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  1. O

    Approved Bug abuse 6.23 | 43131

    POV. Rules: 6.23 Any kind of bug abuse is prohibited | PERMANENT BAN Player ID: 43131
  2. O

    Approved CR | 59699

    He jokes and laughs, saying the brakes didn't work. POV.
  3. O

    Approved RDM | 21305

    When you say people like you, you are also committing the crime of insulting and humiliating. Yes, managers will make the right decision.
  4. O

    Approved RDM | 21305

    It doesn't matter what you think. Forum rules are clearly stated for everyone. And I implore you to learn mathematics. It is 40+10=50 Seconds. 1 Minute is 60 Seconds.
  5. O

    Approved RDM | 21305

    You can post this on video. Voices should be heard clearly. The person who helped you up is the same person who shot you. And this person is the family member's friend. Show and speak the truth.
  6. O

    Approved RDM | 21305

    The second of the newly added video is also shorter than 1 minute and is against the forum rules. You're still trying to deceive. It's funny how you really think managers won't understand this.
  7. O

    Approved RDM | 21305

    We clearly see that he is trying to deceive the managers. We see that you did not post the entire video because you made the CR yourself. And then you cut the part where the person who killed you because you did CR revives you. This is the second forum you opened incorrectly, and you tried to...
  8. O

    Approved RDM | 21305

    Not like that, put the video 4-5 times in a row, edit it better. Maybe you can fool the managers.
  9. O

    Rejected RDM | 21305

    Read the rules again. Aren't you ashamed to deceive people with a 0.17-second video? Before this scene, you throw CR at the helicopter. And this is in front of the family home. And for the rest of this scene, they come up to you and pick you up. They say it's a mistake and think you have bad...
  10. O

    Rejected CR - RDM | 43285 - 50036 - 4805 - 41928 - 48334 - 45505 - 2796 - 20962 | OUTLAW FAMILY

    Could it be because I'm far away? Think again and watch carefully. In the video of the friend whose microphone is broken, you can hear the gunshots because he is next to you and you start shooting without warning. If you had given a warning, it would have been reflected in my video because I am...
  11. O

    Rejected CR - RDM | 43285 - 50036 - 4805 - 41928 - 48334 - 45505 - 2796 - 20962 | OUTLAW FAMILY

    There is no point of view that is discontinuous and silent. The other friend's voice is not heard in the different perspective video I added because his microphone is broken, but everything you said is clear. You can do POV. The authorities are here to right the wrongs. You should learn what the...
  12. O

    Rejected CR - RDM | 43285 - 50036 - 4805 - 41928 - 48334 - 45505 - 2796 - 20962 | OUTLAW FAMILY

    We went on a panel raid. They shot and killed us without warning. Before they shot and killed us, they got too close with their helicopter and caused my propeller to jam, causing my helicopter to explode and kill me. They gave no warning. You can easily see these in the videos I will publish...
  13. O

    Rejected Fail RP | 26296

    He never spoke and without telling me what he wanted, he stopped the car, got out and killed me. POV.
  14. O

    Rejected RDM & 6.15 | 11741

    While I was waiting here, someone I didn't know shot and killed me without saying anything. POV.
  15. O

    Approved RDM - 6.15 | 58273

  16. O

    Approved 2.2 - 6.8 - 6.24 - RDM | 33449

    It's clear in the video that you see the car.
  17. O

    Approved RDM - VDM | 64196

    I was only seeing the customer I took in my taxi wherever he wanted, and everything was visible in the video.
  18. O

    Approved 2.2 - 6.8 - 6.24 - RDM | 33449

    While I was working as a taxi driver, I brought customers to the market and I had to get off and collect my money. Even though he saw that I was a taxi driver, he waited in my taxi and killed me while I was getting in the taxi. Note: According to our server rules, taxi etc. Attacking employees...
  19. O

    Approved NonRP - GR6.15 - GR6.23 - RDM 34134 | 44944

    While I was in front of my house, two people came and suddenly pointed their guns and started saying something. I didn't understand what was happening and I panicked. But I knew I was in front of my house and they couldn't touch it here. I told them this is my house. But they started shouting...
  20. O

    Rejected Mixing, Bug, Fail RP | 2631, 1398, 856, 22231

    They couldn't really get into the role with me. They tried to distract me by constantly repeating the same word. They didn't ask me to pay my debt. They stole my money while I was taking off by helicopter. They broke the rules of "Mixing", "Stealing my money while in the air with Bug", "RP...
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