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IMPORTANT Applications for the Ballas

Sassy Quinn

Jul 22, 2022
1. Your name IRL Carol M
2. Your age 41
3. Time zone CDT
4. Average online per day 6-8
5. Your Discord Sassafras#2305
6. Your Nickname Sassy Quinn
7. Your ID 37471
Additional information
1. Leader of... Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I have had time helping and assisting in gangs, I have helped with events to run smoothly like Ft Z, Subs, and Battleship. I understand that you have to make sure that certain amounts of things get done. I would like to also push for more events that gangs lack in attending. Events can show people how much fun and active that gangs can be. It also helps with your shooting skills.
2. I want to show that women in charge of gangs can run smoothly. I might not of ran an organization, but I ran an unofficial family to making top ten and top five. I know how to put in the work to do things well.
3. I want to make Ballas the top gang in the city, I want to do well in turfs, show that things can be fun and Ballas can push to the top. Everyone has their reasons for wanting to lead , I have found gangs to be the best part of the city. I love Ballas HQ, so why not push for this gang.
3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.
Gangs should be another level of family. You should work together with your fellow gang members and have their back. It's a live or die situation. Events that have had a lack in attendance by gangs, should be pushed harder. Every event has the chance to be fun, if it is done and lots of fun, if it is given a chance.

Thank you for your time and I hope I am given a chance for an interview.

Mafia Akib

Oct 18, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Arman Raza
2. Your age:17
3. Time zone: GMT+:5:30
4. Average online per day: 4To 5 Hrs
5. Your Discord:Anas Ali#5241
6. Your Nickname: Mafia Anas
7. Your ID:21707

Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

I think I can become a leader and I have a lot of experience I will not judge someone by looking at his ID If someone has experience, I will give him more rank but he should also know the rules according to the rules If even my friend does not know the rules then I will not give him too much rank If I give under deputy to all my friends, then they can definitely break rule because they do not have knowledge so I cannot give them much rank I cannot give under Deputy to everyone, but I will definitely give it to those who are capable of it I will talk to him not as a leader but as his friend because I can ask him. What knowledge do you have, how much you don't have, so in the same way I will provide them rank and will be in association with the best I don't want to be an attitude leader. I want to be a very good leader

- My goal
I will try to get 3-4 events done in 1 day Ballas gang is very good and has always been on top I will try to keep ballas gang on top

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

I believe in improving RP by taking every member seriously and guiding them through the right way. Many gangs simply mass recruit and leave members to do as they please, leading to rule-breaking and disbandment. I want to teach everything we do to prevent fail RP and ensure everyone knows how to roleplay properly.

To keep the organization clean, I would punish those who break rules and encourage active participation in events like Cland and Battleship, rather than just killing people in the ghetto.

My goals are simple: complete a successful term without any punishments, create an active and non-toxic organization, and make our gang known to the civilians of San Andreas. Practice makes perfect!

Thanks for reading my application 😊

Punar Badmash

Ex-Marabunta Leader
Oct 26, 2022
Your name IRL : Punarveer
2. Your age: 15
3. Time zone:GMT+5:30 Indian Time
4. Average online per day: 6 to 7 hours
5. Your Discord: Punar0p#2132
6. Your Nickname: Punar Badmash
7. Your ID: 46029
Additional information

1. Leader Of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2. i will tell people that gang do not do only robing store and all there are also many more events like FZ raid and give them regular bonus for doing events i have seen in many gang leaders didnt give bonus who is doing hardwork for the gang and my main focus will be 100% turf

3.and i will help each and every people who is new in city dont get fired for any stupid reason i will tell them all the rules i will give them more chances that the other higher rank

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. i will make sure all get there deserving rank. I will give high command only to trusted people

2. i will stay on my words and ,ake sure nobody get kicked for no reason or any stupid reason

