangs because they will betray me. When i was in the gang we were not strong and pur warehouse did not have many weapons and i will change that.

Jibreel Anton

May 8, 2021
1. Hossam
2. 18
3. GMT +3
4. 7-10 Hours
5. Jibreel#8808
6. Jibreel Johnson
7. 7439

Additional information

1. Leader of : The Ballas Criminal Orgenization.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):

1-I feel my skills are particularly well-suited to this position because i have been leading a gang organization on another city and I am a high command in the family (Los Santos Syndicate).I've been leading War of business and other events. Also I know how to run legal event/gang events because I was in LifeInvader organization and in Marabunta Grande Criminal organization and I'm a Deputy in bloods have lead events in both organizations and I know I have potential to lead this organization.

2-I’m excited about this opportunity, as it would allow me to lead this gang organization to the better and teach everyone in this gang organization the ways to have fun and make money the right way without breaking any rules, and treat everyone with equal respect.

3-As the leader of a highly commended organization, I would be obliged to lead with an example and make sure as a leader none of my fellow members will be left behind. Increasing the Roleplay element not only towards other people, but also towards each others would substantiate the importance of RP and would help me lead the gang towards the right path.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization:

I would be able to help the gang organization towards better RP situations by teaching them what to do at a specific situations and testing every member who would join the gang organization by making acted RP situations like a hostage situation and how to negotiate with an officer and what is right to do and what is wrong. And I would try to keep my eye on every member if he does anything wrong or if I get any complaints about him i would go to him and tell him what he did wrong and teach him what to do next time as this would help greatly with the organization RP and would create more fun for every citizen of the city either he was in a legal organization or an illegal organization.


May 11, 2021
1. Miek Lyve
2. 27
3. EST
4. 4-10 Hours
5. MiekLyve#0292
6. Miek Lyve
7. 4195

Additional information

1. Leader of : Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):

1- I had my first experience of being a leader of Ballas on this server my first month into playing. At about level 17 I was handed the "Ballas Gang". During this time I had the opportunity of learning more about the server as far as the do's and dont's, how to organize players and how to create a fun gaming space for the community. I had leadership of the Ballas for about 3 months and during this time I gave a lot of new player opportunities to lead when they may not of be able to other places due to politics.

2- I understand the complexities and timing of every gang event. I also understand the importance of organizing players for these events so they may experience everything being in gangs as well as the server have to offer. Gangs, are a reflection of the server so organizing for these group events is of the essence to growing the server/community.

3- With the experience I built, I have an extremely good track record. I would like to add, that with my experience I can continue to provide experience for newer players to grow and become leaders in their own right eventually.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization:

One of the main things I recommended when I was a leader prior, was creating or maybe turning the mega mall in the ghetto into a GREENZONE. Perhaps even move the black market to the mega mall or an additional one. This would help create ROLEPLAY between the gangs, which I think our community currently lacks. If this idea is rejected, my next idea would be to do away with KOS in the ghetto completely. With my experience, I wholeheartedly believe that the ghetto KOS rules connect directly with the rulebreaking. It is almost IMPOSSIBLE to stop rule breaking when you have masses of groups KOSing day and night. If neither of these ideas/suggestions can come to light, I would like to improve roleplay by working with newer players. I have never been against the idea of player development, therefore this could be something I help the community with by leading the organization!



May 8, 2021
1. Neil Micallef
3. GMT+2
4. 8 - 12 hours
5. Nillu023#5222
6. Neil_Gypavelli
7. 6543

