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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Mike Shorty
Administrators nickname
Vincent Xozis
Jan 29, 2023
Habe keine. I have nothing

Mike caselos

Dec 25, 2022
Hallo Mazhor & Vincent
Hiermit beantrage ich ein Entbannungsantrag für die ID 92850

Ich möchte mich Entschuldigen & ich Bereue meinen Fehler zu 100%
Am 29.01.2023 wurde ich Aufgrund Warehousing gebannt.

Situation: Ich war am Morgen mit meinen Privatwaffen unterwegs. Dan ein paar Stunden später ging ich nach Europa ( Offline gegangen ) dann um ca. 18:25 bin ich wieder Aufgewacht ( Onlline gekommen ) dann war ich in Dienstkleidung keine Ahnung warum ich denke mal es war ein Staats Fehler darauf hin habe ich Grand RP mehrmals geschlossen und wieder geöffnet aber ich war immer noch in Dienstkleidung. Daneben war gerade noch ein USSS Beamte der mich gefragt hatte was ich in Dienstkleidung mache, ich habe gesagt das ich so aufgewacht bin und darauf hin wollte er mein Dienstausweis sehen, denn habe ich ihm gezeigt dann hatt er das NG ( Nationalguard ) angeschrieben und sagte einer sollte ihn anrufen. Ich hatte noch meine Privatwaffen dabei und wollte die in mein Auto in den Kofferaum machen und dann hat mich irgendein Spieler gefragt ob er mich Fahren kann daraufhin habe ich ja gesagt und bin mit ihm zu einem Parkplatz gefahren und habe die Sachen rein getan. Dann sind wir wieder zurückgefahren und ich habe gewartet und gewartet bis dann eine Schiesserei los gegangen ist und der USSS Beamte und weitere getötet wurden nach der Schiesserei ist ein Admin gekommen und hat das geklärt, darauf hin ist der USSS Beamte mit mir zum Parkplatz gefahren und hat mich gefragt was ich in mein Kofferaum getan habe. Ich habe den Kofferaum geöffnet und er durfte ich durchsuchen und hat mich gefragt warum ich eine Balaclava in meinem Kofferaum hatte. Ich habe gesagt ich habe die noch vom letzten FZ Raid dabei und ich konnte sie bisher nicht zurück in das Lager zurück bringen wegen dem habe ich die Balaclava in denn Kofferaum getan das wenn ich dann bei der Nationalguard bin das ich keine Probleme bekomme. Ich habe sie dann mitgenommen und wollte sie zurück in das Lager tun. Am Ford bei der Nationalguard haben der Herr Leon Shorty und John Tudor auf mich gewarter. Dann sind sie zu mir gekommen und haben mich gefragt warum ich in Dienstkleidung ausserhalb des Ford in Dienstkleidung mache. Ich habe gesagt das ich so aufgewacht bin und auf schlaffen gehen und wieder auffwachen hilfte und er fragte mich warum ich nicht F1 gedrückt habe und bei der Nationalguard auffwachte ich habe gesagt ich wollte das nicht machen weil ich auf die USSS Beamte gewartet habe und gedacht hatte das ich Probleme bekommen würde. Er hat mich auch noch gefragt warum ich mit Dienstwaffen rumlaufe und ich sagte ich habe keine Dienstwaffe dabei hatte, und der USSS Beamte konnte das Bestätigen aber er fand das alles ein bisschen kommisch und hat gesagt das ich ausserdienst gehen sollte und die Balaclava abgeben sollte das habe ich gemacht und bin ausserdienst gegangen. ( Ich habe die Balaclava abgegeben! )

Liebe Grüsse Mike
Ich hoffe das ich Entbannt werde :D

Mike caselos

Dec 25, 2022
Hello Mazhor & Vincent
I hereby request a removal request for ID 92850

I want to apologize & I regret my mistake 100%
On 29.01.2023 I was banned due to warehousing.

