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IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD

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Villain Pluxury

Apr 2, 2024
- Information

1. Apoorv Shukla
2. 17 years
3. GMT + 05:30
4. 4-5 Hours
5. apoorv307
6. Venomus Apurv
7. 144620

- Additional information :

1. Leader of LSPD....

2.These are some reasons why i want to become Leader of LSPD :

i) As i am ex DHOD of LSPD, i know how the things work and also i have sufficient experience for managing this department in the best possible way.
ii) I want to give my all to this department as a leader and i want to regulate every part of this department very systematically while treating all the officers equally and providing the best experience to everyone. (No favouratism towards employees every employee will be equal to me).
iii) As a leader i will recuit active and honest HR who will give the best possible training to the newbies. I will also eliminate corruption and provide the citizens a crime free society.

- 3. My advices to make the department better :

i) As i was an high command of this department, i have noticed some issues like the new officers don't know the radio codes etc. and that's why they fail to communicate properly. I will invest in giving best possible training to the new ones who join the department.

ii) I will become very strict about that all the high commands treat every single employee very well. For making this possible i will do inspections and tests.

iii) I will hire such officers who behave well with the citizens and have manners, good communication skills and who are purely supportive to the department.

iv) I will make the department well organized, co- ordinating with other organizations in the best possible way.

v) I will make the rank system very clear and simple by providing the employees all the required material (everything included) to run the department very smoothly.

Ranking System :​

1 - Suspended
2 - Newbie
3 - Rookie
4 - Towie
5- Patrol officer 1
6 - Patrol officer 2
7 - Patrol officer 3
8 - Senior patrol officer 1
9 - Senior patrol officer 2
10 - Senior patrol officer 3
11 - Commanding Officer 1
12 - Commanding Officer 2
13 - Commanding Officer 3
14 - Corporal
15- Senior Corporal
16 - Sergeant
17 - Senior Sergeant
18 - Inspector
19 - Senior Inspector
20 - Supervisor
21 - Commander
22 - Watch commander
23 - Superintendent
24 - Lieutenant
25 - Captain
26 - Deputy Head of Department
27 - Head of Department
28 - Chief of staff
29 - Deputy Chief of Police
30 - Chief of Police

Best regards :
Venomous Apurv
Last edited:


Sep 11, 2023
1. Your name IRL - Usma khan
2. Your age - 25
3. Time zone - GMT +5:00 (IST)
4. Average online per day - 4hrs - 7hrs
5. Your Discord - shamikhan7647
6. Your Nickname - Ayesha Aiwan
7. Your ID - 127884

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department ( LSPD )
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- As of late I’ve seen many issues with organizations including low activity during night time when there are still plenty of people in the city which RP situations can be created, I want to bring back a high activity rate during all times of the day with set numbers and using those to achieve higher goals.

- As I have not been in LSPD for a long time but I know how to / What to do in every division and know how to run them, As I have achieved many goals in the short time as I achieved to become the SHERIFF and to keep the higways clean of criminals and is now looking forward to be the CHIEF of LSPD so that I could mentain the decorum inside the city which was not possible being the sheriff of the sahp which looks after the highways which I did for sure.

- As I have seen many times and noticed that there is a lot f activity issuse during the day and night which is not good and have seen past leaders declining to hire anymore units by saying we are ful for now at at last I never saw LSPD taking that much charge inside the city. If I become the leader I will be looking forward to make this orginisation back on there feets as it was used to be.

3.What is your advice for improving roleplay in the organization?

1- To increase the patrols in the city and responding to any calls for help. The city is the main and only jurisdiction of LSPD and the patrols needs to be increased and it also needs to be improved by using as much RP as possible. Stop any crime that happens in the city. Improving response time of units and backup.

2- A well maintained relationship with all the other LEO organizations; GOV, SAHP and FIB. All LEOS working together as one family is necessary to succeed in keeping the state of San Andreas free from crime.

3- The most important way that roleplay can be improved in the organization is to keep IC things IC. For example, there is a situation where officers at the HQ are being fired upon from outside the HQ, Rather than take the attitude of "Call a God", they will need to chase and take the offenders down and deal with them appropriately. . As a Leader I hope to make it that all the members in my LSPD family react and act in the same way as me.

