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Approved RDM, IC to OOC, Communication rule 3.1,3.2 | id 70321

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Your ID
Players nickname
Abhik Sarkar
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Jan 25, 2022
Time of violation

Doraa Chan

Jan 25, 2022
(What actually happened)
A family came to our family house to raid, but our family had negative balance, they were unable to raid us, at that point they must leave the area, because theres no points of being there now...
But they stayed there, i got a call on radio that like 5-6 vehicles and bunch of people are there at our fam house, suddenly i crashed, i relaunced and started my pov and started heading towards our fam house...
When i reached at the location i saw a guy standing near a police car with 3 officers in it, and dissrespecting our family and started abusing, i parked my car and went back to the police car and tried to ask the whats happening, but they left, then i entered our house area there were some people in there, i asked them that what is wrong here, why are you here?... then one of them reply's "we are here to raid but these guys dont have balance in there fam account (and starts to abuse)", i replied "ok ok i'll talk to them..." then i told my members on radio that they just wasting time, then this guy id 56327 came and started saying "you dont have money? Pakistan is so much BIGGER" (in our family most of the members are from Pakistan, i am from India but i dont mind if there is any other country's guy in the family), I... actually every single member of Markhoor (our family) respects every country and there people, but these guys tried to PROVOKE us and were trying to make us hate other country's people, which is extremely not acceptable... at that time i was continuosly asking them to leave the area but they didnt and completely ignored me, then id 58810 started saying Indian Enchants 'Jai Shree Ram', which is not acceptable in a rp situation (provoking, IC to OOC), when i was saying something on my radio, id 58810 copied and repeated my sayings which i did use on my family radio for my members, at that time i got frustated and my anger bursted out on that guy, and that was the only time i used abuse slangs on THEM... They were abusing from the start but they said 'Abusing abusing/Abusing parents', being honest me and my fam never abused there parents on MIC (we may had abused on radion, cuz they are not meant to hear that, but they were hearing that and reacting back), when i asked them there fam name they refused to tell me, after a while id 58810 replied "Bajrang Dal"(indian organisation) which i think cant be a name of a fam... then after a while on 4:01(in video) you can see id 58810 uses both his radio and mic to say "Guys if they starts firing, you open fire), and i was like what the hell man how can you open fire while being on someones private property?, after a while i asked my members to put there guns inn, but both of the guns were glitched, one of my members accidently gets his flag out to remove the gun... then at 5:58(video time) id 58810, who was off-duty at time, cuffed me, which you can see in the chat section, i was tottaly confused and i yelled "someone has ropped me" multiple times, but cuz i was handcuffed i could'nt use the radio and i had to idea i wasnt using the radio, finally there leader asked them to leave but they didnt, and i saw some of them to put there guns in but instead of putting it in a guy pulled a gun out, then i literally requested there leader that "sir please ask them to put there gun in" but again.. they ignored me, i tried to open my family menu but wasnt able to...
at 8:21 (video time they pulled there flag to poke us, one of our member got triggered and pulled his plag too but he did put it back immediately...
Then at 8:33 id 70321 RDM'ed my member in city, in our personal property, and when i said i have pov they replied nobody cares...
then while they were leaving, there leader comes back and say "If you post a pov, i will also post a pov"...
I wasnt able to do anything so i went for relog, when i reloged i got spawned in jail.. for doing nothing for 60mins (there was no reason on the screen, i even reloged to check but i didnt get to know the reason for which i am arrested),that guy who cuffed me earlier sent me to jail for false cause, after getting out of jail i went staight to the MRPD, where i asked an Officer to chek my profile and it was all clear, i am attaching the link below please check it too,

All suspects ids and what they did are mentioned below :-

70321- abusing start|| religion (jai bajrang dal) || refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member || RDM in personal property (without rp being included in it) || Tries to Threaten Family Member

58810- religion (jai shree ram)|| Abuse || Points gun on family member on there personal property || Fam disrespect || IC to OOC || provoking || refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member

56327- Pakistan/India || abuse || Fam disrespect || IC to OOC || provoking || refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member

