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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Administrators nickname
Bobby Pluxury
Nov 19, 2023

Ragnar Lothbrok

Odin is waiting for me in Valhalla
Sep 18, 2022
Dear Bobby, Magnes and Adham

We as Ninja Family would like to bring to your attention the mass targeting and provoking/harrasment
we have been dealing with from the start of our family in EN3 by id 950
we have multiple videos/forums about him doing that hopfully you could help us with this person as its getting out of hands

Video 1 of him and his family members provoking us to give demands and kill us

Video 2 a montage he made harrasing our family members

Video 3 of them mass rdming our family members for no reason

Video 4 same people with id 950 mass RDMing family members

clear targeting/harrasing and meta gaming our family members

left everyone on the ground and came for our fam member

Harrasing and targeting fam member and got him tow warns for the same situation

again targeting and posting false forum to get him punished they were 3 in 2 cars

again here chasing family member for 3 minute and killed them in the city and started harrasing them when someone from our member said to they are my friends dont kill them
he kicked him out of the gang pure targeting here

even sending his fam members to harras here

He is always trying to get us family warns and people punished multiple times as you see here he posted 2 forums for the same situation which later on he was punished by Adham
for attemting to decive admins

and here him getting punished by Adham

and list goes on of him disrepcting admins

of him getting banned for multiple rule breaks in the server

At the end we hope that needed action will be taken agains this player id 950 and we hope to never see him again in EN3
hope you could check his account as this guy have 3+ accounts i think he is ban evading

Best regards Ninja Family

Sunil Reddiee

Oct 21, 2022
Not off topic
This is his own POV in which he is not recording all overlays ( audio is missing when he is talking on radio ) Timestamp - 03:08. PC check this dude.
He manipulates all the situations and always tries to deceive admins by providing as little info as possible and he always puts up a forum and keeps changing the titles, comments and proofs wasting valuable time of the admins who could spend the same time in game solving other issues.
And also he begged to be unbanned and would behave this is the last time.

This community is lot better without people like him who are filled with toxicity and mass rulebreaker.


Sep 29, 2023
To the respected Mr. Bobby, it is a ninja family. Every time we explain to you that it is the worst family in this server. They do not respect anyone. They do not want to implement any fear towards role-playing. As you can clearly see, they cry and scream because they do not want to carry out our demands when we steal from them as we do and everyone does. Other players are in the same situation. We ask you, Mr. Bobby, to discipline this family. Finally, I am not from the family of this player, but I am one of the people who joined his gang. He is the most famous in the ghetto, and everyone loves and respects him. Many in the ghetto share the same feeling with me towards the 950 player, so I hope from you, Mr. Bobby, that the owner of the forum gets a warning for his unjustified demands.


Jul 20, 2023
First, peace be upon you. According to the server rules, it is not possible to banish or expel a player from the server except by doing the opposite of the server rules. If he is a professional player and he adheres to the server rules, he cannot and is forbidden from being expelled or expelled from the server, even if he is on the server. Everyone asks for this player to be suspended or expelled in general, with all due respect. For the supervisors and the players.


Sep 29, 2023
We Dont want Aiden Pluxury Id 950 in EN3
The person was punished by the administrative masters and everyone took his due, but Mr. Bobby, you can see the extent of the lack of respect for this ninja family. The man in the video did not do anything wrong to them. He reversed and went out and got punished, but they describe him with a bad description. This gives you the truth. Look at their videos when they are robbed and they are insulted. They do not implement the fear required in this scenario. Everything is clear through this video, which they themselves have now uploaded here. You can see everything about this family and their lack of respect for people here.

Shadow Pluxury

Jul 10, 2023
I want to express my respect for Mr. Bobby; however, it's important to note that this family harbors animosity towards everyone on the server, not just the specific player in question. They are actively gathering videos spanning from old to new with the sole intent of fostering hatred. Most of the videos they share focus only on instances of rule violations by the player, and they exaggerate claims of toxicity, mainly in roleplay (RP). While the initial four videos accurately depict a case of random deathmatch (RDM), it's worth noting that the player involved has already faced consequences for this incident. Despite this, the family persists in using these videos to showcase ongoing rule breaks and provoke discord. I kindly request Mr. Bobby to take appropriate action against this family, which appears to harbor a general disdain for everyone on the server. Thank you.


Feb 11, 2023
Just A Reminder :
This Ninjagos memebrs trying to make themselves a victim of toxiecity and provoking but thats almost a big lie and a try to deceive admins , So basicly These guys are the biggest toxic and targetters in the city u can see in every thread be posted by aiden pluxury specially or any guy they dont like start to do off topic and provoke him so hard then start crying if they got roasted by them , So Ninjagos instead of spamming your fam radio chat and discord channels to type we dont want aiden in en3 ( ofc that wil not happen as nothing goes as u like ) you should reconsider your actions and change your minds and remove this childish comments , that will make u more peaceful and freindly instead of targetting and being toxic than start crying over and over.

