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IMPORTANT Applications for SAHP

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Crazy Warrior

Mar 11, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your IRL age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL: Mahir Mittal
2. Your IRL age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 5 to 6 hrs
5. Your Discord: crazywarrior577
6. Your Nickname: Crazy Warrior
7. Your ID: 122771

Additional information
1. Leader of SAHP.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

A) Its been long since I have been playing in this server. Seeing new peoples don't know many rules and regulation of the server. I would love to teach them more about the server. And I want to experience how it feels to be a leader. I want to be participate in every global and every event which makes the legal org fun.

B) Giving more opportunity helps peoples to show their skills. And I'm been in SAHP from like 4 to 6 weeks. Being a leader increases more interaction between the leader and the employees. Interaction between leader and employee solves problems that employee suffer through. And I want to change everyone's vision that everyone should take SAHP org serious.

C) Communication skills also take place in this process. If people have a good communication skill it helps them to talk to anyone without any problem. And everyone should be treated equally with good behavior because sometimes higher rank peoples disrespect lower rank ones, I want this thing to end if I'm the leader.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

I can improve Roleplay level in organization by listening to everyone hearing there problems which they face in the server. I will try to be my best as a leader and make peoples RP fun. I will set a layout which the peoples have to accept in order to get higher rank. And I have some more plans for further if I get the opportunity to be a Leader.

Thanking You for giving sometime to reed My application.

Roop Bolo

May 19, 2024

1. Your name IRL: Harroop Singh

2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: saibirg
6. Your Nickname: Roop Bolo
7. Your ID: 98609

Additional information

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I really want to become a leader of SAHP because it's been my home for a year. Being a part of SAHP has taught me so much about how it operates. I helped a lot of guys how to handle any situation and help many guys to become high command of SAHP as I have been with this org from a year.

I've got good experience as an Administrator in EN2 and more than 1.5 years working in law enforcement. This has given me the skills to know how to lead a team effectively. I believe I can bring this experience to SAHP to make the best term of all over EN 2.

Many leaders have seen their terms disbanded, but I have many innovative ideas to ensure success. I plan to enlist the support of former leaders, harnessing their expertise to make this term the most effective yet. My primary goal is to reinvigorate the organization, making it more active and responsive than ever before. I am ready to dedicating all of my time to this organizations.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

  1. IC'ly I'll do a lot of rp in finding and punishing corruption, and create a lot of rp combined with FIB
  2. No favoritism should be aloud all trooper should work properly and should well know about SAHP
  3. Troopers will be well trained and well known and should do proper rp
  4. I will deploy maximum units at events and make the org active
  5. There should be more patrolling in highways and to to increase the risk for breaking traffic rules
  6. We will do a lot of events for the citizens and the units of SAHP this will create a lot of opportunity for events
  7. High Bonus! We will give max bonus the active units, Me and my deputies are ready to give bonus for active people of org and recognize them


  1. Task Force:- This department will work as a undercover and help to take evidences, and will carry heavy weapons and will be first units of any spec ops
  2. Human Resource:- This department will work to hire peoples and giving training, HC of this department should know everything about the org and how org function
  3. HWP:- This department will do highway patrolling and make highways clean and safe for driving, HC of this department should know the basics of Pursuiting someone
  4. Internal Affairs:- This department is in-charge of making sure that all troopers have license and HC of this org will do internal investigation of the org
  5. K-9:- This department will work for finding contrabands and drugs, hc of this departmentwill respond to contrabands and drugs calls and find drugs and take a K-9 unit (Dog) with them (edited)
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Rihan Pluxury

Staff Member
Server Administrator
Mar 3, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Rihan Hazarika
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: sweatygameryt
6. Your Nickname: Rihan Pluxury
7. Your ID: 132122
Additional information
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • When I joined the city, I quickly realized the SAHP was where my skills fit best. Over time, I've met great people and had rewarding experiences. Through determination, I climbed the ranks. Now, I'm eager for the new challenge of becoming sheriff and transforming the image of SAHP in our city.

  • Providing more opportunities allows people to showcase their skills. In my 1 weeks with SAHP, I've seen that leadership enhances interaction and helps solve employee issues. I aim to change perceptions and encourage everyone to take SAHP seriously.

  • I'm committed to providing timely, effective training for New Person In City. I propose implementing a daily bonus system to recognize outstanding efforts and keep our team motivated with regular financial rewards. Consistently acknowledging hard work will create a motivating and appreciative workplace environment for all.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  1. Weekly promotion ceremonies every Sunday.
  2. Daily bonuses for all units.
  3. Weekly meetings with High Command for feedback and divisional improvements.
  4. Surprise tests for High Command to assess eligibility for promotions.

Prince Tzariar

Aug 16, 2023

1. Your name IRL: Rakibur Rahman
2. Your age : 29
3. Time zone GMT+6:00
4. Average online per day 7-10 hours
5. Your Discord : rdjrakib020
6. Your Nickname : Prince Targayren
7. Your ID : 136219

Additional information

1. Leader of... SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have best quality of leadership. My main priority to growing organizational . I want to make sure SAHP following the rules and regulation of server . Leading the SAHP wouldn't just be an honor, it would be an opportunity to shepherd this exceptional community towards an even brighter future. This journey has equipped me with the skills to lead effectively, having captained departments across esteemed organizations.

2. I am committed to fostering a culture of professionalism and accountability within the organization. This includes ensuring all members understand and adhere to our established policies and procedures. I believe in promoting open communication and collaborative problem-solving within the team. By working together, we can effectively address any internal challenges. I have a strong commitment to upholding the highest ethical standards. I will work to ensure all organizational activities comply with relevant laws and regulations.

3. I will try my best to keep the organization active. I will maintain the relationship with the rest of the organization. If there is a situation or a global event, I will respond to the distance and try to respond fast. I will always try to ensure that no one suffers and can work comfortably during the organization.

3. Your advice for improving the roleplay level in organization.

i )
I will try to be more active than before .
ii ) I will give everyone equal rights to become gurus themselves and help the organization grow.
iii ) I will try to give promotion following everyone's performance
iv ) Everyone will do their own work of the department accurately
v ) Newcomers will be empowered with fair training



1. HR: Human resource.
Work :
Taking interview giving training and making logs .
2. IA : Internal Affair
Work: Checking internal issues making logs and giving strikes
3. HWP: Highway Patrol
Make sure to highways clean and free from illegal activity
4. STF: Special Task Force
Fastest response for any situation. Also bushing the canvas.
5. Department Detective
Work :
Take evidence In highway or store robbery .
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Uchiha Shisui

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Server Administrator
Jul 15, 2023
Applications for SAHP are closed

The following players have been selected for the SAHP Leader interview on Saturday at 10:00 server time (22 June 2024)

Yam Zack - 61183 : o_010_o
Andreas Tat - 61534 : martin183
Roop Bolo - 98609 : saibirg

Rihan Pluxury - 132122 : sweatygameryt

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