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IMPORTANT Applications for Blood Street Gang

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Hexton Froster

A ruthless veteran of the ghetto !
Jul 18, 2022
1. Your name IRL
-Arosh Rayhan
2. Your age
3. Time zone
-+6 GMT
4. Average online per day
5- 10 Hours a day
5. Your Discord
-Hexton Froster#1856
6. Your Nickname
-Hexton Froster
7. Your ID

Additional information
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-I want to be the Leader of a specific org because I was Deputy leader of Gangs in the En2 server. Also, I was an admin so I have enough experience. Also, I know How to run a gang professionally one of the things I will like to say is I am perfect in every activity of Gang. I already know How to organize all of the events of the gang

-- I have a lot of free time after my OOC work so, I have enough time to think about my gang. I know How to lead a gang properly I got supportive people who have a lot of experience in gang and Leo activities. Also, I am experienced in every org. I have been in high command and deputy of orgs before. So I have so much experience in every activity. I know How to be a good leader and introduce myself as a good leader.

--- I have been in Gang as High command and deputy so I don't had that much control in gang. So I believe if I get the leadership I can run the gang so much good. I always invite and treat new members in my gang because I believe Any of the gang activities cannot be done without numbers and teamwork. After all, I think I am the best candidate for the Gang leadership.

----I have so many families and Orgs to support me in my term. I have a heavy amount of people who can help me to run my gang. Also I already have a chain of command of My gang I got so many experienced deputy and high command.

1- young blood
2- blood
3- Soldier
4- Shooter
5- Spray Team
6- OG
7- Turfer
8- Shotcaller
9- Vice Captain
10- Captain
11- Druglord
12- Deputy
13- Boss

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

---My advice to Improve the rp is to Make keep my gang alive. I will attend all Of the IC+OOC event Such as cland , Battle ship , Subs , Vehicle theft and etc. My another objective to make the gang active is Be active in ghetto , Get 100%graffiti every hours also have 100%. I will also organize event like FZ raid, Store robbery , Gun store robbery every day so I can keep my gang member active. Also I will give bonuses to my gang member every day. I will always observe event activities and I will always give rank ups to active member of gang. I will get the best negotiator of The city in my gang to beat leo in every situation and protect my gang members. Another thing I will never allow any kind of toxicity in my gang. I will not give any chance to toxic people. Also I have a professional Strike sistem for my gang

#Strike 1 = Verbal warning

#Strike 2= Demotion

#Strike 3 + Kick/Blacklist


Gaur Vercetti

Oct 13, 2021
1. Information.
1. Your name IRL - Gaur
2. Your age - 20
3. Time zone - IST
4. Average online per day - 10 - 14
5. Your Discord - GAUR#3550
6. Your Nickname - Gaur Vercetti
7. Your ID - 59734

2. Additional information.
Leader of Bloods.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
As I have been playing this server from the last 2 years and I have been in all the gangs as a deputy from 14-15 and I have led many gangs. I was also the first ever leader of ballas on en3 and ended my term successfully with 0 warns and almost got 100%. On every single, I was able to have the most active numbers out of all the gangs and win every single cland whether it's a small event like cland or big events like fz battleship and store robberies. I was always having max numbers on every event and I can guarantee that it will happen here as well. I know how to build a gang properly and make it grow on a big level, As I have a lot of connections on every server, especially on en2 I can guarantee that I will make my gang will be the most active and dominating gang.
- I will make sure that every HC in my gang is taking proper interviews and asking all the basic to important questions and making it proper RP so that everyone we recruit will know the rules and follow them strictly. I will also get an HC team to teach them how everything works from robbing and doing big events so that everyone knows how things work and will not mess anything up or break rules. I will also have 2 deputies from different time zones so that I can keep my gang active and dominate all the events without skipping any events.
- I make Bloods term the best and most successful term ever. I will aim to get no warnings and make it the clean term with most events done and 100% turf. As I have done in the past I will show the city what a good gang looks and works like. After investing a lot of time I know how to manage a gang and make it work flawlessly.
3. Your Advice In Improving Roleplay Level In Organization.
From robbing in the streets to doing big events like FZ and Subs, I will have a team of HC who will be teaching everyone in the gang how to do things and how to handle different situations, So that not only the HC but all the gang members are equally skilled and can do stuff on their own without any rule breaks.
- I will make sure to have an HC team that will teach everyone the rules and how everything works from small robberies to big events.
- I will improve the RP level by making sure to have more realistic robbing and negotiations with my new and unique ideas.
4. My Goals for Bloods.
Make the most active gang with the most numbers.
- Improve the criminal RP with new ideas and interactions.
- Maintain the constant growth of the gang.
- Make it a terrorist organization.
- A clean term without warnings.
- 100% Spray and 100% Turf.