3. and i will make strike system like

—>1 strike - 1 warning

—>2 strikes - Demotion

—>3 strikes - Fired/blacklisted

4. the main problem in the gangs is that people are very toxic they start abusing anyone without any reason or for any strict reason and i will make a special section in marabunta email for toxic people if anyone post there any proof about that a strict action will be take against him/her

Punar Badmash

hassan knight

Dec 20, 2022
1:Name IRL: Hassan

2: Your Age: 16

3:Time Zone: GMT +5

4. Average online per day: 6 to 7 hours

5. Your Discord: Hassan Knight#5006

6. Your Nickname: Hassan Thug

7. Your ID: 89866

---Additional Information---

1. Leader of...Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2: The first reason iam playing Grand RP for long time and well exprianced and many times High Command in gangs and i know i have enough expriance to be an leader and i will help new guys in gang our gang will become number one gang in los sontos i will make fair ranking system i will try to do 100% Turfs.

2:I will try to make Ballas Best gang in city i will try to do events on daily bases many people join our gang after watching the criminal activicitys in city i will try to join every event as a leader and will make bonus system for every one in every event.

2:I will add different people for different purpose like recruiters , Turfers and people who will do grffiti.MaraBallas will be stongest gang in city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1: Try to do as much event as you can.

2: Dont be toxic with anyone in gang.

3: Make Role Play Friendly.

4: Try to give bonus after evert event

5: Dont Dishert anyone in your gang.

Thanks For reading


Diptin Pluxury

Ex Ballas and Families Leader (100% Turf 🟢)
Feb 13, 2023
1. Your name IRL- Diptin

2. Your age- 21

3. Time zone-GMT

4. Average online per day- 9-10hrs

5. Your Discord- DipTin#1638

6. Your Nickname- Diptin Uchiha

7. Your ID- 93852

Additional information

1. Leader of- Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with

(i) I have been to all the gangs in the city and gained more and more experience from my time there but i fell like i want to do something more and use my experience to help others who are new to this city and lead them to gain more and more experience and have fun in the city.

(ii) I know all the city and Turfing rules so that's a obvious choice for a leader and also i am online 9-10 hrs per day so i can give more and more time to this gang and improve it more and more.

(iii) Being a leader is not like i have to order around and do nothing that's why i am a hard working man and i can do anything necessary for my Gangs Improvement and wellbeing.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

(i) Doing Global event once in every 3-4 days

(ii) Issuing any amount of bonus on every Global event so that people will get some interest and attend them

My Rank System

13 - Boss
12- Deputy
11- Under Deputy
10- Event Leaders
9- Graffiti Leaders
8- Graffiti Team
7- Clappers
6- Villain
5- Homies
4- Young Guns
3- Under Consideration
2- Warning
1- Freeze

Sam Deshmond

Oct 3, 2022
1. Your name IRL- Diptin

2. Your age- 21

3. Time zone-GMT

4. Average online per day- 9-10hrs

5. Your Discord- DipTin#1638

6. Your Nickname- Diptin Uchiha

7. Your ID- 93852

Additional information

1. Leader of- Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with

(i) I have been to all the gangs in the city and gained more and more experience from my time there but i fell like i want to do something more and use my experience to help others who are new to this city and lead them to gain more and more experience and have fun in the city.

(ii) I know all the city and Turfing rules so that's a obvious choice for a leader and also i am online 9-10 hrs per day so i can give more and more time to this gang and improve it more and more.

(iii) Being a leader is not like i have to order around and do nothing that's why i am a hard working man and i can do anything necessary for my Gangs Improvement and wellbeing.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

(i) Doing Global event once in every 3-4 days

(ii) Issuing any amount of bonus on every Global event so that people will get some interest and attend them

My Rank System

13 - Boss
12- Deputy
11- Under Deputy
10- Event Leaders
9- Graffiti Leaders
8- Graffiti Team
7- Clappers
6- Villain
5- Homies
4- Young Guns
3- Under Consideration
2- Warning
1- Freeze
Being a Leader of Unofficial Organisation, I am endorsing Diptin for this Role cause he really deserve this, he is aware of all kind of Unofficial activities and general rules.

