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Stormy Cox
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Feb 18, 2022
Time of violation

Stormy Cox

May 25, 2021
So me and my fam members pulled up at weapons factory 20min before the event starts, Brotherhood family pulled up too and me and one of my fam member went to take a pic with them I actually uploaded on ingrand to and I was being nice, Nothing else, Half the families have beef with each other and my fam member said f*ck brotherhood for fun and left and they started following him started being rude and toxic and started killing as u can see in the first POV I went to talk to them and explaining that all the families say that kinda stuff to each other and I even said f*ck your family when i was explaining it to him but he didn't listen and started aiming ! ( He didn't even bothered giving demands ) and he was saying call gods call gods all the time and you can follow the rest in pov 2

First POV
pov 1

In POV 2 you can see that i went to talk to him again even when i contact a god he said stop shooting but they didn't listen and they started shooting again ( Again with out any demands! )


In POV 3 I revived one of my fam members and he was still talking trash u can see he ran to my fam member and said what did u say ??? ( meanwhile William Miller was saying stop shooting or ill warn everyone ) and he ID 90484 jumped away and started talking to his fam member in another language...
I'm just gonna say one thing here General rule 3.3 ! ( 3.3 All players must be able to communicate in English and IC chat must be English only.(Other languages may be used in private only if everyone who can see has agreed to it.) | Mute 120 min )
I'm Persian and I can speak Persian when I'm around my friends but I never speak Persian in public or players are around !
And after I told him i can speak in my language too he started shooting me for NO REASON!


In POV 4 you can see ID 101525 ear raping and others still talking in another language when other people are around ! and even more RDMing...


All I'm saying this is wrong ! I know they are from media but all the rules are the same and they have to read it and accept it !
Every time that I'm at the beach market or an event or any parties I hear Turkish people talking... That's not nice and literally server is EN1 not anything else. I mean it's okay that they want to play in EN1 but we are all playing under the same rules.
I played on German server for 1 day but i didn't talk cause I was just looking how it looks when you go to a city that just came out and didn't log in on that server after day 1 of the launch!
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Stormy Cox

May 25, 2021
There is another forum post too with the same situation :


Brotherhood FAN
Feb 15, 2022
So first of all, they can fight you guys if there's a role for it. You should read the rules my little brodie.

1.2 It is forbidden to kill/rob/kidnap/etc. Before the event starts(10 minutes before) | Warn

Your family member came to us and screamed to our ears "fuck Brotherhood" type stuff and our family leader come to warn you and give you demands like "if your family say shit about us one more time we will shoot you" - that is a perfect role and demand. After you insulting in game things like Penguin mask, which is our family icon they can shoot you. The other guy insulted his English abilities which is OOC, so that's we wanna report ID: 6374 for insulting OOC.

About that POV 2,

Your guy provoked us to shoot you even though we gave you demands, he's saying "you got that on clip right?" - obviously he's trying to get us warnings, that's why he provoked us. And even though our family leader were trying to talk to you, Savage dumbNation shooted our other family leader and then everything happened. You should be fearing and running for your life at this clip so I would like to report you for fear RP in POV 2.

About that POV 3,

Gods didn't say shut up to anybody. You're not god or an admin. He can talk however he wants. He's talking Turkish to his family and while they are doing that they are more crowded and you guys are following them. ID: 23908 is provoking them by saying "fuck Brotherhood" in crime scene so I would like to report him for provoking families and specially streamer family.

About that POV 4,

Thank you for sharing this. You can punish ear rape and please do not forget the racists saying things like kebab to us. I would like to report them because of the provoke & racism aswell. Last kill 14253 was earraping aswell and we send them to the curators. :)

We've read the rules and accept it. We've been getting abused and trolled for like 1 month, that's the point we said enough. You guys cannot be the one who's enjoying the game by abusing us, right? I hope you guys feel us right now. If you are getting annoyed someone talking Turkish in beachmarket, just take the POV and send to the forums. What's it supposed to be here?

Server EN1 is global server and creators of the server made the decide, who are you to decide the server players? Just report the Turkish talking players if you see them in the green zone or you're getting annoyed by it, and leave the rest for admins. Please don't cross your lines, have good one. :)

BTW we can provide ALL POV if you guys need us to do. :)


Brotherhood FAN
Feb 15, 2022
And I would like the report 2nd POV for not recording your microphone in every second, it might be edited. We would like to see unedited version of it, it's not suggested recording software so these VODs should be invalid but since they are showing their faults we would like to report them on this to. When he's talking to his gang we cannot hear his mic, please deal with this admins :)


Feb 18, 2022
So first of all, they can fight you guys if there's a role for it. You should read the rules my little brodie.