malik azan9090

Aug 23, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL: MalikAzan
2. Your age 20
3. Time zone GMT+5
4. Average online per day 9+hours
5. Your Discord malikazan#9010
6. Your Nickname Malikazan
7. Your ID 46038

Additional information
1. Leader of... Bloods Street Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I want to be a leader for bloods because I know how to run an organization in the best way where everyone who deserves can be involved and people who can earn their rank who can show them. I know how all the vines work and have been in the industry for a long time where I took care of everything well.And i have exprience of some organization like national guard sahp and government i also have some illegal org exprience like i am dupty of ballas and families in en1 english sever.

What I will do is ensure that no more toxicity in the radio or in the chat because it is not something we will tolerate because it is important that all our members in the organization feel safe and feel as brotherhood i speaks 3 languages english urdu and hindi i speak this language with fluent and clear.

Being a leader of an organization, I have wanted to be for a long time because I think the time is right and lead my own organization in the way that no one else because I like to take responsibility like doing events and show with skills in calandstine event etc i make sure that no harssing and rasim in gang and no threat people in gang so they sure that they are safe and i give chance to all player to perform good and use there skills and so they rise up as they can and we help them to rise.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
My advice is that Staff members enforce RolePlay more because it will give the game a much more IRL feeling and it may even attract more people. Most people who knew the rules would be accepted, but if their rp standard was low, I would assist them in improving it because I want to have strong rp with everyone in the city.
Gg grand rp on top

Micheal Pluxury

Jun 28, 2022
1. Micheal South
2. 19
3. GMT
4. 5- 10 Hours
5. Micheal Pluxury#4938
6. Micheal Pluxury
7. 21246

Leader of Bloods

7.I have a lot of expiriance not only in gangs also in state orgs I learned a lot of different thing by being in state orgs and also in gangs from state orgs I learned a lot of different rules arresting rules and most important for being criminal I learned how to very good negotiate and on other side from gangs I learned how to shoot very accuratly a lot of event rules and all other rules I am also very good in taking hostiges while I was in bloods I maded one very good system how I got a lot of state hcs like my hostiges so I have very good knowledge to help bloods be on top again like they were earlier

2.I think having best gang in city depends more of having a good hcs and deputys then having a good leader I mean leader choose a hcs and deputys so it is tied but however rn I have on mind oen of best RPers in city to be my deputys and hcs I was hc of all gangs ecsept families so ik how good leader looks and how bad leader looks so I learned from their falls and I think I learned enough good how to lead gang on some different events whitout getting people braking rules how to make 100% free passage on store robberies and ammo store robberies

- I got really good leadership qualities also outside the city, but In the city iv lead family content as well.

- One important thing i have is connections to other ex higher ups / leaders from old gangs and families. I am willing to use all of the guys iv met since start and use the experience and our combined skills to try our ultimate best to rise to the top.
- Lastly like said earlier, i want my route and style as a leader be positive and helpful towards everyone. Iv been in many gangs where new players are being bashed, because they don't know everything straight from the bat and that so their been limited to experience certain stuff in the gang. In my gang everybody has chance to learn and everybody has chance to join every activity the city has to offer and learn further and grow to community even bigger.

2.-I have been a in a lot of gangs and have been a high rank in almost all of them (bloods too) and everytime I leave and go to state side I regret because honestly gangs are the funnest and doing negotations, store robberies, hostage situations, and fort zancudo etc is very fun and I am experianced at them because I have been high command both state side and gang side so thats why I would love to become the leader of the bloods.

Advices for Improving RP in the ORG.

To improve the role play level in the bloods I would interview all the high commands myself and make sure they are fit for the job. I would also get my deputies and high commands to recruit people who only know the rules and teach the new recruits how to do negotiations, how store robberies work, how fort zancudo works and how all events go. I would also make sure there are no personal confilcts in the gang and will make sure there is no toxicity and people who will be toxic will be punished.