Thanks for reading my application
Best Regards :
Ayesha Aiwan

Maher hulk

Dec 18, 2022
1. Your name IRL Maher Ali
2. Your IRL age 16
3. Time zone GMT+5
4. Average online per day 4-8 hours a day
5. Your Discord ustadpathan
6. Your Nickname Maher Bolo
7. Your ID 119375
Additional information
1. Leader of
Los santos police department (LSPD)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1) i wanna become leader of lspd cause i was in sahp when i started playing in server i bin chief of staff in sahp than i joined lspd than i've bin with lspd for 3 to 5 terms so lspd is my 2nd home in the city

2) I want to be leader of lspd cause when i was in lspd i saw so many people doing rule break from lspd side such as cuffing while running patch while gun in the hand and using pda while gun in the hand breaking state rule 5.5 i wanna fix that things by coming leader of lspd

3) i wanna help new players and citizens by keeping them safe and enforcing the law giving proper training to my officers
and make city safe from any kind of treats that are coming from bandits and keeping my department active and keeping my divisions active such as swat (special weapon and tactics) hrt (human resources and training) ia (internal affairs) pe (parking enforcement)
pr (public relations)

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization

There is plenty of way to improve the over all rp for lspd firstly Handling situation ICLY rather than reporting everything on Forum for example which happens very common in chases like someone is driving car without the tires or a sport car going off road during the chase or someone provoking and copbaiting I have seen units mensioning OOC rule break '' UB Driving'' "Provoking" and break the RP on that spot by saying "See you on Gov"
i am gonna improving rp in organization by no rules breaks by my officers and I can improve RP in LSPD by making sure bonuses are best for my officers and the divisions

All department i am gonna implace
SWAT (special weapon and tactics)
HRT (human resources and training)
IA (internal affairs) pe (parking enforcement)
PE(parking enforcement)
PR (public relations)

Rank Structure
1 - Suspended
2 - Cadet
3 - Rookie
4 - Towie
5- Patrol officer 1
6 - Patrol officer 2
7 - Patrol officer 3
8 - Senior patrol officer 1
9 - Senior patrol officer 2
10 - Senior patrol officer 3
11 - Master Officer 1
12 - Master Officer 2
13 - Master Officer 3
14 - Corporal
15- Senior Corporal
16 - Sergeant
17 - Staff Sergeant
18 - Inspector
19 - Senior Inspector
20 - Supervisor
21 - Commander
22 - Watch commander
23 - Superintendent
24 - Lieutenant
25 - Captain
26 - Deputy Head of Department
27 - Head of Department
28 - Chief of staff
29 - Deputy Chief of Police

30 - Chief of Police

Best regards Maher Bolo

Suki Watson

Jun 12, 2023
1. Oguz
2. 17
3. GMT+03:00
4. 4-7 hour
5. immortallo
6. Suki Watson
7. 77489
Additional information
1. Leader of... LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1) I have been in all organizations that i learned so many things so i can lead new people to open there new cariers gaining team experience while having fun. I have so many plans that i can do while on my leadership term and lead new leards to some ideas. One of them is i will stop the unfair corrupted police officers to get higher ranks. In my term everyone will be the same when they joined the organization there is a written exam that decides the rank what they deserved.

2) I will change the Training system because there will be a surveillance so people can teach to new people in the organization correctly this will efect the organization much better and new people can learn their best way.

3) I have a plan that i will stop the corruption with IA asking more bodycam videos will lead to learn what you should do in theese type of situations as a first mission of IA is stoping the corruption IA will check the organization everyday so this will be a solution for corruption.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1) Professionalism is the most important thing in this organization so trainings will lead to be more professionial to new people.

2) Knowledge of their rights also the citizens rights will improve the roleplay like the person is a real cop.

3) Corrupted police officers will make there corruption more harder and they will try to get rid of from the situation so it will efect more realistic to roleplay level.


May 1, 2024
1. Your name IRL- Somesh Tewatia
2. Your IRL age- 18
3. Time zone- GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day- 7-10hrs
5. Your Discord-hyper090734
6. Your Nickname- Hyper Northx
7. Your ID- 55436

Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1.The cops are the saviors of the city and I had started my journey in grand rp with LSPD as my first organization and it would be great if I become leader as I would use all my experience of almost 3 years (en2 and 3) in the organization and help all the citizens to feel safe in the city. Also, I would provide them with a very good relation between officers and public.
2.The duty of cops is very pathetic as I have been in the legal organization for a long period of time and have seen that many of the cops do not know the basics of their work and many people who are at the high command position are just their for no reason. I will try to uplift the officers in my organization and according to their work I would give them good amount of promotion and try to make them the high commands in the organization.
3.I have seen that LSPD has always been one of the best organizations in the city and I would try my level best to uplift the respect for the organization in everyone mind with it being the most active organization of all times.

Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1.I have seen that training the officers well plays an important role in the growth of the organization I would try my best to appoint the best HR team possible so that each and everyone knows everything about their work, and they make less mistakes in their journey of being a cop.
2.The duty of cops requires a great amount hard work therefore I would try different ways in the organization to reduce the workload on each officer in the organization with me with a great amount of bonus for the hard work they put in their work which will help in keeping the organization on top.
3.I will make a PR department in the organization and maintain a good relation between all the other orgs and the citizens of the city.


