Dear Admin Team
-I was working as an undercover cop. and I found this person with a weapon in his hands and he was wanted by state org and hem name (fares pluxury) (pov 1 when i arest him)-Here in the minute (3:45) u can see hem name in wasted list
After that, I finished my work and got off duty .I was going home with my friends
if found the same person with the same voice and his friend with the same id ( 103350)
(pov 3) he coming to my by him twink Account(69059) because him mian Account (67258 ) in Jail
They started shooting without reason, cursing with the worst words, and insulting the family.
This is where the insults started (pov for insults)
and that anthere (pov 4) from my friend when he try to help me they They shot him (GZ 1.1) id (103350) +(69059)
because they know him id and they say to him Same insults
We, as Arabs, do not accept that our families be insulted or cursed.
Because I do not play on the server to be insulted and cursed with these words, and I do not want to play on a server where my family is insulted
-This is not a request for me to punish rule breakers only , it to restore our dignity.
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