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Minxy Malono
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Mar 7, 2024
Time of violation


3x Leader: Lifeinvader
Nov 20, 2022
I'm requesting that Hazem's approach to provoke and site inaccurate information against my team and leadership and curators to be taken into consideration when determining his application.

Proof is in the POV that he is provoking and not being truthful regarding my leadership terms. I will note that he was upset and now retaliating against me because his application was rejected for leadership the first time around, and I was appointed the new leader. Once this took place, he left the organization and didn't return to witness our growth. He did get two things right. Calvin Classic and Kim Abergil deserve to not only become COOs, as he stated, but CEOs of Li because they are more than qualified... this we can agree on.

I'm now completing my consecutive term successfully and have an amazing team to back it up with the guidance of my curators. His inaccurate insults to my leadership, team, and curators ultimately paints the curatorship in an inaccurate bad light as if they were not doing their jobs. I'm personally insulted for them.

A true leader doesn't need to attack or stomp on someone to get ahead, they prove it with receipts. I have plenty of receipts to prove how successful my consecutive terms are. Not to mention that I'm the first person to complete 2 very successful and highly favored consecutive terms in 9months.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

All the best,

Minxy Malono
3x Lifeinvader Leader
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