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IMPORTANT Applications for Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

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Mehtab Nawab

Deputy Chief of EMS
Feb 27, 2024

1. Your name IRL:
Mehtab Ansari

2. Your age: 20

3. Time zone: GMT+05:30

4. Average online per day: 6 to 8 hrs.

5. Your Discord: captainnawab39322

6. Your Nickname: Viking Nawab

7. Your ID: 98376

Additional information

1. Leader of EMS (Emergency Medical Service)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have been with EMS for 3 terms, starting as a trainee and moving up to the position of deputy. This experience has given me valuable knowledge and skills in EMS operations, allowing me to make meaningful contributions to its success. I want to become the chief so I will make this organization better in my term.

2.2. I've been in EMS for a while, learning a lot and figuring out how to make our organization work better. Becoming the Chief of EMS is my dream, and I want to achieve this and do the high level of roleplay with employees and in state situation. I'll make sure everyone helps each other get better, encouraging growth through friendly competition.

2.3. I will ensure that in my term there is no toxicity and power-abuse towards employees, and I will make sure there is good and friendly communication between employees to improve the overall environment of the organization.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

My first step to hire the employees on the base on time zones so lobbies will be covered all times.

3.2 My second step will be hosting an event for employees so they will enjoy working in organization.

3.3 My third step will be towards the state calls and the interaction with the state organization so everyone learns and do the high level of roleplay.

3.4 From past few terms I heard lots of complain regarding less units on calls so I will hire unit only for call.

3.5 I will hire employees base on department so it will be easy for high command to manage their department.

3.6 In previous terms I see there are lots of high commands who don't know how to do the surgery so I will teach them how to do the surgery so they will improve them self.

3.7 Promotion: Only the experienced and hard-working employee will get promotion in my term.

Thank you for Giving time and reading my application have nice day dear Administrators.

Viking Nawab

Deputy Chief



Mar 30, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Salman Zeb
2. Your age: - 20
3. Time zone: GMT+5
4. Average online per day: 5 to 6 hours
5. Your Discord: salluar4214y
6. Your Nickname: Salman Zeb
7. Your ID: 140801
Additional information
1. Leader of Emergency Medical services
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
• I would like to be the leader of EMS because I have spent many many many hours in EMS in the past and see a great future for it.
• I would like to be the leader of the above organization so as to start a legacy for myself in the new city.
• A leader is as good as his team: While employed in the EMS I have almost held all the ranks in the org, from trainee to Head of Training, and I am confident that I will the good fit for this leadership because as a leader I will work with employees like a part of them and not keep bossing around always.
• I would like to be the leader of EMS because with being in many positions in the EMS in the other city there are somethings with in the organization that can be improved.
-- I will choose and recruit best FTO who will give best training to trainee
-- I will choose and recruit active FTO to manage the Lobbies specially at night.
-- I will take care while i am taking any FTO into my Organization where i can take special Training before recruiting FTO's
3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.
• The biggest issue right now in EMS is the staffing shortage, especially throughout the hours of 20:00-7:00. The first thing I would do as leader is find a way to fix this issue as right now we are having to rely on a small group of people to do the job of many, which does not make the job enjoyable. I will always try to keep the lobbies covered and the patents will never face any problems
• Previously I can see no one was doing state inspections properly, and I would like to do State inspections at least once a week which will help the organization employees
• I will create a time zone shift system to arrange the perfect way in lobbies and Calls.
• I will always make sure that we never run out of medicine because
this is a question of patients' lives
• No favoritism towards employees every employee will be equal to me
• My last promise is if be the Leader of EMS I will ensure every role will provide services they are designated to.

Thank you for Giving time and reading my application have nice day dear Administrators.

Apex Predatorr

Division Chief


Viking Mafia

Feb 20, 2024

1. Your name IRL:
Affan Khan

2. Your age: 20

3. Time zone: GMT+05:30

4. Average online per day: 3 to 4 hrs.

5. Your Discord: mr_nobody_79

6. Your Nickname: Viking Mafia

7. Your ID: 130483

Additional information

1. Leader of EMS (Emergency Medical Service)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

EMS is the first organization which i joined and i love this organization more than any other.