If you don't take risks, you can't create a future
Nov 4, 2023

1. Your name IRL: Yashasvi Sharma
2. Your age: 26
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 5hrs a day
5. Your Discord: yash2702
6. Your Nickname: BagadBilla
7. Your ID: 124212

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have experience in LSPD as a Chief of Staff and in FIB as Chief of Staff. I now consider myself knowledgeable enough to run a legal organization.

I started my experience in legal orgs in LSPD during 22nd term and ever since then I am head over heels for legal organizations. I like how legal organizations function and how professional the employees and leaders are. I have a personal attachment to LSPD.

I have innovative ideas as a Leader in LSPD which will increase the number of employees in the org. I would also like them to have a good or even best time so that more and more people join LSPD and this org can once again be the best one in whole of Los Santos. I will also encourage strict rule-following and make sure deserving candidates gets what they deserve without any partiality.

At the end I just wanna say that I will try my best to make this the most active term in LSPD. So it would be a matter of great pride and honor for me if I could become the leader of this organization.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- I will impose a weekly bonus system. This new weekly bonus system will work with full transparency. And I will make sure those who work harder get paid what they are due.

-I will try to decrease toxicity in my leadership in my org. And those who will do it will get punished accordingly.

-LSPD is an organization which is the stepping stone of legal org RP career of most of the players so I would like them to be trained in the best way possible. And will make sure those with knowledge of RP will be awarded correctly.

- The decision of promotion will be done taking into consideration all of these things and no one will be given personal preference. All the promotions will be done through acceptance of all high commands.

- I would also impose a three strike system in LSPD with no tolerance policy for toxicity in organization. With the third strike either leading to blacklist or re-test based on the severities of the strike.

The following ranking system will be put in place:

30. Chief
29. Deputy Chief
28. Assistant Chief
27. chief of staff
26. District Attorney
25. Head of department
24. Deputy head of Department
23. Elite S.W.A.T Agent
22. Supervisor
21. Lead detective
20. Senior S.W.A.T Agent
19. Senior Lieutenant
18. Master Lieutenant
17. Lieutenant
16. Human Resources
15. Detective first class
14. S.W.A.T Agent
13. Detective second class
12. Executive corporal
11. Senior sergeant
10. Senior corporal
9. Sergeant corporal
8. Commanding patrol officer
7. Senior patrol officer
6. Patrol officer
5. Rookie 2
4. Rookie 1
3. Trainee
2. LOA
1. Suspended


Del Federal

🎃 Hello Am I Audible !!
Senior Administrator
Dec 19, 2022
Applications for LSPD Leaders are now CLOSED
The following players have been selected for LSPD Leader interviews at 17:00 Server Time on (Thursday 2nd of May)

Arvind Singh (122341) - rawat0717
BagadBilla (124212) - yash2702
Suki Watson (77489) - immortallo
Thomas Ghost (76053) - agtiger72

Thank You to All For Applying and Best Wishes.


May 13, 2024

1. Your name IRL: Anmol
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 5hrs a day
5. Your Discord: lucifermorningstar1419
6. Your Nickname: Harry Federal
7. Your ID: 33599

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have Experience as Deputy in gangs, Chief commander in SAHP, Assistant chief of police in LSPD, Assistant Director in FIB thus i find myself highly Experienced for this Place that i can successfully run this organisation

During the starting day of my journey I joined LSPD as my first legal orgs thus i have some Attachment to it and i also love to serve the people of los santos by providing them Better Chief of police

In my mind i have some Special and unique idea to run the organization, I want to make this term the best one Los santos has ever seen, I will Maintain Dignity of the org in Los santos

i will Try that this term to be the best one

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

- I will bring a good weekly bonus system, in which I will also add the Employee of the week and special bonus to that person.

-I will hire the High commands and COD only to those who have good experience and will not show any transparency to any member of my org

-I will try not to hire toxic people in the org to maintain the curriculum of the org

- The decision of promotion will be done taking into consideration. All the promotions will be done through acceptance of all high commands.

-I will also bring the Strike and warning system under which i will try to maintain balance in the org without being biased towards anyone.