96199- Indian flag in a rp situation (knowingly)

79740- Indian flag in a rp situation (knowingly)

32647- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
80347- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
111525- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
79740- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
99384- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
15861- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
83225- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
70321- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)

Our family Name :- Markhoor
My Name:- Abhik Sarkar

Paul William

Jun 24, 2021
(What actually happened)
A family came to our family house to raid, but our family had negative balance, they were unable to raid us, at that point they must leave the area, because theres no points of being there now...
But they stayed there, i got a call on radio that like 5-6 vehicles and bunch of people are there at our fam house, suddenly i crashed, i relaunced and started my pov and started heading towards our fam house...
When i reached at the location i saw a guy standing near a police car with 3 officers in it, and dissrespecting our family and started abusing, i parked my car and went back to the police car and tried to ask the whats happening, but they left, then i entered our house area there were some people in there, i asked them that what is wrong here, why are you here?... then one of them reply's "we are here to raid but these guys dont have balance in there fam account (and starts to abuse)", i replied "ok ok i'll talk to them..." then i told my members on radio that they just wasting time, then this guy id 56327 came and started saying "you dont have money? Pakistan is so much BIGGER" (in our family most of the members are from Pakistan, i am from India but i dont mind if there is any other country's guy in the family), I... actually every single member of Markhoor (our family) respects every country and there people, but these guys tried to PROVOKE us and were trying to make us hate other country's people, which is extremely not acceptable... at that time i was continuosly asking them to leave the area but they didnt and completely ignored me, then id 58810 started saying Indian Enchants 'Jai Shree Ram', which is not acceptable in a rp situation (provoking, IC to OOC), when i was saying something on my radio, id 58810 copied and repeated my sayings which i did use on my family radio for my members, at that time i got frustated and my anger bursted out on that guy, and that was the only time i used abuse slangs on THEM... They were abusing from the start but they said 'Abusing abusing/Abusing parents', being honest me and my fam never abused there parents on MIC (we may had abused on radion, cuz they are not meant to hear that, but they were hearing that and reacting back), when i asked them there fam name they refused to tell me, after a while id 58810 replied "Bajrang Dal"(indian organisation) which i think cant be a name of a fam... then after a while on 4:01(in video) you can see id 58810 uses both his radio and mic to say "Guys if they starts firing, you open fire), and i was like what the hell man how can you open fire while being on someones private property?, after a while i asked my members to put there guns inn, but both of the guns were glitched, one of my members accidently gets his flag out to remove the gun... then at 5:58(video time) id 58810, who was off-duty at time, cuffed me, which you can see in the chat section, i was tottaly confused and i yelled "someone has ropped me" multiple times, but cuz i was handcuffed i could'nt use the radio and i had to idea i wasnt using the radio, finally there leader asked them to leave but they didnt, and i saw some of them to put there guns in but instead of putting it in a guy pulled a gun out, then i literally requested there leader that "sir please ask them to put there gun in" but again.. they ignored me, i tried to open my family menu but wasnt able to...
at 8:21 (video time they pulled there flag to poke us, one of our member got triggered and pulled his plag too but he did put it back immediately...
Then at 8:33 id 70321 RDM'ed my member in city, in our personal property, and when i said i have pov they replied nobody cares...
then while they were leaving, there leader comes back and say "If you post a pov, i will also post a pov"...
I wasnt able to do anything so i went for relog, when i reloged i got spawned in jail.. for doing nothing for 60mins (there was no reason on the screen, i even reloged to check but i didnt get to know the reason for which i am arrested),that guy who cuffed me earlier sent me to jail for false cause, after getting out of jail i went staight to the MRPD, where i asked an Officer to chek my profile and it was all clear, i am attaching the link below please check it too,

All suspects ids and what they did are mentioned below :-

70321- abusing start|| religion (jai bajrang dal) || refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member || RDM in personal property (without rp being included in it) || Tries to Threaten Family Member

58810- religion (jai shree ram)|| Abuse || Points gun on family member on there personal property || Fam disrespect || IC to OOC || provoking || refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member

56327- Pakistan/India || abuse || Fam disrespect || IC to OOC || provoking || refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member

96199- Indian flag in a rp situation (knowingly)

79740- Indian flag in a rp situation (knowingly)

32647- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
80347- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
111525- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
79740- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
99384- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
15861- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
83225- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
70321- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)

Our family Name :- Markhoor
My Name:- Abhik Sarkar
lmao keep crying and you meta gamming XD

Vick Klaus

May 8, 2021
There should be no comments after my comment. Any offtopic comment especially from those who're not related to this thread will be punished.


