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  1. M

    Rejected Blacklist | Ivkezz Obama

    Big greetings, on 18.11.2022 there was a big confusion, I was driving around the grand rp city normally, until I got banned and the reason was the blacklist. I asked the admins and everyone I could, but they told me that I'm not blacklisted, okay, now it's getting weird, but I realized that the...
  2. M

    Reviewed Blacklist | For Mazhor

    Big greetings Mazhor, on 19.11.2022 there was a big confusion, I was driving around the grans rp city normally, until I got banned and the reason was the blacklist. I asked the admins and everyone I could, but they told me that I'm not blacklisted, okay, now it's getting weird, but I realized...
  3. M

    Rejected Blacklist | For Mazhor

    Big greetings Mazhor, on 19.11.2022 there was a big confusion, I was driving around the grans rp city normally, until I got banned and the reason was the blacklist. I asked the admins and everyone I could, but they told me that I'm not blacklisted, okay, now it's getting weird, but I realized...
  4. M

    Reviewed For Mazhor | Blacklist

    Big greetings Mazhor, on 19.11.2022 there was a big confusion, I was driving around the grans rp city normally, until I got banned and the reason was the blacklist. I asked the admins and everyone I could, but they told me that I'm not blacklisted, okay, now it's getting weird, but I realized...
  5. M

    Rejected Blacklist | For Mazor

    Hello Mazhor, I made a lot of complaints where I said that my account was blacklisted for no reason, and I explained everything and you said that i did something bad and that i need to tell thrut, so here is what actually happened. One day my friend got a bun on his main account, he asked for...
  6. M

    Rejected Blacklist | For Mazhor

    Hello Mazhor. When someone creates another social club account, he has to buy GTA again, so my friend had problems with creating an account, I wanted to be good and make him another account that I never logged in to, or played on it, I created it and gave him a password and e-mail. since I need...
  7. M

    Rejected Blacklist | For Mazhor

    http://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/251193/ if you look in the proofs od this forum and my forum you will see the right thing, because this is guy who i created account.
  8. M

    Rejected Blacklist | For Mazhor

    Hello Mazhor, I made a lot of complaints where I said that my account was blacklisted for no reason, and I explained everything and you said that i did something bad and that i need to tell thrut, so here is what actually happened. One day my friend got a bun on his main account, he asked for...
  9. M

    Rejected Vredanje administracije | 19803

    Danas sam imao malu raspravu sam jednim likom dok u vrijeme te raspave nije rekao da vrijeda admine te da ce da nastavi da vreda admine sve to pise u linku u opisu objave. Hvala. Lp.
  10. M

    Rejected Blacklist | Ivkezz Obama

    Hello, since 19.11 I can't access my acc because it says I'm blacklisted, I immediately went to the forum but there are no complaints about my playing on the server, I contacted the administration, but they say I'm not blocked or blacklisted , but they said that I own another acc under ID 29402...
  11. M

    Reviewed Blacklist | Ivkezz Obama

    Danas ujutro sam ustao, upalio komp normalno, ušao u grand, ali mi je račun bio blacklistan od strane Ivkezz-a Obame, brzo sam otišao na forum i tražio prijavu protiv mene, ali nije bilo prijave, pa ne znam zasto sam blacklistan, međutim kontaktirao sam admina Ivkezza i on je rekao da nisam...
  12. M

    Reviewed Blacklist | Ivkezz Obama

    Today in the morning I got up, turned on the computer normally, entered the grand, but my account was blacklisted by Ivkezz Obama, I quickly went to the forum and asked for a complaint against me, but there was no complaint, so I was strangely blacklisted, however, I contacted the admin Ivkezz...
  13. M

    Reviewed Blacklist | Ivkezz Obama

    Today in the morning I got up, turned on the computer normally, entered the grand, but my account was blacklisted by Ivkezz Obama, I quickly went to the forum and asked for a complaint against me, but there was no complaint, so I was strangely blacklisted, however, I contacted the admin Ivkezz...
  14. M

    Reviewed Blacklist | Ivkezz Obama

    sve je u redu hvala.
  15. M

    Reviewed Blacklist | Ivkezz Obama

    Danas ujutro ustao samse normalno upalio kompjuter usao u grand ali moj nalog bio je blacklistan od strane Ivkezz-a Obame, brzo sam otisao na forum i trazio zalbu na mene ali tu nije bilo zalbe pa mi je bilo cudnozaszo blacklist, medutim kontaktirao sam admina Ivkezz-a te je rekao da nisam...
  16. M

    Reviewed Blacklist | Ivkezz Obama

    Na danasnji dan uso sam u igricu, sve normalno ukucao lozinku i pisalo mi je da sam dobio Blacklist od strane Ivkezz-a Obame jucer 18.11.2022 u skoro 18:00 sati. Gledao sam forum ali nema nikakve zalbe na mene, nisam bio in-game tada tako da nisađ ni mogao znati zasto sađ dobio Blacklist. Meni...
  17. M

    Rejected Blacklist | Ivkezz Obama

    Na danasnji dan uso sam u igricu, sve normalno ukucao lozinku i pisalo mi je da sam dobio Blacklist od strane Ivkezz-a Obame jucer 18.11.2022 u skoro 18:00 sati. Gledao sam forum ali nema nikakve zalbe na mene, nisam bio in-game tada tako da nisađ ni mogao znati zasto sađ dobio Blacklist. Meni...
  18. M

    Approved Demorgan za VDM | Luka Immortal

    Danas sam isao do svoje familije zato sto sam imao bitnu akciju, ali doslo je do problema, na putu do moje familije 4 lika puskama su stajali na sredini ceste, naravno nisam stigao zakociti i pogazio sam 3 likova. Nakon 2 minute admin me je stavio za u demorgan radi VDM-a, pritom nspisao mi je...
  19. M

    Rejected Demorgan za Fear Rp

    Znaci bio sam u geto 3 likova su me robali ja dam pomslo bacao stvari oni su me lupali i pucali, pogodili su me u ruku i nisam mogao bacati kada dam jeo meso da bih izlecio rane i kako bih nastavio bacati admin je odma nako sto sam pojeo meso stavio u demorgan za "Fear Rp", voljeo bih da znam...
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