The following ranking system will be put in place:

30. Chief
29. Deputy Chief
28. Assistant Chief
27. District Attorney
26. Chief of Staff
25. Head of department
24. Deputy head of Department
23. Lead Detective
22. Commander
21. Elite S.W.A.T Agent
20. Senior S.W.A.T Agent
19. Captain
18. 2nd Lieutenant
17. 1st Lieutenant
16. Human Resources
15. Detective first class
14. S.W.A.T Agent
13. Staff Sergeant
12. Executive corporal
11. Sergeant
10. Senior corporal
9. corporal
8. Senior officer
7. Senior patrol officer
6. Patrol officer
5. Rookie 2
4. Rookie 1
3. Trainee
2. LOA
1. Suspended

Thank You for Reading My application


Feb 2, 2024
1. Your name IRL
Ans : Rifat Bin Hamid Rafi
2. Your age
Ans : 18
3. Time zone
Ans: GMT +5:30

4. Average online per day
3 to 4 Hours
5. Your Discord
ans : rifat_rafi
6. Your Nickname
ans : Rifat Federal
7. Your ID

Additional Information:

1. I want to be the leader of LSPD (Los Santos Police Department)

2. The reson I want to be the leader of this specific department is:

i. LSPD is one of the most important department to control the criminal activity in the city. I have been in LSPD for 2 terms serving the state and learning about the state myself and I Think I am ready to become the leader of LSPD and bring some good changes.

ii. As I have been in LSPD for too long now I have seen many backsteps of LSPD which in my opinion should not be in such a big organization. I have seen Favourism and Discrimination
between the male citizens and female citizens. This is so disguised in my opinion.

iii. LSPD is a kind of organization where the new members who arrive in the city want to get a good experience of legal organization. The first organization in everyone's mind when thinking to serve the state is my organization LSPD. Each and every citizen and officer will be treated with respect. I will also make sure that all the new citizens will never be ignored and there problems will be solved as soon as possible.

iv. I have some pre-selected officers who are well experience and well mature to understand the problems of the state and the organizations. The new upcoming officers will not be just tought how to do the cop things but also to respect the citizens and follow all kind of instructions given. Even if they are new for Legal organization all the other officers including me will guide him and make him a good cop.

My Advices to improve RolePlay level in organizations are:

i. All officers will be getting a quickest strike if they dont follow a proper RolePlay even after knowing about the RP.

ii. I being the leader of LSPD will make sure that there are not such Non-RP COPs and the Internal affairs team will be working as good as a new great organization

iii. I will add a new guide for the new LSPD members so they can learn and follow the RolePlay situations.

My Past Experience
Ex Assistance chief
Ex Chief commander
Ex HC in all ORG

Arvind Western

Jan 26, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Arvind singh
2. Your age: 24 +
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-6 hours
5. Your Discord: rawat0717
6. Your Nickname: Arvind Singh

7. Your ID: 122341

1. Leader of LPSD

2 Three reasons why i want to become leader
1:-I began my career as a soldier before transitioning to the Los Santos Police Department (LSPD), where I've truly found my passion. Over the course of four terms with the LSPD, I've had the honor of serving as assistant chief of police three times and deputy chief once. Additionally, I have held leadership positions in the Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB) and served as a Minister of State. I also served as the Chief Commander in the San Andreas Highway Patrol (SAHP).
2:-My vision for the LSPD is to make it a lively and exciting place to work. I plan to introduce initiatives like bonuses, fun events, and friendly competitions to build a strong sense of camaraderie among our team. It's important for everyone to feel valued and part of a unique community. By celebrating and recognizing everyone's contributions, we'll boost morale and strengthen our shared sense of purpose. Together, we'll make the LSPD an extraordinary place to work.
3:-Titles don't matter much to me. What really matters is that everyone in the LSPD feels respected and valued. I want to create a friendly and supportive environment where everyone can do their best. No matter who you are, you're important here. I'll work hard to make sure everyone feels comfortable and able to contribute. It's about working together like a big family, where everyone knows they matter and can succeed. That's the kind of place I want the LSPD to be.

3. My advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1:-We believe in teamwork, so we hold weekly meetings where everyone can share their ideas. This helps us understand each other better and work together smoothly. We also create real-life scenarios during our activities to make training more practical. Additionally, we teach our team the basic city laws so they’re better prepared for their jobs.
2:-We want to make sure everyone’s hard work is recognized, especially in key departments like IA and HR. That's why we’re introducing a bonus system to reward their efforts. We’ll also give bonuses to outstanding employees each week to encourage everyone to do their best. This is our way of saying thank you and keeping everyone motivated.
3:-Our team's success is a top priority, so we provide training and support to ensure everyone knows their roles and responsibilities. By learning together, we improve our skills and effectiveness. We also offer guidance on basic city laws to help our team members perform their duties confidently and capably. This support system helps everyone feel secure and competent in their roles.