2.2. I've been in EMS for like 3 terms and i know the current situation very well , I will take care of lobbies and make sure everyone get right treatment.

2.3. I will take a responsibility to run a smooth and best term.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

Major problem is night shift, i will hire more employees for night shift and make sure lobbies will be covered all the time.

3.2 Second step will be announce giveaways for employees, it will make them happy and they will give their best which directly beneficial for organization.

3.3 Third step will be make changes in bonus system , and i will make sure that we will never miss a state call in my term.

3.4 I will make sure that promotion will get hard working employees only.

3.5 Hiring more employees because shortage of employees, more employees means lobbies will be covered all the time.

3.6 I have faced a problem in EMS that Trainees are doing so much mistake due to language barrier, i will make sure that trainees choose their language preferences and don't do any mistakes.

Thank you for Giving time and reading my application have nice day dear Administrators.

Viking Mafia

Deputy Chief


Shikamaru Frankie

Deputy Chief Of EMS
Dec 10, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Avinash Swain
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-6 hours
5. Your Discord: zen_piglet_03980
6. Your Nickname: Viking Shikamaru
7. Your ID: 127258

1. Leader of EMS (Emergency Medical Service)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1. I Have Experience in ems as i am here since past 4 terms and learned a lot from trainee to deputy chief.

2. I believe that a good leader can do anything with the help of his team. As it is a starting of new legacy I can give a better direction to the EMS future

3. I will make sure that in my term there is no toxicity towards employees and I will make sure there is good and friendly communication between all Employees so that everyone will stay happy.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1: My first step would be to setup an FTO who has both the leadership qualities and giving the good quality training to employees

2: My second step will be to hire employees based on department so it will be easy for high command to manage their department.

3: My third step to hire the employees on the based on time zones so lobbies will be covered all times because in past terms there was a shortage of units especially for night shifts

4: My fourth step will be hosting so many event for employees so they will enjoy working in organization.

5: For the state calls I will make sure that everyone knows how to handle state calls and how to interact with other state organizations

6: For Promotion, Only Employees who worked hard will get promoted.

Thank You For Reading My Application.

Viking Shikamaru

Deputy Chief

EMS | EN 2
Last edited:


Mar 27, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Salman Zeb
2. Your age: - 20
3. Time zone: GMT+5
4. Average online per day: 5 to 6 hours
5. Your Discord: salluar4214y
6. Your Nickname: Salman Zeb
7. Your ID: 140801
Additional information
1. Leader of Emergency Medical services
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
• I would like to be the leader of EMS because I have spent many many many hours in EMS in the past and see a great future for it.
• I would like to be the leader of the above organization so as to start a legacy for myself in the new city.
• A leader is as good as his team: While employed in the EMS I have almost held all the ranks in the org, from trainee to Head of Training, and I am confident that I will the good fit for this leadership because as a leader I will work with employees like a part of them and not keep bossing around always.
• I would like to be the leader of EMS because with being in many positions in the EMS in the other city there are somethings with in the organization that can be improved.
-- I will choose and recruit best FTO who will give best training to trainee
-- I will choose and recruit active FTO to manage the Lobbies specially at night.
-- I will take care while i am taking any FTO into my Organization where i can take special Training before recruiting FTO's
3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.
• The biggest issue right now in EMS is the staffing shortage, especially throughout the hours of 20:00-7:00. The first thing I would do as leader is find a way to fix this issue as right now we are having to rely on a small group of people to do the job of many, which does not make the job enjoyable. I will always try to keep the lobbies covered and the patents will never face any problems
• Previously I can see no one was doing state inspections properly, and I would like to do State inspections at least once a week which will help the organization employees
• I will create a time zone shift system to arrange the perfect way in lobbies and Calls.
• I will always make sure that we never run out of medicine because
this is a question of patients' lives
• No favoritism towards employees every employee will be equal to me
• My last promise is if be the Leader of EMS I will ensure every role will provide services they are designated to.

