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IMPORTANT Applications for Marabunta Grande

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Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age IRL
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Thomas Borne

Nov 3, 2021
1. Conner
2. 18
3. PST
4. 3-4 (can vary if I gain leader which could go to 5-7)
5. Conner#5731
6. Thomas Borne
7. 1608 on ENG #1 836 on ENG #2

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

I want to be the leader of Marabunta Grande because I've had high command experience in the past, back in the day under Pearson Herrera's leadership of FIB I quickly rose through the ranks, and before his term ended, I was at the level of Training Supervisor which is in similar ranking to Head of Department in their current structure. I gained a ton of leadership skills, and abilities to maximize our new recruits in FIB's potential, I would usually host training several times a week at Cayo Perico where new agents were trained and accustomed to the duties of FIB and what takes place in the organization including; firearm training, aim training, basic procedures and operations such as mock store robberies and other mini-events. I would say I definitely understand the basic principles of leading, training, and producing players who know what to do and are able to effectively communicate and get their jobs done, and with this, I could easily lead a gang just as well. I've been in Vagos and Ballas before which could also back my FIB experience and show that I understand the basic fundamentals of leading an org on the recruitment side and in general being in a place of leadership as well as knowledge of criminal structures.​
I admire the RP backstory of Marabunta Grande as a gang in GTA lore too, which has made me fond of the gang itself. The color Blue has been a respected color since the beginning of this server and other servers, especially where I came from. Marabunta Grande has always been kind of that lowkey gang on Grand but I want to make them one of the top gangs in the server and make a name for it throughout the community by being represented with players who have a great stance in the community, free of toxicity and just fun, chill and good vibes. I will always strive to enforce more than the bare minimum RP standards within the organization and create an environment where it's not just, go to events, shoot, kill and make money. Rather a group of people who can hang out, have fun, be chill with each other all the while attending events and promoting the great place that will be created with this group.​
My final reasoning for wanting to be the leader of Marabunta Grande is the experiences that can be made if I am appointed the first leader of MG, as I said previously I want to create an environment where everyone can have fun and enjoy their time online in Grand. There's been a few issues with the gangs on EN #1 which I have seen that are on the border of being toxic, a lot of people are at each other's throats OOCly which is intolerable and something many people are not comforted by in the community. I want to promote a positive and friendly space while acting accordingly with the rules set in place for everyone, which is another aspect of why I would be a good leader. I'd make sure that there is a zero-tolerance for multiple rule breaks or major ones in general and reflect on players' behaviors accordingly, if people apart of my organization are completely complacent to the structure set in place, they will be removed at once and without any delegation. They could come back in time if they review their mistakes, acknowledge them and improve themselves for the future. Overall, I just want people to have fun while being a part of MG and understand how to act when roleplaying as a crim/gang member, a new server should be a means to set a new standard of roleplay.​
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay in the organization.
Some things I would do to improve Roleplay;
  • Weekly OOC meetings about our performance in-game, going over recent rule breaks, administrative notes, etc.
  • More IC player-created events with other gangs, civilians, or legal factions to improve a sense of roleplay rather than constant fighting and events.
  • A forum harmony, my organization should not have any toxicity against any other group, reports will be made only when it is necessary.
  • A sense of good standing with every other group in the city on the OOC level, everyone at the end of the day is a person behind their screen, a sense of community would be a large positive.
  • ICly I would make some scenarios for my organization to participate in and possibly makes some IC rewards/benefits involved.
  • Overall, create a positive and enjoyable gang that someone could join if they're around for the vibes and quality gameplay.
  • Having shooters, yes but including other people who may not be as experienced in the city with a gun or roleplay in general.
  • In-depth review of the rules upon recruitment, I would make sure everyone knows the exact rules and restrictions we have at all times, this would overall improve roleplay quality around my organization and carry on throughout interactions with others in the server.

