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Search results

  1. Bawan Broddy

    Approved RDM / ID 114782

  2. Bawan Broddy

    Approved Powergaming | 107513

    Approved ID 107513 will receive a punishment for PG
  3. Bawan Broddy

    Approved Powergaming | 107513

  4. Bawan Broddy

    Rejected pov request | 0000

    Rejected fix your pov quality even i cannot see your id
  5. Bawan Broddy

    Rejected pov request | 0000

  6. Bawan Broddy

    Rejected pov req | 0000

    Rejected fix your pov quality i cannot see perfectly
  7. Bawan Broddy

    Rejected pov req | 0000

  8. Bawan Broddy

    Rejected Rdm | 67230

    Rejected 1-Provide whole situation 2- your game sound quality so low fix it
  9. Bawan Broddy

    Rejected Rdm | 67230

  10. Bawan Broddy

    Reviewed pov req | 78499

    Reviewed Everything is good
  11. Bawan Broddy

    Approved Mass CR | 25060

    Approved ID 25060 will receive a punishment for CR
  12. Bawan Broddy

    Approved Mass CR | 25060

  13. Bawan Broddy

    Reviewed Provoking + CR | 2754, 123963

    Reviewed ID 2754 will receive a punishment for CR ID 123963 will receive a punishment for CR
  14. Bawan Broddy

    Reviewed Provoking + CR | 2754, 123963

  15. Bawan Broddy

    Reviewed POV Req I 123920

    Reviewed Pov is clean
  16. Bawan Broddy

    Reviewed GR 6.15 | 122819

    Reviewed ID 122819 will receive a punishment for RDM ID 73249 will receive a punishment for RDM
  17. Bawan Broddy

    Reviewed GR 6.15 | 122819

  18. Bawan Broddy

    Reviewed pov req | 78499

    Requesting POV ID 78499 has 12 hours to provide POV of this event Provide proper POV, not just the shot!
  19. Bawan Broddy

    Reviewed pov req | 78499

  20. Bawan Broddy

    Approved Forum Rules 8 I 65127

    Approved forum will be punished
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