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IMPORTANT Applications for Los Santos Vagos

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Krishna Singh

Nov 15, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
IRL name: Krishna Singh
Age : 19
Time zone:GMT+5:30
Average online per day: 4-5 hrs (normal) when exam starts it is less
Discord: Krishna432a#8277
Nickname : Kris
ID: 2546

Additional Information
1.Till now not got the opurtunity to become leader
2. While i started playing i just wanted to do some fun by joining organization but no one would like take me in their organization even giving a chance what i can do or how can i help them so if i will be the leader then i will give each and every people equal opportunity so that they can show their talent in the game

I could help the vagos by becoming as a friend and not like a leader which could create a great impression and would like do some special things while serving the position that every one will try for becoming member of vagos i want to increase the reputation of the vagos more higher

I want to be a leader but i have no experience but without giving a position no one can have experience so if have get a chance to become leader i would do my best.

3. My advice for improvement in rp is that helping people is good but while it can improve when you just call a number for any help instead of writing when i play it disappoints me i have to write and then wait for message instead of it calling specific number for help and then receive the commands in phone listening it .in this way the reply could be fast

Brown Ponch

Oct 23, 2021
1. Your name IRL :Zaki Khalil
2. Your age: 24 years old
3. Time zone: GMT+9
4. Average online per day 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord Brown Ponch#4643
6. My Nick Name: Brown Ponch
7. Your ID 876

Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Vagos
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Since the day I joined the city I always wanted to lead Los Santos Vagos, and I always wanted to show my origination as the most organized Gang, and also I want the players to enjoy playing under the name of Los Santos Vagos Ganag.

I have good skills as leader ship, I don't want to file the right leader chose the right position for each gang member and I have good
vision of getting to know the right people in the right place at the right time, especially the recruiting employee, as he is the main factor in building the organization by testing people well because they are not doing a disruptive role play.

Before I move to this city I was one of the high ranks of Los Santos Vagos and also of middle command in all the other illegal organizations like the families and the ballas etc…. I gained a lot of experience and benefited from the mistakes of the leaders there and from their right actions as well, so I believe that experiences are the most important thing where you can deal with all the difficult situations that may harm the organization from my previous experiences.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

My advice in to improve RolePlay in the organization members should not take things personally and also all members should be respected whether they are leaders or by members, also members should impersonate mafia members properly and do their best to impersonate.

Arj Pluxury

"Senior Curator : Support"
Senior Administrator
Nov 15, 2021
1. Your name IRL = Amr Ibrahim
2. Your age = 23 Years Old
3. Time zone = EET
4. Average online per day = 8 - 12 Hours Per Day
5. Your Discord = Argentiny#1733
6. Your Nickname = Argentiny
7. Your ID = 1330

Additional information

1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
[1]- One reason I would like to be leader of this criminal organisation is I believe I could be a great leader and i have great knowledge on the gang life and good knowledge in state organisations which I can use greatly to my advantage.

[2]- I want to use the second part which is out of town and by that I mean to be active in the daily gang events and I believe I could be a great leader is I am very experienced in rp due to being in other servers and doing other RP situations in all kinds of organisations on this server.

[3]- I want to give the new gang members a true criminal experience within the rules without violating them, and reactivate the Vagos gang in order to activate the rest of the government jobs as well.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I want to introduce a system of commercial gangs, not just to expose theft and murder, such as if they are interested in selling weapons, drugs and smuggling, and I mean that their dealings in the city be more, that it be a commercial deal to sell contraband and other things prohibited to citizens, and that the system of kidnapping and killing is between gangs or members of government jobs only and illegal institutions Only and not an ordinary citizen like corrupt policemen, money transfer cars and trucks.


