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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Shabah Verlice.

Forum King
Sep 4, 2022
Hello Bobby,

I'm writing this to you with the utmost respect for all admins. However, both of my accounts, 471 and 7825, have been banned. As most people know, I exclusively play Grand RP and don't engage in any other projects or games on my laptop. My main account was initially banned for 30 days due to bug abuse. My friend was with me at the NG base, and we were joking around. He killed me and wanted to take a picture. To prevent this, I logged out twice. On the first attempt, he took a picture, but I wasn't there. Then, I logged in again, and he said he would take another picture. I logged out once more, and on the third login, I wasn't dead due to a bug that I had reported in a video [NG Bugs Video]. You can find the forum post about it here: [Forum Link]. I admit that I knew about the bug, so I deserve punishment, but I didn't realize that I was actually engaging in bug abuse. Although I agree that a ban was necessary, I believe that 30 days is too harsh. Thanks to Floki, it was reduced to 7 days, which is what happened with my main account.

Now, my second account was banned for an inappropriate name. I had named it "Osama Bin Verlice." Asrin informed me that this name is not allowed and immediately banned me for 30 days without giving me an opportunity to change it. I explained to them that it is my real-life name (Osama is my real name), and Floki requested evidence of my name being Osama. I provided my ID through direct messages, and he also asked why I had the last name "Verlice." I explained that I am known as Verlice and didn't want to remove it, so I added "binverlice," which means "son of Verlice." I joined FIB with this name. Now, here's my point: I thought I would be unbanned since I provided sufficient evidence that it was not intentional. When I logged into the forums, I saw the notification that the ban had been reduced to 7 days. I don't understand why it was only reduced instead of being lifted completely, considering I provided all the necessary evidence to support my case. I wanted to be unbanned so I could participate in the summer event and enjoy playing the game, as it's the only game I have and my laptop can handle it even without a graphics card. You can find the forum post about this here: [Forum Post]. Now, Bobby, I'm at a loss for what to do. Grand RP is the only game I have to play, and my laptop can't handle anything else.

I kindly request that you consider lifting the ban on my main account or even my twink so that I can continue playing. I genuinely believe that I did not break any rules with my twink account, and being banned for 30 days solely due to a name feels unjust. Many individuals who have messaged me about this forum post have mentioned that it seems like they are targeting me. I also expressed feeling targeted and requested at least a chance to change my name, but I was immediately banned.

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my situation. Im sorry for me writing a lot i've seen people criticizing me writing to much, but im trying acually to summray everything that happend, as I dont want to waiste ur time.

Sincerely, Shabah Verlice
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