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Efe Heshka

Ex Governor,3x Leader
Jul 30, 2023
Hello Citizens of San Andreas!
This is your Governor Efeheshka Speaking

I would like to inform you that the government that I lead needs citizens to work to keep the city safe and peaceful, so you can join the First person protection force (FPPF unit), you can join the PR to represent the government in social activities, or you can join the Department of Corrections to contribute more to security. or you can join and start working as USSS to protect the governor and to be involved in various operations. all the departments I have told you about have various bonus systems and I make sure that the citizens who fulfill their duties are paid their salaries and bonuses.

We are Currently Hiring for:

The United States Secret Service (USSS)
First Person Protection Force (FPPF)
The Department of Corrections (DOC)
The Department of Justice (DOJ)
For Day & Night Shifts

Benefits of Joining:
Every citizen who volunteers to work for the government and joins us for this purpose already has the opportunity to work and gain experience in the same atmosphere with the Governor and the other peoples. The salaries of the people are always paid on time as soon as they join the government.

How to Join Government?
You should first fill in the application form provided below. Your application will be evaluated, and if it is accepted, you will be tagged with Government Emails; otherwise, you will get a reason for rejection and you can make a reapplication after some Days.

And secondly, if your application is accepted, you will need to come for the capitol interview. For this, you must contact the HR unit, which will tag you via email if your application is accepted.

thirdly, if you pass the interview, your gun and medical license will be checked and your name will be checked to see if there are any criminal records in your name. if you meet these requirements, you will be invited to work for the government and you will be trained by the HR team.

If you wish to work for the government, you may apply by filling out the form below. After it is approved, you will be contacted.

Application Form

And Make sure that u joined GOV Emails below
GOV Emails

The Requirements to Join Government

At least 5 years in the city
No criminal record
Good Communication skills
Knowledge of the laws of the city
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