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  1. U

    Pending review Leader of NG | Day Doe

    100% would make a great leader. Good with people Good with organization Good with communication Good with teaching Has a great understanding of the ins and outs of National Guard, and is dedicated to the ORG, putting in 8 hours plus a day
  2. U

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Ruby Specter

    I got banned for: 6.17 It is forbidden to use OBS and any similar software's for recordings. All overlays must be recorded. | Ban 30 days I use medal to record, and I record my whole screen including overlays. You can clearly see in the clip that all overlays are being recorded (FPS counter in...
  3. U

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Ruby Specter

    Taken from the LSPD Rule Announcements in the LSPD emails
  4. U

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Ruby Specter

    I got banned for: 6.17 It is forbidden to use OBS and any similar softwares for recordings. All overlays must be recorded. | Ban 30 days I use medal to record, and I record my whole screen including overlays. You can clearly see in the clip that all overlays are being recorded (FPS counter in...
  5. U

    Rejected Unban Appeal for GR 6.17 | Ruby Specter

  6. U

    Rejected Unban Appeal for GR 6.17 | Ruby Specter

    I got banned for: 6.17 It is forbidden to use OBS and any similar softwares for recordings. All overlays must be recorded. | Ban 30 days I use medal to record, and I record my whole screen including overlays. You can clearly see in the clip that all overlays are being recorded (FPS counter in...
  7. U

    Approved CR RDM | 328633

    292927 Also killed me with no demands
  8. U

    Approved CL | 395891

    All in POV
  9. U

    Approved UB Driving | 341073

    Spike and pop the tyres of the car. They then proceed to drive away. As you can see we followed slightly to see if they had stopped around the corner, but they were no where to be seen
  10. U

    Approved UB Driving | 386661

    All in POV
  11. U

    Approved CR | 386661

    All in POV
  12. U

    Approved CR | 138243

    All in POV. They suspect at the time also somehow ran and got into the vehicle even though they were in cuffs
  13. U

    Approved Ghetto Rule 1.7 | 318020

    At the start of the POV the player gets into a gang vehicle while not wearing gang colors, he then RDM's and attempts to mercy kill his friend that is in cuffs
  14. U

    Approved NLR | 302979

    All in POV. We had a 10-15 that was mercy killed by his friends, he then returned to the scene where he died which you can see at the end of the POV
  15. U

    Approved Mercy Kill | 174221

    All in POV. We had a 10-15 who was mercy killed by their friend in a green corvette. You can see them at the start of the clip trying to run them over as well. I got their ID from earlier in the clip, but it would make the clip exceed 5min if i included it. I'm sure you have some kind of admin...
  16. U

    Approved Combat Log | 387508

    All in POV
  17. U

    Reviewed RDM | 293536

    Nice try. Why would you return to the gun shots then?
  18. U

    Reviewed RDM | 293536

    What a joke. He drove into the heli, then turned and went back to where the gun shots came from
  19. U

    Reviewed RDM | 293536

    What are you talking about? I was making an arrest, as my job as a LEO. You chose to ram us. You sat there watching so you cant make the excuse you didnt see it, or you didnt know what you were doing
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