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Search results

  1. N

    Rejected Mercy Killing & possible cheat | ID 654 & ID 1744

    What nice of you to call me retard, again I made a report for mercy kill, which is linked to a possible cheat. Now stop flooding this thread and let admin handle it.
  2. N

    Rejected Mercy Killing & possible cheat | ID 654 & ID 1744

    Im made a report for mercy kill, and possible cheating caught in my POV. Why dont you just show your POV? if your really that good of a shot that you can 1 shot someone in a moving vehicle I'll give you kuddos.
  3. N

    Rejected Mercy Killing & possible cheat | ID 654 & ID 1744

    We were at a hostage situation which had been resolved. After we made some arrests. After ID 554 was arrested and we were driving him to DOC his friends (ID 654 & 1744) pulled up and mercy killed him so we could not arrest him (while we were driving, it looks like a rev 1 shot killed him). Then...
  4. N

    Approved CR | ID 3158

    Could also be considered, UB and perhaps provoking.
  5. N

    Approved CR | ID 3158

    While on duty for LSPD you can see that ID 3158 went out of his way to CR me in total 3 times for no reason. First and second time occur after speaking to another lady about being parked wrong. The third time happened when I returned from my withdrawl at the bank.
  6. N

    Rejected Car ramming | ID 16996

    POV: (incident happens near the end of recording. But oploaded 1+min) Screenshot to confirm ID:
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