I think my way to improve Rp is that i take every member seriously and guide them through the journey the right way. Currently many gangs just mass recruit numbers and after that everything is going southways and people are left to do whatever they please without further guidance. People do what they think they can and break rules constantly and get gangs disbanded with really fast cycle. I want to teach everything we do before we do it and with that we have way less fail rp moments in the ghetto and in activities in general. Practice makes perfect.

1.I would make my personal list of questions theat would be used to invite someone in theat list of questions I would add ghetoo rules event rules some basic rules(pg vdm rdm mg frp nlr…)

2. I would ask for every of thaet rules at least 2 examples theat are on list (exp. Pg : You cannot search someone whit gun In your hands)

Thank you for reading.

Paisley Grim

Jul 10, 2022
1. Information
1. Your name IRL - Cat
2. Your age - 40
3. Time zone - EST
4. Average online per day - 10 - 14
5. Your Discord - Paisley#2937
6. Your Nickname - Paisley Quinn
7. Your ID - 38179

1. Leader of Bloods.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
- I have been leader of EMS and I enjoy being leader and want to try something new. I have experience in gangs in this city and another city as High Command and Deputy. I love Bloods specifically because it holds a special place in my heart, and I want to make it one of the best terms Bloods has had in this city.
- I will have 4 deputies in total. 2 will be in city during the daytime and 2 will be in city during the night time. This will ensure that the gang is active at all times and let all of Los Santos know we are active and not be underestimated.
- Most importantly I will be sure that the gang receives no warnings during my term and that they all support one another and are not toxic or putting each other down, as your fellow gang members are supposed to be like family to you.

3. Your Advice In Improving Roleplay Level In Organization.
- Bloods will roam the ghetto in groups and do ghetto clapping while not attending events. This will let everyone know that Bloods is active and not going anywhere.
- No event will go without Bloods in attendance, this includes battleship, subs, clandestine, car theft, store robberies etc.
- During store robberies I will be having High Command bring a newer gang member with them to see how negotiating is done, and the rules they need to follow to ensure things are done correctly and efficiently. This will ensure that everyone is given a chance and learns during their time in The Bloods.

4. My Goals for Bloods.
- To have no warnings
- To have over 100 members
- To have high spray profits and a LEGIT spray team with bonuses
- To have all control of all turfs

Axo Carter

Always Respect Everyone & Follow Every Rules
Jul 2, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1.Your name IRL: Subhajit Mal
2. Your age: 21
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6 - 8 hours
5. Your Discord: AxoFear#7900
6. Your Nickname: Axofear Badmash
7. Your ID: 12377

Additional information
1. Leader of Blood Street Gang


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1. I want the leadership because I came to the city a long time ago and worked a lot in gangs & Leos and gained a lot of experience. couple of weeks ago I joined Bloods Street started gaining more experience through the leader and deputies and try to lead the gang by my own leading skill like try to lead the gang in clands, battleship, store robbery, Fort Zancudo raids etc. I got so much quick rank ups in gang for my hard work and dedication though I left
disband the organization I have got a very good experience. then i got the leadership for marabunta , we did so much events and activities like we won's lots of turfs , lots of battleship , and we became one of highest active gang ever .

2. Also I want the leadership cause from the starting I was in legal org (lspd, sahp, fib) for a long time there for I know how legal orgs works, how they deal with situation so through this experience I can dominate legal orgs, I can understand what their next step will be it will be so easy to the gang then.

3. Also I want to become leader so I can interact with so many players and for that I can help newcomers who just came to the city because they are undertaken but their capabilities are very high. I can fully train them about gangs and other stuffs like every rule which we have to follow, and which thing is good as per situation to make the RP better to everyone.

3. My Advice Improving Roleplay Level

1. The first important thing to improve Roleplay level in organization is inviting people who really knows the rules. Before inviting someone to the gang, the leader or deputies should take an interview of him/her. In the interview they should ask him / her about every gang rule possible and how they work. If he/she doesn't know any of the rules, the leader and deputies should let him/her know about each and every rule about the gang to make the RP experience best for everyone.

2. Before going to an event, the leader has to meet his/her gang members in the Headquarter before 20 min of the event to make it easier for the leader to gear up the members and pull up to the event at perfect time.

3.We should give Bonus at least 2 times and rank up every week to appreciate Gang members for their works and efforts they did towards their Gang to boost them and to increase their morale.