Thank you for Giving time and reading my application have nice day dear Administrators.

Apex Predatorr

Division Chief

GOOD but need to be good person

Matt Sirius

State Curator
Oct 20, 2021
The following players are selected for the EMS Leader Interviews on 07/05/24 (tomorrow) at 11AM Server Time.

Viking Mafia | 130483

Viking Shikamaru | 127258

Salman Zeb | 140801

Applications for EMS Leader are now CLOSED

Matt Sirius

State Curator
Oct 20, 2021
Hello everyone,

This forum is designated for submitting applications for the EMS Leadership position only. Please do not post any discussion, off-topic messages, vouching etc. Any off-topic or vouching posts will lead to punishment.

Thank You.

Shilpi Roy

Jul 22, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Santosh
2. Your age: - 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6 to 9 hours
5. Your Discord: dan04756
6. Your Nickname: Molu Roye
7. Your ID: 46557
Additional information
1. Leader of Emergency Medical services
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

• Since I was Temp Leader/Deputy of the org I have understand the mistakes of the org in previous terms and how to improve, improve from mistakes and make the org better
• I have seen that the state org have unnoticed the EMS and have forget the importance of EMS, I want to show the importance of EMS to other orgs and do more RP with state and state leader/deputies.
• I have notice the professionalism in the department is not not at its best me with my deputies/hc will always try maintain high professionalism whether its is internal situation or external involvement of the org.
• I want to be Leader of EMS because I have notice in past few terms there is no surgery RP, body checkup or hostage situation RP, If we can get involved in any hostage this kind of RP will form so I'll talk to state leaders to call us for hostage situation, even if this doesn't fix the issue I'll try to fix it by talking to the curators.

Training Department (FTO):
-- All the FTO have to pass a special exam conducted by me or my deputy or Chief of Training to get the FTO rank, Role. This makes sure the an employee is qualified enough to become a FTO
-- I have some FTO/HC who are able to do night duties so the trainee from night shift also can get trained.
-- The FTO will be highly trained and professional and they would get recognized
/ get promotions and bonus

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.
• I think in EMS there is no rp for surgeon, body checkup rp. I want to implement a new rp where I have a meting with a leader of state org LSPD/SAHP/NG/FIB to do a body checkup on them by taking them to the surgery room of PH, This will implement a good level or RP and this will make the org more fun for the hc's and surgeon
• I will do more internal events like employee of the week/ trainer of the week/ person with most medruns or capatchas and etc and give them prize pool of minimum 100k to 500k, This would make an employee happy, and make them active. I would also pay bonus regularly.
• I think there should be more hc/employees for night shift for that i will hire people, also have employee who can take care of night, I will also increase the bonus of night shift by a high amount, This will make the employees more rewarding for night shift and I will also do walk in interview for Night shift employee through out the Term.
• I have noticed the importance of state waves, I will do regular state waves and do regular recruitments for the org, and regular recruitment in the org, This will help to keep the org always active.

High Commands (HC)
-- There will favoritism in the org for hc rank/ employee who work hard will automatically be called for hc interview and training.
-- All the hc's have to pass from a special interview which will be taken by me or my deputies/ we will make sure all the hc are professional and they know everything about the org and its function, and they must have communication skills so they can communicate with other properly

Medical Department (MD)
-- This is the most important department of the org because this is the department which handle the lobbies, I would like to keep this department the most active and make sure the lobbies are always covered.
-- All the hc's of this department main responsibility is the check lobby status when ever they fly in the city and make sure lobbies are covered. This department hc will be taken if they are active in the MD part of the org and if they are qualified enough.

Ambulance Service (AS)
-- This Department is the department which handle the calls part of the org, In past few terms this department is being dead I would try my best to recover this department by getting active hc this department.
-- HC of this department main responsibility is to make sure there is a person at calls after the lobbies are covered.