George Alahmadi

Nov 1, 2022
Dear admin
I would like to express my extreme annoyance with this player. I will not explain at length what this Toxic person does, because the videos on the forum are enough, but ever since I started playing on this server, I have only been here to enjoy, spend a good time, and meet new people, but what I have seen from this person is a long time. During my time on the server, he was just someone who just wanted to cause problems with me and others, hiding behind the server rules that he claims to know, but because of this person, many players left the server because of the bullying and provocation that this person does.
I love this server, and that is why I am a supporter of the server, and that is why I do not want this server to have people like these people in it.
thank you all

Mustafa Titans

Dec 18, 2022
Every person has a point of view towards every human being, and I do not care about what I hear, I care about what I see, and I think that Aiden is a good person to me, and I do not care if he is a rude person to you. If you do not like a person, you do not have to bring all your acquaintances in order to speak negatively about him in order to... To be banned, thank you

Sunil Reddiee

Oct 21, 2022
Just A Reminder :
This Ninjagos memebrs trying to make themselves a victim of toxiecity and provoking but thats almost a big lie and a try to deceive admins , So basicly These guys are the biggest toxic and targetters in the city u can see in every thread be posted by aiden pluxury specially or any guy they dont like start to do off topic and provoke him so hard then start crying if they got roasted by them , So Ninjagos instead of spamming your fam radio chat and discord channels to type we dont want aiden in en3 ( ofc that wil not happen as nothing goes as u like ) you should reconsider your actions and change your minds and remove this childish comments , that will make u more peaceful and freindly instead of targetting and being toxic than start crying over and over.

Make sure when you talk something which makes sense.

Dear Bobby, Floki and Adham

This POV i am attaching now just happened in today's SUBS.
They keep provoking taking Ninja family name for no reason and they keep accusing us with no proofs while we are giving so many proofs that are overwhelming with the proof of him and his friends being toxic and targeting Ninja Family for literally no reason.
I can keep saying things all day long just like they are doing without having any actual evidence to support their claims.

Thank you for your time.

Sunil Reddiee

Oct 21, 2022
And here is the another proof that he always breaks rules.
I had my makeup on as im in FIB my ID shows different than what it should be.
But no boundaries for him on how much metagaming he does.
He says i am from Ninja, i want to ask how does he know that when i have makeup and a balaclava on me and im not even in same family as him ofcourse we would never allow him to join our family.


Aug 21, 2022
Subject: Urgent Request: Addressing Disruptive Behavior Impacting Server Harmony

Dear Mr. Bobby [or appropriate title],

I trust this message finds you well. I am reaching out to address a pressing matter that is affecting the community dynamic within our server.

Respecting your dedication to maintaining a positive environment, I need to draw your attention to a family on our server displaying concerning behavior that extends beyond individual disputes. This family seems to hold a general animosity towards our server's community, actively gathering and circulating videos that primarily highlight rule violations by certain players. While some videos accurately depicted specific instances, such as the initial four videos portraying a random deathmatch (RDM) incident – for which appropriate consequences were applied – subsequent videos amplify these incidents, exaggerating claims of toxicity within our roleplay (RP) setting.

Despite corrective actions taken and consequences administered, this family persistently utilizes these videos to fuel discord and animosity. Their actions significantly impact the server's atmosphere, and their evident disregard for the community's well-being is troubling.

Given the persistent and detrimental impact of their behavior, I urgently request your intervention and appropriate measures against this family. Their actions create a divisive environment that affects everyone on the server.

I sincerely appreciate your prompt attention and action on this matter.

Thank you for your commitment to our server's well-being.

[Mike SOB ]


Aug 21, 2022
Given the pervasive impact of their actions and the evident disregard for the community's well-being, I respectfully request your intervention and appropriate action against this family. Their actions have caused unrest and discord, detracting from the positive environment we strive to maintain.


Sunil Reddiee

Oct 21, 2022
Subject: Urgent Request: Addressing Disruptive Behavior Impacting Server Harmony

Dear Mr. Bobby [or appropriate title],

I trust this message finds you well. I am reaching out to address a pressing matter that is affecting the community dynamic within our server.

Respecting your dedication to maintaining a positive environment, I need to draw your attention to a family on our server displaying concerning behavior that extends beyond individual disputes. This family seems to hold a general animosity towards our server's community, actively gathering and circulating videos that primarily highlight rule violations by certain players. While some videos accurately depicted specific instances, such as the initial four videos portraying a random deathmatch (RDM) incident – for which appropriate consequences were applied – subsequent videos amplify these incidents, exaggerating claims of toxicity within our roleplay (RP) setting.

Despite corrective actions taken and consequences administered, this family persistently utilizes these videos to fuel discord and animosity. Their actions significantly impact the server's atmosphere, and their evident disregard for the community's well-being is troubling.

Given the persistent and detrimental impact of their behavior, I urgently request your intervention and appropriate measures against this family. Their actions create a divisive environment that affects everyone on the server.

I sincerely appreciate your prompt attention and action on this matter.

Thank you for your commitment to our server's well-being.

[Mike SOB ]
Accusations and allegations can be made by every by-stander.

Talk when you have proofs like we did.

Roy Revenge

Sep 17, 2022
Dear Grand RP server administration team,

I am writing to bring to your attention a pressing issue involving player ID number 950 and their family members, who have been consistently displaying toxic behavior towards other players. It has come to my attention that player ID number 950 was previously banned from the En/1 server due to their continuous toxicity and disruptive actions. However, they have now joined our server, En/3, after being permanently banned from En/1

What is even more concerning is that player ID number 950's family members are also engaging in similar toxic behavior. It appears that they are paid to disrupt the gameplay experience for others, further exacerbating the negative environment within our community. This coordinated effort to create a hostile atmosphere is completely unacceptable and undermines the integrity of our server.

I kindly request that immediate action be taken to address this issue comprehensively. Given the player's history, as well as the involvement of their family members, I believe it is necessary to impose a permanent ban on player ID number 950 and their family members from our English/3 server. This will not only protect the well-being and enjoyment of our community members but also send a clear message that toxic behavior and paid disruptions will not be tolerated.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust in your ability to handle this situation promptly and effectively, ensuring a positive and welcoming environment for all players.


Roy Revenge

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