1.2 It is forbidden to kill/rob/kidnap/etc. Before the event starts(10 minutes before) | Warn

Your family member came to us and screamed to our ears "fuck Brotherhood" type stuff and our family leader come to warn you and give you demands like "if your family say shit about us one more time we will shoot you" - that is a perfect role and demand. After you insulting in game things like Penguin mask, which is our family icon they can shoot you. The other guy insulted his English abilities which is OOC, so that's we wanna report ID: 6374 for insulting OOC.

About that POV 2,

Your guy provoked us to shoot you even though we gave you demands, he's saying "you got that on clip right?" - obviously he's trying to get us warnings, that's why he provoked us. And even though our family leader were trying to talk to you, Savage dumbNation shooted our other family leader and then everything happened. You should be fearing and running for your life at this clip so I would like to report you for fear RP in POV 2.

About that POV 3,

Gods didn't say shut up to anybody. You're not god or an admin. He can talk however he wants. He's talking Turkish to his family and while they are doing that they are more crowded and you guys are following them. ID: 23908 is provoking them by saying "fuck Brotherhood" in crime scene so I would like to report him for provoking families and specially streamer family.

About that POV 4,

Thank you for sharing this. You can punish ear rape and please do not forget the racists saying things like kebab to us. I would like to report them because of the provoke & racism aswell. Last kill 14253 was earraping aswell and we send them to the curators. :)

We've read the rules and accept it. We've been getting abused and trolled for like 1 month, that's the point we said enough. You guys cannot be the one who's enjoying the game by abusing us, right? I hope you guys feel us right now. If you are getting annoyed someone talking Turkish in beachmarket, just take the POV and send to the forums. What's it supposed to be here?

Server EN1 is global server and creators of the server made the decide, who are you to decide the server players? Just report the Turkish talking players if you see them in the green zone or you're getting annoyed by it, and leave the rest for admins. Please don't cross your lines, have good one. :)

BTW we can provide ALL POV if you guys need us to do. :)

Stormy Cox

May 25, 2021
So first of all, they can fight you guys if there's a role for it. You should read the rules my little brodie.

1.2 It is forbidden to kill/rob/kidnap/etc. Before the event starts(10 minutes before) | Warn

Your family member came to us and screamed to our ears "fuck Brotherhood" type stuff and our family leader come to warn you and give you demands like "if your family say shit about us one more time we will shoot you" - that is a perfect role and demand. After you insulting in game things like Penguin mask, which is our family icon they can shoot you. The other guy insulted his English abilities which is OOC, so that's we wanna report ID: 6374 for insulting OOC.

About that POV 2,

Your guy provoked us to shoot you even though we gave you demands, he's saying "you got that on clip right?" - obviously he's trying to get us warnings, that's why he provoked us. And even though our family leader were trying to talk to you, Savage dumbNation shooted our other family leader and then everything happened. You should be fearing and running for your life at this clip so I would like to report you for fear RP in POV 2.

About that POV 3,

Gods didn't say shut up to anybody. You're not god or an admin. He can talk however he wants. He's talking Turkish to his family and while they are doing that they are more crowded and you guys are following them. ID: 23908 is provoking them by saying "fuck Brotherhood" in crime scene so I would like to report him for provoking families and specially streamer family.

About that POV 4,

Thank you for sharing this. You can punish ear rape and please do not forget the racists saying things like kebab to us. I would like to report them because of the provoke & racism aswell. Last kill 14253 was earraping aswell and we send them to the curators. :)

We've read the rules and accept it. We've been getting abused and trolled for like 1 month, that's the point we said enough. You guys cannot be the one who's enjoying the game by abusing us, right? I hope you guys feel us right now. If you are getting annoyed someone talking Turkish in beachmarket, just take the POV and send to the forums. What's it supposed to be here?

Server EN1 is global server and creators of the server made the decide, who are you to decide the server players? Just report the Turkish talking players if you see them in the green zone or you're getting annoyed by it, and leave the rest for admins. Please don't cross your lines, have good one. :)

BTW we can provide ALL POV if you guys need us to do. :)


POV 1: In that pov id 90484 (im assuming thats your leader) the amount of toxicity that was said from him is unprofessional from his side as a family leader plus unofficial org leader as he said ''i would kill your hole family by my self'' in my point of view that is provoking us and very unprofessional from him. We simply where arguing with you since you said stuff to some of my family members and then you came to us and started provoking and being toxic to us. After that id 6374 came to the situation and said stuff to you that obviously insulted you from your side you then started killing everyone with your entire family including us that you killed so you started shooting first.