Thanks for reading my application
Best Regards

Arvind singh
Ex Chief commander SAHP
Ex Minister of state
Ex 2x Ex HOD of IA ( FIB )
Ex Deputy chief of police
Ex 3x assistant chief of police
Ex 1x HOD IA

Last edited:

Efe Sarsilmaz

Gang Unit
Apr 4, 2023

1. Your name IRL: Efe
2. Your age: 24
3. Time zone: Berlin Deustchland
4. Average online per day: 8 to 10 hours per day
5. Your Discord: eldrithcarrow
6. Your Nickname: Efe Sarsilmaz
7. Your ID: 94810

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have experience in lspd as an assistant chief on mithats term and balkan choo term and now since i have been lt general of ng i am trying my luck for being a state leader and i can make sure that if i get lspd leadership it will be the most crowded org in the city as it was in hasbelkaders term and i want to make lspd on top again after his term

I have started my state experience in fib on jhony vercettis term as a chief of staff and i have a good experience in all orgs and knowledge on state rules and gz rules and leader rules and i want to be leader of lspd because on bagaads term it was not that active and some of my friends told me to become leader because i can make an org crowded and lead it with all the guys who can give respect to their self and make sure that no one will do favourtism in my org and abuse their rank.

I have innovative ideas as a leader of lspd which i can make lspd participate in store robberies and aircraft events like that with the max number that we can have and if we come to my ideas being leader of lspd i will try to help fib get more evidences for gang raids and make sure that my curators will love that idea as we come to global events i will make sure that my global events will be the best events that they will see

At the end I just wanna say that I will try my best to make this the most active term in LSPD. So it would be a matter of great pride and honor for me if I could become the leader of this organization.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- I will impose a weekly bonus system for all departments for their hard work and hc roles will be given to the ones whom deserves it so no favoritism to their family members or something else like that.

-I will not allow anyone to be toxic in my org because toxicity is prohibited and something curators dont like so this will improve the rp alot if theres no toxic people in lspd.

-LSPD will have a promotion ceremony every week in a chosen day all of my hrs will see my guys logs and give them the promotion they deserve so it can improve the rp and in this way people will be happy and do more rp.

- The decision of promotion will only be selected by the chief of hr and the chief of police so i can make sure that no one will be happy or sad because of their promotion and complain about the ones who dont deserve that promotion so i will make sure that no favoritism will happen in this org

The following ranking system will be put in place:
30. Chief of Police
29. Deputy Chief of Police
28. Assistant Chief
27. Chief Of Staff
26. Head Of Department
25. Deputy Head Of Department
24. Lieutenant
23. District Attorney
===== High Command =======
22. Commissioner
21. Deputy Commissioner
20. Superintendent
19. Senior Inspector
18. Inspector
17. Master Sergeant
16. Senior Sergeant
15. Sergeant
14. Master Corporal
13. Senior Corporal
12. Lance Corporal
11. Corporal
10. Master Patrol Officer
9. Sr. Patrol Officer
8. Patrol Officer III
7. Patrol Officer II
6. Patrol Officer I
5. Rookie
4. Traffic Unit
3. Cadet
2. Towie
1. Suspended


Deputy Of Tzariars
Aug 18, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Shohag
2. Your IRL age: 24
3. Time zone: BANGLADESH STANDARD TIME ( UTC/GMT +6 hours)
4. Average online per day: 8-10 Hours
5. Your Discord: shohag01
6. Your Nickname: Marky Tzariar
7. Your ID: 113465

Additional information
1. Leader of The Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
I would like to lead LSPD for these reasons

(1) In English City 2, I was a MAJOR in LSPD I served in the LSPD for nearly 3 terms. In these terms, I learned a lot of things and I have fully experienced these terms. I saw Los Santos City getting gang threats. Also, I saw that there's a lot of gap between low-rank and high-rank officers. My duty as LSPD Leader is to fix all these problems and let LSPD units have the best RP gameplay. I also have experience as HC in SAHP, DHOD in FIB and HC in other organizations like, In GOV I was DOC WARDEN, Commanding General in NG which is right now. I have been a Deputy of an active family, so I have quite a good management experience. I want to use this experience as a leader.

(2) I have many new ideas and new things/updates to LSPD (It's not just text if I am accepted to the interview I'll say in detail) and I'll start doing it according to the Real LSPD system. I will discuss them in the interview.

(3) To lead one of states org you have to do everything fair and seriously and I'll try my best to let our units have fair, serious and enjoyable RP gameplay with new events, rules, LSPD laws and new divisions. LSPD has been regarded as one of the best organizations in the past, because of this, it will create a good impression in the mindset of the citizen. My desire to govern Los Santos Police Department is mostly motivated by my interest in participating in fantastic role-playing games, having fun following the rules with my friends, and expanding our city's community.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
My advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization:

My advice for improving RolePlay level-

(I) Making the members skilled when they join. Hosting special training sessions.
(ii) Making plans before attending every event and discussing them with the high command.
(iii) Keep the org alive and protect the city from criminals.
(iv) Attend all events with other LEOs.
(v) Give bonuses to everyone to be more active.