Nov 8, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Cherry
2. 31
3. Eastern Standard Time
4. 5-12 hours
5. trini2dbone#6002
6. Savannah Singh
7. 2753
Additional information
1. Leader of Vagos
2. I want to be the leader cause I'm active and am online everyday, I know the rules of the ghetto, know how to enforce them and I have constant consistent communication to enforce them and take accountability. I am able to cooperate with diverse groups and ensuring complete understanding of each to the other.
3. My only advice would be more promotion for more people like YouTube ads.


Nov 5, 2021
1. Your name Kartlos
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+4
4. Average online per day: 5-6 hours
5. Your Discord: cyabru#6286
6. Your Nickname: Harry
7. Your ID: 452
Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I consider myself as a good leader due to my previous experiences and motivation to make the gang succeed.
I've been an Underboss in families for 1 month, in families I've done most of the organisation, leading, recruiting and community works and I had no warnings given in any of the events I've been leading ( and all of them are 95% success rate ). I think a Leader position should have the stated characteristics, rather than have other people do it for you.
I would do the entire organisation of the gang on another level as I'm a perfectionist myself and I really make sure all the flaws get fixed as soon as possible. I got a lot of people who would back me up on this application. I've made multiple quizzes that would test out people who join so we know who's where and how they would handle each situation, just so things like warnings don't happen. I would bring a few families with me who have been following me and believing in me for the past few weeks.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Better punishments for Ghetto fights. Currently there's too many people combat logging and running into HQ.
There should be more events that involve RP (something like store robberies) so we can get more chances to RP instead of kill on sight.
Doing a better way of filtering people who join the server. Newer players might not have microphones or have no idea how the server works. Also having all the rules IN GAME where people can check them would be really useful.
I think street fights that happen 24/7 shouldn't be happening as they are. I think having less events that are bigger scale, maybe an event that is only active at some time where the street fights reward you bonus money for robbing other gang members or something like that. I would also like to do a lot of global events and not only for my gang members also for each player on the server.

Arthur Mack

May 16, 2021
The following players have been selected for Vagos interviews at 16:00 server time on Thursday 25th November.

i) Ted - 568 - @Bukker#8277

ii) Yousif - 1493 - @chungus#8909

iii) 167 - Jacob - Jay Money#0025

iv) 876 - Zaki Khalil - @Brown Ponch#4643

v) 1330 - Amr Ibrahim - @Argentiny#1733


Da hustla

Jay da goat !
Aug 1, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name: Javon
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: EST
4. Average online per day: 5-7 hours
5. Your Discord: wocpint#6969
6. Your Nickname: Jay Escobar
7. Your ID: 2295

1. Leader of...Vagos
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to be leader of Vagos because I have past gang experience, i have been in vagos, marabunta, bloods, and I am currently high command in Families in these gangs i have had lots of fun and i always enjoy doing gang RP.

I would also like to get leader because i know all the ghetto rules and i feel like if i was to get leader I could ensure fun within the gang while still making sure all the members are following rules and are familiar with the ghetto rules and punishments for them.

I also think with the experience I have in the city and the friends ive made that would be interested in joining i could most definitely lead a gang that will be successful at events and menaces of LS,

Lastly, Ive always wanted to become leader of an org just like tons of other people but not just for the sake of being able to say im a leader, I have some pretty solid ideas of how to guarantee fun for the members of the gang and plans to gather a solid gang and keep it running smoothly.


Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.​
  1. I plan on having set ranks within the gang with specific responsibilities and expectations. For Example, I would have a rank called "Turf Captain" and this rank with be responsible for leading the turf team, giving members on the turf team tips and tricks, making sure all the turf members are showing up during turfs and overall managing the turf team. I would then also have a rank called "Turf thug", this rank will be given to all the members of the turf team besides the "Captain" and they will be expected to follow the turf captain and fill the ghetto map in yellow. ;)
  2. I will make sure when being recruited members are thoroughly interviewed and tested on their knowledge of ghetto rules. For example, I will have a specific team of people/rank that is assigned to recruiting members and they will be provided with a interview manual which will consist of questions regarding rules like "Are you allowed to run into HQ while being chased by another gang?" and i will add in a statement that makes my recruiting team aware players must be 5 years old in the city just to steer clear from recruiting members who join and arent active in the city and to ensure they have atleast some experience within the city.
  3. I would also like to have a separate "bank account" for the gang, this will NOT be the IC organization balance but i would like to have ONE TRUSTED member in the gang that keeps a percent of the money we earn and are rewarded with from events and the money saved will be used to help members in the gang buying skills that will help them in the gang. For example, the pickpocket skill is $300.000 and if a member wasnt able to afford the skill on their own and had not earned it we could help them by providing some money to go towards buying the skill.
  4. During store robberies and other events i will announce strict comms, this means that over the radio members should refrain from unnecessary conversations and until informed otherwise by me the chatter on radio should only consist of, callouts and information that is important or helpful during the event.
  5. (This wont be required but it will be suggested to all members.) To refrain from getting warnings and having members get punished I would like any members that are going out to rob, ghetto clap and doing sprays to inform me or a high command over radio where they are going and what they are going to do.
  6. From what ive seen around the city i know some people will start "mixing" during RP situations when others break rules, to try and avoid this i will try to tell all my members when a other player breaks the rules in a situation to just continue the situation if possible and grab bodycam of what the player is doing wrong and make a report after the situation or if the situation can no longer be continued they should just make sure the incident is on bodycam and walk away from the situation without mixing or insulting others.
Thanks for taking your time to read my application!
Sincerely, Jay Escobar
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Osama Ponch

Nov 4, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Ted
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT + 1
4. Average online per day: 6-12
5. Your Discord: Abow#6969
6. Your Nickname: Teddy
7. Your ID: 4669
Additional information

1. Leader of Vagos
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).
  • I was leader of this org few days ago and it has lot of potential, you might think, then why did you resign? Because it is fastest way to get warning removed :) .
  • I did many mistakes, Firstly I had simply too much people in org who were afk and didn't care about anything. I had too many high ranks. that's why reorganizing is best, after taking pause and getting leadership back, I will be more focus and wont make same mistakes as I did last time:
  • Leadership: I have been playing RP for several years, Been playing on a bunch of different communities and different languages communities, within this years I have gained a lot of experience: First Time I became a leader In rage MP RP server was on Georgian GTA go 2020, I was Bloods leader later Fib leader and then NG leader. Servers' peak was 600-800 players. Grand Rp I was Admin on a Russian server. Then I actively started playing on RUS server 2 which I spent about a year playing on until the English server opened, I have been playing for a few weeks after it started, I was so happy and excited.
  • Organisation: Everyone will have their role in this organization and we will be so organized there will be aabsolutely0 no confusion between members.
3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.
  • Organization will be divided into 3 groups Leaders of groups will all be ranked below Deputy leaders: These groups are Recruitment groups Armory and Material group, and Events group. Each Group (department) will be responsible for their stuff.
  • I will have people controlling Logs all the time to minimize warehouse Robs.
  • More negotiations and high-quality RP while on store and gun store robberies
  • More IC events, Most leaders only do Island and turf.
  • Attack on Ammo runs, I want to make ammo run hard for GOV to defined, with haveing allies with other unofficial orgs and gangs we will go against all GOV org
  • Recruitment: to get recruited you must have basic knowledge of RP, outplay. ask several OOC rules questions and you will join org as disbanded rank. what does this mean? it means that now you have to take quiz which high ranks review and decide what rank you will be on.
  • I had soo many costume events in mind. i wrote bio for vagos. i want to attack capitol and make great Rp scenarios

I hope you will I've me chance to interviews and make Vagos Even better then it was before


