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IMPORTANT Applications for the Families

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Efe Sarsilmaz

Gang Unit
Apr 4, 2023
1. Name: Efe
2. Age: 23
3. Time zone: GMT +3
4. Average online per day: 8+
5. Your Discord: eldrithcarrow
6. Your Nickname: Efe Sarsilmaz
7. Your ID: 94810
Additional information

Additional information
Leader of The Families

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

The Main Reason i want to be leader of families is because i have been in all gangs with different ranks and have been deputy 5 times and i belive my self that i can control all of the events for exapmle clands battleship and other things so i belive in my self that i will be a fair leader and do the weekly events on the time and never disrespect my curators

The Second reason i,want to be leader of families is i have learned every single rule of ghetto rules and green zone rules and aswell as general rules as well and i will make ghetto very active and i will show my best for this gang and i will show the activity that i will do in ghetto to my curators

The Third and last reason i want to be leader of families is i have learned every rule of turf and i belive in my self and my turf leader that we will get 100 percent turfs in 1 term and we will try our best to get all the good shooters for our turf to do 100 percent turf and i will make sure that every one of my turfers will have the rev skill unlocked if they do not have it unlocked i will give them money to unlock it and i will show my best to my curators to get 100 percent turf

%100 Turfs
No favortism in my org
no overtaking in my org
no abusing of rank
make sure to give hc that whom deserves it
20 sprays per day

My ranking system will be like this
15 -) Leader
14 - ) Villian
13 - ) Killa (Turfer )
12 - ) UnderDeputy
11 - ) Event Leader
10 - ) Graffiti Leader
======High Command======
9 - ) Captain
8 - ) Graffitist
7 - ) Executioner
6 - ) Fiend
5 - ) Menace
4 - ) Psycho
3 - ) Reaper
2 - ) Shadow
1 - ) Freeze

Thanks For Reading

Sincerely Efe Pluxury.
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Tom Murphy

Nov 19, 2023
1. Your name IRL : Abdulla
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day : 8 to 9
5. Your Discord : tom_murphy34
6. Your Nickname : Tom Murphy
7. Your ID: 124688

Additional information

Leader of Families Gang

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

The main reason I want to be the leader of Families is that I want to run an organization that is organized, fun, and active; I want to provide the skills I have, such as my leadership qualities, as well as the motivation and passion to become a great leader, but most importantly, a better organization for everyone.

~One of the main reasons why I am interested in becoming the leader of Families is to establish a fun, well-run, and systematized association. I would also like to contribute my skills and passion to improving the association's operations.

~ I want to leave my fingerprint on this project.

~ As we know, gang activities aren't just about fighting with other people; they can also bring about a new level of RP. For instance, if a hostage situation is involved, we can use our experience to help develop a new strategy to solve the issue. Instead of just ramming around in gang cars, we can help gangs perform better at events. In my experience, POV gangs have better RP than any other faction, and they can bring new content to the city, which is why I prefer playing Turf. I also think that gang members should be more disciplined when communicating, as spamming on the radio can lead to issues. Instead of just going to a house and robbing it, more events, such as car robberies, should be played out. I believe that I can make a difference by becoming the leader of this organization. My previous experience with gangs has motivated me to make a difference.

~ Unlike other gang leaders, I will think not only about myself but also about the members of my group. I will make sure that all of them are happy in my gang, and I will reward those who are working hard with rewards. This will make them more loyal to the organization, and they will work hard to raise the Families as high as possible. Everyone in my gang will be required to attend events, and I will provide them with a bonus.

3. Your advices for improving the RP level in the organization.

~HC ranks should be given to those who are mature and can handle the gang while the leader is not in the city.
~We should only take people into gangs who know how to treat other people.
~The people who are pulling toward the meeting points of gangs and events should get the Bonus.
~We as Families also set ourselves the target to let the drug business in the city flourish again; our people should sell more coke and weed on the street as well as on the black market because this has fallen asleep a bit lately.