Jan 26, 2022
i like to say that

108917- metagaming and using obs so that 6.17 It is forbidden to use OBS and any similar softwares for recordings. All overlays must be recorded. | Ban 30 days

also my family member not rdm you. he have a reasion to shoot you. at 2.28 id number 78017 say( leave tha area motherfuker) so

78017-3.2 Parents should not be mentioned in all chats, including voice | Mute 180 minutes or ban up to 7 days.


Nov 1, 2021
(What actually happened)
A family came to our family house to raid, but our family had negative balance, they were unable to raid us, at that point they must leave the area, because theres no points of being there now...
But they stayed there, i got a call on radio that like 5-6 vehicles and bunch of people are there at our fam house, suddenly i crashed, i relaunced and started my pov and started heading towards our fam house...
When i reached at the location i saw a guy standing near a police car with 3 officers in it, and dissrespecting our family and started abusing, i parked my car and went back to the police car and tried to ask the whats happening, but they left, then i entered our house area there were some people in there, i asked them that what is wrong here, why are you here?... then one of them reply's "we are here to raid but these guys dont have balance in there fam account (and starts to abuse)", i replied "ok ok i'll talk to them..." then i told my members on radio that they just wasting time, then this guy id 56327 came and started saying "you dont have money? Pakistan is so much BIGGER" (in our family most of the members are from Pakistan, i am from India but i dont mind if there is any other country's guy in the family), I... actually every single member of Markhoor (our family) respects every country and there people, but these guys tried to PROVOKE us and were trying to make us hate other country's people, which is extremely not acceptable... at that time i was continuosly asking them to leave the area but they didnt and completely ignored me, then id 58810 started saying Indian Enchants 'Jai Shree Ram', which is not acceptable in a rp situation (provoking, IC to OOC), when i was saying something on my radio, id 58810 copied and repeated my sayings which i did use on my family radio for my members, at that time i got frustated and my anger bursted out on that guy, and that was the only time i used abuse slangs on THEM... They were abusing from the start but they said 'Abusing abusing/Abusing parents', being honest me and my fam never abused there parents on MIC (we may had abused on radion, cuz they are not meant to hear that, but they were hearing that and reacting back), when i asked them there fam name they refused to tell me, after a while id 58810 replied "Bajrang Dal"(indian organisation) which i think cant be a name of a fam... then after a while on 4:01(in video) you can see id 58810 uses both his radio and mic to say "Guys if they starts firing, you open fire), and i was like what the hell man how can you open fire while being on someones private property?, after a while i asked my members to put there guns inn, but both of the guns were glitched, one of my members accidently gets his flag out to remove the gun... then at 5:58(video time) id 58810, who was off-duty at time, cuffed me, which you can see in the chat section, i was tottaly confused and i yelled "someone has ropped me" multiple times, but cuz i was handcuffed i could'nt use the radio and i had to idea i wasnt using the radio, finally there leader asked them to leave but they didnt, and i saw some of them to put there guns in but instead of putting it in a guy pulled a gun out, then i literally requested there leader that "sir please ask them to put there gun in" but again.. they ignored me, i tried to open my family menu but wasnt able to...
at 8:21 (video time they pulled there flag to poke us, one of our member got triggered and pulled his plag too but he did put it back immediately...
Then at 8:33 id 70321 RDM'ed my member in city, in our personal property, and when i said i have pov they replied nobody cares...
then while they were leaving, there leader comes back and say "If you post a pov, i will also post a pov"...
I wasnt able to do anything so i went for relog, when i reloged i got spawned in jail.. for doing nothing for 60mins (there was no reason on the screen, i even reloged to check but i didnt get to know the reason for which i am arrested),that guy who cuffed me earlier sent me to jail for false cause, after getting out of jail i went staight to the MRPD, where i asked an Officer to chek my profile and it was all clear, i am attaching the link below please check it too,

