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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Osama binverlice
Administrators nickname
Asrin Vilgeroson
Jun 16, 2023

Shabah Verlice.

Forum King
Sep 4, 2022
Dear Bobby, Floki, Adham,

I would like to address an incident regarding my attempt to join FIB. I didn't want to remove my real-life name, so I decided to use the name "Osama binverlice." This was not the first time I had used a similar name, and previously people found it amusing rather than problematic. I proceeded to play the game normally, without any issues raised by anyone. However, when I encountered Asrin and asked him to change my name since he was an admin, he refused, saying he wouldn't do my work for me. I understood his stance and decided to change my name at the capital. Unfortunately, I was banned for 30 days before I had a chance to do so.

I find this behavior from the admin quite unexpected. While I understand the suggestion to change the name, a 30-day ban is excessive and unacceptable. Moreover, I don't have the time to continue playing the game so i can get my 15gc, and during the ban, I will lose 15 grand coins, which could have been avoided had my ban been lifted. Therefore, I request a reconsideration of the situation and ask for my account to be unbanned. Additionally, I fail to see why my name has caused such an issue. My real-life name is Osama, and the name "Osama binverlice" is derived from a historical figure named Osama bin Zayed, who was a war leader during the time of Prophet Muhammad. It has personal significance for me as my family calls me by this name. While I understand that there is a terrorist named "Osama bin Laden," it does not imply that every person with "bin" in their name is associated with terrorism. The term "bin" simply means "son of" and exists in various cultures. Even Swedish culture has similar names with "son" in them, such as "Danielson." Therefore, I fail to comprehend why I am being penalized with a 30-day ban.

I felt unjustly targeted in this situation, and I kindly request a fair resolution to this matter.

Shabah Verlice / Osama Verlice.

Shabah Verlice.

Forum King
Sep 4, 2022
Okay, despite my current state of anger and frustration, I will also respond to this message. In real life, when I tell someone my name is Osama, they often make jokes about it, linking it to Osama bin Laden and other similar things. Let me tell you something: while you may find it amusing, it's not funny at all. Even within the grand RP community, if I reveal my real name to someone, they start making inappropriate comments like "don't bomb my house" and so on. This tells me that the issue lies with them and their mindset, not with my family who chose to call me Osama. So, I fail to see where the problem with my name lies.

If you believe I am lying about my name, feel free to check my history and applications. You will find that I have consistently used the same name. Moreover, if it is necessary to prove that I am not lying, I can provide a photo ID showing my real name to a higher-ranking admin.
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