Thanks for taking a look at my application,
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Ghost Gev

May 8, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Gevorg
4.8 hours
5. 𝒮𝒞𝒪𝒫𝓔#9478
6.Scope Rain

Additional information

1. Leader of... Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
i want to become and leader of organization because i want to help the server to start from a good note and i would like to get the leader ship and make the server look better with me being leader. i know 3 languages Armenian , Russian , and English all fluently i have been leader of marabunta on the 1st server of English and i learned from my mistakes to be a good leader and i had lead big groups of people i have been deputy leader for multiple gangs like vagos , bloods , families , marabunta , i know all the rules and will do the best of the best to make it the biggest and best gang in the server i have a lot of experience so i can handle things in good way and fast.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
nothing in mind maybe change few rules
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Meet Saint

May 30, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Meet Pandya
2. Your age: 24
3. Time zone: IST
4. Average online per day: 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Meet Pandya #1307
6. Your Nickname: Meet Saint
7. Your ID: 1826

Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
  • To start with, I don't like official/government job, and from the beginning I have been working as a gang member and playing by proper RP.
  • I have been in Marabunta for to long compared to any other gang, and this is the reason I would like to be and lead marabunta the way it has been leaded. While I was in Marabunta, we used to win almost each and every event and I have feelings attached with Marabunta since then.
  • Moreover, as you can see I am the leader of unofficial organization, I have been leading it from too long, and we have been in the picture as a good unofficial family.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  • I am living in this city from 6 months and I saw many gang members doing failRP, robbing people without enough gang members, shooting outside ghetto etc.
  • So, I will make sure that the person, who is joining organization, will go through a proper RP rule test and if we find him suitable, we will recruit him, so that there won't be any chance of failRP from the organization members.
  • I will make some events in which all gang members will have fun together and can have party like a real life as a gang members.
  • we will select a day where all the gang member will go and kill all of the other people in ghetto.
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Abo Basel

Aug 31, 2021
Name: Ziad

Age: 16 almost 17

Time zone: Denmark (UTC +2)

Online Hours 6-9 (Weekends 8-12)

Discord: Alexxx#7248
ING Name: Alex May

My id is: 137

1. Marabunta Grande's leader

2. I've been in Marabunta previously, and I've been there for a long time, and I've always been excellent with my members, and I've always been in the top rankings. I want to join Marabunta to make it better, to make people love roleplaying more, to make them feel like they are in real life. I will only invite individuals who know the rules and who don't mind doing clands, and I will make them excited for the next event and can't wait for it. I can make Marabunta much better than it was on the first server with your aid, making it more popular and larger.

Thanks For You Time And Hope You Will Approve My Application <3

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Daniel Versace

Jul 28, 2021
1. Your name IRL Daniel
2. Your age 16
3. Time zone (UTC +2)
4. Average online per day 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord NotDaniel™#5025
6. Your Nickname Daniel Versace
7. Your ID 110

Additional information

1. Leader of Marabunta

2.The primary and most important reason I'd like to run Marabunta is to try to introduce something fresh to the illegal org scene. At this time, I've been in practically every gang and almost every legal organization. I've seen what goes wrong: how orgs are warned/disbanded, how rp between law enforcement and gangs works and fails, and how gangs engage with one another in events and around the city. I've got a couple ideas for events and roleplaying scenarios. So I think the first thing I'd like to address is RP within Marabunta, namely between the gang and other gangs.

Expanding on the last point, I'd like to operate the gang with as little toxicity as possible, creating an environment where people may feel like family and grow together, similar to how the city was since I first joined. It was new and exciting, and everyone was having a great time being in gangs. However, with the enormous number of individuals pouring into the city, gangs appear to have thrown the ghetto regulations, general rules, and even plain common sense out the window. As a result, I'd like to make certain that all of the gangsters are aware of the rules (what we can and cannot do). There will be a few general questions to which everyone must at least know the answers in order to participate.