All suspects ids and what they did are mentioned below :-

70321- abusing start|| religion (jai bajrang dal) || refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member || RDM in personal property (without rp being included in it) || Tries to Threaten Family Member

58810- religion (jai shree ram)|| Abuse || Points gun on family member on there personal property || Fam disrespect || IC to OOC || provoking || refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member

56327- Pakistan/India || abuse || Fam disrespect || IC to OOC || provoking || refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member

96199- Indian flag in a rp situation (knowingly)

79740- Indian flag in a rp situation (knowingly)

32647- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
80347- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
111525- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
79740- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
99384- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
15861- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
83225- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
70321- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)

Our family Name :- Markhoor
My Name:- Abhik Sarkar
metioned all the familiy member of abusing mother to leave the area.

Ved Das

Sep 2, 2021
(What actually happened)
A family came to our family house to raid, but our family had negative balance, they were unable to raid us, at that point they must leave the area, because theres no points of being there now...
But they stayed there, i got a call on radio that like 5-6 vehicles and bunch of people are there at our fam house, suddenly i crashed, i relaunced and started my pov and started heading towards our fam house...
When i reached at the location i saw a guy standing near a police car with 3 officers in it, and dissrespecting our family and started abusing, i parked my car and went back to the police car and tried to ask the whats happening, but they left, then i entered our house area there were some people in there, i asked them that what is wrong here, why are you here?... then one of them reply's "we are here to raid but these guys dont have balance in there fam account (and starts to abuse)", i replied "ok ok i'll talk to them..." then i told my members on radio that they just wasting time, then this guy id 56327 came and started saying "you dont have money? Pakistan is so much BIGGER" (in our family most of the members are from Pakistan, i am from India but i dont mind if there is any other country's guy in the family), I... actually every single member of Markhoor (our family) respects every country and there people, but these guys tried to PROVOKE us and were trying to make us hate other country's people, which is extremely not acceptable... at that time i was continuosly asking them to leave the area but they didnt and completely ignored me, then id 58810 started saying Indian Enchants 'Jai Shree Ram', which is not acceptable in a rp situation (provoking, IC to OOC), when i was saying something on my radio, id 58810 copied and repeated my sayings which i did use on my family radio for my members, at that time i got frustated and my anger bursted out on that guy, and that was the only time i used abuse slangs on THEM... They were abusing from the start but they said 'Abusing abusing/Abusing parents', being honest me and my fam never abused there parents on MIC (we may had abused on radion, cuz they are not meant to hear that, but they were hearing that and reacting back), when i asked them there fam name they refused to tell me, after a while id 58810 replied "Bajrang Dal"(indian organisation) which i think cant be a name of a fam... then after a while on 4:01(in video) you can see id 58810 uses both his radio and mic to say "Guys if they starts firing, you open fire), and i was like what the hell man how can you open fire while being on someones private property?, after a while i asked my members to put there guns inn, but both of the guns were glitched, one of my members accidently gets his flag out to remove the gun... then at 5:58(video time) id 58810, who was off-duty at time, cuffed me, which you can see in the chat section, i was tottaly confused and i yelled "someone has ropped me" multiple times, but cuz i was handcuffed i could'nt use the radio and i had to idea i wasnt using the radio, finally there leader asked them to leave but they didnt, and i saw some of them to put there guns in but instead of putting it in a guy pulled a gun out, then i literally requested there leader that "sir please ask them to put there gun in" but again.. they ignored me, i tried to open my family menu but wasnt able to...
at 8:21 (video time they pulled there flag to poke us, one of our member got triggered and pulled his plag too but he did put it back immediately...
Then at 8:33 id 70321 RDM'ed my member in city, in our personal property, and when i said i have pov they replied nobody cares...
then while they were leaving, there leader comes back and say "If you post a pov, i will also post a pov"...
I wasnt able to do anything so i went for relog, when i reloged i got spawned in jail.. for doing nothing for 60mins (there was no reason on the screen, i even reloged to check but i didnt get to know the reason for which i am arrested),that guy who cuffed me earlier sent me to jail for false cause, after getting out of jail i went staight to the MRPD, where i asked an Officer to chek my profile and it was all clear, i am attaching the link below please check it too,