1. Leader of Ballas

2. I have been in the leadership of FiB for almost a month almost was the head of negotiations, leader of SWAT and one of the main trainers for most of the FiB. I’ve also been in the leadership of Ballas for over 2 months until I joined FiB . Due to my experience in Legal Organizations of high honor and respect to my experience in gangs I have learnt to be able to handle people from educated and polite side to some crazy people , This gives me the edge over other Leaders of such gangs because I can truly train and handle all players to make the role play and experience overall much more enjoyable. Most importantly I want to take this position as the Ballas leader so that I can work on improving role play and the enjoy ability of the game play aspect as stated earlier using my experience.This can sometimes be ignored by other state/gang leaders so they can focus on winning the objective at hand, but my priority will be to follow the game rules and ensure procedures are taken to ensure role-play (which is the main aim of playing in a role play server) while at the same time trying to win the objective at hand without forcing it out of context. I think the main skills a leader for any origination should have, would be the following: Communication, Presentation, Interpretation, Leadership, Co-Ordination, Teamwork, Patience, Creativity, Reliability, Dependability, and the ability to teach and mentor others. These are all skills I possess due to my long experience in other organizations along with my real-life job which enables me to work with a lot of different people from different countries and cultures around the world due to me working in Insurance on the Island I live which works globally. Ballas Gang has always been in my heart since the beginning when I joined since I started from recruit and ended up as an under-boss.

3. My advice for improving the Role-play level in organization would be: Help new members by providing them links and instructions to the game-rules and a simple introduction to the 'g' muscle. Helping any member setting up an appropriate POV so that they can report anyone that breaks role play and also have POV so that when a 'GOD' asks them for it they will be able to present it since keeping role play goes from both sides and should be punished on both sides if broken. Creating a week trial period within the gang when joining and having experienced members evaluate the new members and when they see them disrupting role play have them teach and instruct them to be better next time instead of reacting like other leaders and just kicking them out. Creating an application form or some sort of question list to ask any potential new members to indicate how competent they are with the ghetto/gang/state rules to make sure we filter out anybody that is not capable meanwhile instructing them to go read and learn the rules and come back when they are ready since will have to interact with gangs and any sort of criminals which may vary from the Ghetto to in City, As well as interact with Legal Organizations so it is ideal to have knowledge across the board so nobody is walked over and everybody knows the rules accordingly. Last but not least when seeing lack of role-play from some members I would approach them and let them know that the aim of the server/game at the end of the day is to try and be as realistic meanwhile keeping the fun going, And that If they do not sort the issue out I will have to remove them so they can take the punishment as a lesson to be better next time. Thank you for considering my application to become the new Ballas Leader, whilst thanking you for your time I hope to hear from you soon.

Kind Regards,Neil Micallef

Omar TheDon

May 18, 2021
2. 23
3. EST
4. 5-8+
5. omar TheDon#6815
6. omar gyp
7. 4106
Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas
2. I want to be leader of Ballas for a few reasons. First I have been in the city for a while and have experienced both legal and illegal roleplay, so I understand how to properly rp and will be showing people how to do so appropriately also iv spent most of my time as a gang member so I understand the rules of the ghetto and know where all the HQs are so there will be no shooting at hqs or greenzones while I am in charge. Another reason I would like to be leaders of Ballas is because I like the role playing of gangs and believe that I can keep the Ballas on top with not only numbers but with being active at all events, which I have noticed other gangs do not to pull up to. If I were to get leader I would have would have at least 20 people ready to join the server and become a Balla . The last and main reason I want to be a ballas is to have a gang where people can come have fun at and grow with without all the toxic energy. I want to create a great rp environment that is friendly and open to all players.
3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization. The first way I would improve roleplay in the organization is by leading by example I have been in the city for a good 3 months and have never had a forum complaint made about me or any complaints for that matter I have never had a warning and only been to demorgan twice once when I first joined the server and another a few weeks ago for crashing while cuffed I believe that for those reasons I am the prefect person to run a new gang and show them how everything is done properly. I would also make new players take a quiz before joining to insure that all players know the rules before joining ballas. The last way I would improve roleplay is if I see any issues occurring ill be having a weekly meeting with the gang talking about what we could do better with rp if I see anything and what we are doing well, this will be followed by a announcements in the ballas discord for any members who couldn't attend. If problems do not stop I have no problem being the bad guy and kicking people from the gang to better the Ballas even if they are my friend.