Finally, I want to become Marabunta's leader in order to make the city more delightful for everyone. Many of my former pals who were heavily involved in the city and who enjoyed gang life and events grew tired of the sameness of encounters and certain characteristics of the city. As a result, I'd like to try to make it a little more interesting for everyone. I want to attract people back, welcome newcomers, and simply make the GrandRP city as fantastic as it was when I first joined. I'd RP fights and possibly even severe hostage discussions every time I flew into the city. I don't want to make the city "great again," because it is already amazing, but I do want to feel like a part of it.

3.I'd like to focus on roleplaying with the organization in two areas. The first is gang interactions in the ghetto, and the second involves gangs and legal organizations, particularly during store robberies, which can add suspense and interest to the game. Even though the free-for-all mentality can be entertaining in the ghetto, I believe everyone can agree with me that it becomes old quickly. I'm not sure how we can fix this other than making additional RP circumstances that you must complete while robbing or before firing because shooting without talking is uninteresting (this isn't an arena). Another option is to expand the ghetto borders to increase the area where illicit activity can occur.
Another option is to expand the ghetto borders in some way to enhance the area where illicit activity can occur (not necessarily a kill on sight but more of a "spreading out" of gangsters so RP can actually occur). I've worked in most of the legal organizations that deal with gangs, as I mentioned earlier, and I've seen how store thefts may be approached from several angles (high command, low ranks, gangster, negotiator).
I've worked in most of the legal organizations that deal with gangs, as I mentioned earlier, and I've seen how store thefts may be approached from several angles (high command, low ranks, gangster, negotiator). More negotiating and hostage options, in my opinion, should be added.
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Jun 6, 2021
1. Your name IRL - Robert
2. Your age - 30
3. Time zone - EST
4. Average online per day - 10-12 hours
5. Your Discord - Havik#7905
6. Your Nickname - Lance Thrust
7. Your ID - #48
Additional information -

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Marabunta is where i started. I know id be a great leader and I've led the bloods before successfully. and i learned alot about what it takes to be a leader. Its alot of work and time to invest. I have leadership skills and have a strong respect for the rules allowing to get the job done right. In my time Leading Bloods and Being in Marabunta I facilitated squads and got the gang active when everything was seemingly quiet within headquarters. This all around gives me experience that would be essential when brought to the table. This gives me a perspective of being these different ranking organization members but also built leadership skills that prepare me to be a leader of a gang.

3.I had Implemented a well thought out test and initiation incorporating ghetto rules to better facilitate a proper and respected gang/community of the GrandRP server. This test would include a a quiz and an activity with hands on experience to get members ready for the gang. I want to create groups within the gang meant for specific tasks and expect high end results. These tasks can range from squads meant for spraying all the way up to bigger groups to participate in events. These groups would include well trained members who specialize in certain areas but are highly trained and capable to complete all other gang activities. The groups would be sorted with titles created by a ranking system. I know quite a few people of influence within the GrandRP community and this I feel also will help other organizations come together and create an all around better role play experience caused through negotiations like business and quality within events. Teaching new members under my leadership will allow members to learn from the vast knowledge I have acquired from my previous Leadership experience.

Jod Glockz

Jun 18, 2021
1. Varshith.k
2. 18
3. IST
4. 10-12hrsw
5. Blueberry#6598
6. Jod Glockz
7. 565
Additional information
1. Leader of : Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

>>I want to become the leader of this organization because I think I am an ideal fit for this role. as I was the underboss ( Deputy Leader ) before in Ballas only. I am in the city for more than 2 months now and I think I have more expr in the city as legal side and illegal side too

>>I love being a gangster as I was the DL of the gang I feel like there was no active gang rn because there was not much competition in the ghetto and all the other gang events members of other gang are also bored because there is not too much happening in the ghetto and events I want to make sure everyone has fun even if they are legal side or illegal side

>>I want to become the leader of the Ballas so that I can give the Ballas a new shine, and I want the Ballas to grow in size and, above all, in strength. And I want teach everyone what is gang rp.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization

I would focus on providing a good structure to the Gang and focus on the criminal activities providing good RP to the server, rather than just going killing in the Ghetto. I believe Gang RP have a lot of potential and having a well ran Gang would provide good opportunities to the City and to Legal Organizations.