All suspects ids and what they did are mentioned below :-

70321- abusing start|| religion (jai bajrang dal) || refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member || RDM in personal property (without rp being included in it) || Tries to Threaten Family Member

58810- religion (jai shree ram)|| Abuse || Points gun on family member on there personal property || Fam disrespect || IC to OOC || provoking || refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member

56327- Pakistan/India || abuse || Fam disrespect || IC to OOC || provoking || refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member

96199- Indian flag in a rp situation (knowingly)

79740- Indian flag in a rp situation (knowingly)

32647- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
80347- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
111525- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
79740- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
99384- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
15861- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
83225- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
70321- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)

Our family Name :- Markhoor
My Name:- Abhik Sarkar
Also at 4:01 in the pov it is not 58810 who is saying open fire and Using indian flag there is no rule against that, Using Religion chants no rule against that, Refusing to leave area no rule against that you guys were outnumbered still you are saying to leave and expecting us to leave

Mick Balenciaga

May 12, 2021
(What actually happened)
A family came to our family house to raid, but our family had negative balance, they were unable to raid us, at that point they must leave the area, because theres no points of being there now...
But they stayed there, i got a call on radio that like 5-6 vehicles and bunch of people are there at our fam house, suddenly i crashed, i relaunced and started my pov and started heading towards our fam house...
When i reached at the location i saw a guy standing near a police car with 3 officers in it, and dissrespecting our family and started abusing, i parked my car and went back to the police car and tried to ask the whats happening, but they left, then i entered our house area there were some people in there, i asked them that what is wrong here, why are you here?... then one of them reply's "we are here to raid but these guys dont have balance in there fam account (and starts to abuse)", i replied "ok ok i'll talk to them..." then i told my members on radio that they just wasting time, then this guy id 56327 came and started saying "you dont have money? Pakistan is so much BIGGER" (in our family most of the members are from Pakistan, i am from India but i dont mind if there is any other country's guy in the family), I... actually every single member of Markhoor (our family) respects every country and there people, but these guys tried to PROVOKE us and were trying to make us hate other country's people, which is extremely not acceptable... at that time i was continuosly asking them to leave the area but they didnt and completely ignored me, then id 58810 started saying Indian Enchants 'Jai Shree Ram', which is not acceptable in a rp situation (provoking, IC to OOC), when i was saying something on my radio, id 58810 copied and repeated my sayings which i did use on my family radio for my members, at that time i got frustated and my anger bursted out on that guy, and that was the only time i used abuse slangs on THEM... They were abusing from the start but they said 'Abusing abusing/Abusing parents', being honest me and my fam never abused there parents on MIC (we may had abused on radion, cuz they are not meant to hear that, but they were hearing that and reacting back), when i asked them there fam name they refused to tell me, after a while id 58810 replied "Bajrang Dal"(indian organisation) which i think cant be a name of a fam... then after a while on 4:01(in video) you can see id 58810 uses both his radio and mic to say "Guys if they starts firing, you open fire), and i was like what the hell man how can you open fire while being on someones private property?, after a while i asked my members to put there guns inn, but both of the guns were glitched, one of my members accidently gets his flag out to remove the gun... then at 5:58(video time) id 58810, who was off-duty at time, cuffed me, which you can see in the chat section, i was tottaly confused and i yelled "someone has ropped me" multiple times, but cuz i was handcuffed i could'nt use the radio and i had to idea i wasnt using the radio, finally there leader asked them to leave but they didnt, and i saw some of them to put there guns in but instead of putting it in a guy pulled a gun out, then i literally requested there leader that "sir please ask them to put there gun in" but again.. they ignored me, i tried to open my family menu but wasnt able to...
at 8:21 (video time they pulled there flag to poke us, one of our member got triggered and pulled his plag too but he did put it back immediately...
Then at 8:33 id 70321 RDM'ed my member in city, in our personal property, and when i said i have pov they replied nobody cares...
then while they were leaving, there leader comes back and say "If you post a pov, i will also post a pov"...
I wasnt able to do anything so i went for relog, when i reloged i got spawned in jail.. for doing nothing for 60mins (there was no reason on the screen, i even reloged to check but i didnt get to know the reason for which i am arrested),that guy who cuffed me earlier sent me to jail for false cause, after getting out of jail i went staight to the MRPD, where i asked an Officer to chek my profile and it was all clear, i am attaching the link below please check it too,