Harry Bolo

May 29, 2022
1. harry
2. 18
3. uk
4. 6-8 hours
5. HxrryFPS#0001
6. LongusShlongus MongusQuinn
7. 33032
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
i have been in gangs for a long time and i will take no bullshit off anyone break a rule get deranked then kicked
i am just looking for a new experience after being away from the server for a few months
i think i could help to improve the roleplay by implementing some systems to encourage people to go to events and engage in rp to earn rank ups
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
i will make it so that for every rank people in the gang want to get to they will have to do a certain amount of activity's to get rank ups

Badmash Sammy

Dec 31, 2022
1. Rudra Sharma
3.+5:30 GMT
4. 2-6 hours
5.Badmash Sammy#4338
6. Badmash Sammy
7. 46272
Leader Of bloods
Because I really Like bloods
1 Reason I was already In gang before Now I wanna be leader of gang That’s why
2 reason I really Did Some rp Now I wanna do Now illegal rp nation
3 Reason Because I think now I can handle A gang

Server lags Lot of time Just fix that And other is your server is awseaome

Famiglia di Nemici

Jun 14, 2021
1. Your name IRL Kaiden
2. Your age 18
3. Time zone PST
4. Average online per day 7-8 hours weekdays 12-14 hours weekends
5. Your Discord SleepyEnemy#7784
6. Your Nickname Dave Winters
7. Your ID 3099

Additional information
1. Leader of Bloods Street Gang
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 Leadership: There's been some amazing leadership for the first term to this last one but i think i can go above and beyond and be the best leader Bloods has ever seen i know who i want for certain positions already i have everything mapped out.
2.2 Family: this last term made me realize so much, Bloods needs better leadership someone who will step up to the plate when needed someone who can get along with other leaders and not fight with them.
2.3 Discipline: I plan on implementing a lot of discipline but i also want people to be able to have fun while be smart about it i don't want people breaking rules and getting kicked out of the org for stupid reasons.
3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.
3.1 Structure: I'm going to implement enough structure and discipline to where people know how to have fun while not breaking the rules.
3.2 Ranks: I'm going to give people ranks/roles based on experience if they deserve it and if they can show me there fit for that role/rank.
3.3 Corruption: I want to be able to have corrupt cops on a payroll or to help us out in situations where we could use a corrupt cop.

3.4 I want this next term to have the best roleplay experience while still having structure.

My goals for Bloods:
Having the strongest members that can display the highest level of Rp Possible
Another goal is to have the best Capture/Turf team possible i plan on getting some of the best team players and sharpshooters.
Another goal is to have the best Spray team that can bring a lot of profit in
Another goal is to have the best members in general from the best a following rules to the best at being able to bring profit in from everything.
My last goal is to have extremely active members to high activity in city to high activity during every event.

12 Founder [Leader]
11 Warlord [Deputy]
10 Chief Enforcer [3rd Command]
9 Hitman [4th Command]
-------HIGH COMMAND-------
8 Capo
7 Turfer
6 Graffitist
5 Soldier
4 Runner
3 Scout
2 Associate
1 Suspended
The Punishment system will be.

Strike 1 warning
Strike 2 Demotion
Strike 3 Kicked out of the ORG.

I wish Bloods the best for whoever becomes Leader.

Regards Ex HOD of Patrol LSPD, Ex HOD of SWAT LSPD, Ex Deputy Chief of SWAT SAHP, Ex 3rd Command bloods, EX 4th Command LSPD Current 2nd lieutenant NG
Thank you for your time reading my application!
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Badmash Sammy

Dec 31, 2022
1. Your name IRL Kaiden
2. Your age 18
3. Time zone PST
4. Average online per day 7-8 hours weekdays 12-14 hours weekends
5. Your Discord SleepyEnemy#7784
6. Your Nickname Dave Winters
7. Your ID 3099

Additional information
1. Leader of Bloods Street Gang
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 Leadership: There's been some amazing leadership for the first term to this last one but i think i can go above and beyond and be the best leader Bloods has ever seen i know who i want for certain positions already i have everything mapped out.
2.2 Family: this last term made me realize so much, Bloods needs better leadership someone who will step up to the plate when needed someone who can get along with other leaders and not fight with them.
2.3 Discipline: I plan on implementing a lot of discipline but i also want people to be able to have fun while be smart about it i don't want people breaking rules and getting kicked out of the org for stupid reasons.
3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.
3.1 Structure: I'm going to implement enough structure and discipline to where people know how to have fun while not breaking the rules.
3.2 Ranks: I'm going to give people ranks/roles based on experience if they deserve it and if they can show me there fit for that role/rank.
3.3 Corruption: I want to be able to have corrupt cops on a payroll or to help us out in situations where we could use a corrupt cop.