Jul 23, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Tom
2. 24
3. EST
4. 4-8
5. gtommo#0386
6. Tommo Atkin
7. 1620

additional info:
1. Leader of Vagos
2.1- I want to be leader of Vagos because I feel like I can bring a whole new meaning of gang rp to our city, with increased interaction between orgs. I have experienced every part of a gang, from being a fresh rank 1 recruit all the way to Deputy Leader and turfs, and one thing I can say is alot of good times come from orgs interacting with eachother, like negotiations and kidnappings. This is something I want to see alot more of, including new scenarios I have thought of and plan to implement should I become leader. I also believe more people should be able to take part in those kind of events and plan to make sure everyone has a chance to participate.
2.2- I also have alot of ideas and suggestions on how a gang should be run which I think will help my gang stand out and be a good time for everyone involved. Things like ranks will take on a different meaning than your usual gang.
2.3- Another reason I want to lead Vagos is because I think alot of previous gang leaders failed to step up and really make their mark on the city. I am hoping my previous experience and fresh ideas will help me achieve what others did not. Not only have I learned from my mistakes in the past, but I also pay attention to and learn from the mistakes of others.
3. Again, my advice for improving role play in the organization level would be to have more numerous interactions between organizations, things like alliances and treaties instead of the usual shoot on sight and show toxicity to everyone who isnt in your organization. I think the RP quality would improve drastically if people put aside that mindset and focused more on having fun and trying new things.

thanks for taking the time to read my application

Luis Valencia

Nov 5, 2021
The following players have been selected for Vagos interviews at 16:00 server time on Saturday 11th December.

i) Tommo - 1620 - @gtommo#0386

ii) Jay - 2295 - @wocpint#6969



Jul 5, 2021
1. Your name IRL - Jacob
2. Your age - 25
3. Time zone - Eastern Standard (EST)
4. Average online per day - 8hr weekday / 10hr weekend
5. Your Discord - Jay Money#0025
6. Your Nickname - Jay Xoxo
7. Your ID - 167
Additional information
1. Leader of: The Vagos Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2a : I have a lot of experience with leadership in the past. In both en1 and en2, I have helped lead the Top Shelf family with success in both servers as a Founding Father. We lead by example, we make sure to understand and follow all rules while also maintaining a very high level of RP. This wouldn't be my first rodeo being in gangs.I am freshly coming off of a deputy position in a previous gang here in the city. I now have the knowledge I was lacking before. I now know and understand all the in-depth actions and formats that are to be used while planning , logging , and executing certain gang activities i.e (FZ raid , Turfs, ect. ) I have also seen how previous leadership teams have gotten disbanded in the past and ways that it could have been avoided. So as a leader, I would be able to bring that knowledge to the Vagos organization and improve the areas where other gangs have failed.
2b : I am active and am qualified as this is the only game and server I play. I have been on GRP for close to a full year and have a great understanding of how the city works. I have multiple years of leadership experience both in game as a leader of my family, and in the real world as a Manager of my workplace. Leadership comes natural to me and I am excited to potentially have the opportunity to display that here with the Vagos.
2c : I have no doubt that I would be able to help the Vagos organization grow to new levels of success. Using the Top Shelf family as an example, we have a strong family with a good culture in both en1 and en2. This includes being a top 10 family in both servers, but more importantly, having minimal to zero rule breaks in both cities. I now wish to continue that legacy here in en2 with the Vagos Gang growing the gang scene in this city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. : The first thing I would improve is the knowledge and understanding of all server rules. I noticed in the past in other gangs the majority reasons why RP is being broken in the city and ghetto is because of a lack of knowledge of server and ghetto rules. This makes players break character to then explain the rules to the individual causing all RP to be lost. I believe (at least) a weekly meeting within the gang discussing the rules of the city can help players stay in character and focus on the RP aspect, instead of the next rule break. Further, in addition to stressing the importance of the rules, I want to create a fun environment that is not toxic to create an environment that can help grow EN2's player base.

