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Search results

  1. Ugur Verstappen

    Rejected Pov Request | 43061

    i can't see anyone
  2. Ugur Verstappen

    Rejected POV Request | 13523

    I just want to see
  3. Ugur Verstappen

    Rejected Racism | 89140

    It doesn't matter to whom such statements are made, there is racism.
  4. Ugur Verstappen

    Rejected General Rule 1.3 | Turco Grande

    As you can see we asked them and the answer is no so we cant know the borders. We were not aware the area is got bigger this time. We just learned that.
  5. Ugur Verstappen

    Rejected FEAR RP | 21938

    Can we call and rob anyone we want out of the city like this?
  6. Ugur Verstappen

    Rejected Pov request | 90002

    He is wearing armor in my eyes. Requesting pov.
  7. Ugur Verstappen

    Reviewed RDM | Turco Grande 94723,154508,130965,105109,132762

    you can't run behind the house you have to run towards the road
  8. Ugur Verstappen

    Rejected RDM | Turco grande - 125827, 105109, 80786 & 130965

    It is visible in the very clear video that we came for the panels
  9. Ugur Verstappen

    Approved Vdm and Racism | 10880

    such words are really sad
  10. Ugur Verstappen

    Rejected Wrong decision |Ethan Murphy

    Do it means that if I am riding a bike I can shoot everyone who hits me ?
  11. Ugur Verstappen

    Approved LifeInvader Leader | Sam Tomm

    I used to work there like 1 week ago and there must be no worries of that he's gonna be the best choose for the position of Leader.
  12. Ugur Verstappen


    Hello mazhor i banned 60 days for general rule 1.7 but i did not gift anyone anything.my friends doesnt have prime so they give me the money and i bought the car for them and give them the car for 1000$.i know it still counts as rule break but it was not my intention.i was not aware of the rule...
  13. Ugur Verstappen

    Rejected BAN 60 DAYS|ABBAS SHAH

    I made a retail which all under city rules. I sold my car using the interaction, paid my tax. But i got banned 60 days because of gen rules 1.7 which is 'It is forbidden to transfer property as a gift, whose total amount exceeds $5.000.000'. I didnt just gave my car i sold it under the rules.I...
  14. Ugur Verstappen

    Rejected BAN 60 DAYS|ABBAS SHAH

    I made a retail which all under city rules. I sold my car using the interaction, paid my tax. But i got banned 60 days because of gen rules 1.7 which is 'It is forbidden to transfer property as a gift, whose total amount exceeds $5.000.000'. I didnt just gave my car i sold it under the rules.
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