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  1. Figgy Kawaii

    Rejected RDM | 186720

    you come to an active shooting and dont think to get shot at
  2. Figgy Kawaii

    Rejected GR 3.1-OOC INSULT

    If I knew that was disrespectful I would have never said it, I’m truly a nice person if my mic was working and we could of talk you would of been able to tell I wasn’t mad or upset I was just trying to talk calmly and professionally to get to a resolution with each other.
  3. Figgy Kawaii

    Rejected GR 3.1-OOC INSULT

    Okay yessir, I’m sorry about that I was trying to be as respectful as possible and I wasn’t paying attention to what chat I was using I was just trying to talk and get to an understanding with everyone involved I’m sorry if it looked in anyway disrespectful! My apologize if it looked that way.
  4. Figgy Kawaii

    Rejected GR 3.1-OOC INSULT

    I know you cant appeal a 7 day ban but I just wanted to show that I was hit for OOC insults but I never talked about someone out of character nor in-character disrespectfully. I was just trying to make a truce been families so my family members wont be bothered anymore by the other family...
  5. Figgy Kawaii

    Rejected Provoking/RDM 186720

    thats allowed lol
  6. Figgy Kawaii

    Rejected RDM | 186720

    I would like to say she called out on radio in Pov, and I didn't shoot him till after he and her were shooting. So, where's the rdm in the bodycam showed above? Also, if you're talking about when he pulled the gun out, I mean realistically after your ally has been shot and you're being held at...
  7. Figgy Kawaii

    Rejected Provoking | 186720, 279926, 294999

    It’s funny because weren’t even there for you. I’m friends with many people in your family and you sit here and lie this ain’t okay your using my friendships in game to get me banned. Other people in that post might of been provoking but I’m there to talk to all my friends who also live there!
  8. Figgy Kawaii

    Rejected RDM | 186720

    Your harassing on forums
  9. Figgy Kawaii

    Rejected Provoking | 186720, 279926, 294999

    How many post you gonna make about me bro ima take this up with mazhor if you don’t stop harassing me on forums
  10. Figgy Kawaii

    Rejected RDM | 186720

    Why you wasting the gods times on gov this is rediculous 3 post same day
  11. Figgy Kawaii

    Approved Provoking | 186720, 276021

    Out of everyone in the video you only post 2 ids and second why post me when you were clearly having a conversation with me and I left after? You gave me demands in video to leave from in front of driveway and I listened and then left shortly after.
  12. Figgy Kawaii

    Approved MG |186720

    how is it metagaming if I didnt even get your name right? arnt you tokendead not yung?
  13. Figgy Kawaii

    Approved Bug Abuse | 294703

    why didnt you show full video which includes you bug abusing first and the second video shows you metagaming. I would like whoever admin who is reviewing this to request the full 10min video as it will show him at fault aswell.
  14. Figgy Kawaii

    Approved GR 6.22 | ID:290825,243799

    the video literally shows 1 minute after you leaving the family.
  15. Figgy Kawaii

    Approved GR 6.22 | ID:290825,243799

    owner of the family figgy rose I also did not allow them, nor did anyone allow them to take items from my trunks.
  16. Figgy Kawaii

    Rejected RDM 67807 | Mass VDM 296726

    full sound in her video if she was told or heard anything you would have heard in the clip.
  17. Figgy Kawaii

    Rejected RDM 67807 | Mass VDM 296726

    check whole video she wasn't even in your line of site, and you showed the whole area around you.
  18. Figgy Kawaii

    Rejected RDM 67807 | Mass VDM 296726

    Where does this show her being issued demands lol?
  19. Figgy Kawaii

    Rejected rdm

    No demands or anything just started shooting us.
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