Yousif Claps

Nov 13, 2021
1. Your name IRL yousif
2. Your age17
3. Time zone new york/ est
4. Average online per day weekdays like 4 hours weekend more then 12 hours a day
5. Your Discord chungus#8909
6. Your Nickname Mia Atkin
7. Your ID1493

1. Leader of...Vagos
-Ive seen the ranks and how gang organizations should be ran and feel that i could bring quality structure to the vagos organization, and represent how the gangs should be for the beginning of the server for future leaders

When i was in ballas i started off from being one of the lowest ranks and ended up within 1-2 weeks making myself all the way to the top of ballas and this shows my undying dedication to the gang.

I've been in ballas previously, and I've been there for a long time, and I've always been excellent with my members, and I've always been in the top rankings. I will only invite individuals who know the rules and who don't mind doing clands, and I will make them excited for the next event and can't wait for it.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay in the organization.
Some things I would do to improve Roleplay;
  • More IC player-created events with other gangs, civilians, or legal factions to improve a sense of roleplay rather than constant fighting and events.
  • A forum harmony, my organization should not have any toxicity against any other group, reports will be made only when it is necessary.
  • A sense of good standing with every other group in the city on the OOC level, everyone at the end of the day is a person behind their screen, a sense of community would be a large positive.
  • ICly I would make some scenarios for my organization to participate in and possibly makes some IC rewards/benefits involved.
  • Overall, create a positive and enjoyable gang that someone could join if they're around for the vibes and quality gameplay.
  • Having shooters, yes but including other people who may not be as experienced in the city with a gun or roleplay in general.
  • In-depth review of the rules upon recruitment, I would make sure everyone knows the exact rules and restrictions we have at all times, this would overall improve roleplay quality around my organization and carry on throughout interactions with others in the server.
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Da hustla

Jay da goat !
Aug 1, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name: Javon
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: EST
4. Average online per day: 8 hours
5. Your Discord: wocpint#6969
6. Your Nickname: jay gumball
7. Your ID: 2295

1. Leader of...Vagos
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to be leader of Vagos because I have past gang experience, i have been in vagos, marabunta, bloods, and I am currently high command in Families in these gangs i have had lots of fun and i always enjoy doing gang RP.

I would also like to get leader because i know all the ghetto rules and i feel like if i was to get leader I could ensure fun within the gang while still making sure all the members are following rules and are familiar with the ghetto rules and punishments for them.

I also think with the experience I have in the city and the friends ive made that would be interested in joining i could most definitely lead a gang that will be successful at events and menaces of LS,

Lastly, I was a gang leader before so I have previous leadership experience and I know what it takes to lead a gang and in my opinion I have what it takes to be one of the best gang leaders in the city.


Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  1. I plan on having set ranks within the gang with specific responsibilities and expectations. For Example, I would have a rank called "Turf Captain" and this rank with be responsible for leading the turf team, giving members on the turf team tips and tricks, making sure all the turf members are showing up during turfs and overall managing the turf team. I would then also have a rank called "Turf thug", this rank will be given to all the members of the turf team besides the "Captain" and they will be expected to follow the turf captain and fill the ghetto map in yellow. ;)
  2. I will make sure when being recruited members are thoroughly interviewed and tested on their knowledge of ghetto rules. For example, I will have a specific team of people/rank that is assigned to recruiting members and they will be provided with a interview manual which will consist of questions regarding rules like "Are you allowed to run into HQ while being chased by another gang?" and i will add in a statement that makes my recruiting team aware players must be 5 years old in the city just to steer clear from recruiting members who join and arent active in the city and to ensure they have atleast someexperience within the city.
  3. I would also like to have a separate "bank account" for the gang, this will NOT be the IC organization balance but i would like to have ONE TRUSTED member in the gang that keeps a percent of the money we earn and are rewarded with from events and the money saved will be used to help members in the gang buying skills that will help them in the gang. For example, the pickpocket skill is $300.000 and if a member wasnt able to afford the skill on their own and had not earned it we could help them by providing some money to go towards buying the skill.
  4. During store robberies and other events i will announce strict comms, this means that over the radio members should refrain from unnecessary conversations and until informed otherwise by me the chatter on radio should only consist of, callouts and information that is important or helpful during the event.
  5. (This wont be required but it will be suggested to all members.) To refrain from getting warnings and having members get punished I would like any members that are going out to rob, ghetto clap and doing sprays to inform me or a high command over radio where they are going and what they are going to do.
  6. From what ive seen around the city i know some people will start "mixing" during RP situations when others break rules, to try and avoid this i will try to tell all my members when a other player breaks the rules in a situation to just continue the situation if possible and grab bodycam of what the player is doing wrong and make a report after the situation or if the situation can no longer be continued they should just make sure the incident is on bodycam and walk away from the situation without mixing or insulting others.
Thanks for taking your time to read my application!
Sincerely, Jay Escobar

