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  1. Isac Junior

    Approved compact logged id:61727 and id:62148

    first off all ur in a discord call calling for back up and my game closed itself which it always does and im not tryna make en excuse, but ur lit meta gaming calling for back up
  2. Isac Junior

    Rejected Complaint against ID 54376 - Suspected Cheats

    that trash u guys had to camp clapped ur whole gang lmao evn the ones camping fucking hell u guys have nothing better to do
  3. Isac Junior

    Approved 71925 CL, Provoking, Racism

    oh shit i thought it was someone else my bad wrong guy lmao.
  4. Isac Junior

    Approved 71925 CL, Provoking, Racism

    yeah this was also car ramming me in ghetto and not only that he also vdm the shit out off us marabunda in ghetto
  5. Isac Junior

    Rejected Shooting in GZ | ID: 36487 , 19492

  6. Isac Junior

    Approved possible cheater ~ 10354

    eternal daddy doing his job, okay I like it Picasso
  7. Isac Junior

    Rejected Fail - rp

    you ran out off money and u should have just gotten out off the car I mean he dropped u at the waypoint why not just get out off the car
  8. Isac Junior

    Approved Marabunta RDM in city | 13244, 57726, 15462

    mate, you're literally meta-gaming, and yes they might needed to cough drop at that moment, and ur also talking about meeting or something... and u decide to run off while they have their guns pointed at you..
  9. Isac Junior

    Approved Multiple Rule Breaks | 43525 & 54

    keep saying that shit bro, fucking fan boy, shut the fuck up, i just said shut the fuck up thats what i heard but yeah
  10. Isac Junior

    Rejected Anaty Vee - False Perma Ban for 'Cheating'

    Hello, whoever is reading this / the admin that is handling it I logged on for fort zancudo on the 11th of January 2022 and to my surprise, I was banned for cheating. I have put too much time and effort into Grand Roleplay and to see that I was banned for something that I hate on the server...
  11. Isac Junior

    Rejected Anaty Vee - False Perma Ban for 'Cheating'

    Hello, whoever is reading this / the admin that is handling it I logged on for fort zancudo on the 11th of January 2022 and to my surprise, I was banned for cheating. I have put too much time and effort into Grand Roleplay and to see that I was banned for something that I hate on the server and...
  12. Isac Junior

    Rejected Anaty V - False Perma Ban for 'Cheating'

    i know u fuck thats why im tryna get this deleted
  13. Isac Junior

    Rejected Anaty V - False Perma Ban for 'Cheating'

    Hello, whoever is reading this / the admin that is handling it i logged on for fort zancudo on the 11th of January 2022 and to my surprise, I was banned for cheating. I have put too much time and effort into Grand Roleplay and to see that I was banned for something that I hate on the server...
  14. Isac Junior

    Rejected Swearing I 104896 and 105155

    he cant sry they need atleast an 1 minutes pov off it
  15. Isac Junior

    Rejected VDM | ID 78364

  16. Isac Junior

    Rejected VDM | ID 78364

    i mean thats not really vdm, 1 u got in his way so theres no way off him escaping, 2 u kept moving left and right, 3 he drove u over once and left the scene SOOOOOOOOOOO
  17. Isac Junior

    Approved Combat Log | 94489

    only had a rev on me relax g ill giv u an brand new:ROFLMAO:
  18. Isac Junior

    Approved not pulling over and racist

    so this guy is rasict i know him by his voice and he was also this guy after him not wanting to pull over i asked in this clip i ask him arent u the guy that said the nword and vdm in hq and he said yes so i guess he does this to trigger people and it works so if yall just could get him...
  19. Isac Junior

    Approved Shooting From HQ | ID 3763

    bro you're literally camping and hiding on top off a parking lot, suppose you got the hiding from your dad and you got kicked for a reason no need to sweat your balls off just to get 1-2 kill from literally 1cm away from the fucking hq and if i was you bro i would probably do something with my...
  20. Isac Junior

    Approved N-WORD, VDM IN HQ | 70098

    so admin what is u gonna do
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