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  1. Stefano A

    Approved RDM + N WORD Multiple times | ID 4637

    What’s this dude saying 🤔 you have fun when you shoot him. Lv and ungel don’t get this 🤥
  2. Stefano A

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    Let the admin look ad it I don’t steal so let them look at it
  3. Stefano A

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    Who is bragging about it ?
  4. Stefano A

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    I buy a cowshed for my old fam and I’m not crying for it so I give it to them. So than you must think what you give away👍
  5. Stefano A

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    You can not steel a buss in grand rp you must give it to sombody .so not irrelevant what you say
  6. Stefano A

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    You can not own more than 1 personally buss so what are you talking ? And you say let the admin look ad it so stop talking pff
  7. Stefano A

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    You can say what you want bro I don’t steal it you give it to my so don’t say stealing and it’s a year ago normally you must do it In 2 days and complaining about this I give you 10 mil for fam and give the house so don’t say nothing
  8. Stefano A

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    This gas station is not yours, I purchased it on 7 March 2022, the gods can check the game logs and see that I am not lying.
  9. Stefano A

    Rejected Stole business id| 70952

    This gasstation is not yours and what you talking about is like year ago and now you saying somting and you give the gasstation to my
  10. Stefano A

    Approved killing in unscripted green zone | id 123116

    Shooting for no reason
  11. Stefano A

    Rejected Cheats | 72761

    Hy don’t use cheats so stop whit this and have fun whit the game
  12. Stefano A

    Rejected Stealing from warehouse | 70952

    How I can find you and I don’t know you and you say that I steel from you but give your adres in city than I give it back but I don’t know you bro
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