Laboratory Department (LAB)
-- This Department is department which makes sure there are enough med supply in warehouse and it the lab it self, When I was Temp leader and Deputy I tried my best to improve this department and it effected as well so I would like to carry on the work
-- HC of this department main responsibility is to perform medruns and captchas for EMS and make sure the Med stocks are high in Labs as well as the hospital.

Lastly I would like to thank the administrator to read my application.

Molu Roye,
TEMP Chief of EMS

Jane Foster | 111215

Sep 9, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Abhinaba Talukdar
2. Your age: 25
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 8-16 hours
5. Your Discord: avidazzhunt
6. Your Nickname: Jane Foster
7. Your ID: 111215

Additional information
1. Leader of Emergency Medical Services
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
2.1: In my past 3 terms i work with best leaders Like in the city of Los Santos from Lab Tech to Ex DCHR. Now as an employee EMS my current rank is DOL. In my term in 24hrs tried to full fill the Lobby's, calls and also maintain the Med stocks in Central Hospital and In Lab.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.
3.1: A Good Leadership can make an organization better with he/his employees.

3.2: Teams or Units for An Organization for example In EMS we need units in Labs and For Medruns that we cannot worries about Lobbies empty

3.3: My other advice for improving Roleplay in Organization is manners, behaviors, good citizen can make as a Leader or As Citizen
in any organization

Thank you for spending your precious time reading my application.

Jane Foster,



Server Administrator
Jun 6, 2024
Your name IRL: Shloke Landge
Your age: 19
Time zone: GMT+5:30
Average online per day: 07-10 hours
Your Discord: shlokcartel
Your Nickname: Viking shloke
Your ID: 132095

Additional information
Leader of…Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
(List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 I was in EMS before this term and I was also the
CHIEF of EMS , so i am quite experienced than others

2.2 I Think so i am capable for this leadership because I have been working hard and polite with the employees and in this time period i have gained so much respect and made new friends.

2.3 My third step will be towards the state calls and the interaction with the state organization so everyone learns and do the high level of roleplay.

2.4 I believe I Know everything about
EMS from top to bottom especially all the rules . That's why i was the CHIEF as well.

2.5 I Believe I am a good decision maker and also a quick one at that too. I can resolve any situation in

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization?

3.1 Most of the time PH and SH is empty at night time, I will make sure that
EMS runs 24/7!

3.2 i will Ensures that there will be no toxicity or power abuse in my term.

3.3 There will be no favoritism and the employees will get promotion according to there hard work .

3.4 Promotion: Only the experienced and hard-working employee will get promotion in my term.

3.5 In previous term I have seen that people were complaining about lobbies are empty, but HC are not taking any action, I will make sure this will not happen in my term.

Thank you for reviewing my application dear administrators


EMS | EN 2

Adi Mafia

Mar 6, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Aditya Mitra
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: adi19
6. Your Nickname: Adi Mitra
7. Your ID: 139017

1. Leader of EMS (Emergency Medical Service)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

2.1. EMS was the first organization I ever joined and it became more than a organization to me.

2.2. I have been in the organization for more than 3 terms and I have earned the rank of Deputy Chief. And in my journey to become the deputy, I gained a lot of Experience and meet alot of new friends in the organization.

2.3. I have contributed a lot in the last 2 terms as the DCOL/DCHR and I think I am capable of becoming the leader of EMS

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1: The Biggest issue in EMS is the shortage of employees in the nightshift, and I will make sure that the Night Shift lobbys are covered all the time by hiring employees for Specific timezones.

3.2: Second Big issue is the low activity of the AS Department and for that I will open applications perticularly for AS department.

3.3: In last term I have observed that interaction of EMS was very poor with other state organization especially in state calls so I will make sure that the interaction of EMS with other state orgs will be professional

3.4: As the Leader I will make sure that the employees are having fun while doing their duty and don't feel Pressure by having local events.