Hetvi Pluxury

Kill Joy
Nov 12, 2022
The following players have been selected for Ballas interviews at 15:00 server time on 15th of March 2023.(15/03/23)

Sassafras#2305 - 37471 - Sassy Quinn
Krish Geek#0001 - 70540 - Krish BlackSquad
SA GAMING#6782 - 70379 - Robert Gaitonde

The application for The Ballas Leader are now Closed.

Punar Badmash

Ex-Marabunta Leader
Oct 26, 2022
Your name IRL : Punarveer
2. Your age: 15
3. Time zone:GMT+5:30 Indian Time
4. Average online per day: 6 to 7 hours
5. Your Discord: Punar0p#2132
6. Your Nickname: Punar Badmash
7. Your ID: 46029
Additional information

1. Leader Of Ballas Street Gang

1.i want to be the leader of Ballas Street Gang i am in the city for like 1 or more year i have worked in both legal and ilegal orgs i have been hc in sahp and FiB and about ilegal i am current under deputy of families and ex Ballas Deputy and once in Bloods also i have seen this gang doing very good in city one but in city 2 it is not powerful as city 1 like i dont seen that bloods complete his term in city

2 it got disbanded in 15 to 20 days maximum and iand i have thought that if i could get a opprtunity to be the leader of Ballas i can handle this gang properly and i will try Ballas will complete his term this time

3. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

4. i will tell people that gang do not do only robing store and all there are also many more events like FZ raid and give them regular bonus for doing events i have seen in many gang leaders didnt give bonus who is doing hardwork for the gang and my main focus will be 100% turf

3.and i will help each and every people who is new in city dont get fired for any stupid reason i will tell them all the rules i will give them more chances that the other higher rank

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. i will make sure all get there deserving rank. I will give high command only to trusted people

2. i will stay on my words and make sure nobody get kicked for no reason or any stupid reason

3. and i will make strike system like

—>1 strike - 1 warning

—>2 strikes - Demotion

—>3 strikes - Fired/blacklisted

4. the main problem in the gangs is that people are very toxic they start abusing anyone without any reason or for any strict reason and i will make a special section in marabunta email for toxic people if anyone post there any proof about that a strict action will be take against him/her

Punar Badmash

Nick Mavericks

Feb 12, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
==Personal Information==
1. Praneel Mehta
2. 16 Years
3. GMT+5:30
4. 4-5 hours on weekends 7 hours
5. Nick Mavericks#6428
6. Nick Mavericks
7. 43059

==Additional Information==

1. Leader of Los Santos Ballas .

2. Since the day I joined, around 6 months ago, Ballas has been the only gang I wanted to be a part of, and I want to return that feeling of pride in being a Ballas, I was proud of self to be a part of families since the current Ballas could have been amazing with the members they had if they had new leadership and motivation. And, after being the HC of multiple successful gangs, I want to return to my beginnings and lead the gang that I and many others remember fondly from their OG days. In addition make myself a role model to the new people who will want to attend the server, so later when they decide to become someone they'll be able to proudly step in and follow good leadership.

And, having served in top positions in multiple gangs, I have a vision and infrastructure that will aid me, as many prior leaders have failed because they attempted to lead everything on their own, which is neither good nor healthy. The most crucial key to being a successful gang is having good deputies and high command, since you need many good role models to become a good player yourself, which I wish to provide to the city's players.

As you can probably tell from my forum activity, I believe that obeying the rules helps everyone's playtime, as long as they don't use them to ruin rp, which some people do and which I do not condone. I feel that instructing people to follow the rules is insufficient, and that holding meetings to go over the rules is critical in preventing gang rule violations. Many leaders are aware of the rules, but they do not teach them to the members; instead, they simply require that they be aware of them. As a result, some people forget or change the regulations, which should be reported to the high leadership. I don't only want to head a gang; I want to have an impact on how gangs operate.

