Requesting admins to please take time and analyze this situation.
1. In the POV posted the most toxic person is from their fam (3660) . We went there to raid there fam house because they provoked us in ingrand (Link below ). We only went there because they posted a ingrand on us challenging us.
And I didn't do anything toxic I just asked where their people are. I agree I was provoking but no one else from our fam was provoking.
Ingrand link :
2. The POV clearly doesn't have the uploader's audio. Its clear he is not recording his mic. So this POV should not be considered. Ill provide his POV below in case he makes it private. In the POV at timestamp 1:05 it is clear that his mic is in PUSH TO TALK in the nvidia control panel.
His deputy was asking people to go offline so that we can't raid their fam. Check their fam chat at timestamp 7:45
Proof that POV has no audio:
His POV :
3. The admin is biased clearly. The POV in his forum is approx 12 mins long and the forum got locked in just 9 mins. How? This is clearly to stop replies from us.
The admin Naveed Stark is in their discord. It is clear that admin and these people are together in VC while they were posting the complaint.
Proof that admin is corrupted :
Naveed activity is given below. He was inactive the entire day and came to lock the forum at the exact time and one other forum. Please see the time of the threads he posted. ( Link given below )
In another incident where Unstoppable Deputy ID 2785 insulted every one in our fam, Admin Naveed took the forum in under an hour and didn't give him enough punishment, The words ID 2785 said is literally abusing parents as s*x workers. I clearly mentioned parent insult ( GR 3.2 ) and the punishment was GR 3.1. Naveed knows the language and how severe the insult is yet he didn't give enough punishment.
//////// These is where they started provoking us ///////////
2785 abuse forum: Approved - GR 3.2 | 2785
Admin Naveed activity :
4. This family has always been provoking and targeting us in multiple situation. We had that rivalry since they started their fam. There are multiple incidents, Ill try to list all that are possible bellow with proofs.
Fam leader provoking from twink : check timestamp 4:50 and 7:20 in the below pov.
Twink id: 22694, Main ID: 3330 ( Leader of the fam )
Twink proof :
Provoking and OOC insult in front of fam house by their deputy and High commands. Admin clearly gave less punishment
Provoking at our drug lab:
In the below forum they came to provoke us at our druglab.
In the POV Unstoppable deputy ID 4616 is using our fam dress and mislead our people to point at ID 1597. ID 4616 started the demands on his own fam member and then left. ID 1597 didn't get demands from us to step out of the car or raise hands ( Both demands were given by Spy 4616). Spy also mentioned that he misled our people in the POV at (Timestamp 0:32 )
You can also see fam leader ( ID 3330 ) and few others from Unstoppable provoking us (Time stamp 0:17)
The entire time Unstoppable family was doing MG
Forum: Approved - Mass Rule break | Royal Elite
His POV as he made it private:
Please consider all the details and remove punishments on us as the POV is not valid.
1. In the POV posted the most toxic person is from their fam (3660) . We went there to raid there fam house because they provoked us in ingrand (Link below ). We only went there because they posted a ingrand on us challenging us.
And I didn't do anything toxic I just asked where their people are. I agree I was provoking but no one else from our fam was provoking.
Ingrand link :
2. The POV clearly doesn't have the uploader's audio. Its clear he is not recording his mic. So this POV should not be considered. Ill provide his POV below in case he makes it private. In the POV at timestamp 1:05 it is clear that his mic is in PUSH TO TALK in the nvidia control panel.
His deputy was asking people to go offline so that we can't raid their fam. Check their fam chat at timestamp 7:45
Proof that POV has no audio:
His POV :
3. The admin is biased clearly. The POV in his forum is approx 12 mins long and the forum got locked in just 9 mins. How? This is clearly to stop replies from us.
The admin Naveed Stark is in their discord. It is clear that admin and these people are together in VC while they were posting the complaint.
Proof that admin is corrupted :
Naveed activity is given below. He was inactive the entire day and came to lock the forum at the exact time and one other forum. Please see the time of the threads he posted. ( Link given below )
In another incident where Unstoppable Deputy ID 2785 insulted every one in our fam, Admin Naveed took the forum in under an hour and didn't give him enough punishment, The words ID 2785 said is literally abusing parents as s*x workers. I clearly mentioned parent insult ( GR 3.2 ) and the punishment was GR 3.1. Naveed knows the language and how severe the insult is yet he didn't give enough punishment.
//////// These is where they started provoking us ///////////
2785 abuse forum: Approved - GR 3.2 | 2785
Admin Naveed activity :
4. This family has always been provoking and targeting us in multiple situation. We had that rivalry since they started their fam. There are multiple incidents, Ill try to list all that are possible bellow with proofs.
Fam leader provoking from twink : check timestamp 4:50 and 7:20 in the below pov.
Twink id: 22694, Main ID: 3330 ( Leader of the fam )
Twink proof :
Provoking and OOC insult in front of fam house by their deputy and High commands. Admin clearly gave less punishment
Approved - GR 3.2 | 2785
This family is constantly asking out family members to join their family by offering them rank in their fam. Constantly targeting our fam turfs, drug lab and fam raid. While I was talking to one of our old fam member this guy came out of no where and insulted entire family and OOC insult. The...
Provoking at our drug lab:
In the below forum they came to provoke us at our druglab.
In the POV Unstoppable deputy ID 4616 is using our fam dress and mislead our people to point at ID 1597. ID 4616 started the demands on his own fam member and then left. ID 1597 didn't get demands from us to step out of the car or raise hands ( Both demands were given by Spy 4616). Spy also mentioned that he misled our people in the POV at (Timestamp 0:32 )
You can also see fam leader ( ID 3330 ) and few others from Unstoppable provoking us (Time stamp 0:17)
The entire time Unstoppable family was doing MG
Forum: Approved - Mass Rule break | Royal Elite
His POV as he made it private:
Please consider all the details and remove punishments on us as the POV is not valid.