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Veela Blue

Mar 19, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Can Mezreli
2. Your age: 24
3. Time zone: GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day: 4-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Veela#4180
6. Your Nickname: Veela Blue
7. Your ID: 277947

Additional information

1. Leader of LifeInvader

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

2-1: Unity
  • In EN1 i have worked for 1 term and i want to be the leader of Life Invader because i love communicating with people and i always worked in media companies in other RP servers as well and also i enjoy editing ads and creating newspapers. I am an outgoing person and easy to talk which will enable everyone to feel comfier. I value unity most. When we are together we are stronger and when we are separated from the rest we are weaker. I will try my best and ensure to link people to each other so Life Invader can be stronger.
2-2: A comfortable atmosphere

  • It's hard to work and act quickly and properly when one is in a stressful environment. I will ensure that everybody is comfortable with Life Invader and i will do my best to manage it. Even though i am the worst of the best i am still in this race and i always take lessons from every situation. I always improve myself and that was my life aim my whole life. Just as i improve myself i will do my best to improve Life Invader and add my own salt to the food that's still being prepared to this day.
2-3: Better Service
  • Life Invader is a big company and when a problem arises because of mistakes from our side these mistakes should be corrected properly. For example, imagine a person ordering food online only to find out that the restaurant forgot to send second pizza. When this happens what should we do? We must send more food to correct our mistake. Apologizing because of our mistakes is a mistake. In today's world, nobody cares about simple amends. So if an ad is wrongly sent we must give a refund and give 1 free ad to a person.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

  • First of all high command should be humble and hardworking. In an organization and in a company supervisors and seniors do not exist only to say you are wrong. They exist to do their job and help other ordinary workers to do their job better. I will remind high command to be realistic and not only do their job and give tons of stress to ordinary workers. But also help others. Also every week is a race among the ads department which causes workers to send many wrong ads. We should decrease the amount of money they are given after a point. Or we can record the amount of wrong ads that are being sent out per worker. If we do that we can make an example and show people even if they send 2000 ads a week if they are doing too many mistakes they won't be promoted they will be more careful.

Best Regards,
Veela Blue
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