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Search results

  1. King Jacob

    IMPORTANT Applications for Marabunta Grande

    1. Jake Rushe 2. 22 3. GMT 4. 6-8 Hours 5. jacobblu 6. Jacob Blu 7. 104984 Additional information 1. MARABUNTA GRANDE 2(1) The reason i want to be leader of this organisation is because i have noticed that many of the gangs dont participate in events, ghetto shoot outs etc and i would like to...
  2. King Jacob

    Rejected Leader of Vagos | Jacob Redrum

    Information 1. Your name IRL : Jake 2. Your age : 22 3. Time zone : GMT 4. Average online per day : 8-10HRS 5. Your Discord : Jacob Redrum#1609 6. Your Nickname : Jacob Redrum 7. Your ID : 104984 Additional Information 1. Leader of Los Santos Vagos 2. Why I want to be leader of this...
  3. King Jacob

    Reviewed gen rule 6.22 | 103678

    I own the family and this is all true is there going to be much longer wait for justice since you can see 100% that he has stolen from us
  4. King Jacob

    Rejected VDM, GREENZONE KOS | ID 51942

    Rammed me multiple times proceeded to follow me i pointed weapon to get him to leave me alone he proceeded to shoot at me and stole my guns
  5. King Jacob

    IMPORTANT Applications for Los Santos Vagos

    1. Jake Rushe 2. 22 3. EU GMT 4.8hrs 5. UnknownZ#1609 6.King Jacob 7.104984 1. Leader of Vagos 2. I have a lot of experience in these servers especially 4 years of being in gangs on EN1 ID 6220, I know that with my help i can increase the level of gang rp in the server, The gang will be kept to...
  6. King Jacob

    Rejected Killed for request for gang higher up ID 60022 no warning to leave

    Killed by bloods for asking a question about joining gang
  7. King Jacob

    Rejected Demorgan Appeal | Skully Ryze

    As i understood rules are set in the server and that it isnt allowed for admins to give certain people different punishments for the same thing I have witnessed on multiple occasions people getting warning for ems kill which is understood, not a ban, warning and a demorgan? so as far as im...
  8. King Jacob

    Rejected Demorgan Appeal | Skully Ryze

    Also don't understand y I got 7 day warning on top of it all
  9. King Jacob

    Rejected Demorgan Appeal | Skully Ryze

    This is also the ban situation that shows I did not mercy kill
  10. King Jacob

    Rejected Demorgan Appeal | Skully Ryze

    I got back from my 7 day ban and received a warning and a demorgan for mercy killing and the problem is that I did not mercy kill I shot ems but noone else so it baffles me that I got demorganed for mercy kill when I just got back in the city 10 minutes ago!
  11. King Jacob

    Rejected Ban for Accidental EMS Kill | Krish Glockz

    Today I was banned for 7 days for accidentally killing and ems worker, This is the first time I have even shot close to an ems and I think a ban is a bit extreme, I was trying to shoot the 2 guys that reported the pov not the ems because I always follow rules and this was completely accidental!
  12. King Jacob

    Approved ghetto rule 1,14 id 51858 /25856/57762/41152/43210/49782/17029

    Also to add afterwards they done the same to me
  13. King Jacob

    IMPORTANT Applications for Leaders

    Information 1.Jake 2.21 3.GMT 4.10hrs 5.King Jacob#1609 6.King Jacob 7.6220 Additional information 1. Leader of Famalies 2.(1.) I would like to be the leader of the families because i have a lot of experience in the city and i have been part of gangs my entire time in this city and believe i am...
  14. King Jacob

    Rejected Not Complying | ID-33337

    See proof!
  15. King Jacob

    Rejected Shooting and Killing In HQ

    And you were punished for provoking not for shooting in hq
  16. King Jacob

    Rejected Shooting and Killing In HQ

    Read rules hq is hq
  17. King Jacob

    Approved Multiple rule breaks by bloods | Mulitple IDs

    He basically ratted himself out by sending his pov 😂
  18. King Jacob

    Approved Multiple rule breaks by bloods | Mulitple IDs

    Also to include that they continued the situation from parking which roleplay was finished due to IC issue getting out of hand but yet continued to harass!
  19. King Jacob

    Approved Multiple rule breaks by bloods | Mulitple IDs

    No pov zema sorry!
  20. King Jacob

    Approved Multiple rule breaks by bloods | Mulitple IDs

    Im waiting for it to be sent i didnt get it in my clip
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