Aki Pluxury

Jun 2, 2021
1. Varshith.k
2. 18
3. IST
4. 10-12hrsw
5. Blueberry#6598
6. Jod Glockz
7. 565
Additional information
1. Leader of : Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

>>I want to become the leader of this organization because I think I am an ideal fit for this role. as I was the underboss ( Deputy Leader ) before in Ballas only. I am in the city for more than 2 months now and I think I have more expr in the city as legal side and illegal side too

>>I love being a gangster as I was the DL of the gang I feel like there was no active gang rn because there was not much competition in the ghetto and all the other gang events members of other gang are also bored because there is not too much happening in the ghetto and events I want to make sure everyone has fun even if they are legal side or illegal side

>>I want to become the leader of the Ballas so that I can give the Ballas a new shine, and I want the Ballas to grow in size and, above all, in strength. And I want teach everyone what is gang rp.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization

I would focus on providing a good structure to the Gang and focus on the criminal activities providing good RP to the server, rather than just going killing in the Ghetto. I believe Gang RP have a lot of potential and having a well ran Gang would provide good opportunities to the City and to Legal Organizations.
under wrong section apply under ballas


Nov 6, 2021
1. Your name IRL hema
2. Your age 23
3. Time zone GMT+2
4. Average online per day 10
5. Your Discord xxXXhemaXXxx#0102
6. Your Nickname hema pounch
7. Your ID 782

Yousif Claps

Nov 13, 2021
1. Your name IRL yousif
2. Your age17
3. Time zone new york/ est
4. Average online per day weekdays like 4 hours weekend more then 12 hours a day
5. Your Discord anonnymou$#0500
6. Your Nickname Yousif Atkin
7. Your ID1493

1. Leader of...Marabunta Grande
-Ive seen the ranks and how gang organizations should be ran and feel that i could bring quality structure to the Marabunta Grande organization, and represent how the gangs should be for the beginning of the server for future leaders

When i was in ballas i started off from being one of the lowest ranks and ended up within 1-2 weeks making myself all the way to the top of ballas and this shows my undying dedication to the gang.

I've been in ballas previously, and I've been there for a long time, and I've always been excellent with my members, and I've always been in the top rankings. I will only invite individuals who know the rules and who don't mind doing clands, and I will make them excited for the next event and can't wait for it.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay in the organization.
Some things I would do to improve Roleplay;
  • More IC player-created events with other gangs, civilians, or legal factions to improve a sense of roleplay rather than constant fighting and events.
  • A forum harmony, my organization should not have any toxicity against any other group, reports will be made only when it is necessary.
  • A sense of good standing with every other group in the city on the OOC level, everyone at the end of the day is a person behind their screen, a sense of community would be a large positive.
  • ICly I would make some scenarios for my organization to participate in and possibly makes some IC rewards/benefits involved.
  • Overall, create a positive and enjoyable gang that someone could join if they're around for the vibes and quality gameplay.
  • Having shooters, yes but including other people who may not be as experienced in the city with a gun or roleplay in general.
  • In-depth review of the rules upon recruitment, I would make sure everyone knows the exact rules and restrictions we have at all times, this would overall improve roleplay quality around my organization and carry on throughout interactions with others in the server.
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Mike White

May 17, 2021
1. Mikas
2. Age | 16
3. GMT + 3
4. 6 - 10
5. Wolfx2#4532
6. Nickname | Mike Syns
7. ID | 526

Leader of... Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

~ First of all Marabunta was the first ever gang i joined in the city so its like home to me, I've never been a leader of a Org but I've been 2nd In-Command in 1 gang and Higher ranks in other ones. Whenever i got told by the leader to lead something i never denied I always did my best and I succeeded most of the time.