Har Hunter

May 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL - Harut
2. Your age - 24
3. Time zone GMT +4:00
4. Average online per day 5-8
5. Your Discord - Reyman#5524
6. Your Nickname - Har Hunter
7. Your ID - 1121
Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas gang - I was deputy of the hospital another server , I didnt work in this server any organisation leader.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2. I would like to be the leader of this organization because I have made many connections during my time in Marabunta and it really made a tightly knit community. I would like to get the organization back and running again so that others can also experience that level of bonding and make some friends and connections just like I did when I was in Marabunta Grande. The second reason is that recently, I have seen one gang organization that has been dominating that ghetto, that being the Families. I would like to make things interesting again and to give them some competition. Lastly, I would like to make Ballas an organization that is able to properly communicate with all of its members. When I was in Marabunta, a lot was not getting done since the leader was not properly communicating with the gang members. This miscommunication led to a messy and unorganized gang. People were running around and violating many rules of the ghetto and organization. If I get leader I would like to clean things up and right a tight organization that abides by all server rules yet still provides the opportunity for a fun experience.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
3. In order to improve roleplay level, I suggest making those wanting to join the gang take a short quiz that requires them to apply their knowledge of the server rules. If they pass this test, they must undergo a period of supervision from trusted higher ups in the gang. This will reduce the chance of them slipping up and breaking a rule. If they do, they can be taught from their mistakes and punishment. I would also like to implement a gang initiation of some sort. Possibly running a few tasks and donating a small amount of money to the organization. This will create a unified gang that will be a force to be reckoned with, after all every weak i think need to create a global event that would made all gang members and alliance members to get fun and spend theyir time so interesting.


May 24, 2021
1. Your name IRL . Ankit kumar
2. Your age . 23 years old
3. Time zone (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day 10 hours
5. Your Discord Ankitislive#5614
6. Your Nickname Ankit
7. Your ID 12896
1. Leader of: Ballas leader

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1- I have been playing the server for a long time, I have a good understanding of rules and events.

2- I have experience with leading gangs, I have led gangs before, I held high ranks and have helped with organization under Jack Morris. I have been in multiple illegal organizations, to list some there is, Marabunta Grande when I first joined, Vagos, and I have been in bloods since Dylan Smith and Fin Savage. I have more experience than most leaders, that's a guaranteed fact. I have led multiple people during events and what not.

3- I have a good group of high command members, our high command will focus on providing for the gang and helping the gang benefit in multiple different ways, we will ensure there will be NO rule breaking whatsoever, and keep the gang focused on our goals.

4- I have been in this gang for a long time, I had good leadership skills, and it can be proven by the former leader Jack, I know how gangs work, I will enforce good roleplay manners, no rule breaks, and good manners, with no toxicity.

5- Members will have to take quizzes for new players / members before joining on the rules so we have no rulebreaking whatsoever.
High command will hold weekly events for members and keep gang members happy.
We will attend every event for gangs, and even make our own for other gangs to participate.
There will be a strike system for members, 3 strikes and you're out.
No cheaters will be allowed, everyone has to be able to record their pov.
If I do get warnings under the gang, we will go on freeze, to prevent anything from happening.

6- We have a good turf roster, and have no cheaters.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

With the knowledge I have, our organization will be well-mannered, we will attend events with no rulebreaking.
We will hold roleplay events every weekend for members to enjoy. Roaming ghetto will happen in groups and vehicles, with high command always leading. Our goals are clear, and I will plan roleplay events with organizations, we will be known for being positive members of the community.

Warehouse will be strict, certain members and ranks could take specific things and certain ammo, for events, chain of command will be taken seriously.

Chilling at HQ will be permitted if nothing is going on, backup will be a must, and also events, we will take things very seriously, and will not hire / invite lazy members.

Our members will have to wear colours at all time and represent Marabunta in a roleplay manner, no member will metagame either.
We will stick to gang lore from the game, and keep to ourselves.

I have learnt mistakes from the past, and I am fully aware of my mistakes.

EddieB | Undercover Admin

Undercover Mazhor Pluxury
Jul 6, 2021
1. Miek Lyve
2. 27
3. EST
4. 4-10 Hours
5. MiekLyve#0292
6. Miek Lyve
7. 4195

Additional information

1. Leader of : Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):

1- I had my first experience of being a leader of Ballas on this server my first month into playing. At about level 17 I was handed the "Ballas Gang". During this time I had the opportunity of learning more about the server as far as the do's and dont's, how to organize players and how to create a fun gaming space for the community. I had leadership of the Ballas for about 3 months and during this time I gave a lot of new player opportunities to lead when they may not of be able to other places due to politics.

