This guy was trashtalking admins on Serbian server, ooc insulting them, threatening, doxxing and insulting the project for which he was blacklisted,
I think this guy doesn't deserve to play on this server after doing these things.
This is one of the forums he made to appeal.
I've already seen people insulting the other server and getting banned on their current one, example - Approved - Vrjedjanje projekta / 28638
I think this guy doesn't deserve to play on this server after doing these things.
This is one of the forums he made to appeal.
I've already seen people insulting the other server and getting banned on their current one, example - Approved - Vrjedjanje projekta / 28638
Rejected - Blacklisted I Mujo Simba
Dobar dan poštovani Mujo/Abrahame. dobio sam blacklistu sa servera prije 5 mjeseci. Kada sam Muji Simbi osobno u DM napisao svašta o serveru i njemu. To i nije bila najpametnija odluka zato jer sam bio živčan na vašu administraciju. Proslo je vec 5 mjeseci i opet mi je želja igrati na ovome...
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