POV 2: In here after the shooting stopped since a god came and told you to stop shooting like 15 times you did not seem to really care and ignored that and continued the shooting and carried on talking in your language (which that is completely ok talking in your language) but after that you started getting mad once again (maybe you had a reason idk) and carried on shooting. NOTE: you did not give any demands and even if you did you might of said it in your language so that does not count because how are we supposed to understand. So no demands where given and we did not provoke you there he just asked did you get POV and we answered back so you should mind your own business on that and that was not provoking in any way. BTW unprofessional calling a family DUMBnation.

POV 3: id 90484 since he is the leader the amount of toxicity that came from him is unbelievable and he does not even listen to the gods after they said 50 times to stop shooting. HE should be a role model to his family and make sure they are not breaking rules on the other side he lets his family break rules and him himself came to me and obviously most people are mad because of the way he acted and he gets mad again and shots me with a shotgun in the head and carried on being toxic. Note : A god said like 50 times to stop shooting and the leader still caries on shooting and being toxic and then killed me again .

POV 4: We did not say nothing that was a different family and we are not involved of what they said it was their choice to say anything they want. Note: we just walked away so POV 4 we did not say nothing or do nothing. And we did not call no one kebab because after that we moved away from there and re positioned for the event.

Watching all this and reading what you had to say when you replied is ridicules your FAM Leader was toxic, he provoked people, killed multiple people And he did not listen at all when gods said to stop shooting. HE should be a role model to the family and HE should make sure his family don't break rules and have good RP. But what he decides to do is be toxic break multiple rules. He has the responsibility as 1 of the top 10 families in the city and unofficial org leader to make sure his family does not break rules and control his family members
And I would like the report 2nd POV for not recording your microphone in every second, it might be edited. We would like to see unedited version of it, it's not suggested recording software so these VODs should be invalid but since they are showing their faults we would like to report them on this to. When he's talking to his gang we cannot hear his mic, please deal with this admins :)

As I'm living with my sister and she comes to my room some times when i'm playing I put my Nvidia settings on push to talk and my push to talk is on Caps Lock same as my voice key bind ingame



Brotherhood FAN
Feb 15, 2022

POV 1: In that pov id 90484 (im assuming thats your leader) the amount of toxicity that was said from him is unprofessional from his side as a family leader plus unofficial org leader as he said ''i would kill your hole family by my self'' in my point of view that is provoking us and very unprofessional from him. We simply where arguing with you since you said stuff to some of my family members and then you came to us and started provoking and being toxic to us. After that id 6374 came to the situation and said stuff to you that obviously insulted you from your side you then started killing everyone with your entire family including us that you killed so you started shooting first.

POV 2: In here after the shooting stopped since a god came and told you to stop shooting like 15 times you did not seem to really care and ignored that and continued the shooting and carried on talking in your language (which that is completely ok talking in your language) but after that you started getting mad once again (maybe you had a reason idk) and carried on shooting. NOTE: you did not give any demands and even if you did you might of said it in your language so that does not count because how are we supposed to understand. So no demands where given and we did not provoke you there he just asked did you get POV and we answered back so you should mind your own business on that and that was not provoking in any way. BTW unprofessional calling a family DUMBnation.

POV 3: id 90484 since he is the leader the amount of toxicity that came from him is unbelievable and he does not even listen to the gods after they said 50 times to stop shooting. HE should be a role model to his family and make sure they are not breaking rules on the other side he lets his family break rules and him himself came to me and obviously most people are mad because of the way he acted and he gets mad again and shots me with a shotgun in the head and carried on being toxic. Note : A god said like 50 times to stop shooting and the leader still caries on shooting and being toxic and then killed me again .

POV 4: We did not say nothing that was a different family and we are not involved of what they said it was their choice to say anything they want. Note: we just walked away so POV 4 we did not say nothing or do nothing. And we did not call no one kebab because after that we moved away from there and re positioned for the event.