My goals for Families :
~We will try to do %100 turf
~We will try to keep the spray profit at its maximum at all times.
~We will dominate the ghetto by following the rules and avoiding rule breaks.
~We are going to attend events, and we will not miss any events.
~We will be the MOST active gang Ensure bonuses for most events won or attended and for cland parachutes.
~Ensure competition in respect and peace and have ZERO toxicity.

💕 Thank you for your time 💕
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Sep 11, 2022
Your name IRL : Shakir
Your age : 18
Time zone : UTC+05
Average online per day : 4-6 Hours
Your Discord : shakirblack
Your Nickname : Shakir Cassaano
Your ID : 46008

Additional information
Leader of Families Gang

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

2.1 - I want to be leader of Families because i have been in gangs most of my city life. I have always been in the most active gang and given the location and experience I have, I know it will be successful. We have got 100% turfs in multiple gangs and we want to continue this with Families.
2.2 - I have been playing in the city for almost 1.5 years now. I’ve been in most of the gangs and had experience as a HC and Deputy in some of gangs and legal orgs for long time. I wanted to try the leadership role after a long time, which is one of the things, Families is the most important gang in the city and I will be the best candidate to lead them to success. We had a great time with ayush lyz and levi pluxury in 2 terms.
2.3 - During the time I spent in the city, I made many friends. Many people who knew me, whether in the gang I was in or out the gang, were saying that I was a person who could influence people, that I could organize peoples in a very good way and that I had a good leader potential. I will have the right deputies to lead when I'm not there like my friends.

Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 - Attend all events, be active in the ghetto with robbing and spraying, and keeping up activity with hostage situations, stores, etc.
3.2 - Activity in ghetto, events, etc. I am planning to do a lot of gunstore robberies, store robberies, fz raids and hostage situations.
3.3 - This gang will take control of ghetto without rule breaks. If anyone does rulebreak, it will be result with demotions, instant-kick or blacklists.
3.4 - To keep the gang in order , we will need the RIGHT high command and the deputies who have experience.
3.5 - We will be the MOST active gang in doing the most events and being active in ghetto at all times
3.6 - We will work to do hostage situations in which we will play good Role with Officers.
3.7 - Ensure good RP by working on NO TOXICITY with any LEOs or Gangs.
3.8 - Grafitti Profits at max every hour. This is main way for gang to make money.

My goals for Families :
I will try to do %100 turf with my main turfers like we did in Bloods and Ballas
We will try to keep the spray profit at the max at ALL TIMES.
We will dominate the ghetto by following the rules and avoiding rule breaks.
We are gonna attend events and we will not miss any events especially vehicle theft, informant which is important for every gangs. We will be the MOST active gang Ensure bonuses for most events won or attended and for cland parachutesa
Ensure competition in respect and peace and have ZERO toxicity

Best regards

Nikhil Gilgamesh

Jan 29, 2023
1. Your name IRL : Nikhil

2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT+05:30
4. Average online per day : 4 to 9
5. Your Discord :nikhil_yadav.
6. Your Nickname : Nikhil Gilgamesh
7. Your ID: 90071

Additional information
Leader of The Families Gang

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

The main reason I want to be the leader of Families is that I want to run an organization . I have been deputy in families and it is one of my most favourite gang which I would feel great to lead.

- I want to show my Leadership qualities and skills I have a great experience in gangs
1x Deputy Vagos
1x Deputy Families

- In the city from the start I was interested in gangs and illegal activities I always stayed in gangs and worked hard and gained a lot of experience

- As I said from the start in gang so I got all ranks experience from the lowest rank on the gang to the highest mentioned above.

- The Families is one of the oldest gang in the city which makes leading it a great opportunity.