3.4 I want this next term to have the best roleplay experience while still having structure.

My goals for Bloods:
Having the strongest members that can display the highest level of Rp Possible
Another goal is to have the best Capture/Turf team possible i plan on getting some of the best team players and sharpshooters.
Another goal is to have the best Spray team that can bring a lot of profit in
Another goal is to have the best members in general from the best a following rules to the best at being able to bring profit in from everything.
My last goal is to have extremely active members to high activity in city to high activity during every event.

12 Founder [Leader]
11 Warlord [Deputy]
10 Chief Enforcer [3rd Command]
9 Hitman [4th Command]
-------HIGH COMMAND-------
8 Capo
7 Turfer
6 Graffitist
5 Soldier
4 Runner
3 Scout
2 Associate
1 Suspended
The Punishment system will be.

Strike 1 warning
Strike 2 Demotion
Strike 3 Kicked out of the ORG.

I wish Bloods the best for whoever becomes Leader.

Regards Ex HOD of Patrol LSPD, Ex HOD of SWAT LSPD, Ex Deputy Chief of SWAT SAHP, Ex 3rd Command bloods, EX 4th Command LSPD
Thank you for your time reading my application!
Very formal

hassan knight

Dec 20, 2022
1:Name IRL: Hassan

2: Your Age: 16

3:Time Zone: GMT +5

4. Average online per day: 6 to 7 hours

5. Your Discord: Hassan Thug#5006

6. Your Nickname: Hassan Thug

7. Your ID: 89866

---Additional Information---

1. Leader of...Bloods

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2: The first reason iam playing Grand RP for long time and well exprianced and many times High Command in gangs and i know i have enough expriance to be an leader and i will help new guys in gang our gang will become number one gang in los sontos i will make fair ranking system i will try to do 100% Turfs.

2:I will try to make Blood Best gang in city i will try to do events on daily bases many people join our gang after watching the criminal activicitys in city i will try to join every event as a leader and will make bonus system for every one in every event.

2:I will add different people for different purpose like recruiters , Turfers and people who will do grffiti. Blood will be stongest gang in city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1: Try to do as much event as you can.

2: Dont be toxic with anyone in gang.

3: Make Role Play Friendly.

4: Try to give bonus after evert event

5: Dont Dishert anyone in your gang.

Thanks For reading

Ex LSPD Deputy HR- Ex SAHP FTO- Ex FIB secret agent- Ex Families Gang HC- Ex Vagos HC

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Robin Badmash

F**k Em All
Jan 3, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Robin
2. 22
3. IST
4. 6 Hours
5. Zeezee#1737
6. Robin Badmash
7. 57804

1. Leader of BLOODS

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

A) I want to be the leader of marabunta because i am assure that now i can handle a whole gang as a leader, and i gained a lot of experience how a gang supposed to run. I know how manage people as i've been high command in gangs and as well as in legal organization too and learned a lot from them.

B) I've been in city for 6 to 7 months and think now i am capable to run a whole gang. I know that being a leader is very stressful but with right deputies and high command it will be easier to run and make gang strong. I know few people who will stand with me and can handle people in my absenc

C) I have experience in Legal organization too, I've been HC in NG and also been in FIB and LSPD. I know how they work and how do they plan to catch gangsters in RP or events and that will be a plus point for me and for the gang to do proper RP and maintain professionalism.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

A) We will do proper RP at everywhere whether it is a event or anywhere else in the city.

B) Attending all gang events with good deputy and high command

C) I will try to take good members in the gang

D) Making ghetto active

I will give bonuses for the graffiti

Try to do gangwars in ghetto
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Shaurya Sharma

Dec 17, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Shourya Sharma
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 5 to 6 hours
5. Your Discord: Danger SS #0706
6. Your Nickname: Shourya Gangster
7. Your ID: 69193

Additional information
1. Leader of Bloods

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
(i) I have expierence of illegal organisation and now I think I have a lot of expierence so I can be a leader of bloods.
(ii) From beginning in a gang. I want to be a leader and handle peoples.
(iii) And from starting. I see in gang their was so much Toxicity in gang. And if someone use abuse words so I will give him 1 warning then directly blacklisted for 2 weeks and make bloods very friendly.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
(i) And we participate in almost all events and organise events also like (Store Robbery) (Fort Zancudo Raid) (Hostage Situation) like this so much activities we do daily.
(ii) No toxicity will made. I will make bloods very friendly gang.
(iii) Do regular Graffiti.