~ I actually love being a gangster, cause we got all sort of events we can do and kill other gangs in the ghetto with other gang members, I've been the city for months I've gotten more experience as a illegal org side and not as much as legal org side and i feel theres no activity right now in gangs with mostly 2 gangs fighting each other most of the time and its a lot of time and work to invest to leadership but im up to the test.

~ I want to be the leader of Marabunta cause i want to grow it to be the strongest gang by time and teach everyone what is gang RP.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

~ In order to roleplay you have to imagine whats going on and not just going and killing in the Ghetto. And i got to say Gang RP is so much fun if you know what you are doing and I'll provide good opportunities to all my gang members.
~ I'll make time for them whenever they want to kill in the Ghetto.
~ I'll crate small events for my members where which they would have fun and have fun partys with everyone.


Nov 5, 2021
1. Keyshawn Johnson
2. 20
3. cst
4. 10 hours
5. ss4key#9102
6. Key Glockz
7. 583

Additional information:
Leader of Marabunta

1. I want to be the leader of Marabunta because I feel I'm more than cable to push Marabunta in the right direction. I led bloods in server 1 and I won turfs so I know all rules and have a good system to make sure we are allowing new people to enjoy RP but also not breaking the rules. I have experience at handling inside conflicts, balancing fun and also getting things done. Anyone can vouch that I'm one of the most approachable people you'll ever meet, I look at both perspectives and try the best to find medium grounds. I'm always open to different opinions. I'm a leader who can take criticism on things I lack or things I can do better in, cause in the end it'll all improve the gang experience for everyone. Being in multiple orgs I've learned so much on business deals and connections, and how to handle different personalities, how to delegate and be organized and how to run an empire. And that's what I want to do I want to turn Marabunta into an Empire, not something that's going to be here for a week or two or maybe a month, something that's going to stick for leaders to come after me. With me at the top of Marabunta we are going to run this city.

2. I also want to bring genuine roleplay back to gangs. While there is some good roleplay in gangs now most of people come to gang HQ and they just want to join so they can go around in the ghetto and shoot. And while that makes for a good time and a good laugh, I think there is more to a gang then just rolling around and shooting. There's strategy and business behind it, people want to make money, there's people who want to be actual drug dealers and arms dealers or things of that nature and as the leader of marabunta ill provide that, a place where people will come and they will be able to have fun and allow people to grow themselves to better their personal experience and venture out and do more in the city. in my old blood days, I had a weed business between us and I sale weed for 3k about the lowest price you can get it in the city so my boys can go out and sale it for more and make profit. I front the newbies that maybe can't buy for 3k so they can go out and have fun, hustle for their money and it brings people back for more they want to buy in bulk because they have a buyer and some sit on corners and sell it. It just gives a more fun and different role play experience.

3. And lastly, I want to change the way gangs are looked at in the city, and change the atmosphere within gangs. I'm going to be a leader that admins won't have to be constantly watching or constantly making sure they are not breaking rules. I will be like an extension of the admins someone who knows the rules and have a fun time during my term. I want to bring dominance in a professional nontoxic way. Some gangs are run off fear or numbers but I want to run my gang in a family persona, I want a place where people help each other and grow each other so that we all succeed. There's to many people who are only out for themselves and with a gang like that everyone falls. Like people say you're only as strong as your weakest link. I want to take out the toxicity and build a gang of strong individuals that know the rules, balance fun and business and bring them together to RUN the city and push marabunta above and beyond expectations.

Advice on improving roleplay:

1. VALUING YOUR LIFE. Getting people to value their life would improve everything. It would change how events were approached, how store robberies go how life in the ghetto is. There would be a lot more strategy at events it wouldn't just be running in circle and shooting. Store robberies would cause for more serious roleplay, Better negotiating on both legal and the illegal side it would cause for better setups when it comes to how gangs set up and how cops' setup. You don't see many hostage situations where the cops and gang members are face to face having a conversation and negotiating, the situation should be more intense and more serious.