Watching all this and reading what you had to say when you replied is ridicules your FAM Leader was toxic, he provoked people, killed multiple people And he did not listen at all when gods said to stop shooting. HE should be a role model to the family and HE should make sure his family don't break rules and have good RP. But what he decides to do is be toxic break multiple rules. He has the responsibility as 1 of the top 10 families in the city and unofficial org leader to make sure his family does not break rules and control his family members

As I'm living with my sister and she comes to my room some times when i'm playing I put my Nvidia settings on push to talk and my push to talk is on Caps Lock same as my voice key bind ingame

Hello buddy :)

POV 1: Yes, ID 90484 our leader and he is great guy. He's unofficial family leader and he can act tough when they sweared his family. Your family started all of these and we can provide POV, he contiuned the role and it was very professional. You should contiune that role by scare or acting tough and you literally said he can do whatever he wants, actually he can't just swear randomly to other family. There was enough tension to start a fight there so he cannot know if the other person is from your family or not. But obviously you know him since you guys talking about getting clips in other POV. We are told you guys we shot you first because your family member said some dumb stuff and got his answer for that :)

POV 2: Yeah, he got a lot of reason to get mad since we watched his POV. So you are telling me is it professional to call kebabhood, sisterhood and the racist words to Turkish family and we cannot say Dumbnation, because they are really dumb? That is not insult, we really think they are dumbs. Low IQ players and that is not insult. You can check any sports game there's game IQ attribute and I think their IQ ratings is like 1.

POV 3: He is already role model for his family and trust me if he didn't be a role family trust me whole server would be crazy every day. You guys are provoking him and other guys saying some racist things, what should he do? He already send POVs to the media curators. It's been 3 months since we are getting abused, trolled or getting racist things.

POV 4: So how can we now they are one of you or not? If there's gunfight, you should leave the area if you don't wanna get hurt. That's what Fear RP is. If you're not fearing for your life, you should be okay with getting hurt.

He actually stopped the whole shooting by himself. It was about you guys, Savage Nations got into it even though there's nothing to do with Savage Nation.

There's actually no rules about living with this server so I'm sorry for you my brother, these VOD's are invalid. :)

Stormy Cox

May 25, 2021
POV 2: Yeah, he got a lot of reason to get mad since we watched his POV. So you are telling me is it professional to call kebabhood, sisterhood and the racist words to Turkish family and we cannot say Dumbnation, because they are really dumb? That is not insult, we really think they are dumbs. Low IQ players and that is not insult. You can check any sports game there's game IQ attribute and I think their IQ ratings is like 1.
Did you hear me saying all that words you said ? NO! :)
and by the way I'm Half Persian and Half Turkish!
There was enough tension to start a fight there so he cannot know if the other person is from your family or not. But obviously you know him since you guys talking about getting clips in other POV. We are told you guys we shot you first because your family member said some dumb stuff and got his answer for that
The guy that came up to me and said you have clip of the situation and I said yes I don't know that guy
The guy with the green hoodie on the ground we met at beach market I don't even know his name but he knows mine cause I usually don't wear mask and when I shake hands they can see my name!
So how can we now they are one of you or not? If there's gunfight, you should leave the area if you don't wanna get hurt. That's what Fear RP is. If you're not fearing for your life, you should be okay with getting hurt.
And about this yeah you are right i should've run but I didn't!


Brotherhood FAN
Feb 15, 2022
So it's your responsibility if one of your family talking shit to us, you were trying to talk even though you didn't say anything so that makes you in to it. :)

It seems like you know him tho :) I cannot know that story.

Yeah, so you didn't run at that is a rulebreak for fear RP.

We literally have no problem with you guys, with all due respect I hope this won't happen again.

Stormy Cox

May 25, 2021
So it's your responsibility if one of your family talking shit to us, you were trying to talk even though you didn't say anything so that makes you in to it. :)

It seems like you know him tho :) I cannot know that story.

Yeah, so you didn't run at that is a rulebreak for fear RP.

We literally have no problem with you guys, with all due respect I hope this won't happen again.
When I tried to talk about anything that makes me into it ?

I mean I know him by his outfit and that 2 times I talked to him at beach market. You wanna believe it or not.
And yeah i take that rule break about the fear RP.

And yeah I legit don't have any problems with you and your family and I wasn't active in the city for almost 1month or less and joined gravitas I heard about you guys, If i had anything againts you guys I wouldn't post an Ingrand photo saying " Nice fam NO CAP! " and you can see the ingrand post on my POV, I mean I deleted it but at first I didn't have anything bad againts you guys!
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Brotherhood FAN
Feb 15, 2022
Yeah, unfortunately because it's your family member saying shit about us and that's what the "family" means.

Even though I wanna believe it or not that is not correct proof. Thank you for taking your rulebreak.

We didn't see your post on Ingrand, I would like to thank you for my family and sorry for what happened but it was definetly not about you. Respect to you!

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

The POVs of this incident where Provided To Us by an admin last night and BrotherHood Received a Warning For this incident.​
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