Aug 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Hitesh Sharma
2. Your age - 19
3. Time zone - UTC 5:30+
4. Average online per day - 8-9 hours
5. Your Discord - FAFA SHIKAARI #4438
6. Your Nickname - Fafa Shikaari
7. Your ID - 44774

Additional information

Leader of... Bloods

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

First Reason: I have been gambling in the town for 4-5 months now and the group life is wherein this town is a success. I additionally have experience as a Deputy twice. I am concerned within the strategic and operational place and may therefore additionally deliver my management abilities here as a leader for the Bloods

Second Reason: The number of people I have met in the city, emails and anywhere else have informed me to end up as a leader once as they would have the quality experience. I additionally feel that if I'm able to teach the new players within inside the gang extra about the regulations and the way to do matters would possibly simply make loads greater experience to them, in preference to a brand new participant being sent to demorgan for not following a easy small rule and yet again that is where me and the deputies will help them.

Third Reason: I have so many turfers as my buddies, I have the high-quality group of turfers and I'm certain that the maximum captures may be from my gang if I be the leader.

I will have participants to do graffiti and get the maximum graffiti income within all the gangs.

Past Experience - Ex High command of Marabunta, Ex High command of Families, Ex High command of Ballas, Ex High command of Vagos, Ex High command of Bloods, 2Ex Deputy of Marabunta, Ex Deputy of Vagos, " Current Deputy of Ballas."

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will form Alliances with other gangs to get strong.

I assure that my gang will be the most active in the term of my leadership.

Have Deputies who could lead to additional activities after I go out of the city.

Better negotiations and RP whilst on shop and gun store robberies.

Attacks on ammo run, encashments
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Alex Demon

Nov 22, 2022
1. Information.
1. Your name IRL - Gaur
2. Your age - 20
3. Time zone - IST
4. Average online per day - 10 - 14
5. Your Discord - GAUR#3550
6. Your Nickname - Gaur Vercetti
7. Your ID - 59734

2. Additional information.
Leader of Bloods.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
As I have been playing this server from the last 2 years and I have been in all the gangs as a deputy from 14-15 and I have led many gangs. I was also the first ever leader of ballas on en3 and ended my term successfully with 0 warns and almost got 100%. On every single, I was able to have the most active numbers out of all the gangs and win every single cland whether it's a small event like cland or big events like fz battleship and store robberies. I was always having max numbers on every event and I can guarantee that it will happen here as well. I know how to build a gang properly and make it grow on a big level, As I have a lot of connections on every server, especially on en2 I can guarantee that I will make my gang will be the most active and dominating gang.
- I will make sure that every HC in my gang is taking proper interviews and asking all the basic to important questions and making it proper RP so that everyone we recruit will know the rules and follow them strictly. I will also get an HC team to teach them how everything works from robbing and doing big events so that everyone knows how things work and will not mess anything up or break rules. I will also have 2 deputies from different time zones so that I can keep my gang active and dominate all the events without skipping any events.
- I make Bloods term the best and most successful term ever. I will aim to get no warnings and make it the clean term with most events done and 100% turf. As I have done in the past I will show the city what a good gang looks and works like. After investing a lot of time I know how to manage a gang and make it work flawlessly.
3. Your Advice In Improving Roleplay Level In Organization.
From robbing in the streets to doing big events like FZ and Subs, I will have a team of HC who will be teaching everyone in the gang how to do things and how to handle different situations, So that not only the HC but all the gang members are equally skilled and can do stuff on their own without any rule breaks.
- I will make sure to have an HC team that will teach everyone the rules and how everything works from small robberies to big events.
- I will improve the RP level by making sure to have more realistic robbing and negotiations with my new and unique ideas.
4. My Goals for Bloods.
Make the most active gang with the most numbers.
- Improve the criminal RP with new ideas and interactions.
- Maintain the constant growth of the gang.
- Make it a terrorist organization.
- A clean term without warnings.
- 100% Spray and 100% Turf.
Best leader of ballas on en3 i ever seen.He should be given a chance.

