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- Oct 4, 2023
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I posted a forum about the owner of ID 43662, who turned out to also be a Leader for SAHP reason was CL. If you check my forum post, you’ll see that he pressed F1 on purpose, and he lied about it to me saying its a code a. You can check my POV where he ran out of the cell, and then supposedly pressed F1 and accidentally pressing either the Number 1 or 2, which equipped his shotgun. This got approved by Hisham Bishop, but I still received a punishment for GR 6.4.
So, this forum I posted will contain a double complaint. The first complaint is about my illegal warning. It was stated that I was being corrupt, but there is nothing wrong in my POV. I joined the server and asked Hisham for the reason behind my GR 6.4 warning, but he refused to tell me and instead directed me to file an admin complaint. I’m not entirely sure what I'm appealing here, since I don’t believe I did anything wrong. However, I’ll assume this is about the lawyer situation.
When the 10-15 requested a lawyer, my 10-15 ran out of his cell to speak with a lawyer. I was trying to get him back into his cell first to check if we even had a lawyer available. Before calling a lawyer, I wanted to search him and I wanted confirm if he really was the Sheriff of SAHP. When I brought him back into the cell, I searched and uncuffed him so he could prove it to me. However, he just showed me his ID and immediately ran out of his cell and combat logged. So, how was I supposed to call a lawyer if the situation was already over? I wasn’t even trying to arrest him. Since GOV can’t arrest or confiscate items, we have to call a lawyer and get assistance from someone from another organization.
Proof: Approved - CL | 43662
My second complaint is about another forum I made regarding another person from SAHP who combat logged. However, in my POV, you can clearly see how his SAHP friends tried to help him by breaking server rules and moving me away from the area to allow their friend to combat log.
Their plan almost worked, but I returned to the area within 2 seconds and saw that he had combat logged. The person who CLed even posted his POV on my forum post, which ended up being self-reporting and report the other officers for Metagaming. In his POV, you can see all three officers in a Discord call, where one of them told him to distract me and lead me away to another area so he could combat log. However, Hisham only punished one person the 10-15 for CL, and no one else was punished for metagaming.
They are speaking Moroccan arabic so you will understand what they are saying.
(I downloaded the video myself because I'm pretty sure that after the owner of the video sees this forum he will delete it.)
I want to add one more thing and finally, after I got GR 6.4 I joined the server and wanted to ask him how I was corrupt and he refused to tell me telling me to go file an admin complaint even in the forum he didn't mention a reason, and I have the right to know what kind of corruption I did if I did anything.
To: Bobby / Floki
I posted a forum about the owner of ID 43662, who turned out to also be a Leader for SAHP reason was CL. If you check my forum post, you’ll see that he pressed F1 on purpose, and he lied about it to me saying its a code a. You can check my POV where he ran out of the cell, and then supposedly pressed F1 and accidentally pressing either the Number 1 or 2, which equipped his shotgun. This got approved by Hisham Bishop, but I still received a punishment for GR 6.4.
So, this forum I posted will contain a double complaint. The first complaint is about my illegal warning. It was stated that I was being corrupt, but there is nothing wrong in my POV. I joined the server and asked Hisham for the reason behind my GR 6.4 warning, but he refused to tell me and instead directed me to file an admin complaint. I’m not entirely sure what I'm appealing here, since I don’t believe I did anything wrong. However, I’ll assume this is about the lawyer situation.
When the 10-15 requested a lawyer, my 10-15 ran out of his cell to speak with a lawyer. I was trying to get him back into his cell first to check if we even had a lawyer available. Before calling a lawyer, I wanted to search him and I wanted confirm if he really was the Sheriff of SAHP. When I brought him back into the cell, I searched and uncuffed him so he could prove it to me. However, he just showed me his ID and immediately ran out of his cell and combat logged. So, how was I supposed to call a lawyer if the situation was already over? I wasn’t even trying to arrest him. Since GOV can’t arrest or confiscate items, we have to call a lawyer and get assistance from someone from another organization.
Proof: Approved - CL | 43662
My second complaint is about another forum I made regarding another person from SAHP who combat logged. However, in my POV, you can clearly see how his SAHP friends tried to help him by breaking server rules and moving me away from the area to allow their friend to combat log.
Their plan almost worked, but I returned to the area within 2 seconds and saw that he had combat logged. The person who CLed even posted his POV on my forum post, which ended up being self-reporting and report the other officers for Metagaming. In his POV, you can see all three officers in a Discord call, where one of them told him to distract me and lead me away to another area so he could combat log. However, Hisham only punished one person the 10-15 for CL, and no one else was punished for metagaming.
They are speaking Moroccan arabic so you will understand what they are saying.
Approved - CL | 28562
You can see how his friend tried to get me out of there so no one will have proof abt the CL and you can see how he uncuffed him to let him CL without the arrest.
I want to add one more thing and finally, after I got GR 6.4 I joined the server and wanted to ask him how I was corrupt and he refused to tell me telling me to go file an admin complaint even in the forum he didn't mention a reason, and I have the right to know what kind of corruption I did if I did anything.
To: Bobby / Floki