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  1. Tucoo

    Rejected RDM | 151801

    show full situation don cut
  2. Tucoo

    Reviewed pov request ||128995

    😭😭😭😭😭 Nooooo plss
  3. Tucoo

    Reviewed pov request ||128995

    That's crazy, u guys are smart lmfao
  4. Tucoo

    Rejected RDM | 151801

    do i have to give demand to every single one of u lmao that make no sense i gave ur friend demand so ur friend suppos to tell that demand is giving its not my fault lmao
  5. Tucoo

    Rejected RDM | 151801

    like i said it was rp situation and u just came late
  6. Tucoo

    Rejected RDM | 151801

    am sure ur friend 175712 id have the whole situation why he is not the one reporting ? (the rules that u guys broke is meta gaming + talking while u dead id 97307 )
  7. Tucoo

    Rejected RDM | 151801

    THERE is a 175712 id there he is ur friend so he is the one supposse to post his pov i gave him demand and he still runing around and start calling u guys and i believe u guys did meta gaming at the end it was a rp situation going on there and u just came late and ur friend 175712 id ( ur...
  8. Tucoo

    Rejected 1.45M BATTLEPASS SCAM

    Ill sell u one for 1.3
  9. Tucoo

    Reviewed Pov Request | 278522

    how about you stop pretending that ur good and admit that ur cheating
  10. Tucoo

    Reviewed Pov Request | 278522

  11. Tucoo

    Reviewed Pov Request | 278522

    Pov 2 even worst can't wait for part 3
  12. Tucoo

    Reviewed Pov Request | 278522

    Stfu pussy ur friend have big hit box u can see that on pov 1 play it on x0.50
  13. Tucoo

    Reviewed Pov Request | 278522

    xD u using big hit box
  14. Tucoo

    Approved RDM-151780

  15. Tucoo

    Reviewed Pov Request | 151780

    thought the song was cool but alr np here Grand Theft Auto V 2023.08.13 -
  16. Tucoo

    Reviewed Pov Request | 151780

    https://streamable.com/os01qv my fault bro i should not have enter with that lag
  17. Tucoo

    Reviewed Pov Request | 151780

    my game randomly start lagging when i went inside the circle, i was playing with high ping ill post my pov in few min
  18. Tucoo

    Rejected GR 1.4 (Multi Accounting) | Id: 128995, 160445

    xDD where did u get these information from
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