Jun 13, 2021
1. Denzel
2. 22
3. EST (GMT -5)
4. 6 - 9 Hours Per Day
5. DenWizard#8330
6. Den Wizard
7. 761

Additional information

Leader of Marabunta

1. I take roleplay seriously and would like to implement my roleplay techniques on all my members to help this server grow and make sure that they don't break any rules to prevent warnings from being given to the organization. I see many people in different organizations not RPing and I want to make sure that everyone around me RPs properly and most importantly follows the rules.

2. I have good leadership qualities. When speaking on leadership a few things have to come into play and that's communication, personality management, humility, patience and open mindedness. I've been a leader of a 200 plus family n got us to be top 5 in the entire city. So being the leader of Marabunta wouldn't be overwhelming as I'm use to dealing with a lot of people.

3. I would make sure of when recruiting people is that they can understand and know the rules. If you dont know the rules at all then there is no way you can roleplay on this server. As a leader you also have to be an example of how to act, if you break rules and are toxic ur gang members will do the same. If anyone does break the rules / is toxic i will be strict and punish them for it. That is the only way they will learn.

The roleplay will be enhanced, relations between organizations will be enhanced. I am someone who is very strict on RP and strongly dislike the non necessary OOC actions/talking, if I do get this position I will ensure everyone understands the expectations and rules of this server and be there to assist anyone who has questions on rules or how to RP diverse situations out. We are\ guys who are there to RP and not just shoot.

Brown Ponch

Oct 23, 2021
1. Your name IRL :Zaki Khalil
2. Your age: 24 years old
3. Time zone: GMT+9
4. Average online per day 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord Brown Ponch#4643
6. My Nick Name: Brown Ponch
7. Your ID 876

Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Since the day I joined the city I always wanted to lead Marabunta, and I always wanted to show my origination as the most organized Gang, and also I want the players to enjoy playing under the name of Marabunta Ganag.

I have good skills as leader ship, I don't want to file the right leader chose the right position for each gang member and I have good
vision of getting to know the right people in the right place at the right time, especially the recruiting employee, as he is the main factor in building the organization by testing people well because they are not doing a disruptive role play.

Before I move to this city I was one of the high ranks of Leader Marabunta and also of middle command in all the other illegal organizations like the families and the ballas etc…. I gained a lot of experience and benefited from the mistakes of the leaders there and from their right actions as well, so I believe that experiences are the most important thing where you can deal with all the difficult situations that may harm the organization from my previous experiences.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

My advice in to improve RolePlay in the organization members should not take things personally and also all members should be respected whether they are leaders or by members, also members should impersonate mafia members properly and do their best to impersonate.

Aki Pluxury

Jun 2, 2021
The following players have been selected for marabunta interviews at 16:00 server time on sunday 28th November

1. Brown Ponch - 876 - Brown Ponch#4643
2. Key Glockz - 583 - ss4key#9102
3. Mike Syns - 526 - Wolfx2#4532

Applications are closed!
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Jacques Wolf

Nov 19, 2021
1. Your name IRL- Kieran

2. Your age- 16

3. Time zone- GMT

4. Average online per day-4-5 hours Minimum

5. Your Discord- SAdOZZY#4278

6. Your Nickname- Jacques Wolf

7. Your ID- 3156


1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

(1)To be honest, the reason why I want to be a leader is because I feel like with my previous experience with both legal and illegal, I know how to create drama, tension in a situation. I want to add excitement and glory to the Marabunta name and unlike others I know how to extend my RP capabilities to another level because looking at the other leaders of Marabunta they haven't created much drama but I will make Marabunta on top!

(2) As I said before that I had previous experience in both Illegal and Legal orgs and with this experience I can think ahead on what the legal's have set up and I know what my limits are. It would be fun for both as I will attempt to do as much chaos as possible (RP). I want Marabunta to be active as I will be recruiting active people that don't sit around all day long. I plan to make Gangs enjoyable and fun for the person.