Jad Atkin

Are you mad? Cuz I'm not
Nov 11, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Yousif
2. 20
3. Central European Time (UTC+1)
4. 8-10 hours
5. Cakes#1546
7. JadAtkin
8. 1621

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
  1. I have enough experience to lead whole gang since i've been in multiple gangs before like Balas, Families , Bloods and currently in Marabunta Grande and I had higher rank in all of these organizations.​
  2. I've seen past Vagos Leaders failed to lead this gang correctly and got disbanded in few days after they get it and I think it's my time to lead it by myself since I know all the server rules.
  3. I've never had a family/gang leadership before, and I'm willing to invite the right members which they will be considered as my new family and my gang members in the same time.​
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization

  • The first important thing to improve RolePlay level in organization is inviting people who really knows the rules. Before inviting someone to the gang, the leader should make an interview for him and asking him about the gang rules, if the person doesn't know any of the rules asked he get rejected.
  • Before 10 minutes from an event, the leader have to meet his gang members in the HQ and make them to gear up and getting ready to go.
  • Giving bonuses to the gang members after achieving important event (Car Theft for example) so gang members doesn't feel bored of the events.
  • Pulling up in the ghetto when there is no event and doing sprays for the whole day nonstop.
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Zakki AGP

Sep 17, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Zakarias
2. 17
3. 1+ UTC
4.8-10 hours
5. Zakarias05171#5279
6. Zakki Agp
7. 464
Additional information
1. Leader of Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) I want to be the leader of vagos because I want to make sure we have an organization that will be active in the city and that will make a inpact to the other organizations. I want the organization to be active in the ghetto do sprays every hour and create a good running gang. I'm good at leading because I've done it before in many different organizations (bloods, ballas, families) and i have been high command in many of them. I want to make sure that if i get the orginization that it will not spread any toxicity to anyone inside the organization or anyone outside of the organization because i personaly dont like when there is toxicity in the orginizations or in general so i will make sure that it will not happen. I also want to make sure that the organization goes to every event that there is. I like all of the org events and i will make sure that the orginization is aktive in those events(like Clan, battleship, gun store robbery, submarine,blackmarket raids) .I also want to make sure that the organization will do global events to make the orgs become closer.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. My advice would be for the admins and also the leaders to enforce that it is a roleplay server and not a dm server with rules. Personaly i have played on many other roleplay servers before and right now i does not really feel like a proper RP server. So that would be my advice to get everyone to focus more on RP.

Arthur Mack

May 16, 2021
The following players have been selected for Vagos interviews at 16:00 server time on Monday 10th January.