2- I understand the complexities and timing of every gang event. I also understand the importance of organizing players for these events so they may experience everything being in gangs as well as the server have to offer. Gangs, are a reflection of the server so organizing for these group events is of the essence to growing the server/community.

3- With the experience I built, I have an extremely good track record. I would like to add, that with my experience I can continue to provide experience for newer players to grow and become leaders in their own right eventually.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization:

One of the main things I recommended when I was a leader prior, was creating or maybe turning the mega mall in the ghetto into a GREENZONE. Perhaps even move the black market to the mega mall or an additional one. This would help create ROLEPLAY between the gangs, which I think our community currently lacks. If this idea is rejected, my next idea would be to do away with KOS in the ghetto completely. With my experience, I wholeheartedly believe that the ghetto KOS rules connect directly with the rulebreaking. It is almost IMPOSSIBLE to stop rule breaking when you have masses of groups KOSing day and night. If neither of these ideas/suggestions can come to light, I would like to improve roleplay by working with newer players. I have never been against the idea of player development, therefore this could be something I help the community with by leading the organization!

Ballas was elite when this guy was leader.

Danzell Bestia

May 8, 2021
1. Danzell
2. 17
3. GMT+2
4. 8-12hrs
5. Mystic Mac#0449
6. Danzell_Gyp
7. 6541
Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I want to be the leader cause I have good leadership skills / experience : I was underboss in Ballas for 2/3 months , Deputy in FIB S.W.A.T Team and HR in Families and Bloods so I can handle every situation for the gang and I can lead my gang very well. I like to rp as a gangster especially if I will be the leader it can be more fun, my plan is to make the ghetto more competitive and make it more rp. My main thing is to make it more rp with all the orgs in every situation that happens in ghetto especially in robberies and hostage situations cause I’ve seen a lot of situations that they are not rp at all and I want to change that.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
To improve the RP experience I will question every single person that he wants to join the gang and I will make an application so they can fill it in so I will see what type of rp experience they have and to see if they know the rules or not. I will tell my members to take bodycam of every situation that it might be a problem for the gang or for them so we can show the proof and protect ourselves.

kitty katson

Jun 30, 2021
1. Your name IRL Katrina
2. Your age 37
3. Time zone BST
4. Average online per day 12-16 hours
5. Your Discord Kitty Kat#5978
6. Your Nickname Kitty Barnes
7. Your ID 37473
Additional information
1. Leader of...Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to become leader of this organisation because I am an ideal fit for this role. I have 5 years of roleplay experience and over that time I have built a skillset which is perfect in this environment (Head of Mental Health, GTA, Treasurer of a gang, GTA Several group leadership positions, atlas ark conan others, including one that involved the largest group of players in a single faction online, eve online) . I joined Ballers and quickly rose through the ranks due to my skills in leadership and I've obtained the respect and loyalty of my peers and fellow gang members; indeed, they were most enthusiastic that I apply for this role.

I have a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the rules, not only of the ghetto but of the state as well and during my time as a lead enforcer I was keen on making sure the rules and regulations were clearly established and enforced without bias. I always try to do this in a firm but fair manner, making sure that its not just a reprimand but an opportunity to lean and make each other better gang members and create better roleplay for the server in the future. I like to think of myself as a maternal figure, and I believe that has helped foster an amazing family atmosphere that was prevalent prior to us getting disbanded. I encourage open communication to achieve mutual understandings as a counter to some of the toxicity that can arise.

I may not be the oldest (highest level) applicant for this role and im aware that that could be seen as a negative but I have spent all of my time and many waking hours immersed in the world and lore of Ballers. I consider myself to be purple to my core, I have no interest in joining other gangs or legal groups as I found my home amongst the boys and girls of Grove Street. If I get the position I aim to continue the group harmony that we had achieved during my time here and if not I will work under the new leadership to achieve those very same goals. I place organisational interest far and above my own personal achievement.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

At the moment I feel there is a poor quality to some of the RP scenarios in the city and my top priority is to make a change within our area of influence, to create a much better and more realistic level of roleplay. I feel there is a need for RP education and im very keen to impart my knowledge gained over many years, some of the more basic immediate changes that could be enacted are for example, avoiding saying things like G,1,3,1 at a robbery as to me it breaks the immersion (if that information needs to be imparted, ooc chat is the correct place) I have many ideas along this vein and am very keen to discuss what is possible

I aim to hold 2 events each week, 1 being combat biased, the other a more RP lead scenario. I believe these will be good to not only increase our level of RP but will aid our cohesion as a gang.