Alex Demon

Nov 22, 2022
1. Information.
1. Your name IRL - Gaur
2. Your age - 20
3. Time zone - IST
4. Average online per day - 10 - 14
5. Your Discord - GAUR#3550
6. Your Nickname - Gaur Vercetti
7. Your ID - 59734

2. Additional information.
Leader of Bloods.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
As I have been playing this server from the last 2 years and I have been in all the gangs as a deputy from 14-15 and I have led many gangs. I was also the first ever leader of ballas on en3 and ended my term successfully with 0 warns and almost got 100%. On every single, I was able to have the most active numbers out of all the gangs and win every single cland whether it's a small event like cland or big events like fz battleship and store robberies. I was always having max numbers on every event and I can guarantee that it will happen here as well. I know how to build a gang properly and make it grow on a big level, As I have a lot of connections on every server, especially on en2 I can guarantee that I will make my gang will be the most active and dominating gang.
- I will make sure that every HC in my gang is taking proper interviews and asking all the basic to important questions and making it proper RP so that everyone we recruit will know the rules and follow them strictly. I will also get an HC team to teach them how everything works from robbing and doing big events so that everyone knows how things work and will not mess anything up or break rules. I will also have 2 deputies from different time zones so that I can keep my gang active and dominate all the events without skipping any events.
- I make Bloods term the best and most successful term ever. I will aim to get no warnings and make it the clean term with most events done and 100% turf. As I have done in the past I will show the city what a good gang looks and works like. After investing a lot of time I know how to manage a gang and make it work flawlessly.
3. Your Advice In Improving Roleplay Level In Organization.
From robbing in the streets to doing big events like FZ and Subs, I will have a team of HC who will be teaching everyone in the gang how to do things and how to handle different situations, So that not only the HC but all the gang members are equally skilled and can do stuff on their own without any rule breaks.
- I will make sure to have an HC team that will teach everyone the rules and how everything works from small robberies to big events.
- I will improve the RP level by making sure to have more realistic robbing and negotiations with my new and unique ideas.
4. My Goals for Bloods.
Make the most active gang with the most numbers.
- Improve the criminal RP with new ideas and interactions.
- Maintain the constant growth of the gang.
- Make it a terrorist organization.
- A clean term without warnings.
- 100% Spray and 100% Turf.
Best leader of ballas on en3 i ever seen.He should be given a chance.
1. Your name IRL - Hitesh Sharma
2. Your age - 19
3. Time zone - UTC 5:30+
4. Average online per day - 8-9 hours
5. Your Discord - FAFA BADMASHH #4438
6. Your Nickname - Fafa Shikaari
7. Your ID - 44774

Additional information

Leader of... Bloods

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

First Reason: I have been gambling in the town for 4-5 months now and the group life is wherein this town is a success. I additionally have experience as a Deputy twice. I am concerned within the strategic and operational place and may therefore additionally deliver my management abilities here as a leader for the Bloods

Second Reason: The number of people I have met in the city, emails and anywhere else have informed me to end up as a leader once as they would have the quality experience. I additionally feel that if I'm able to teach the new players within inside the gang extra about the regulations and the way to do matters would possibly simply make loads greater experience to them, in preference to a brand new participant being sent to demorgan for not following a easy small rule and yet again that is where me and the deputies will help them.

Third Reason: I have so many turfers as my buddies, I have the high-quality group of turfers and I'm certain that the maximum captures may be from my gang if I be the leader.

I will have participants to do graffiti and get the maximum graffiti income within all the gangs.

Past Experience - Ex High command of Marabunta, Ex High command of Families, Ex High command of Ballas, Ex High command of Vagos, Ex High command of Bloods, 2Ex Deputy of Marabunta, Ex Deputy of Vagos, " Current Deputy of Ballas."

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will form Alliances with other gangs to get strong.

I assure that my gang will be the most active in the term of my leadership.

Have Deputies who could lead to additional activities after I go out of the city.

Better negotiations and RP whilst on shop and gun store robberies.

Attacks on ammo run, encashments
Best in all gang activities.


Dec 10, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Hashir Jalal
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: gmt+5
4. Average online per day: 5 to 6 hrs
5. Your Discord: HashirJalal#9572
6. Your Nickname: Hashir Knight

7. Your ID:47385
Additional information:
1. Leader of the BLOODS.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
All the time in the Grand RP city I remember myself in a gang. I play in Grand RP over six months and over the time I acquired very high RP skills and good knowledge.
in rules, events & etc. I have experience how to lead a gang, I was many times HC in gangs mentioned below.
I thought to myself it's my time for me to become a leader with my experience and I'm ready for this challenge.
From my experience a lot of times there is no competition between gangs because some of the leaders are lazy and do the minimum they must do, and I want to change it.
I'm sure and believe that with my experience the gang will succeed and go far, and for a successful gang need a leader with high
motivation and I believe I have it and I am best suited to lead the families.