- I can understand every rank member he may be lower or higher and help them in gang related activities

My goals for Families :

- Doing 100% turf
- Maximise ghetto activities

- Best bonus system
- Best hc for management
- No toxicity
- No discrimination in the game between rank and else

Here is my ranking system:
15. Leader
14. Deputy
13. Under Deputy
12. Turfer
11. Event Leader
10. Warlord
----High Commands----
8. Grafitti Leader
7. Clapper
6. Grafitti Team
5. Gangster
4. Shooter
3. Families
2. Newbie
1. Freeze

Thank you for reviewing my application.

Nikhil Gilgamesh
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Ahmad naoos

Apr 7, 2023
Your name IRL : Ahmad naoos
Your age : 24
Time zone : GMT+3
Average online per day : 6-9 Hours
Your Discord : 2bac
Your Nickname : Ahmad naoos
Your ID : 99496

Additional information
Leader of Families Gang

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

2.1 - I want to be leader of Families because i have been in gangs most of my city life. I have always been in the most active gang and given the location and experience I have, I know it will be successful. We have got 100% turfs in multiple gangs and we want to continue this with Families.
2.2 - I have been playing in the city for almost now. I’ve been in most of the gangs and had experience as a HC and Deputy every gang for long time. I wanted to try the leadership role after a long time, which is one of the things, Families is the most important gang in the city and I will be the best candidate to lead them to success. We had a great .
2.3 - During the time I spent in the city, I made many friends. Many people who knew me, whether in the gang I was in or out the gang, were saying that I was a person who could influence people, that I could organize peoples in a very good way and that I had a good leader potential. I will have the right deputies to lead

Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 - Attend all events, be active in the ghetto with robbing and spraying, and keeping up activity with hostage situations, stores, etc.
3.2 - Activity in ghetto, events, etc. I am planning to do a lot of gunstore robberies, store robberies and fz raids along with hostage situations.
3.3 - This gang will take control of ghetto without rule breaks. If anyone does rulebreak, it will be result with demotions, insta-kick or blacklists.
3.4 - To keep the gang in order , we will need the RIGHT high command and the deputies when I'm not here.
3.5 - We will be the MOST active gang in doing the most events and being active in ghetto at all times
3.6 - We will work to do hostage situations in which we will ensure good RP with LEOs
3.7 - Ensure good RP by working on NO TOXICITY with any LEOs or Gangs.
3.8 - Spray Profits at max every hour. This is main way for gang to make money

We will try to keep the spray profit at the max at ALL TIMES.
We will dominate the ghetto by following the rules and avoiding rule breaks.
We are gonna attend events and we will not miss any events especially vehicle theft, informant which is important for every gangs. We will be the MOST active gang Ensure bonuses for most events won or attended and for cland parachutesa
Ensure competition in respect and peace and have ZERO toxicity
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Rin Nohara

Dec 1, 2023

1. IRL name - Harshita singh
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - GMT (+5:30
4. Average online per day - 6-7 hrs
5. Your Discord - queenlyvibess
6. Your Nickname - Rin Nohara
7. Your ID - 115417

Additional information

1. Leader of. Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) -

  1. I would like to become the leader of Families Gang as I believe I could successfully lead this gang on top. I want to make Families Gang one of the most wanted gangs to everyone.

  1. I want to make role play much better, which means I would lend a hand to everyone. And educate my fellow gang members about all kinds of rule breaks, To reach my ultimate goal of improving the RP in Illegal orgs. to make my gang better i will do any kind of nessery things and i will take all the responsibilities all of my gang members so that they will not break any rules when they r doing rp.
  2. I have seen many gang leader who just stay in hq or do nothing maybe 1 event in whole day ? which effect the Gang well i will not do this mistake as long as im in the city i will do multiple events every day we will do store robbery, gun store robbery. clands , Hostage situation and multiple Fort zancudo raid , i will also never allow my graffiti team to go down more than 5000 profit i want my graffiti profit at peak , ghetto clapping with all my gang members, i want to make my gang dominating gang in the city

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

  1. Cooperation: due to lack of cooperation among gang members, which sometimes causes potential good members of the gang to leave the gang which ultimately damages the integrity and also the strength of the gang. As a result gangs either loose dominance or just die. i plan to work on that issue as a Leader of the gang.

