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Search results

  1. W

    Rejected Bug Abuse | Alex Odd

    Tried logging in and found out I'm blocked for a week, not too sure why. The reason given was "bug abuse" and the only thing I can think of was I planted a solar panel by climbing on top of a roof using a trash can.
  2. W

    Rejected Bug Abuse | 197344

    It was not intentional, I didn't realize my gun was still out until after I had started reviving. I instantly put my gun away as to not PG and remained standing there for the duration if you have full POV
  3. W

    Approved CR | 243116

    Just got back to my house, landed my helicopter and as I'm about to enter my door, I hear this broke boy run into my helicopter. Turn around and see him continuously doing it on purpose. Thought he was finished but he came back around again with a running start:
  4. W

    Approved RDM | 253439

    In prison, Jr out here starts bashing my face in for no reason. Proof in the video.
  5. W

    Approved RDM | 263177

    I was asleep at my house and woke up to find myself at the hospital. Go back in the bodycam to find this random person coming onto my property, punching my vehicles and RDMing me.
  6. W

    Rejected GR 6.24 | 253861 & 250884

    Got into a taxi headed to the airport, driver goes through the ghetto and I am shot once by each person with a revolver. 253861 first hits me, 250884 downs me.
  7. W

    Approved RDM | 203528

    I just landed back my house to chill and push some ads through. Some random woman runs by the house, stops right at mine, takes out a shotgun, and blasts me. You can see she hops over the fence to probably try and loot me too like a little cockroach.
  8. W

    Rejected Leader of LSPD | Rodrego Gracia

    ++ Rodrego is an amazing leader, best suited for this position!
  9. W

    Approved Leader of LSPD I Ghassan Aldker

    ++ EN1 LSPD needs a strong leader, Ghassan is the answer!
  10. W

    Rejected Car Selling Scammers | 224696 & 190641

    A lot of this was my fault for believing someone was selling an R8 for $500K, but I believed the advertisement, went to purchase, and got scammed into purchasing an A8 for what was promised to be an R8.
  11. W

    Approved LSPD leader | Rodrego Gracia

    HIGHLY recommend! Make this man leader!
  12. W

    Approved VDM | ID: 73129

    Just another case of VDM that LSPD tower's have to deal with every shift. This time it's 73129 in a rental AMG One.
  13. W

    Approved VDM | ID: 166743, 75802

    Headed back to the tow yard through the LSPD HQ, Audi R8 (166743) pulls out in a dangerous manner in which I brake but not in time, he in turns begins ramming me alongside his buddy (75802)
  14. W

    Approved VDM | ID: 69462

    Just trying to tow this Ferrari when 69462 can't mind his own business and begins VDMing.
  15. W

    Approved VDM | ID: 142587

    Just trying to tow an illegally parked vehicle, Porsche (142587) just keeps ramming me on the way to tow yard.
  16. W

    Approved VDM | ID 206383

    206383 doesn't know how to wait in a line at LS Customs where there are three others doing just fine. He comes in with his Lamborghini and begins to ram everyone in there.
  17. W

    Rejected VDM Ramming in LS Customs | 206383 doesn't know how to wait in a line

    Like the title suggests, 206383 doesn't know how to wait in a line at LS Customs where there are three others doing just fine. He comes in with his Lamborghini and begins to ram everyone in there.
  18. W

    Approved VDM RDM | 203248

    Just running from the marketplace back to my parking lot as my vehicle was destroyed. Running on the sidewalk when this random dude VDM RDMs
  19. W

    Approved Ramming & Provocation | 163200

    Went to tow this Audi R8, the owner of the Jeep Gladiator (163200) rams into the Issi in front of him to begin ramming and blocking me to provoke.
  20. W

    Rejected CR, DM, OOC | ID: 147422 (National Guard)

    Appreciate the input, it was still on his forum profile so I just assumed that he was. Would have thought it would have been removed if he were no longer in a government position.
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