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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Abdo Zain
Administrators nickname
Mazhor Pluxury
Mar 10, 2022

Alex Pluxury

Nov 21, 2021
Hi Mzahor i hope ure fine im telling u truh that i use cc but real not fraud and i got blacklisted and i not sad about that cuz i can do it again and u can discover that but i will not play this game again but why my friend get blacklisted he not do anything and he not ask about gc the guy whos named garry sinner id 62016 he ask me to give him 100 gc and im not laier i will told all truth now i need to get unban my friend cuz he not do anything his name its baroo id 47661 so im very sad when he got blacklisted and he not do anything so if u not unban him i will do many things

1-i will recharge reandom gc to all server
2-i will hack the site and get all email:passowrd of all players of server and get all cc everyone tried there ez for me
3-Get down all server by ddos attack until if u have cloudfare
4-iam from LAPSU$ if u know it Hack invidia from many days

So u muse real all of this before i will do if u unban this guy name its baroo id 47661 i will not do anything and i not need to unban my account
You can do all that shit and cant simply unban your friends?? lmao
+ If you don't know they can let/flip this scene against you and track you in many ways so you better watch your words next time and stop acting like a kid.

Garry Foreman

Oct 13, 2021
Hi Mzahor i hope ure fine im telling u truh that i use cc but real not fraud and i got blacklisted and i not sad about that cuz i can do it again and u can discover that but i will not play this game again but why my friend get blacklisted he not do anything and he not ask about gc the guy whos named garry sinner id 62016 he ask me to give him 100 gc and im not laier i will told all truth now i need to get unban my friend cuz he not do anything his name its baroo id 47661 so im very sad when he got blacklisted and he not do anything so if u not unban him i will do many things

1-i will recharge reandom gc to all server
2-i will hack the site and get all email:passowrd of all players of server and get all cc everyone tried there ez for me
3-Get down all server by ddos attack until if u have cloudfare
4-iam from LAPSU$ if u know it Hack invidia from many days

So u muse real all of this before i will do if u unban this guy name its baroo id 47661 i will not do anything and i not need to unban my account
i dont want any grand coins from you and I did not ask for any from you(y)
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