    *Inclusivity: It is also seen that the new members of the gang are sometimes ignored, which also hurts the gang and they ultimately leave other gangs, as they feel left out and it also damages the strength of the gang.

    *Communication: it is also a key pillar of a gang specially during the events because without a proper communication, everything can go sideways which i also have experienced sometimes.

  2. Gang Goals :

    100% Turf
    20 Store robberies
    20 FZ raid
    100% Graffiti
    Most Active In Ghetto.

    Thanks for regarding my application
    yours faithfully Rin Nohara

Palma Blu

Apr 30, 2022
1. Your name IRL: ralfs
2. Your age:19
3. Time zone:GMT+3
4. Average online per day:10-18h (depending on the day)
5. Your Discord:palma4299
6. Your Nickname: Palma blu
7. Your ID:46548

Additional information
1. Leader of Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1)Passion for the gang
My commitment to Falmilies is unwavering. I have a deep understanding of the challenges faced by leading the famalies gang and a strong desire to make a meaningful difference in the gang members lifes.
2) Leadership Experience: Over the years, I have honed my leadership skills through various roles, such as leader of bloods and bunta and the deputy of bloods2x,families1x and ballas1x, where I successfully made my gang that i was a leader of in 1 of the most active gangs in the city. These experiences have equipped me with the ability to guide a team toward achieving the hardest goals goals.
3)Collaborative Approach: I believe in the power of collaboration and teamwork. I am skilled at fostering an inclusive and collaborative environment where diverse perspectives are valued, and every team member feels empowered to contribute their best.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1)Clear Objectives:
  • Clearly define the objectives of the role-play. Make sure participants understand the purpose and what is expected of them.
  • Align role-play scenarios with real-world situations the team might encounter to make it relevant and applicable.​
2)Training and Workshops:
  • Conduct training sessions on effective communication, active listening, and problem-solving skills. These skills are crucial for successful role-playing.​
  • Provide workshops on empathy and understanding different perspectives, as this can enhance the depth of role-play scenarios.​
3)Create Realistic Scenarios:
  • Design scenarios that mirror actual challenges or situations the team might face. This helps participants engage more authentically in the role-play.​
  • Incorporate unexpected elements to challenge participants to think on their feet and adapt to changing circumstances.​

my ranking sistem:
13.under dep
11.event leader
9. turfer
8.grafiti leader
7.og gangster
5.young gangster
4.young blood
2.street rat

Palma Blu
ex leader of bloods 1x ex leader of marabunta 1x ex deputy leader of bloods 3x ex deputy leader of families 1x
ex deputy leader of ballas 2x ex deputy leader of vagos 1x

Tnx for reading my application #bringbackoldgangs
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Tarzan Badshah

Aug 10, 2022
Congratulations to these People have been Selected for Families Interview at 16:00 Server Time on 03 of December

Nikhil - 90071 - nikhil_yadav.

Join Waiting Room before 5 Min
Families Application is Now Closed

Pablo Salamanca

Nov 20, 2023
1. Your name IRL Nizar
2. Your age 19
3. Time zone CET
4. Average online per day 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord donmanta
6. Your Nickname Manta
7. Your ID 80637
Additional information
1. Leader of... The Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1- From my experience as deputy and under deputy in many gangs , the most important thing that u have to do to lead a succesful gang is to have great leadership skills and i have exactly that.

