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Search results

  1. Prada Sins

    Rejected 2.29 regolamento ghetto/ estel green

    nn sapevo che ho infrato questo regolamento pk nel en1 lo facevo sempre e i admins mi hanno detto che va bene. ho la depressione per questo demorgon. Per favore potete togliere questo demorgon cosi nn saro piu triste
  2. Prada Sins

    Rejected Blacklistato twink | Elonsik Swayze

    Salve, Vorrei richiedere lo sban del mio account Main (id 159). 10 mesi fa ero blacklistato, uno dei motivi era perché avevo più di 2 account. Dopo 6 mesi avete tolto il mio blacklist, quindi quando sono entrato in game per la prima volta, sono entrato con i credenziali sbagliati per il mio...
  3. Prada Sins

    Reviewed Redux Illegale | Cameron Poe

    Buonasera, Sono stato bannato 2/3 settimane fa per redux illegale visto che la redux che utilizzavo (Brazilian Redux v1000) non aveva il timecycle. Come probabilmente saprete in queste ultimi 2/3 mesi stavo giocando nel en1 e li si possono usare tutti i tipi di cieli e timecycle e quindi essendo...
  4. Prada Sins

    Approved GEN 1.1 | Alex Pluxury

    Hello, so recently i got banned for multi accounting, everything started when Italian server dropped ( over a year ago ). I met a bunch of friends and one of them was Kikna. At the time, I quit GrandRP EN1 for about a year then returned to GRP but in the italian server, when it opened. Kikna was...
  5. Prada Sins

    Rejected RDM 9633

    La clip spiega tutto
  6. Prada Sins

    Rejected Unban appeal / Mazhor Pluxury

    Hello mazhor, if you didnt know I was banned a year ago in PT server for 4.1. I have been playing in several servers; including EN3; I havent used cheats for many mant months. Im open for a pc check if you need to do it before unabaning me. Thanks.
  7. Prada Sins

    Rejected Unban appeal / Mazhor Pluxury

    Hello mazhor, if you didnt know I was banned a year ago in PT server for 4.1. I have been playing in several servers; including EN3; I havent used cheats for many mant months. Im open for a pc check if you need to do it before unabaning me. Thanks.
  8. Prada Sins

    Rejected RDM | Mutliple ID's

    This is not the first time where this family (barcode) shoot us before foundry event starts so we have a disadvantage. There is not way this is a miss-click. Thanks in advance. Here are the povs of the people being shot. Desktop 2022.11.04 -
  9. Prada Sins

    Approved RDM and MG | 1888 + 761

    The clip explains everything. Multiple members of relentless have RDM with no reason. Clear metagaming aswell in the clip given by the player. Thanks in advance(y)
  10. Prada Sins

    Rejected Demorgon for FearRP | neron hill

    I was in afk and I was in my head. A zomie starts to attack me so i went to the nearest car and locked it... I was afk for the next 30 minutes and someone drives the car in the ghetto like an idiot, the guy gets robbed whilst I am afk and now I have a warning and lost all my weapons. I wasnt afk...
  11. Prada Sins

    Rejected Fear RP by neron hill

    I was in afk and I was in my head. A zomie starts to attack me so i went to the nearest car and locked it... I was afk for the next 30 minutes and someone drives the car in the ghetto like an idiot, the guy gets robbed whilst I am afk and now I have a warning and lost all my weapons. I wasnt afk...
  12. Prada Sins

    Rejected Unban Appeal / ID 31

    Boa tarde, estou aqui para fazer um recurso de banimento porque admito meu erro e o que fiz foi errado, mas estou aqui para pedir desculpas e queria uma chance como todos os outros. Agora que a atualização saiu, eu realmente quero aproveitar a nova atualização. Espero que considere meu apelo e...
  13. Prada Sins

    Approved Restituire armi dopo un avvertimento sbagliato / elonsik swayze

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/220839/ come si vede, il mio avvertimento era sbagliato, quando ho preso il avvertimento markus mi ha tolto, la carabina, assalto speciale colorata. Mi hanno detto che devo fare un forum per elon cosi prendo le armi in dietro. Grazie e buona giornata...
  14. Prada Sins

    Rejected sban twink / Elonsik swayze

    Siccome mio main e sbannato, chiedo per il mio twink per un unban perche sono stati bannati per il stesso motivo. Grazie.
  15. Prada Sins

    Approved avvertimento gen rule 6.15 /Markus Swayze

    Buongiorno, il motivo perche ho ucciso certa gente, e perche mi hanno sparatto prima loro. https://streamable.com/1ozv2e https://streamable.com/efc8af se volete la clip di lorenzo per capire se hanno sparato, lo mando al admin che sta valutanto il forum in privato. Grazie
  16. Prada Sins

    Rejected Richiesta POV 8287

    Vorrei capire come mi uccide con un colpo di rev quando ho 100 di vita. https://streamable.com/r90v2n
  17. Prada Sins

    Rejected Richiesta POV 8287

    Vorrei capire come mi uccide con un colpo di rev quando ho 100 di vita. https://streamable.com/r90v2n
  18. Prada Sins

    Reviewed Blacklisted twink | Elonsik Swayze

    Regarding this forum : https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/199114/#post-740990 Could you unblacklist my twink. The twink got blacklisted for the same reason as my main. This account didn’t have any sort of ban/punishment before the blacklist.
  19. Prada Sins

    Approved 6.26 / Mike Deline

    Recibí una advertencia de 7 días con 3 horas de demogorgon por usar una máscara médica en la arena. No inicié sesión en Grand RP durante unos días antes de que se aplicara la regla, así que no lo sabía. Por favor, dame otra oportunidad. esta es la primera vez que me castigan
  20. Prada Sins

    Reviewed Blacklisted for mass rule break / Elonsik Swayze

    I did an appeal and chief admin replies with “I’m blacklisted for mass rule break : Cheats, multi account and other stuff. One of the reason is Cheats: I was already banned for cheats 60 days 23 days ago. You can pc check me and you won’t find anything now. Elon then said my other reason why...
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