3. The role-playing in the ghetto is low due to the fact that it is a kill-on-sight zone, which has its advantages. However, I believe that role-playing during hostage situations or certain events may be substantially enhanced on both sides, as here is when the best and most pleasant role-playing occurs. Also, I believe that incorporating the submarine in every event makes the game more fun for everyone, as everyone enjoys a good fair shootout when it is required.

==Rank System==

15 ) BOSS
14 ) Under Boss
13 ) Godfather
12 ) Warlord ( Event Leader )
11 ) Druglord
10 ) Recruiter
==High Command==
9 ) Turfer
8 ) Graffiti Leader
7 ) Hustle
6 ) Enforcer
5 ) Gangster
4 ) Striker
3 ) Clapper
2 ) Fresher
1 ) Freeze

==Ballas Rules==

- Be Professional
- Be Sigma

==Ballas Goals==

- More Active
- More focus on turf
- will do store robbery regularly Not like other scared gangs
- Will give knowledge to new gang members about gang

==My Experience==

- Ex Head of Internal Affairs ( LSPD )
- Ex Chief of Staff ( LSPD )
- Ex Families High Command
- Ex Bloods Underboss
- Ex Bloods Warlord
- Ex Vagos Turfer
- Ex Ballas Turfer
- Ex Captain ( LSPD )
- Selected for Administrator Interview .
- Selected for Families gang leader.

Thanks For Checking My Application !
Regards : Nick Mavericks

Ivan AkFortySeven

Active Member
Leader of unofficial org
Oct 22, 2022
Your name IRL : Ibo
2. Your age: 24
3. Time zone:GMT+3
4. Average online per day: 6 to 10 hours
5. Your Discord: Ivan Error#2161
6. Your Nickname: Ivan Error
7. Your ID: 63660

Additional information

Leader of the The Ballas Gang

2. Why do you want to become a leader of this specific organization?

--From the beginning of rap I saw the ballas and the color of their body armor and clothes I really liked and their hq was too big at that time the ballas were the strongest and that was in my mind imagine me as the leader of the ballas...I always joined the ballas gang
I have the feeling that I know that I lead the organization and I am not toxic, I talk nicely with the members and take care of my members
-I've already gained a lot of experience in a gang and would like to take the opportunity to lead a gang as an leader

As a result of my involvement with another gang, I already know which tasks have to be mastered as the leader of the gang. I can already show leadership experience through my presence as a deputy leader for several months .
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
My goal is to promote roleplay in this state. I also want to build the organization with a basic understanding of RP.

The following examples:

Gun stores and robs 24/7 to build a good RP thread with the government organization and sometimes get defeated if the RP situation calls for it.

Among other things, to stop the arms convoy and thus stop the flow of arms from the state organization.

Stealing the armored car and demanding the government organization for ransom.

Strengthen the black market through drug trafficking & arms trafficking.

Defend our routes during raids.
Planning events such as boxing matches, street races, parties etc.

Internal gang events are to take place, whereby the gangs promote RP in the organizations among themselves.
The gang slang and the choice of clothes should be appropriate (streetwear).

Taking other gangters hostage
Demand Ransom
Ghetto sprays have to be purple
To compete in the Clandestine. (Love chicken hunting ).

100% Turf

Diptin Pluxury

Ex Ballas and Families Leader (100% Turf 🟢)
Feb 13, 2023
1. Your name IRL- Diptanshu Mistry

2. Your age- 21

3. Time zone-GMT +5:30

4. Average online per day- 9-10hrs

5. Your Discord- DipTin#1638

6. Your Nickname- Diptin Uchiha

7. Your ID- 93852

Additional information

1. Leader of- Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with

(i) I have been to all the gangs in the city and gained more and more experience from my time there but i fell like i want to do something more and use my experience to help others who are new to this city and lead them to gain more and more experience and have fun in the city.

(ii) I have done fz and Turfs many times and managed too so i know how and when to fill up the details and also the right format too.