2- I would also like to be the leader of the families to i can achieve 100% turf , have happy gang members cuz of all the situations were consistently doing and by giving them great rewards

3- As i mentioned before through my leadership skills i believe under my lead the gang will achieve incredible activity , and with that being said i would love to have an active gang and i would do anything to have such an active gang with my lead so this is a very big reason

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Ranking system:
1- Freeze
2- Young Fam
3- Enforcer
4- Graffitihead
5- Street Fighter
6- Shooter
7- Clapper
8- Warlord
9- Young turfer
10- Event Leader
11- Turfer
12- Capo
13- Under deputy
14- Deputy leader
15- Leader

I see a lot of gangs currently instantly and randomly inviting players , i will ensure everyone high command and non HC gets a proper interview to ensure they have good knowledge of the rules and to ensure my org will provide the greatest and cleanest RP.

I will make sure everyone puts a lot of effort and professionalism in hostage situations , events and robberies etc... just everything in general.

Will also have a good team taking care of graffities so it isnt left for dead as it is important for gang roleplaying

Finally a good turf team with incredible aim will be appointed to do wonders.

Uncle Berlin

Oct 17, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Dixit
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+5
4. Average online per day: 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord: flame Dixit
6. Your Nickname: Dixit Arora
7. Your ID: 105360
Additional information
1. Leader of… Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

I was High Command in last term . I also have good experience in legal organizations. I learned from the successes and mistakes of past leaders, including my own. I am confident in my ability to take the gang to new heights based on this extensive experience.

-As I said before I have experience in both legal and illegal organizations and I can use the things that I learned from my experience for my gang's advantage. I know how it feels to be a high command and how hard it is, so I will choose my high commands precisely.

I have previously served most of the gangs as a high command, so I have experienced how they work, their rules, their capabilities etc.I have got the idea of how they work, their tactics etc. By known to how state work, I could encounter their tactics and overcome them. I can guide people properly, help them become a massive gangsters. I want to add a lot of role to the city and do new things that they are unique from different gangs in the city.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization:

-To keep members engaged and motivated, I will ensure that promotions are based on merit and capability. Recognizing and rewarding effort and skill will prevent my members from feeling left out and I think that this will keep them motivated.

-I also understand that just receiving the hourly pay check or the graffiti bonus is not enough, so I will give my members a bonus every time when it's possible.

-I think having deputies from different time zones can help the gang a lot. That means the gang will have someone to lead them 7/24 and always can do store/gun store robberies and other.

Here is my ranking system:
15. Leader
14. Deputy Leader
13. Under Deputy
12. Event Leader
11. Mafia
10. Turfer
-- High Command---
9. OG
8. Graffiti Leader
7. Capo
6. Homie
5. Gangster
4. Captain
3. Shooter
2. Warning
1. Freeze

Thank you for reviewing my application.

Dixit Arora
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Ruler Of Gangster World
Sep 18, 2022

1. Your name IRL: Waleed Malik
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+5
4. Average online per day: 6 To 8
5. Your Discord: .notturbo
6. Your Nickname: Waleed Knight
7. Your ID: 55544

Additional information

1. Leader of... Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

i want to be leader of a gang beacuse i know all the rules to be a gang leader and i am in RP from a long time and i experinced in all type of RP sitautions and Orgnization and i was also deputy leader in gang and many times under deputy in all gangs so i have enough experince to manage a gang and i will help all new comming members to RP and i will try my best to make Families gang 1 of the best gang in all gangs.

2. i will try to do as much events i can do for better RP experince and leos also get good RP experince with Families gang because i will do as much criminal activity as i can and i have a good family support to run a gang Successfull i have my deputy's who can take care of gang behind me.

3. i will make sure who ever join my gang he know all the rules and have good RP experince in gang RP because i dont need any mistakes from my gang members that effect our gang because i want to make my gang most stongest gang in the city and i will try to make best turf team to complete 100% Turfs.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

0% Toxity in between gang members and respect each other
2. Try do u as much events as possible
3. Make roleplay enjoyable
4. Fair ranking system for gang members
Bouns system in every event

Ranking System

15. Boss
14. Deputy Boss
13. Under Deputy
12. Warload
11. Events Leader
10. Turfer
9. Mafia
8. Captain
7. Clapper
6. Grafitti Team
5. Enforcer
4. Shooter
3. Ganster
2. Newbie
1. Suspended

