1. 5 out of the 6 forums you linked here in this report have been Approved for their rule breaks and the ID's were punished. The other one was closed on request.
2. We have a rule system in place for players to report each and every rule break here on forums. If anyone is continually breaking rules, you must follow the proper protocol and report on forums for such incidents - that goes for everyone in the server.
3. If you and your friends/family have "a lot of proofs and 20+ POV" like you stated in this report, you must report each rule break on forums within 48h of the incident so we may review and punish accordingly.
4. Finally, you provided no additional POV or proofs of rule breaks, only linked forums that were already reviewed against them, so there is no new evidence to review for rule breaks.
Thank you for bringing your concerns today for review. We do not tolerate such behavior on this server, and I encourage everyone who reads this to be aware that if someone breaks a rule against you, you can't rule break back in retaliation. Simply call an admin in game, or save POV and make a forum report and we will handle each situation properly and issue punishments if applicable. Furthermore, each comment on this thread that contained toxicity or insults will be punished - the next time you would like to comment on a situation, please remain respectful.
For more information on what qualifies for a valid forum report, please refer to the
Rules for Filing a complaint