(iii) I have been deputies and Under Deputies many times and currently i am deputy of Families and i know how to do Fz and Turfs and also i have friends who have experience who can be deputies in my Term and help me to manage the org.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

(i) Doing Store Robbery and Gunstore robbery regularly and keep the gang Active

(ii) Teaching the new players about the rules and stuffs so that they don't lack behind and break the rules

(iii) Giving promotion to the person those who deserves

My Rank System

13 - Boss

12- Deputy

11- Under Deputy

10- Event Leaders

9- Graffiti Leaders

8- Graffiti Team

7- Clappers

6- Villain

5- Homies

4- Young Guns

3- Under Consideration

2- Warning

1- Freeze

Thank you for your Time reading this

Regards - Diptin Uchiha
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deepesh sindhu

𝖏𝖆ɪ 𝖘𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝖗𝖆𝖒🚩
Jan 13, 2023
1. Your name IRL : deepesh
2. Your age : 19
3. Time zone : GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day : 8-9 hours
5. Your Discord : Deepesh JAAT#2806
6. Your Nickname : jaat lord
7. Your ID : 91666

Additional information
. Leader of Ballas

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

a) I want to become the leader of this exact gang because of my experience as deputies and high commands, I am tired of just being a high command when you could be something so much greater. Furthermore, I really enjoyed my stay there on en-1 and that it was the first gang I went to almost in the very opening of en-1+ that purple is one of my favorite colors. On the other hand, I learned a lot while I was the kingpin. Moreover, I was the deputy in bloods ( I granted 0 warnings during the time I was the deputy). In fact, I think the new and improved ballas need a leadership with a supported leader who has been in all of these situations, and all that in an eye to eye first-person perspective. Accordingly, I think I would fill out that empty hole quite delightfully. I will also be responsible and filling out my entire term as the head of one of the most notorious lights in Los Santos's criminal scene - BALLAS.

b) I found ballas special in spite of the other gangs... It was an experience of a lifetime if I do say so myself. Like if we were a family. In fact, It was by far better than any other gang experience I had been involved in within city 1. Once again, all of the fun events we could go to together. Moreover, I love the gang HQ and the people who come to join our adventures.

c) I do not want to make the same mistakes me and the other high commands made during the previous blood term. This problem is not to train the newer members. Furthermore, I want to enforce a stricter recruitment. This means that all of the members must know all of the following rules: Ghetto rules, General rules. As a result of not training our members, we gained unnecessary warnings, for the reason being "rule-breaking" by the ones who did not understand our sets of rules.

3. Your pieces of advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

I will without a doubt start a training session for all of the new members joining in on the fun.
Furthermore, I will teach all of my "Ballas-Padawans" to respect and comply with all of those demands they will find along their path .

regards - deepesh !

ray gaurvoo

Jul 6, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Gaurav
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6+ hours
5. Your Discord: Ray Gaurav#1840
6. Your Nickname: Ray Gaurav
7. Your ID: 27240

1. Additional information
Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

>> its been a year playing on this fantastic server and I have been in gangs from the start and gained a lot of experience in gangs my journey from rank 1 to the deputy of gang was hard but I gained knowledge from the bottom to the top of gang and I understand how new player look at gang and will not disappoint them in my leadership

>> if i got leadership all my friends will join and will try to get 100% turf and graffitied profit above 7k every hour. I saw a lot of leaders only talking with deputies to run the gang but i will be helping newcomers and lower ranks of gang and let them understand the gang. and there will be no toxicity in our gang. i will try my best to cooperate with server rules and admins

>> if I got the leadership I will try my best to make the server more fun without breaking rules we will host parties from our gang and a lot of stuff. I have planned a lot of things to do if I get the leadership

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will ensure that there will be no major rule break from my gang and will improve the roleplay by making my all gang members know the rules and better rp experience and no toxicity toward other gangs i will not directly demote a gang member for a small thing I will make sure that he will get another chance to prove him. i will try to make my gang the strongest gang in the city