I want to take the RP experience of a gang to the next level. I am planning to do all gang events like Battleship, Fort Zancudo, clandestine and I'll make sure that we participate in all these types of gang events. Clandestine is one of my favorite events but sadly almost every gang camp for the parachute in that event and is kind of boring but I'll make sure we are showing up to every event and also takes part in other events to promote RP. My main motive is to make a better experience for everybody, and store robberies is one of the events where I can help with that, gangs are already very low RP and with legal orgs trying to win every store robbery there is, it isn't fun at all, but I will try my best to make all events fun and with serious RP.

Also, I have seen every level of RP in the organization, and I have been in unofficial families, and I have seen many great leaders do all gang events. I know all the strategies in all gang events also I want basically to be a little strict with members because I want them to try for their best because no one is perfect, and the improvement can't explain they can be only shown and if I will be the leader u will be able to see the improvement. I feel like if any of the gang members want to ask any question they should not hesitate and open up to any gang member about their query and trust me as a leader I will not let anyone down.

My Goals:
I have several goals that I want to achieve:
* Rule Brakes - I will choose the right people to be HC and they will make sure that anyone who want to join to families knows the rules.
*I will make sure everyone joining to families discord and I will create logs for anyone who joined to see the activity.
* Events - I strive for maximum activity:
* I really hope we will achieve 100% gang turfs; I have a good team of shooters who will do their best.
*24/7 Graffiti MAX profit.
* Gun store/store robbery at least one a day
* FZ raids
* Ghetto Fights when there are no events
* Gangs rivalry - I will make sure that will be balance between my gang to another gangs in terms of the number of people inside the org
* Bonuses - I will give bonuses to my high commands team, and bonuses for every rank up of families member. I will give bonuses also if our gang manage to win
gun store/store/vehicle theft.
* Rank system - I will create 14 ranks in my gang to see the hard work everyone does, for each rank there will be requirements to reach a certain number of events.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization:
* I will make sure I have members and HC from different time zones, so the gang will work 24/7 and the families will be on top.
* Keeping the state rules, I will make sure everyone in the gang knows the rules that there will be a rivalry between the gangs without any fear of breaking any rules.
* I will give bonuses to those who deserve them to increase the motivation and morale to come to the events and continue to be active.
* I will focus on gang members training to improve themselves also they will get more fun.
* I will make sure there is respect between the gang members, no toxicity, only friendship and teamwork.
* My advice is that Staff members enforce Roleplay more because it will give the game a much more IRL feeling, and it may even attract more people.
* Most people who knew the rules would be accepted, but if their roleplay standard was low, I would assist them in improving it because * I want to have strong rp with everyone in the city
* More IC player-created events with other gangs, civilians, or legal factions to improve a sense of roleplay rather than constant fighting and events.
* A forum harmony, my organization should not have any toxicity against any other group, reports will be made only when it is necessary.
* A sense of good standing with every other group in the city on the OOC level, everyone at the end of the day is a person behind their screen, a sense of community would be a large positive.
* I would make some scenarios for my organization to participate in and possibly makes some IC rewards/benefits involved.
* Overall, create a positive and enjoyable gang that someone could join if they're around for the vibes and quality gameplay.
* Having shooters, yes but including other people who may not be as experienced in the city with a gun or roleplay in general.
* In-depth review of the rules upon recruitment, I would make sure everyone knows the exact rules and restrictions we have at all times, * this would overall improve roleplay quality around my organization and carry on throughout interactions with others in the server.

1. Deputy leader of families.
2. Marabunta Under Deputy.
3. National Guard Major.
4. Ballas Turfer.
5. SAHP lieutenant.

1. Leader Of Knights.
2. Ex Mafias Deputy.

Ranking System:
13- Villain
12- Deputy
11- Under-Deputy
10- Turfer
9- Recruiter
8- King Pin
7- Spray Team Leader
6- Spray Team
5- Gangster
4- Shooter
3- Thug
2- Young Families
1- Freeze
Thanks for reviewing my application and your precious time.
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