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  1. G

    Rejected Ban for Racism By Karl | Sylvia Som

    we will see that but you already proof it thanks to you :dd
  2. G

    Rejected Ban for Racism By Karl | Sylvia Som

    bro you posted that video check the time its before our situation you already tried but you come to us and harrasing why are you lying allah is watching:)
  3. G

    Rejected Ban for Racism By Karl | Sylvia Som

    😆😆 you already tried before our situation but you come to us and harrasing our house okay i understand know before our situation you try and for our situation you lying were trying to rob your house you just lying you re harrasing thx for proof from you loll
  4. G

    Rejected Ban for Racism By Karl | Sylvia Som

    if you rob another house why you harrasing us we didnt do anything to you dont cut the situation?
  5. G

    Rejected Ban for Racism By Karl | Sylvia Som

    waiting but dont cut it use all the video
  6. G

    Rejected Ban for Racism By Karl | Sylvia Som

    i can use what i want when im playing on the role i didnt say anything to my friends about that as you see im doing nothing on that moment why ı shouldnt use discord is it illegal when im chilling? im sorry but your arguments is trash too with my all respect i just told you what im feeling thx:)
  7. G

    Rejected Ban for Racism By Karl | Sylvia Som

    you lying again if you rob our neighbours soo why would you come to my house theres a 7 minutes video you lying bro just speak the truth i didnt cut any moment just watch i already give all the answers on the video dont try its unnecessary okay?
  8. G

    Rejected Ban for Racism By Karl | Sylvia Som

    that makes me laugh check the rules of grand rp then what are they say it says when you re in the role you have to speak english it is not my mother language just destroy your prejudices
  9. G

    Rejected Ban for Racism By Karl | Sylvia Som

    Then dont do that how can ı understand your language what u said your family what i can give information to my friends ım turkish but i didnt that disrespect to you i always spoke english im muslim too why i should do racist activities?
  10. G

    Rejected Ban for Racism By Karl | Sylvia Som

    Also you saying we re there for attack for your fam house how can you do that you have get in a role for that how can you do that when your people doesnt know to speak english thats the point you said yourself?
  11. G

    Rejected Ban for Racism By Karl | Sylvia Som

    ? i didn't say shitty language that s a lie ı just told trash language and you can seee allll the details in my pov ı didnt cut it like you? the chief admin will see ı didnt see shitty language where is it i say shitty show me?
  12. G

    Rejected Ban for Racism By Karl | Sylvia Som

    As you see the pow first off all many many times ı told you speak english if your members cant speak english they need to stay away from role soo how can ı understand ı cant understand yes ı told that language is trash because ı warned you many times for english but you keep speaking moroccan so...
  13. G

    Rejected Ban for Racism By Karl | Sylvia Som

    I losed many items about that i want my compensation for my loss please i didnt deserve this is en3 server i just told them speak english.
  14. G

    Rejected Ban for Racism By Karl | Sylvia Som

    Dear admins, I posted a long video to prove that I don't have a problem with them. The incident starts in the middle of the video, and they come to our family home and then come to me and say something in Arabic, maybe they swear, I don't understand and for this I warn them to speak English, I...
  15. G

    Rejected GZ 1.1| 81430

    All In Pov
  16. G

    Rejected Warn for ER 1.2 | Emad Pluxury

    also on that place we fighted another persons i swear we didnt know about event
  17. G

    Rejected Warn for ER 1.2 | Emad Pluxury

    We didn't know about the event zone, we just went to fight in the redzone and shot someone there. If we had known, we wouldn't have done it. I want my penalty to be deleted. With My Regards.
  18. G

    Approved Event rule 1.2 I 11029 & 26175

    Like my friend says 26175 me, we had no information that there was an event and you were not in the area. When we opened fire on you, we saw a gun in your hand and acted early, thinking that you would attack. I do not accept responsibility. You could have driven to the event area and as a...
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