#Bonus System
1. Store robbery and gun store robberies: 20k
2. Remaining scripted events: 30k each
3. Submarine: 35k
4. Unscripted events like hostage situations: 8k

#Punishment system:
Strike 1 - warning
Strike 2 - Demotion
Strike 3 - Honorary Discharge from the ORG

Metropolitan Police (MP) - The responsibility of this department is to maintain towing and keep the streets clean.

Human Resource ( HR ) - The responsibility of this department is to give training to members.

Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC)- CTTC is in command of Special Operations. The head of CTTC and the Deputy head of CTTC will take the lead in any store robbery or hostage situation.

Crime Investigation Department ( CID ) -CID will develop a strong detective skill with the other members of the organization. Also, with Fib's consent, we will meet once a week for a meeting of the minds to talk over evidence that can assist us in getting fresh leads and methods of doing so, which we will subsequently teach to the other CTTC members.

IA ( Internal Affairs ) - This Department will check the email activity of the officers.

New ranking system:

1. Suspended

2. Trainee

3. Cadet

4. Junior Constable

5. Constable

6. Senior Constable

7. Junior Sergeant

8. Sergeant

9. Senior Sergeant

10. Staff Sergeant

11. Junior Inspector

12. Assistant Sub Inspector

13. Sub Inspector

14. Inspector

15. Senior Inspector

16. Warrant Officer

17. Chief Warrant Officer

18. Officer in Charge

19. Additional Superintendent Of Police

20. Deputy Superintendent Of Police

21. Assistant Superintendent Of Police

22 . Superintendent General Of Police

----------High Command---------

23. Deputy Commissioner of Police

24. Assistant Commissioner of Police [ Deputy Head of the Dept ]

25. Commissioner of Police [ Head of the Dept ]

26. Additional Deputy Inspector General Of Police [ Curator of Dept ]

27. Attorney General Of Police

28. Deputy Inspector General Of Police [ Under deputy / 3rd Command]

29. Additional Inspector General Of Police [Deputy]

30. Inspector General Of Police [Myself]

LSPD On Top !!!!!!!
Thanks for reading my application.

-Marky Tzariar

Ritesh Ror

Apr 18, 2023
1. Ritesh
2. 20
3. GMT 05:30
4. 4 to 5 hours
5. ritesh_01
6. Raghav Rama
7. 98813
Additional information
1. Leader of...

Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)​

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
  1. Community Impact: Leading the LSPD offers a unique opportunity to make a significant and positive impact on the community. By ensuring public safety, reducing crime rates, and fostering trust between law enforcement and citizens, a leader can contribute to the overall well-being and prosperity of Los Santos.

  2. Professional Challenge: The role of a leader in the LSPD is challenging and requires a blend of strategic thinking, quick decision-making, and strong interpersonal skills. For someone passionate about law enforcement, this role provides a platform to tackle complex issues, drive organizational change, and inspire officers to perform at their best.

  3. Personal Growth: Being at the helm of the LSPD would be a testament to one’s leadership abilities and a chance for continuous personal development. It involves learning from diverse situations, adapting to new challenges, and honing skills that are not only valuable within the force but also transferable to other areas of life.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  1. Strong Leadership and Consistency:
    • As a leader, set a positive example for other officers. Consistency in roleplay behavior is crucial. Uphold the LSPD’s mission to “Protect and to Serve” with honor and integrity.
    • Encourage officers to follow protocols, adhere to standard operating procedures, and maintain professionalism during interactions with citizens.
  2. Engage with the Community:
    • Foster community engagement by attending events, organizing neighborhood meetings, and actively listening to residents’ concerns.
    • Understand the diverse communities you serve. Learn about their cultures, needs, and challenges. Building trust is essential for effective policing.
  3. Training and Skill Development:
    • Regularly participate in training sessions. These should cover not only tactical skills but also communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution.
    • Encourage officers to attend workshops on de-escalation techniques, cultural sensitivity, and mental health awareness. Well-trained officers enhance the overall roleplay experience

Goku Bhaii

May 3, 2024
1. Koushik Mallik
2. 26
3. IST (GMT+5:30)
4. 5-8 hours
5. GoKU#3673
6. Goku
7. 149688