Thanks For Reading My Application
Best Regards: Waleed Knight

Hassy Davids

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Jan 8, 2023

Yaga Marlega

Jun 24, 2023
Your name IRL: Ayush
Your age: 19
Time zone: GMT +5:30
Average online per day: 8-10 hours
Your discord: .yagamarlega
Your nickname: Yaga Marlega

Your ID: 103090

Additional information
1.Leader of Families
2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1- I have been playing grand for a very long time starting from EN3 & EN2 and during this time I have joined almost all orgs and in many of them I have been HC and gained experience and once I took the gang leadership and we were very active with my friends I want to do this from start I want to show everyone that families are back

2-As long as I am the leader, I want to participate in events and show everyone that I am back with the tactics I have developed in my own time, I want to win every event with the gang members and defeat legal orgs, I believe that I can overcome these responsibilities by gaining more experience

3- I would like to be active in events such as store robbery, hostage situations FZ raid etc. as much as I can in every free time I want to overcome all of these events with my own tactics and timings and I will be as active as I can be, I want to achieve them together with my family and friends and we will not forget to be a respectful gang and behave like a gang and I want to take control of the ghetto with my gang

3.My advices for improving roleplay in organization
1-Dont break any rule and follow rules in RP for no matter what happens
2-Whoever is willing to join the gang must be familiar with all the server rules and shall be interviewed.
3-Recruit people with experience and make sure they attend events
4-Hiring people for Graffiti, And doing actively.

Ranking System

15. Boss
14. Deputy Boss
13. Under Deputy
12. Warload
11. Events Leader
10. Turfer
9. Mafia
8. Captain
7. Clapper
6. Grafitti Team
5. Enforcer
4. Shooter
3. Ganster
2. Newbie
1. Suspended
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Manas Verlice

Mar 28, 2023

1.Your name IRL: Harry
2.Your age: 20
3.Time zone: GMT: +5:30
4.Average online per day:
5-7 hours
5.Your discord:
6.Your nickname:
Harry Verlice
7.Your ID: 54513

Additional information
(1) Leader of .. Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1. I believe i have a great leadership. I am sure that I will be a leader who does not receive warnings.. I saw everything what is wrong with what is incorrect. I am sure i have enough information. I would also like to contribute my skills and passion to improving .

2. I believe that I can make a difference by becoming the leader of this organization. I am sure i have enough information. Based on my experience. I will keep the Families gang at the top. Families will be always active.

3. I Want improve My Back bloods Leader mistake And they will work hard to raise the Families as high as possible. Everyone in my gang will be required to attend events, and I will provide them with Bonus.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1. I will do a lot of store robs and at least 2-3 Fz raids during the day. will tell to HCs and deputies be careful about this. I wont let get rule breaks in Families. I will make sure that people know the rules when joining the gang.

2. I will not give unfair rank to anyone. People who participate in events, people who have good communication with other members will have a high rank.

My Experience -

Former Bloods Leader / Rank 16
Former Ballas Turf Head / Rank 13
Former Vagos Deputy / Rank 14
Former Families Deputy / Rank 13

Former Bunta Deputy / Rank 14

My goals for Families term.

1. Activity in events and ghetto without Rulebreaks

2. 100% Turf
3. Every hour max spray profit
4. Complete My Term Without Warning

Thank You for looking into my application.

