Firstly, I do not speak how they framed me in the video. I am not American or Indian or Arab. That is not my accent or voice. I never mentioned religion. The gangs who framed me do not talk English in a British server. They talk Hindi and Arab. Why not create Hindi or Arab server? They run me over and shoot me because they are in a gang and I am noob. They do it in the hotel in the green zone for no reason as well, not just in their idiot red zone. They lose all the things I have in my pocket, the police arrest me for no reason and lose all the things I have in the trunk of my rental, I cannot work and have no money, and I am in jail for 2 hours for no reason. The game lags and crashes and is unfair. Why do you kill a noob, and voice over him on YouTube and do not even speak English in British server. Bullying me because I am white British with no money. Why do you fine someone who has no money, and let go gangs who do have years and money and apartments and a house at 10x state value. Discrimination. Your police also arrest me for driving a rental out of a hospital after I have been killed and have nowhere to go. Never arrest themselves or the gangs in the video.