Additional Information

1. Leader of..
While I haven't been part of a legal organization previously, I assure you that I'm a quick learner and will swiftly grasp all necessary concepts and procedures once I join. My ability to learn rapidly will enable me to adapt effectively to the responsibilities and expectations of the role.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
  • I'm deeply committed to roleplay and am dedicated to instilling these techniques among all members to foster the growth of our server while ensuring adherence to rules to avoid any warnings within the organization. Observing a lack of roleplay in various groups, I aim to cultivate a culture where everyone engages in proper roleplay and, above all, upholds our regulations diligently.
  • I aspire to take the helm of the 'LSPD', driven by my strong leadership acumen that I'm eager to demonstrate. Stepping into the role of its chief, I can confidently vouch for maintaining the highest operational standards and establishing it as a bastion for those committed to incarcerating criminals. Leading this organization presents an exciting opportunity to unlock new avenues for many.
  • We strive to provide new players with an unparalleled experience by establishing a department that combines both enjoyment and professionalism. While fostering a fun atmosphere, we maintain a high standard of professionalism to ensure that everyone can immerse themselves in the roleplay and have a rewarding experience.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
As the prospective leader, I'll enhance roleplay by introducing key measures. This includes maintaining an organized roster and ensuring all members are well-versed in city rules before joining. I'll provide updated patrol maps to prevent rule breaches and plan realistic LEO events like traffic checkpoints. Officers will be encouraged to stay active, patrolling actively to deter crime effectively.

Micheal Mayors

Mar 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL- Obaid
2. Your IRL age- 22
3. Time Zone- GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 7-8 hours per day
5. Your Discord- micheal2959
6. Your Nickname- Micheal Mayors
7. Your ID: 141929

Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- I aspire to lead the LSPD because I am confident in my ability to reduce crime in the city and positively influence the organization's relationship with citizens and other legal organization within the state. With my extensive experience across various legal organizations, I possess the skills to navigate any challenging situation. Moreover, my demeanor is characterized by calmness and politeness towards everyone I encounter. Currently serving as the Deputy Leader of the National Guard, I take pride in our organization's impeccable track record over the past 10 days, a testament to my strict adherence to policies. I am committed to maintaining such standards of excellence in the LSPD.

- Building strong relationships with other organizations is paramount for effective collaboration in tackling threats and criminal activities. To foster this, I propose implementing a Zero Toxicity Policy within the LSPD, ensuring that all interactions with other legal organization are conducted with utmost respect and cooperation. Drawing from my expertise in human resources and public relations, I am determined to position the LSPD as the most proactive and trustworthy legal organization in the state.

- A leader must cultivate trust and support among their officers, which requires regular interaction and feedback. To achieve this, I will introduce weekly feedback sessions, providing every officer with a platform to voice their opinions and contribute ideas toward making the LSPD the premier legal organization in the state. Additionally, I will prioritize spreading positivity throughout the community and society, reinforcing our commitment to serving and protecting with integrity and compassion.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

- To begin with, I will ensure that there is comprehensive awareness regarding the general rules and regulations of the LSPD. This will help people avoid inadvertent mistakes and stay out of trouble. Additionally, I'll institute thorough training programs for newcomers, enabling them to integrate seamlessly into our operations and contribute effectively to the city's safety and pride.

- I intend to introduce enticing incentives such as joining bonuses and rewards for participation in events and special operations. This approach aims to foster active engagement from all members, ensuring that our organization remains proactive and dynamic. Furthermore, I'll establish a transparent promotion system solely based on merit, eliminating any room for favoritism.

- Addressing issues of toxicity and rule-breaking is paramount for maintaining a healthy organizational culture. To tackle this, I'll implement a robust disciplinary action framework. Individuals found violating regulations will face appropriate consequences. This zero-tolerance approach underscores our commitment to upholding standards of professionalism and integrity.

Punishment System:
Verbal Warning 1: Minor offenses
Verbal Warning 2: Repeat of previous offense
Strike 1: Major offense (Demotion)
Strike 2: Major offense (Suspension)
Strike 3: Major offense (Termination)

My Ranking System
[30] Chief of Police
[29] Deputy Chief of Police
[28] Assistant Chief of Police
[27] Chief Of Staff
[26] District Attorney
[25] Head Of Department
[24] Deputy Head Of Department
—----------------------HIGH COMMAND—----------------------
[23] Major
[22] Captain
[21] lieutenant
[20] Superintendent
[19] Human Resource Representative
[18] Internal Affairs
[17] Detective
[16] SWAT
[15] Master Sergeant
[14] Senior Sergeant
[13] Sergeant
[12] Master Corporal
[11] Senior Corporal
[10] Corporal
[9] Senior Officer
[8] Commanding Patrol Officer
[7] Master Patrol Officer
[6] Senior Patrol Officer
[5] Patrol Officer
[4] Cadet
[3] Rookie II
[2] Rookie I
[1] Suspended

Thanking you for Reading

Micheal Mayors
LT.General of National Guard


Villain Pluxury

Apr 2, 2024
- Information

1. Your name IRL - Apoorv Shukla
2. Your IRL age - 17 years
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day - 5 hours a day
5. Your Discord - apoorv307
6. Your Nickname - Villain pluxury
7. Your ID - 144620

- Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- After serving as Head of Department in the LSPD and as a Brigadier General in NG, I feel confident in my expertise to lead a legal organization.