Situation: I was on the road in the morning with my private weapons. Dan a few hours later I went to Europe ( went offline ) then at about 18:25 I woke up again ( Onlline came ) then I was in work clothes no idea why I think it was a state mistake then I closed Grand RP several times and reopened but I was still in service clothes. Next to it was just a USSS official who had asked me what I was doing in uniforms, I said that I woke up like this and then he wanted to see my ID card, because I showed him then he had written to the NG (National Guard) and said someone should call him. I still had my private weapons with me and wanted to put them in my car in the trunk and then some player asked me if he could drive me, so I said yes and drove with him to a parking lot and put the things in. Then we drove back again and I waited and waited until a shooting started and the USSS officer and others were killed after the shooting an admin came and clarified it, then the USSS officer drove with me to the parking lot and asked me what I put in my trunk. I opened the trunk and I was allowed to search it and wondered why I had a balaclava in my trunk. I said I still have them from the last FZ raid with me and I could not bring them back to the camp because I did the Balaclava in the trunk that when I am then with the National Guard that I get no problems. I took her with me and wanted to put her back to the camp. At the Ford at the National Guard, Mr. Leon Shorty and John Tudor were waiting for me. Then they came to me and asked me why I was wearing work clothes outside the Ford. I said that I woke up like this and helped to go limp and wake up again and he asked me why I didn't press F1 and woke up at the National Guard I said I didn't want to do that because I was waiting for the USSS officers and thought I would get into trouble. He also asked me why I was walking around with service weapons and I said I didn't have a service weapon with me, and the USSS official was able to confirm this but he thought it was a bit weird and said that I should go out of service and hand over the Balaclava, which I did and went out of service. ( I gave up the Balaclava! )

Best regards Mike
I hope that I will be banned :D
My english is not so good sorry:(

Mike caselos

Dec 25, 2022
I hope
Hello Mazhor & Vincent
I hereby request a removal request for ID 92850

I want to apologize & I regret my mistake 100%
On 29.01.2023 I was banned due to warehousing.

Situation: I was on the road in the morning with my private weapons. Dan a few hours later I went to Europe ( went offline ) then at about 18:25 I woke up again ( Onlline came ) then I was in work clothes no idea why I think it was a state mistake then I closed Grand RP several times and reopened but I was still in service clothes. Next to it was just a USSS official who had asked me what I was doing in uniforms, I said that I woke up like this and then he wanted to see my ID card, because I showed him then he had written to the NG (National Guard) and said someone should call him. I still had my private weapons with me and wanted to put them in my car in the trunk and then some player asked me if he could drive me, so I said yes and drove with him to a parking lot and put the things in. Then we drove back again and I waited and waited until a shooting started and the USSS officer and others were killed after the shooting an admin came and clarified it, then the USSS officer drove with me to the parking lot and asked me what I put in my trunk. I opened the trunk and I was allowed to search it and wondered why I had a balaclava in my trunk. I said I still have them from the last FZ raid with me and I could not bring them back to the camp because I did the Balaclava in the trunk that when I am then with the National Guard that I get no problems. I took her with me and wanted to put her back to the camp. At the Ford at the National Guard, Mr. Leon Shorty and John Tudor were waiting for me. Then they came to me and asked me why I was wearing work clothes outside the Ford. I said that I woke up like this and helped to go limp and wake up again and he asked me why I didn't press F1 and woke up at the National Guard I said I didn't want to do that because I was waiting for the USSS officers and thought I would get into trouble. He also asked me why I was walking around with service weapons and I said I didn't have a service weapon with me, and the USSS official was able to confirm this but he thought it was a bit weird and said that I should go out of service and hand over the Balaclava, which I did and went out of service. ( I gave up the Balaclava! )

Best regards Mike
I hope that I will be end banned :D
My english is not so good sorry:(

Mike caselos

Dec 25, 2022

Sorry it's my first time i make this :)

Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
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