All suspects ids and what they did are mentioned below :-

70321- abusing start|| religion (jai bajrang dal) || refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member || RDM in personal property (without rp being included in it) || Tries to Threaten Family Member

58810- religion (jai shree ram)|| Abuse || Points gun on family member on there personal property || Fam disrespect || IC to OOC || provoking || refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member

56327- Pakistan/India || abuse || Fam disrespect || IC to OOC || provoking || refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member

96199- Indian flag in a rp situation (knowingly)

79740- Indian flag in a rp situation (knowingly)

32647- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
80347- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
111525- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
79740- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
99384- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
15861- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
83225- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)
70321- refusing to leave after multiple warning by defending family member (me)

Our family Name :- Markhoor
My Name:- Abhik Sarkar

After watching your POV I don't see any rule breaks which you mention here.

70321 - abusing is a part of RP and obviously you have to maintain a limit on which you can abuse. 70321 never broke any rules about OOC insults. Threatening is not a rule break either it is an IC issue.

58810 - Again he never mentioned any OOC insults and about taking IC to OOC I think it was you who said that "I am recording" which means you went IC to OOC.

56327 - again no OOC insults so no rule breaks and refusing to leave after multiple warnings is also not a rule break if they don't comply you CAN shoot them and it is an IC issue.

96199 and 79740 - using a national flag in an RP situation is not a rule break either.

So what I conclude after watching your POV is that

108917 - Mixing (saying "I am recording",)
refusing to continue RP,
taking IC situation to OOC,
using OBS for recording,
Meta Gaming(using discord during an RP situation)
OOC insults (I heard one of your guys saying "leave the area Mo**** FU***** " at 2:58 which is a BAN btw)

So basically you are the one breaking all the rules and you are just wasting admins' and everyone's time here by taking all this to Forums. Please learn the City Rules first or this is gonna ruin everyone's RP.
Last edited:


YouTube: MrAwaisPlayz
Sep 28, 2021
Who one allow you to hands cuff without duty and for personal Reasons its punishment Permanent Ban

Mick Balenciaga

May 12, 2021
Who one allow you to hands cuff without duty and for personal Reasons its punishment Permanent Ban
It was a misclick, he uncuffed him as soon as he realized and he apologized for that as you can see on the forum post. The guy got jailed because of some glitch.


YouTube: MrAwaisPlayz
Sep 28, 2021
It was a misclick, he uncuffed him as soon as he realized and he apologized for that as you can see on the forum post. The guy got jailed because of some glitch.
He broken General Rules, use His Power for the Personal use punishment is up to 30 days ban

Mick Balenciaga

May 12, 2021
He broken General Rules, use His Power for the Personal use punishment is up to 30 days ban
I guess you don't understand what I'm saying buddy, I said that it was a misclick, he was trying to enlarge the map and for that he pressed Z and by mistake the guy in front of him got cuffed. But he uncuffed the guy as soon as he realized and apologized. It can happen to anyone.

Kelvin Meaoww

Sep 21, 2021
Who one allow you to hands cuff without duty and for personal Reasons its punishment Permanent Ban
as a Leo sometimes by mistake it happens. But the main point is that he uncuffed him soo it's fine. Let admins decide what's wrong and what's correct.

Ved Das

Sep 2, 2021
He broken General Rules, use His Power for the Personal use punishment is up to 30 days ban
Bro i dont think you have any government or fib experience im in fib and it happenes bro
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