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Mark Rober

Sep 21, 2021
- IRL age: 16
-IRL name: Mark Stojanovski
- Timezone: CET
- Average online per day: 3-6 hours
- Discord: Koki123#0001
- Nickname: Mark Rober
- ID: 69779

Leader of: Emergency Medical Service (EMS)

1. Why do you want to be the leader of this specific organization?

-I would like to become the new leader to lead my dear employees. I have been in the organization for so long and I can guarantee that I know how EMS is supposed to work. I will make sure that EMS is up and running 24/7. If I become the new Leader I would implement things that will make EMS better and stronger. EMS needs a strong leader and I am sure that I can be the one.

2. Goals if I become a leader:
1. A lot of employees say that while they are trying to help the city, there are some people that are being mean to them. To solve this issue, I will talk with the Major and the General of PD and NG to send 1 unit minimum at every hospital so that such things won't happen anymore.
2. Some people are saying that EMS is not accepting their calls. To solve this issue when there are 2 or more units on calls, one of them will take calls in the city and the other will only accept calls up north of the city. With this, I am sure calls that are far away will not get ignored anymore.
3. Weekly open recruitment. Every week there will be open recruitment so we can get more people in EMS. With this, I am sure that every lobby will be covered 24/7, and also I will make sure that there is a minimum of 1 unit on calls at all times.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization:

- To improve the roleplay level in the organization, we need to have a great FTO team who will teach all trainees about RP. I will make sure that I will pick the best FTOs who can do that. They will have to tell the new people that RP is one of the most important thing for an EMS Employee. I will do an inspection most of the time to see who understands the meaning of RP and get promoted if I am happy with them, and also who don't understand, to take re-training.


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