Then users shouldn't be texting admins on discord about the game.
3rd party POV is acceptable in these kind of situtations. They can send the POV but what will change? You wanna get punishment from first party POV? Only thing we will take as a joke is your whole family, stop crying in the forums and stop dming admins on Discord. Play the games by rules, I swear every family annoyed because of you, I even know people stopped playing this server because of you guys. I will be watching your every rule and I will be sending them every rule break, every provoke and every swear here. Your family killing people on the beach market, your family swearing at peoples family (insulting OOC), doing dumb stuff just because you guys are old players, but this time you guys against the wall

I will not answer, just keep listening drill music and imagine yourself like gangsta while we are trying to have fun in this "game", now go cry and make videos