Best Regards - Harry Verlicee

God-x-Lite Daku

God is watching you 👀
Jan 19, 2023
1. Your name IRL Yash Bagul

2. Your age 22

3. Time zone GMT +6:00

4. Average online per day 4-5 hours

5. Your Discord godelite

6. Your Nickname iam Godelite

7. Your ID 92951

Additional information

1. Leader of...Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

firstly, I have been a passionate member of this organization now, I strongly believe this gang made for me and I have a lot of experience in gangs I learned a lot experiance during my time as an Highcommand and underdeputy in some gangs We have achieve great things with all my gang members I have enough information based on my experience and i observed everything what is wrong, what is incorrect we will keep Families on top with gang members we will trying to active my gang and i am verry confident in myself i will complete my term without mistakes & rulebreak and in a professional way we will engage more peoples in gang and we will atend events daily my plan to make 100% turf with my best turfers and I will make families the most active gang in the ghetto That's why I want to be leader of families

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

First of all we have to follow the server rules we will improve our RP even more We will do everything professionally in accordance with the rules if any gang member doing rule break i will lead to a kick, strikes, or blacklisted from the gang I will try to interact with legal organisation which will make my organisation name and we will do this things 100% Turf, $10,000 graffiti profit every hour, trying to Complete my term without any warning Doing every possible event to be active for the families gang

Ranking System

15 ) Leader

14 ) Deputy

13 ) Under Deputy

12 ) Event Manager

11 ) Turfer

10 ) KingPin

--High Command--

9 ) Mafia

8 ) Graffiti Expert

7 ) Enforcer

6 ) Gangster

5 ) Hitman

4 ) Shooter

3 ) Clapper

2 ) Newbie

Soumen Mandal

Nov 5, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Soumen
2. Your age: 18+
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6 to 7 hours
5. Your Discord: soumenmandal
6. Your Nickname: Soumen Mandal
7. Your ID: 73625

Additional information

1. Leader of... Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- I've been playing the server for a Long time now and really want to be a leader. I've been in a Many organizations Legal/illegal over my period of playing and I feel this makes me a strong leader for this position. I have been in many gangs now for extended periods of time. My knowledge of the rules helps me to be able to be successful over the 30 days of being a leader and maybe even take another term.

-Being in FIB/LSPD/GOV/SAHP/NG/Bloods/Vagos/Families/Ballas/Marabunta has taught me a lot about leading an Organization in the server and that has gave me a lot of confidents to achieve any goals. I know many of people would like to join me and help me along side this journey .

- I also seen how the past 2 leaders ran and gave it a good rep i can do that as well by have a good turf team to get 100% turfs next season i have alot of people up my sleeve to bring to my turf team and beat ballas

- I want to everyone to know who we are as a gang no people to be fucked with we are going to own every spray in the ghetto and make sure no one takes it if they do they better put up a good fight.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

- I have alot of things to improve rp but the main thing would be everyone knowing and exploring the city rule
1. Doing fun events
2. Make Sure that everyone is Doing the Events
3. And my high Commends will write a folder for each leo org high commend
4. Doing Robbers and Hostage situations
4.we would use ( /try/me commands)

I hope you like my application and cant wait to work with you And Give Me a Chance to Prove Myself If I get a chance I can make sure that I will be better from others.


Wolf Gangster

Apr 2, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Shivam
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6 to 7 hours
5. Your Discord: wolfgangster
6. Your Nickname: wolf gangster
7. Your ID: 92745

1. Leader of... Families

Leadership Qualities: I am devoted to making sure that the organization runs smoothly and effectively, and I have faith in my ability to lead. I am skilled at spotting problems early on and fixing them with accuracy. I can lead without being warned because of my knowledge and experience, which will help to create an environment that is both productive and positive.

Making an Impact: I think that my position as a leader will allow me to have a big impact on the company. I am committed to keeping our group, the Families, in the forefront by utilizing my abundance of knowledge. My proactive demeanor and thorough comprehension will support the Families' ongoing development and activity, guaranteeing a long-lasting effect.

Acknowledging Past Errors: As a Back famlies deputyLeader, in particular, I want to learn from the past errors made by the organization's leadership. I'm determined to work tirelessly and persistently to raise the Families to new heights. It will be required of members to attend events, and I intend to incentivize them with incentives to encourage commitment and camaraderie.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

Strategic operations:
To improve our role-playing, I suggest doing strategic operations like store robberies and Fz raids. I will convey to High Command and deputies the significance of these measures and stress the necessity of exercising prudence in order to prevent breaking the law. Respecting the rules in the Families is very important, and I will make sure that everyone is aware of them before they join.