Lucy Bolo

Sep 30, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Gaurav
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6+ hours
5. Your Discord: Ray Gaurav#1840
6. Your Nickname: Ray Gaurav
7. Your ID: 27240

1. Additional information
Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

>> its been a year playing on this fantastic server and I have been in gangs from the start and gained a lot of experience in gangs my journey from rank 1 to the deputy of gang was hard but I gained knowledge from the bottom to the top of gang and I understand how new player look at gang and will not disappoint them in my leadership

>> if i got leadership all my friends will join and will try to get 100% turf and graffitied profit above 7k every hour. I saw a lot of leaders only talking with deputies to run the gang but i will be helping newcomers and lower ranks of gang and let them understand the gang. and there will be no toxicity in our gang. i will try my best to cooperate with server rules and admins

>> if I got the leadership I will try my best to make the server more fun without breaking rules we will host parties from our gang and a lot of stuff. I have planned a lot of things to do if I get the leadership

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will ensure that there will be no major rule break from my gang and will improve the roleplay by making my all gang members know the rules and better rp experience and no toxicity toward other gangs i will not directly demote a gang member for a small thing I will make sure that he will get another chance to prove him. i will try to make my gang the strongest gang in the city
He Deserves it

Lily Blixky

Best Leader
Jun 14, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Landan
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: UTC -700
4. Average online per day: 4+ hours
5. Your Discord: Voidz#7875
6. Your Nickname: Lily Blixky
7. Your ID: 27071

1. Additional information
Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

a. I want to be leader of ballas because I want to bring even more activity into ghetto and make the rp on this server as fun as possible, with my experience I've gained playing inside of Grand RP I feel I can use it to help make it more active and make sure no-one breaks any rules.

b. My experience in gangs is pretty big, I've been deputy of multiple gangs on en2 and en3, I used to lead a unofficial family and rob in the ghetto so I know the rules, I know how to lead a gang because when i was deputy I was the highest ranking officer on, I did countless store robberies for bloods marabunta and vagos, when i was deputy of each, gaining countless amounts of cash

c. With my experience in Legal orgs leading some of them I feel with my said experience that I can help make all of the rp scenes better for all sides of rp for example say ballas is doing a store robbery and sahp pulls up and its only low ranking officers that don't know what to do, I would atleast give them a chance to negotiate and play out the rp and incase one of them breaks a rule i will continue on with the scene and try to correct it without breaking any rp

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Add a new interviewing process
Add a new "ghetto" training process to make sure new people know the basic ghetto rules
Make a active graffiti team in all parts of the day
Make sure Ballas runs the ghetto all times of day
Make sure that Ballas is active and going to events daily and hourly
Make sure that Ballas does store robberies and hostage situations to bring money into the gang

Jacob Brown

Oct 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL - Liam Bishop
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - UTC+1
4. Average online per day - 4-6 Hours
5. Your Discord - Andrew Bate#8264
6. Your Nickname - Jacob Brown
7. Your ID - 23646

Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas Street Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
I want to be leader of Ballas street gang purely because i would like to have the chance to experience what its like to be leader of this specific gang. Secondly I have many plans for Ballas if I'm selected for interviews i will share these plans with you. Thirdly Ballas last term was not very good many people were inactive and i would like to make sure Ballas is on top and that the gang is attending all the gang events as frequently as possible. Finally i have had a lot of past experiences from other gangs such as bloods and marabunta which makes me feel qualified to become the leader of Ballas Street gang.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
I would ensure that all members of the Ballas street gang are well trained and know all the rules to avoid issues with wizards in the future of my term if i am to be selected. I would appoint two amazing deputies who will keep every member of the gang in line according to the gang members ranks. I would make improvements to the way all gang members handle robberies hostage situations and store robberies.
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Balkan Choo