3.5: I will make sure that the employees work in a friendly but professional environment as I have saw that in previous terms employees were in a lot of stress.

Thank You For Reading My Application.

Adi Mitra

Deputy Chief

EMS | EN 2

Matt Sirius

State Curator
Oct 20, 2021

The following players are selected for the EMS Leader Interviews on 07/06/24 (today) at 16:30Server Time.

Jane Foster | 111215

Viking shloke | 132095

Applications for EMS Leader are now CLOSED​

Matt Sirius

State Curator
Oct 20, 2021
Hello everyone,

This forum is designated for submitting applications for the EMS Leadership position only. Please do not post any discussion, off-topic messages, vouching etc. Any off-topic or vouching posts will lead to punishment.

Thank You.

Mehtab Nawab

Deputy Chief of EMS
Feb 27, 2024

1. Your name IRL:
Mehtab Ansari

2. Your age: 20

3. Time zone: GMT+05:30

4. Average online per day: 6 to 8 hrs.

5. Your Discord: vikingnawab

6. Your Nickname: Viking Nawab

7. Your ID: 98376

Additional information

1. Leader of EMS (Emergency Medical Service)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have been with EMS for 3 terms, starting as a trainee and moving up to the position of deputy. This experience has given me valuable knowledge and skills in EMS operations, allowing me to make meaningful contributions to its success. I want to become the chief so I will make this organization better in my term.

2.2. I've been in EMS for a while, learning a lot and figuring out how to make our organization work better. Becoming the Chief of EMS is my dream, and I want to achieve this and do the high level of roleplay with employees and in state situation. I'll make sure everyone helps each other get better, encouraging growth through friendly competition.

2.3. I will ensure that in my term there is no toxicity and power-abuse towards employees, and I will make sure there is good and friendly communication between employees to improve the overall environment of the organization.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

My first step to hire the employees on the base on time zones so lobbies will be covered all times.

3.2 My second step will be hosting an event for employees so they will enjoy working in organization.

3.3 My third step will be towards the state calls and the interaction with the state organization so everyone learns and do the high level of roleplay.

3.4 From past few terms I heard lots of complain regarding less units on calls so I will hire unit only for call.

3.5 I will hire employees base on department so it will be easy for high command to manage their department.

3.6 In previous terms I see there are lots of high commands who don't know how to do the surgery so I will teach them how to do the surgery so they will improve them self.

3.7 Promotion: Only the experienced and hard-working employee will get promotion in my term.

Thank you for Giving time and reading my application have nice day dear Administrators.

Viking Nawab

Deputy Chief



Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Mar 14, 2024
Your name IRL: Prince Gupta
Your age: 18
Time zone: GMT+5:30
Average online per day: 08-11 hours
Your Discord: _princegupta.
Your Nickname: Prince Guptaa
Your ID: 141457

Additional information
Leader of…Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

I am in the EMS from last 3 terms and i have absolute in-depth knowledge of the everything.

2.2 As a leader I can fabricate an ambience where every single employee will actively collaborate with each other to higher the standard of operations in EMS.

2.3 In my opinion, I have mastery over decision-making as I always come up with quick redressal of every problem which I have unearthed from my experience. As a leader I will deftly assign roles to proficient employees to achieve my organisational goals.

2.4. As a leader I can bring many obligatory changes in EMS as I can deal with every situation whether it is managing Lobbies, maintaining required stock at Lab or taking care of Calls as I am always ready with multiple plans with positive potential consequences.

2.5 I will also focus on the state calls and the interaction with the state organizations so everyone gets to do the high level of roleplay.

Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization?

I will set a professional code of conduct to strive for excellence in all aspects of medical practice in my term. No bad behaviour or power abuse will be tolerated.

3.2 I will take strict actions if anyone is found executing favouritism and I will lay down a genuine reward system to inspire my crew by periodically monitoring their contribution to Ems. Promotions will be issued as per the work and dedication of the employees.