Fair Rank System: I'm going to introduce a fair rating system to raise the bar for role-playing. Members who communicate well with one another and actively participate in activities will be rewarded with higher levels. Through the promotion of a collaborative and dedicated culture, this strategy seeks to inspire members to make good contributions to the company.

Promoting Unity and Camaraderie:
Shared aims:
A feeling of shared aims is fostered by acknowledging individuals' efforts and involving them in strategic initiatives. An organization becomes more cohesive and unified when its members are working toward shared goals, which enhances the role-playing experience for all of them.

Team-building: exercises are provided by events and cooperative efforts needed for strategic operations. This strengthens the organization's social component and fosters better member cooperation and communication, all of which help to create a welcoming and encouraging community.

Educating Members on Role-Play Rules:
Preventing Rule Breaks:
The likelihood of rule breaks is reduced when new members are fully conversant with the role-play guidelines. By proactively fostering a community that is disciplined and courteous, participants are able to fully immerse themselves in the role-playing experience without any interruptions.

Establishing a Positive Environment: A welcoming and upbeat atmosphere is created by clearly communicating the regulations. There is greater harmony and enjoyment in the role-playing environment inside the company when members feel secure in their comprehension of expectations.

My Experience -
Former NG Leader / Rank 30
Former Famlies deputy / Rank 14
Former Vagos Underdeputy / Rank 13
Former bloods UnderDeputy / Rank 13

Former Bunta UnderDeputy / Rank 13
Former Sahp colonel / 24
Former lspd inspactor / 17

Former Server Admin
Former Lt.general

My goals for Families term.
Events and ghetto activity without breaking the rules
Complete My Term Without Warning

Ranking System

15. lucifer
14. Ghost
13. Ak-47
12. Warload
11. Events Leader
10. Turfer
9. gangster
8. mafia
7. Clapper
6. Grafitti Team
5. Enforcer
4. Shooter
3. devil
2. Newbie
1. Freez

Thanks For Regard
Wolf Gangster
Last edited:


Nov 27, 2022
Your name IRL: Irteza Malik
Your age: 18
Time zone: GMT+5
Average online per day: 4-6 Hours
Your Discord: irtazabolo
Your Nickname: Irtaza Cassano
Your ID: 49242
Additional information
1.Leader of Families

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
-I want to be the leader because i think I am very much capable of becoming a leader of a gang like families, I have been in all the legal orgs as a high command , I have been in gangs too for a long time as I was under deputy in families and have been deputy in marabunta before and I have learned a lot at being at that post and, I think I am able to manage gang now.

-I see alot of gang members breaking the server rules, and not respect other members. if i will be the leader of families i will take care that every families member will not break the ghetto rules, and will respect anyone.

-I want to become the leader of the families gang. With my leadership, I can attract more players to join the gang and make it stronger. Additionally, I plan to select the most experienced and capable deputy to lead the gang in my absence.

-I have a skill to manage a gang and make it active I will try to do every activity I can to make my gang scary and be active as never before I will try my best to complete 100% turf.

3.Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will prioritize realistic negotiations and increase interactions with Leo's for a better RP experience as I have legal experience I know how to deal with the Loe's.

I will complete my weekly goals on time and engage in various productive activities as much as possible. Additionally, I plan to recruit individuals who have the potential to be valuable gang members. Their rank will be assigned based on their activities and other relevant circumstances.

Irtaza Cassano

Tarzan Badshah

Aug 10, 2022
Congratulations to the following Participants who have been selected for the Families Interview on December 23rd at 19:00 Server Time.

Shivam - 92745 - wolfgangster

Kindly join the waiting room five minutes before the scheduled time.

Families application is now closed.
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