We were only accepting new members if they could pass the quiz about the rules, I would like to tighten this up and include some RP questions to assess not only there understanding of the rules but to recruit people who will enjoy a much deeper RP experience within the Ballers. I am very keen to make it 100% clear to all members what we expect of them as a gangster as well as a good role player. I want to makes sure everyone understands the rules and the consequences for breaking them. I will have a no tolerance policy towards rule breaks and will not hesitate to kick anyone from the organisation and if necessary report to the admins. For smaller misdemeanours we had a 3 strike system but I feel it was under utilized and I will be making sure this approach is enacted far more often.

Arnold Kings

May 8, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Paulius
2. 16
3. GMT+2
4. 2-6 hours a day
5. Kellex#4934
6. Arnold Kings
7. 569
Additional Information
1. Leader of Ballas.
2.1. I used to be the old leader of Ballas and I would like to come back to Ballas, back when I used to lead it was very fun, but I didn't have much time, but now since summer is coming and school is over I have much more free time and I can actually run an organization.
2.2. I enjoy criminal RP and leading a gang was a fun activity, it brings lots of people together and makes for some really fun RP, I have missed it quite a lot and I really want to go back to it.
2.3. I want to lead this organization because I believe that I can really improve the level of roleplay in the gang and make much more fun RP not only for Ballas but for other organizations as well. I believe that I can truly improve the current state of ballas and bring it back stronger than ever before.
3. If I became the leader of Ballas I would improve the roleplay in these ways:
I would make better robbery situations. Right now the robberies are just boring stand off's between state and crime organizations. It is always the same situation with 2 hostages. It is boring and overused RP. I would look into ways on how to improve these situations and I would plan different types of robberies that weren't the same situations all the time. I would give a fair chance for state organizations to win these robberies to make it more realistic.
I would encourage good roleplay in the gang itself, I would reward people for good RP (such as giving bonuses). I would teach new players how to RP and help them improve. I would enforce everyone in the gang to read the rules and test my members (Something that I did early on when I was the leader). I would plan fun situations for my members to show good RP. I plan on making RP events between my and other organizations, such as Gang vs Gang box matches, street races with money bets on the winner, and other fun RP.


