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  1. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected Ban for GR 1.3| Adham Pluxury

    Hello, I was banned on this server due scamming people on my alt account for over 1 year ago, i didn`t think this through becouse the same had happend to my friend some days back and the person did not get punished. I've changed from then and actually want to make a good impact on this server...
  2. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected Unban Appeal / General rule 1.3

    I was scamming people on my second account on this server, it was more than a year ago and i've changed. I'm sorry, can i please get an unban.
  3. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected Wronful Decision | Bobby Pluxury

    Well short said, i was banned for general rule 1.3 becouse i scammed people with my twink i fully agree i shouldn`t have done it and it want to clear some things up. Becouse you said "Logs show everything, Logs Clearly shows You and Your friends, used Twink to scam players and Pass the Money...
  4. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected Unban Appeal | General Rule 1.3

    Hello, I was banned this day due scamming people on my alt account, i didn`t think this through becouse the same had happend to my friend some days back and the person did not get punished. I thought i could get away with it and did not think through that i was actually scamming people i just...
  5. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected Cosa Nostra | Unofficial Organization

    Family Name: Cosa Nostra Founder: Louie Brown ID 1299 Family House Number: 736 Family Owner Forum Profile: Abdi Hassan Family Owner Discord: F4REAL#9872 Family Logo: Family History: Cosa Nostra was founder in Stovner bydel, Oslo/Norway, by Abdi Hassan who`s half Somali & Italian, but his...
  6. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected Wrongful | Neron Hill

    Complaint "Wrongful Decision | Neron Hill"
  7. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected Wrongful | Neron Hill

    I made a Complait about someone RDM-ing me to get my family members solar panels, and i was also punished for Metagaming. But, when the metagaming rule when you`re playing is in RP Scenarios your not allowed to talk with people on discord. But in my POV i just went outside to the house to go...
  8. Abdi Hassan

    Approved RDM | 1292, 15918, 5811, 2179, 4832.

    No i just said you counted 1, 2, 3, then i started running saying "ok, im leaving" you can`t go agianst the video it is literally recorded.
  9. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected No reason RDM / Costa Nostra

    also why are you reporting that your not RDM-ing? this really makes me loose brain cells
  10. Abdi Hassan

    Approved RDM | 1292, 15918, 5811, 2179, 4832.

    you was counting down and when you was at 2 or 3 seconds i started running even saying im leaving and you still shot me when running away.
  11. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected No reason RDM / Costa Nostra

    Also i looked over it agian and the yellow clothing people aren`t even you ahhaha !! you just went inside started shooting people that literally RDM:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  12. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected No reason RDM / Costa Nostra

    not going to answer?
  13. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected No reason RDM / Costa Nostra

    Thats not me and where is the Insult and what has that to do with IC problems?
  14. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected No reason RDM / Costa Nostra

    please come with a tank take OOC information IC now
  15. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected No reason RDM / Costa Nostra

    Your family members need to have brain size as big as a peanut thats swimming doing flips inside your head to actually send in POV of them rule-breaking.😭😭
  16. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected No reason RDM / Costa Nostra

    In the Second Clip you literally going out in mid gunfire with a bodyarmor and Assault rifle ready pulling it our also, ready to shoot the person in front of you? 1 its not RDM that, 2 how you know they are shooting your friends outside. well the answer is you metagaming with talking on discord...
  17. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected No reason RDM / Costa Nostra

    In the first clip both ID 715 and 4397 are not doing anything towards you shooting or aiming, while you shot both of them literally RMD-ing in your own clip. And also your not able to hear or see demands when your that Far away so how are you supposed to know its rdm tell me? :LOL: pathetic
  18. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected Massive rule break┃Swords family

    Im so happy for you accomplishing robbing a bank, can`t wait for you "povs". And agian congratulations for "we enter bank rob XD" best regards!(y)
  19. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected Massive rule break┃Swords family

    here is another clip of clear VDM of them.
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