i) Jay Xoxo - 167 - Jay Money#0025

ii) JadAtkin - 1621 - Cakes#1546

iii) Zakki Agp - 464 - Zakarias05171#5279


Ayden Carterr

Jun 26, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL: Nathan
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: EST
4. Average online per day:4-7
5. Your Discord: realnathan#2712
6. Your Nickname: Nathan NinthStreet
7. Your ID: 2857
Additional information
1. Leader of Vagos
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).
1.I want to be leader of Vagos because i think its a perfect fit for me since i have a huge experience in gangs in english 1 and know all the rules of RP and getto/gang rules plus i have always wanted to be a leader of a gang.
2.I have been a higher up in many gangs and also have been the leadert of one so i know what it looks like being a leader, i would be a great leader with all my RP experience and the experience i had in gangs and even in legal orgs
I have huge plans for the improved of rp in the organization and to improve the rp of the organization overall
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I would start by adding 3 groups in the organization kinda like legal.
Group 1:The spray team,there would be a leader of spray(would give all the directions to people and would help recruiting),senior leader(would be the people recruiting people in the spray team)and the spray team(all the people that would go do all the sprays around the getto)this way we are sure to have a solid spray team
Group 2:The event team,this team will consist of the leader of event(would tell everyone to go to them and make sure we win the most event possible)the event coleaders(would help with all the recruiting and help the leader)lastly, the event team (they would go to all the events and win them)this to make sure we have a successful gang when it comes to events
Group 3:the turf team, in here there will be the main turfers (the ones that recruit people in the turf team) the main turf roster(would be the ones doing the turfs when avaible with the main turfers)and the sub turfers(they would be replacing the turfers that are not avaible)
I would do more negotiations in the store/gunstore robberies to make it more fun for everyone in the roleplay
I would be harsh on recruiting to make sure to recruit people that has a basic knowledge in the RP rules

Select for moderation

Kodi Bolo

Ex Leader of Bloods
Jan 3, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Harish
2. Your age:19
3. Time zone: IST
4. Average online per day: 6 hours
5. Your Discord:H90 Gaming#9536
6. Your Nickname: Kodi Knights
7. Your ID:5486
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Leader of... Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

.I've been in a city for a long time now I have an experience of (EVERY) Legal or illegal organizations and I've been a High Command in almost every one of them e.g. I've been as of the Illegal Orgs I've been a Deputy of Ballas and Bloods . I also have a great experience of gangs from EN-1.

2.I want to have the suspense of the beef between the Legal and Illegal orgs I want to do more store robberies and hostage situations as I can I also want my gang to do it a right way to be protected by getting a strike . I will also focus on the turf and Graffiti and FZ raids and will try to teach my team of how to do it a right way if I get a chance .

3.In my time in the city I've earned great respect from the fellow Gang members and leaders and I want to use that respect to make my Gang a friendly Org in which everyone will get a help if they need and does feel safe for asking questions and I will also maintain good relationships with my Gang members so they will not feel forced when asking questions about anything!

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization
I will focus on training and helping my members to improve so they will also have fun in the city.
2.I will try to give out prizes to the members who will do good in the events and also to the members if who give us time improving.
3.I'll also focus on the Turf team and the Graffiti team as I've been a Graffiti Leader so I'll try to train them myself.

Da hustla

Jay da goat !
Aug 1, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name: Javon
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: EST
4. Average online per day: 8 hours
5. Your Discord: wocpint#6969
6. Your Nickname: jay gumball
7. Your ID: 2295

1. Leader of...Vagos
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to be leader of Vagos because I have past gang experience, i have been in vagos, marabunta, bloods, and I am currently high command in Families in these gangs i have had lots of fun and i always enjoy doing gang RP.

I would also like to get leader because i know all the ghetto rules and i feel like if i was to get leader I could ensure fun within the gang while still making sure all the members are following rules and are familiar with the ghetto rules and punishments for them.

I also think with the experience I have in the city and the friends ive made that would be interested in joining i could most definitely lead a gang that will be successful at events and menaces of LS,

Lastly, I was a gang leader before so I have previous leadership experience and I know what it takes to lead a gang and in my opinion I have what it takes to be one of the best gang leaders in the city.


Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  1. I plan on having set ranks within the gang with specific responsibilities and expectations. For Example, I would have a rank called "Turf Captain" and this rank with be responsible for leading the turf team, giving members on the turf team tips and tricks, making sure all the turf members are showing up during turfs and overall managing the turf team. I would then also have a rank called "Turf thug", this rank will be given to all the members of the turf team besides the "Captain" and they will be expected to follow the turf captain and fill the ghetto map in yellow. ;)
  2. I will make sure when being recruited members are thoroughly interviewed and tested on their knowledge of ghetto rules. For example, I will have a specific team of people/rank that is assigned to recruiting members and they will be provided with a interview manual which will consist of questions regarding rules like "Are you allowed to run into HQ while being chased by another gang?" and i will add in a statement that makes my recruiting team aware players must be 5 years old in the city just to steer clear from recruiting members who join and arent active in the city and to ensure they have atleast someexperience within the city.
  3. I would also like to have a separate "bank account" for the gang, this will NOT be the IC organization balance but i would like to have ONE TRUSTED member in the gang that keeps a percent of the money we earn and are rewarded with from events and the money saved will be used to help members in the gang buying skills that will help them in the gang. For example, the pickpocket skill is $300.000 and if a member wasnt able to afford the skill on their own and had not earned it we could help them by providing some money to go towards buying the skill.
  4. During store robberies and other events i will announce strict comms, this means that over the radio members should refrain from unnecessary conversations and until informed otherwise by me the chatter on radio should only consist of, callouts and information that is important or helpful during the event.
  5. (This wont be required but it will be suggested to all members.) To refrain from getting warnings and having members get punished I would like any members that are going out to rob, ghetto clap and doing sprays to inform me or a high command over radio where they are going and what they are going to do.
  6. From what ive seen around the city i know some people will start "mixing" during RP situations when others break rules, to try and avoid this i will try to tell all my members when a other player breaks the rules in a situation to just continue the situation if possible and grab bodycam of what the player is doing wrong and make a report after the situation or if the situation can no longer be continued they should just make sure the incident is on bodycam and walk away from the situation without mixing or insulting others.
Thanks for taking your time to read my application!
Sincerely, Jay Escobar

Teddy bear

May 8, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Ted
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT + 1
4. Average online per day : 5+
5. Your Discord: Villan#4653
6. Your Nickname: Osama
7. Your ID : 7002
Additional information

1. I have grown connection to the VAGOS, My first leadership on en2 and it was extremly fun, mt organisation was strongest at that time and was doing amazing job but i resigned. What have i done you might ask? and what are my plans?

- During the time of me being leader/deputies, I have done most FZ attacks on en2, I was constetly mostly Doing IC events. kidanppings and many more. Previous leadership i was deputy of was LIZI BLOODS, where we were unstoppable and achived huge goals, with and without our friend family PONCHs help, Without them we still countinued and broke trought our goals.
- Writen Bio for VAGOS, which currently no other leader has done, this helped to step up with RP and actually know backgrounf of VAGOS
- Tried to attack capitol. I tried but coulnt because lack of LEOS in the state, but this time, we are going to do it.

  • Leadership: I have been playing RP for several years, Been playing on a bunch of different communities and different languages communities, within this years I have gained a lot of experience: First Time I became a leader In rage MP RP server was on Georgian GTA go 2020, I was Bloods leader later Fib leader and then NG leader. Servers' peak was 600-800 players. Grand Rp I was Admin on a Russian server. Then I actively started playing on RUS server 2 which I spent about a year playing on until the English server opened, I have been playing for a few weeks after it started, I was so happy and excited. about 2 months ago i became Leader of Vagos, i leadernt a lot, i really learn alot and did ton of mistakes, ignored warn adn didnt care about them.
  • Deputies, high ranks, Only people who deserve will get rank, only people who i actually trust and know that they wont do mistakes.

  • More IC events, Most leaders only do Island and turf.
  • Attack on Ammo runs, I want to make ammo run hard for GOV to defined, with haveing allies with other unofficial orgs and gangs we will go against all GOV org.
  • Recruitment: to get recruited you must have basic knowledge of RP, outplay, You will be tested on outplaying
  • Attack on Capitol.
  • Concentration toward RP.
  • More kidnappings and Costum RP events, not just for money but for joy of all players
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