Mar 24, 2023
1. Your name IRL - Liam Bishop
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - UTC+1
4. Average online per day - 2-3 Hours
5. Your Discord - Andrew Bate#8264
6. Your Nickname - Jacob Brown
7. Your ID - 23646

Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas Street Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
I want to be leader of Ballas street gang purely because i would like to have the chance to experience what its like to be leader of this specific gang. Secondly I have many plans for Ballas if I'm selected for interviews i will share these plans with you. Thirdly Ballas last term was not very good many people were inactive and i would like to make sure Ballas is on top and that the gang is attending all the gang events as frequently as possible.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
I would ensure that all members of the Ballas street gang are well trained and know all the rules to avoid issues with wizards in the future of my term if i am to be selected. I would appoint two amazing deputies who will keep every member of the gang in line according to the gang members ranks. I would make improvements to the way all gang members handle robberies hostage situations and store r
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Jack Meller

Ex Marabunta Curator
Jan 14, 2023
1. Your name IRL : Dylan Jack
2. Your age : 17
3. Time zone : GMT
4. Average online per day : 6-10 Hours
5. Your Discord : Dyl.a9
6. Your Nickname : Jack Chooo
7. Your ID : 85414
Additional information
1. Leader of... Ballas Street Gang
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
-1 After being high command in many gangs in the past it will be good to finally prove i am worthy of taking leadership.
-2 I want to be leader of this organization because I have many leadership qualitites and lots of past expirence in the server.
-3 I want to prove I can run an active and well running orgaization , making it to evrey event and exceeding our tasks as a gang without any issues
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I would ensure that all members of the gang have good knowledge of the server rules. We dont want to people who have no idea what they are doing and can mess things up for the gang.
I would ensure all gang members who are new to the gang are trained and taught properly on how to do evreything properly therefore in the future they will make no mistakes.
I would make sure my high commands are trustworthy people and people who I know will NOT make any mistakes.
During hostage situations , Store robbery's , gun store robbery's that all members keep a steady level of RP so people know we are a good gang.

Daryl Scott

Ex 101
Dec 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Jayden
2. Your age - 18
3. Time zone - GBT +0
4. Average online per day - 8-16 Hours
5. Your Discord - Cpt_Jaydog#0253
6. Your Nickname - Daryl Scott
7. Your ID - 79177

Additional information
1. Leader Of: The Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

"I aspire to be the leader of the Ballas, drawing upon my extensive experience in gangs, including my past affiliations with Marabunta and Bloods, as well as my involvement in corruption within legal organizations. With this background, I am confident in my ability to guide and mentor new players, imparting to them the intricacies of gang life and helping them understand the rules and regulations for a truly immersive role-playing experience. Additionally, my firsthand understanding of how legal organizations operate, gained from my high-ranking positions as deputy Chief of Police in the LSPD, Judge advocate general at NG, and Director of USSS in GOV, provides me with valuable insights on effectively handling gang-related situations and strategic planning.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

As the leader of the Ballas, I would place a strong emphasis on elevating the level of role-play within the gang. I have observed that legal organizations often have dedicated HR teams for member training, while gangs typically lack such resources. Therefore, I would establish a team of 2-3 individuals within the Ballas to train new members, familiarize them with the ghetto rules, and provide them with a comprehensive briefing on event rules, ensuring they are well-prepared for immersive role-playing as gangsters.

Furthermore, I believe in fostering a friendly and collaborative atmosphere among gangmates, rather than an authoritarian one. However, I would also implement a strict strike/warning system for members who deliberately violate rules or act against the gang's interests. This system would involve two warnings for the first serious offense, followed by a first strike that would last for 7 days. If a member commits another offense within this period, a second strike would be issued, resulting in a rank demotion. Finally, if a third strike is received before the expiration of the first two, the member would be removed from the gang in the best interest of the gang and its members.

Overall, I am committed to leading the Ballas with my extensive experience and implementing measures to enhance role-play and maintain a positive environment within the gang."

Thanks for taking the time to read this.


Daryl Scott
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