Jul 5, 2021
1. Your name IRL - Jacob Boyer
2. Your age - 25
3. Time zone - EST
4. Average online per day - 6-10
5. Your Discord - Jay Money #0025
6. Your Nickname - Jay Money
7. Your ID - 6996
Additional information
1. Leader of... - Ballas Gang
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) • I want to be the leader because I’ve seen the Ballas gang go through multiple disbantions and it’s sad to see our leaders fail us in leading. I Have been a Balla for about 20 years now , under multiple leaders and in that time I noticed how leaders would fail the gang. Everywhere from flailing keeping the RP alive to just benifiting their own family on the gangs behalf. I am here to correct their wrongs , and be a leader people won’t regret following. I’ve seen where the previous leaders have failed, so I have learned from their mistakes and I will do everything right that they did wrong. • I want to provide a higher level of role play then what has been presented so far. Bigger families bring a lot of ooc toxicity to the server and that is the complete opposite of what I will bring. I have a 0 tolerance for any rule breakers or trolls. Everyone will be on the same page and will operate as one unit. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.• Keep all ooc complaints and problems private between the included parties to prevent any IC / OOC issues between the gang that will cause conflict. A lot of issues that arise can be sorted out whilst talking IC. Doing so prevents the loss of RP and keeps all interactions IC.
1. Your name IRL - Jacob Boyer
2. Your age - 25
3. Time zone - EST
4. Average online per day - 6-10
5. Your Discord - Jay Money #0025
6. Your Nickname - Jay Money
7. Your ID - 6996
Additional information
1. Leader of... - Ballas Gang
2. I want to be the leader because Ballas is my family’s. It’s the only gang I’ve been with and I’ve been rocking with them since the beginning. I’m tired of seeing the gang get disbanded because of failed leadership. I’ve seen the Ballas gang go through multiple disbantions and it’s sad to see our leaders fail us in leading. I Have been a Balla for about 20 years now , under multiple leaders and in that time I noticed how leaders would fail the gang. Everywhere from flailing keeping the RP alive to just benifiting their own family on the gangs behalf. I am here to correct their wrongs , and be a leader people won’t regret following. I’ve seen where the previous leaders have failed, so I have learned from their mistakes and I will do everything right that they did wrong. • I want to provide a higher level of role play then what has been presented so far. Bigger families bring a lot of ooc toxicity to the server and that is the complete opposite of what I will bring. I have a 0 tolerance for any rule breakers or trolls. Everyone will be on the same page and will operate as one unit.
3. (Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.). • The one main thing I want to fix about gang Rp interactions is how we interact with police and any law enforcement. I’ve seen multiple hostage situations fail do to the lack of knowledge and skill. I’ve seen our leaders just use robbery’s as an excuse to kill. I have multiple RP scenarios in mind that would offer new interactions and negotiations between police and the gang. Second , I will be strict on how the gang operates as a unit. I will keep the gang as a team, I will not abuse power or be toxic to any lower ranking players as I see this is a big problem with people who have power. I will hold everyone accountable, and we will not tolerate any bullying , toxicity , or any failed RP. Lastly I want to focus on how we can Keep all ooc complaints and problems private between the included parties to prevent any IC / OOC issues between the gang that will cause conflict. A lot of issues that arise can be sorted out whilst talking IC. Doing so prevents the loss of RP and keeps all interactions IC.
Last edited:

Delany geway

Jul 17, 2021
1. Your name IRL Katrina
2. Your age 37
3. Time zone BST
4. Average online per day 12-16 hours
5. Your Discord Kitty Kat#5978
6. Your Nickname Kitty Barnes
7. Your ID 37473
Additional information
1. Leader of...Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to become leader of this organisation because I am an ideal fit for this role. I have 5 years of roleplay experience and over that time I have built a skillset which is perfect in this environment (Head of Mental Health, GTA, Treasurer of a gang, GTA Several group leadership positions, atlas ark conan others, including one that involved the largest group of players in a single faction online, eve online) . I joined Ballers and quickly rose through the ranks due to my skills in leadership and I've obtained the respect and loyalty of my peers and fellow gang members; indeed, they were most enthusiastic that I apply for this role.

I have a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the rules, not only of the ghetto but of the state as well and during my time as a lead enforcer I was keen on making sure the rules and regulations were clearly established and enforced without bias. I always try to do this in a firm but fair manner, making sure that its not just a reprimand but an opportunity to lean and make each other better gang members and create better roleplay for the server in the future. I like to think of myself as a maternal figure, and I believe that has helped foster an amazing family atmosphere that was prevalent prior to us getting disbanded. I encourage open communication to achieve mutual understandings as a counter to some of the toxicity that can arise.

I may not be the oldest (highest level) applicant for this role and im aware that that could be seen as a negative but I have spent all of my time and many waking hours immersed in the world and lore of Ballers. I consider myself to be purple to my core, I have no interest in joining other gangs or legal groups as I found my home amongst the boys and girls of Grove Street. If I get the position I aim to continue the group harmony that we had achieved during my time here and if not I will work under the new leadership to achieve those very same goals. I place organisational interest far and above my own personal achievement.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

At the moment I feel there is a poor quality to some of the RP scenarios in the city and my top priority is to make a change within our area of influence, to create a much better and more realistic level of roleplay. I feel there is a need for RP education and im very keen to impart my knowledge gained over many years, some of the more basic immediate changes that could be enacted are for example, avoiding saying things like G,1,3,1 at a robbery as to me it breaks the immersion (if that information needs to be imparted, ooc chat is the correct place) I have many ideas along this vein and am very keen to discuss what is possible

I aim to hold 2 events each week, 1 being combat biased, the other a more RP lead scenario. I believe these will be good to not only increase our level of RP but will aid our cohesion as a gang.

