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  1. Janis1

    Reviewed Attempting to bribe | 0000

    shut up bro, time to go out side, and pick up a sport, u sit in side a bit too much
  2. Janis1

    Reviewed Attempting to bribe | 0000

    Mikey and Big Wood got caught lacking 😔
  3. Janis1

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

  4. Janis1

    Approved POV Req | 0000

    time for bed, what are u doin up so early??
  5. Janis1

    Rejected RDM | 101001

    i think u need to show the original clip, this shit is cut out of context
  6. Janis1

    Reviewed pov request | 0000

    dis gay is cheter
  7. Janis1

    Rejected close

  8. Janis1

    Rejected close

    All in pov, got killed by 1 bullet
  9. Janis1

    Rejected GR 6.2 | 107127

    + none rp driving who takes a bugatti on mountains?
  10. Janis1

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

    https://streamable.com/eococh ez
  11. Janis1

    Rejected mixing + ooc insult | 0000

    damn u got money 💰
  12. Janis1

    Approved Pov Req | 0000

  13. Janis1

    Rejected pov req + possible cheats | 0000

    a person has 104 health, thats why u didnt kill him
  14. Janis1

    Approved ER 1.3 | 95024

    All in POV Dont mind the background noise, my mic is broken thats why its sound like im under the water
  15. Janis1

    Rejected Scamming | 45215

    i think they should just “give you your moneyyyyy”
  16. Janis1

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

    he wont send it cuz he prob dont got it
  17. Janis1

    Approved CL | 88361

    the yellow question mark is CGI, so something is wrong
  18. Janis1

    Reviewed POV REQUEST + ER 1.3 | 0000

    extend time a lil bit more, owner is lil busy irl
  19. Janis1

    Reviewed pov request | 0000

    1st U did 185 damage to him 2nd He had a vest on, but you dont see it cuz its a visual bug, it happens to every1
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