- I want to be the leader of LSPD because i have a personal attachment to it and i am serving this org since last 2 terms with full dedication.

- I think that i can make massive imrovements in the org if i got the leadership. As the leader of LSPD I will use my cool ideas to get more people to join us. I want everyone to have a great time here, so we become the best organisation in the city. And I'll make sure that everyone gets treated fairly, getting what they deserve based on their skills, Hard work and dedication.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- I'll organize training sessions where we act out real-life situations, helping our officers improve their skills and make better decisions.

- I will make the bonus system (weekly) fully transparent by giving the officers their all dues for their hardwork.

- I will organize feedback meeting every week, In this meeting we will talk to all the employees that how they felt while working together either they have a problem or suggestions to make the things better. (This will take the roleplay to the next level)

- I will make the promotions fully transparent - First of all i will organize weekly promotion ceremonies strictly (no delay) in which all the employees will get promotions fully based on their hard work and dedication towards the org.(No favoratism towards the employees) I will stricly demote the officers who are not doing anything and just being in the org. with their ranks.

- I will make the strike system best possible by creating three levels of strike and no tolerance for toxicity in the org. By this all the employees will work as brothers and sisters. As a result of it LSPD will become peaceful and clean.
- (We all will work hard in silence while letting the success be our noise).

The ranking system will be as follows :

30. Chief of Police
29. Deputy Chief of Police
28. Assistant Chief of Police
27. Chief of staff
26. District Attorney
25. Head of department
24. Deputy head of Department
23. Major
22. Supervisor
21. Senior Lieutenant
20. Senior S.W.A.T Agent
19. Human Resources
18. Lieutenant
17. S.W.A.T Agent
16. Lead Detective
15. Detective
14. Master sergeant
13. Senior Sergeant
12. Sergeant
11. Master Corporal
10. Senior Corporal
9. Corporal
8. Commanding patrol officer
7. Senior patrol officer
6. Patrol officer
5. Rookie 2
4. Rookie 1
3. Trainee
2. Cadet
1. Suspended​


Ex - HOD of LSPD
Last edited:


May 6, 2024
- Information

1. Your name IRL - Apoorv Shukla
2. Your IRL age - 17 years
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day - 5 hours a day
5. Your Discord - apoorv307
6. Your Nickname - Villain pluxury
7. Your ID - 144620

- Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- After serving as Head of Department in the LSPD and as a Brigadier General in NG, I feel confident in my expertise to lead a legal organization.

- I want to be the leader of LSPD because i have a personal attachment to it and i am serving this org since last 2 terms with full dedication.

- I think that i can make massive imrovements in the org. if i got the leadership. As the leader of the LSPD, I've got cool ideas to get more people to join us. I want everyone to have a great time here, so we become the best organisation. And I'll make sure everyone gets treated fairly, getting what they deserve based on their skills.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- I'll organize training sessions where we act out real-life situations, helping our officers improve their skills and make better decisions.

- I will make the bonus system (weekly) fully transparent by giving the officers their all dues for their hardwork.

- I will organize feedback meeting every week in this meeting we will talk to all the employees that how they felt while working either they have a problem or suggestions to make the things better.(This will take the roleplay to the next level)

- I will make the promotions fully transparent - First of all i will organize weekly promotion ceremonies strictly (no delay) in which all the employees will get promotions fully based on their hard work and dedication towards the org.(No favoratism towards the employees) I will stricly demote the officers who are not doing anything and just being in the org. with their ranks.

- I will make the strike system best possible by creating three levels of strike and no tolerance for toxicity in the org. By this all the employees will work as brothers and sisters. As a result of it LSPD will become peaceful and clean.
- (We all will work hard in silence letting the success be our noise)

The ranking system will be as follows :

30. Chief of Police
29. Deputy Chief of Police
28. Assistant Chief of Police
27. Chief of staff
26. District Attorney
25. Head of department
24. Deputy head of Department
23. Major
22. Supervisor
21. Senior Lieutenant
20. Senior S.W.A.T Agent
19. Human Resources
18. Lieutenant
17. S.W.A.T Agent
16. Lead Detective
15. Detective
14. Master sergeant
13. Senior Sergeant
12. Sergeant
11. Master Corporal
10. Senior Corporal
9. Corporal
8. Commanding patrol officer
7. Senior patrol officer
6. Patrol officer
5. Rookie 2
4. Rookie 1
3. Trainee
2. Cadet
1. Suspended


Ex - HOD of LSPD
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