We were only accepting new members if they could pass the quiz about the rules, I would like to tighten this up and include some RP questions to assess not only there understanding of the rules but to recruit people who will enjoy a much deeper RP experience within the Ballers. I am very keen to make it 100% clear to all members what we expect of them as a gangster as well as a good role player. I want to makes sure everyone understands the rules and the consequences for breaking them. I will have a no tolerance policy towards rule breaks and will not hesitate to kick anyone from the organisation and if necessary report to the admins. For smaller misdemeanours we had a 3 strike system but I feel it was under utilized and I will be making sure this approach is enacted far more often.
Bro fr we need kitty as leader Im not kidding I mean it

Harry Flawless

Jun 12, 2021
1. Your name IRL Katrina
2. Your age 37
3. Time zone BST
4. Average online per day 12-16 hours
5. Your Discord Kitty Kat#5978
6. Your Nickname Kitty Barnes
7. Your ID 37473
Additional information
1. Leader of...Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to become leader of this organisation because I am an ideal fit for this role. I have 5 years of roleplay experience and over that time I have built a skillset which is perfect in this environment (Head of Mental Health, GTA, Treasurer of a gang, GTA Several group leadership positions, atlas ark conan others, including one that involved the largest group of players in a single faction online, eve online) . I joined Ballers and quickly rose through the ranks due to my skills in leadership and I've obtained the respect and loyalty of my peers and fellow gang members; indeed, they were most enthusiastic that I apply for this role.

I have a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the rules, not only of the ghetto but of the state as well and during my time as a lead enforcer I was keen on making sure the rules and regulations were clearly established and enforced without bias. I always try to do this in a firm but fair manner, making sure that its not just a reprimand but an opportunity to lean and make each other better gang members and create better roleplay for the server in the future. I like to think of myself as a maternal figure, and I believe that has helped foster an amazing family atmosphere that was prevalent prior to us getting disbanded. I encourage open communication to achieve mutual understandings as a counter to some of the toxicity that can arise.

I may not be the oldest (highest level) applicant for this role and im aware that that could be seen as a negative but I have spent all of my time and many waking hours immersed in the world and lore of Ballers. I consider myself to be purple to my core, I have no interest in joining other gangs or legal groups as I found my home amongst the boys and girls of Grove Street. If I get the position I aim to continue the group harmony that we had achieved during my time here and if not I will work under the new leadership to achieve those very same goals. I place organisational interest far and above my own personal achievement.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

At the moment I feel there is a poor quality to some of the RP scenarios in the city and my top priority is to make a change within our area of influence, to create a much better and more realistic level of roleplay. I feel there is a need for RP education and im very keen to impart my knowledge gained over many years, some of the more basic immediate changes that could be enacted are for example, avoiding saying things like G,1,3,1 at a robbery as to me it breaks the immersion (if that information needs to be imparted, ooc chat is the correct place) I have many ideas along this vein and am very keen to discuss what is possible

I aim to hold 2 events each week, 1 being combat biased, the other a more RP lead scenario. I believe these will be good to not only increase our level of RP but will aid our cohesion as a gang.

We were only accepting new members if they could pass the quiz about the rules, I would like to tighten this up and include some RP questions to assess not only there understanding of the rules but to recruit people who will enjoy a much deeper RP experience within the Ballers. I am very keen to make it 100% clear to all members what we expect of them as a gangster as well as a good role player. I want to makes sure everyone understands the rules and the consequences for breaking them. I will have a no tolerance policy towards rule breaks and will not hesitate to kick anyone from the organisation and if necessary report to the admins. For smaller misdemeanours we had a 3 strike system but I feel it was under utilized and I will be making sure this approach is enacted far more often.
I think if this had been a voting situation Kitty Barnes should have won, I think all the ballas would have voted for kitty she showed good leader ship and got to Lead Enforcer role, She is a good leader and i think everyone should have been very glad to have Kitty Barnes as a leader. /Harry Happy | Balla | 30743 WISH YOU THE BEST KITTY!
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