(3) I will recreate Marabunta as a new gang and make it the Number 1 gang in the history of gangs! Think about it, it would be fun for people in it and the State as they would have to deal with the Marabunta threat. I will make sure my people participate in events such as Robbery at the encashment, Attacking the informant etc

3.Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization?

I don't think many people realized that the Gangs are the ones to create the RP and the LEOS are the one to follow and maintain the RP and my plan is to exceed their expectations and push out as many RP situation's as humanly possible and it would be fun for both. I will make sure everyone in our gang knows the rules of the city, ghetto rules and having a bodycam of everything they committee and at least keep it for 48 hours before deleting it. I will make people attend events and instead of sitting around at HQ doing nothing, I want them up and going around spreading chaos but not too much that will involve gods. I know I keep saying that I will be creating a lot of RP situations but when I say that, I mean it! I want fun playing and I want others to enjoy it as well so I plan to be on top! It isn't a dream, it will be a reality...
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MR hood spongebob

Aug 12, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Indian Standard time zone
3-5 hours
NG | Jay Richman#9200
Jay Richman

Leader of Marabunta Grande

I want to become marabunta leader as i have great experience about the gangs which might help the gang to go on top also as a gang leader i will make sure and try to get the gang on top as much as possible also i will try to be the best leader and give my 100% as leader of marabunta grande also make turfing better as much as possible also conduct gang activities in city as much as possible
against legal organizations also coming with some new stratigies for gangs against the legal organizations

I would suggest increasing of criminal activities against legal organizations daily clandestine and 24/7 graffiti also store robbery once in a week also as we expand i would increase the numbers of store robberies also i would improvise turfs as hiring more people and giving them chances in turfs

I would be thankful if this application gets selected

Zeus Kray

May 18, 2021
1. Harwinder Singh
2. 22
3. GMT +8
4. 5 hours a day on weekday, 12 on weekends
5. KrazzySingh#3773
6. Krazzy Singh
7. 11862
Additional information

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Poor leadership shown by current leaders of gang organisations. I want to be the leader of Marabunta as i feel like i have alot to provide towards the illegal scene within the city. Ghetto is dead and gangs dont really have a presence in the city. Store robberies are rarely done and even when done its quite poorly done. I want to show people how powerful a gang can be with the right leader.

2.2) Ive been in many many gangs and even deputy in EN01 before coming over to EN02,

2.3) I am also applying to be a leader in a criminal organisation as i feel like recently, legal orgs have been having things way too easy. I want there to be some sort of rivalry between Legal orgs and Illegal Orgs. And i feel like the level of RP can be greatly increased to accomodate for such Rivalry. There are many opportunities that have been missing from Criminal Organisations for awhile and i feel like for someone that has experienced amazing leaders in gangs and LEOs i know what needs to be done to bring the city into a more competitive state between LEOs and Criminal Organisations. Things will only improve if there is strong competition. And i intend to be that competition for rival gangs and LEOs.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I intend on going for RP related events like Store Robberies, Kidnappings, Robbing outside the city, Hostage Situations, NG Raids etc etc. Right now theres close to no RP when it comes to gangs. Its just kill kill kill in the ghetto. No one earns money and people move from gang to gang looking to see which one is better. I want to change that.

3.2) Things that i will focus on as a leader - i will make teams to do different things like Turfs and Sprays to ensure everyone that contributes to the gang feels like theyre getting rewarded for their work. Even for Store Robberies etc etc, i will award my men bonuses to feel more inclined to be involved in the gang and follow the gang vision.

3.3) I will do some diplomacy between Gangs to see if i can help increase the level of RP. Diplomacy will come in the form of discussions where we can team up with some gangs to remove other gangs off the face of the turf map.

3.4) As a gang leader i will also seek out corrupted LEOs who can be paid off to help our motivations and also lead to better RP for the LEOs within the city.

3.5) Lastly, i will be very strict against players who do not follow the rules. The last thing i want is my gang getting disbanded, and i will not allow clumsy players who refuse to follow the rules to bring the whole gang down.
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