3.3 While hiring new employees, I will focus on their time zone so that both the lobbies remain covered and EMS runs 24/7!

3.4 I will lay more focus on Calls by recruiting an extra set of crew dedicated for this purpose only.

3.5 To make EMS the most engaging, I will be hosting regular events for employees.

Thank you for reviewing my application dear administrators`

Prince Gupta

Division Chief of AS


Adi Mafia

Mar 6, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Aditya Mitra
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: adi19
6. Your Nickname: Adi Mafia
7. Your ID: 139017

1. Leader of EMS (Emergency Medical Service)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

2.1. EMS was the first organization I ever joined and it became more than a organization to me.

2.2. I have been in the organization for more than 3 terms and I have earned the rank of Deputy Chief. And in my journey to become the deputy, I gained a lot of Experience and meet alot of new friends in the organization.

2.3. I have contributed a lot in the last 2 terms as the DCOL/DCHR and I think I am capable of becoming the leader of EMS

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1: The Biggest issue in EMS is the shortage of employees in the nightshift, and I will make sure that the Night Shift lobbys are covered all the time by hiring employees for Specific timezones.

3.2: Second Big issue is the low activity of the AS Department and for that I will open applications perticularly for AS department.

3.3: In last term I have observed that interaction of EMS was very poor with other state organization especially in state calls so I will make sure that the interaction of EMS with other state orgs will be professional

3.4: As the Leader I will make sure that the employees are having fun while doing their duty and don't feel Pressure by having local events.

3.5: I will make sure that the employees work in a friendly but professional environment as I have saw that in previous terms employees were in a lot of stress.

Thank You For Reading My Application.

Adi Mafia

Former Deputy Chief

EMS | EN 2
Last edited:

MertAli Canalann

Aug 12, 2023
1. Mert Ali
2. 17
3. GMT+3
4. 8-9 Hours
5. chengizkhan8501
6. MertAli Canalan
7. 81558
Additional information
1. Leader of EMS
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
2.1 I've been working in EMS over a year. I put my hardwork to this organization and gain experince. And because of that reason, i am thinking that i deserved to be leader of this organization.
2.2 I want an EMS that can better serve the city. I think I can make a great term. And i am passionate about it.
2.3 I want to create an EMS that is fair and just, where no one is wronged and everyone is equal, where service is important before individual interests.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
3.1 I will organize EMS related events where I can integrate everyone
3.2 I will motivate them to not giving pills and patches without doing RP.
3.3 Activity of EMS is important for RP. I will increase the RP by increasing the activity.

Rehan Rana

Good Copy, go Ahead!!
Jul 30, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Aditya Mitra
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: adi19
6. Your Nickname: Adi Mafia
7. Your ID: 139017

1. Leader of EMS (Emergency Medical Service)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

2.1. EMS was the first organization I ever joined and it became more than a organization to me.

2.2. I have been in the organization for more than 3 terms and I have earned the rank of Deputy Chief. And in my journey to become the deputy, I gained a lot of Experience and meet alot of new friends in the organization.

2.3. I have contributed a lot in the last 2 terms as the DCOL/DCHR and I think I am capable of becoming the leader of EMS

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1: The Biggest issue in EMS is the shortage of employees in the nightshift, and I will make sure that the Night Shift lobbys are covered all the time by hiring employees for Specific timezones.

3.2: Second Big issue is the low activity of the AS Department and for that I will open applications perticularly for AS department.

3.3: In last term I have observed that interaction of EMS was very poor with other state organization especially in state calls so I will make sure that the interaction of EMS with other state orgs will be professional

3.4: As the Leader I will make sure that the employees are having fun while doing their duty and don't feel Pressure by having local events.

3.5: I will make sure that the employees work in a friendly but professional environment as I have saw that in previous terms employees were in a lot of stress.

Thank You For Reading My Application.

Adi Mafia

Former Deputy Chief

EMS | EN 2
Good Luck bro
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