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  1. T

    Approved Car Ramming | 271171, 177065

    Imagine wasting your time to tell someone, they are wasting their time. You sound dumb right now 😂 You wasted your time coming to type this. I can make a report if I want. I have the right to do so as a server member. Anyone who thinks reporting someone for doing something WRONG, is a clown...
  2. T

    Approved Car Ramming | 271171, 177065

    Wow you're still trying to convince yourself that you weren't wrong. :ROFLMAO: That's sad. Just accept that you picked the wrong one to mess with. Why are you so scared to get punished?? You were bold enough to car ram me, you should be brave enough face the consequences. "I wAsn't eVeN gONna...
  3. T

    Approved Car Ramming | 271171, 177065

    Dannng he had to go get his friends to talk trash to me XD This is sad af :LOL::LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO: P.S AND YOU CANT SPELL 😭
  4. T

    Approved Car Ramming | 271171, 177065

    Don't cry now lol I cant believe you are actually capping like this. I don't care why you stopped. You did it. And you did it very aggressively. You rammed me several times. So far down the road that you slammed me into a tree. Then you car rammed me to the hotel. Every time I tried to drive...
  5. T

    Approved Car Ramming | 271171, 177065

    You are so full of crap lol First of all if you ACTUALLY WATCHED THE VIDEO, you would see that I was not even talking to you. I had an accident with someone else. He kept car ramming me and YOU DROVE INTO US and got mad when you heard me cursing HIM out. I was not talking to you but you're so...
  6. T

    Approved Non RP Driving, Car Ramming, RDM | 72356

    He was driving on the wrong side of the road, and caused us to have an accident. Then he followed me to the casino rammed my car and then killed me. Even though it was his fault he is so angry.
  7. T

    Approved Car Ramming, RDM | 260576

    Had a car accident with this white backpack. I guess he was so upset, the only logical thing to do was to kill me.
  8. T

    Approved Not Punished for Sexual Harassment | 211889

    Time Stamped to start at the sexual harassment Jordan Huxley reviewed my previous thread. I was randomly punched and sexually harassed. My thread was approved by Jordan. However, he did not punish 211889 for sexual harassment, only for the random punching. This man is captured clearly saying...
  9. T

    Approved RDM, Random Punching, Sexual Harassment | 211889

    I went to 24/7 to buy some grills and this guy and his friend were already at the counter when I walked in. I started shopping and 211889 started punching me unprovoked. When he realized that would not get him the desired result, he told me I had a nice ass.
  10. T

    Approved Non Rp Driving, Car Ramming | 249431

    This person killed someone and I accepted the victims call. He was non-rp driving down the wrong side of the road and we had a head on collision, then he chases me down to tell me not to revive the person and in an effort to stop me, he intentionally slams into me and I fly into the ocean.
  11. T

    Approved Sexual Harassment of EMS Employee | 45356

    I revived him and he shows his gratitude by asking me if I could sell him pills. Because he needs them for when he's in the bed with people like me because he cant get hard lol
  12. T

    Approved Random Punching/RDM in GZ | 243579

    I went to the stock office and this person was randomly punching me. I didn't realize he was talking to me because I did not have my headphones on. While reviewing the footage you can hear him saying can you hear me and asking me where the lumber yard is. However punching me over and over again...
  13. T

    Approved EMS Harassment | 243002, 243000

    I was on lobby duty and two people came up from a crowd standing near the stairs. They came up to me and my colleague and started trolling us. They spoke in a foreign language without consent several times. Then they leave, come back and 243002 yells "f**k your mom" three times and then 243000...
  14. T

    Rejected RDM | 148065

    Same thing happened. I was waiting for the treasure to be available and reviewing the footage from my previous RDM incident and this person killed someone and then came and killed me. Everyone keeps killing me here lol
  15. T

    Approved RDM | 148645

    Waiting for this treasure to be available and this guy just came up and killed both me and a different player. Then when I went back I accidentally hit them with my car (I was driving too fast and hit some high concrete). That same person killed me again.
  16. T

    Rejected VDM and FearRP | ID 105444

    Here you go. My thread has POV of the entire situation. I didn't cut out anything. It would be dishonest of me to do so. ❤️❤️ https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/227509/
  17. T

    Approved Combat Logging, False Report/ Admin Deceit | 4359

    This man made a thread and cut out the important stuff because he was mad at me over something so petty. I was on duty at EMS and I accidentally hit this person with my work truck. He claims that was VDM but it was an obvious accident. This person Intentionally cut out the part where I only...
  18. T

    Rejected VDM and FearRP | ID 105444

    Hello admins! This is a blatant attempt of deception, as a way to ease the pain of Combat logging only to fly back in and end up in jail. (He was cuffed so I'm pretty sure that's what happened XD) See the video below. I think its so cute that you cut out the end of that video... You...
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