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IMPORTANT Applications for SAHP

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Bucky Rich

May 12, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Krish Patil

2. Your age: 19

3. Time zone: GMT -6 (CST)

4. Average online per day: 8-10 hours

5. Your Discord: Bucky#8143

6. Your Nickname: Bucky Rich

7. Your ID: 26241

Additional information
1. Leader of... San Andreas Highway Patrol [SAHP]

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Firstly, I want to become SAHP leader because I have been in SAHP for a long time that is since EN1 due which I believe that I know a lot about this organization. Talking about EN2 I have been in this org where I had seen the problems coming up which where dealt pretty good by other leaders but I feel that I would have overcome it easier than them.

Secondly, I have good leadership skills and I don't show any kind of partiality between anyone person whom so ever that person maybe. I always choose the best for my Org or my team and always try to be successful in any situation. I also am a good listener so I would listen to any problem caused in my Org and solve it faster every time it occurs. I also have made good connections with various people while giving my time in FIB and SAHP as a high command and LEO by helping people to learn and grow together which is the main cause an Org stays together and Fights together.

Lastly, as an SAHP officer I have given my time there as an active high command where I used to push our team into participating in events. I also have experience as the Deputy Director of FIB due to which I know the responsibilities of a leader and what all expectation an admin has from us.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Firstly, as included in my application for the leadership of SAHP I will be looking forward to using the full force of my org to be active in any events happening across the city.

Secondly, I will see that there is good RP among people when on duty and off duty

Lastly, I have noticed since a my presence in SAHP that not all Departments in any Org run properly, they don't show their presence in the Org and due to which not many people know such departments exist. So I would encourage all departments under my leadership to work harder and show their presence in the Org. Furthermore, I would like to continue with the concept of DEA department, I would like this department to go looking for cannabis around the less explored parts of Sandy Shores and areas near Highway to look cannabis plants but also stay there and wait for the person who planted it to come and catch the planter red-handed with evidence which would I believe reduce the plantation of drugs and scare of the drug producers.

SAHP| Davy Uchiha

i have 100 tricks even tho i'm not a trickster
Dec 19, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
Davy Uchiha
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
a/Passion for the Mission and Values:
Being aligned with the organization's mission and values is essential for effective leadership. A person might aspire to be a leader in a specific organization because they deeply believe in and are passionate about the organization's mission, goals, and the positive impact it can have on society or a particular cause.
b/Desire to Make a Meaningful Impact:
Some individuals seek leadership positions to effect meaningful change within an organization. They may have innovative ideas, strategies, or a vision for growth and improvement, and they believe they can drive and execute these initiatives successfully in a leadership role.
C Professional Growth and Development:
Leadership often provides unique opportunities for personal and professional growth. Aspiring to be a leader within a specific organization could stem from the desire to enhance skills, gain experience, and broaden one's understanding of the industry or field. Additionally, leadership positions often offer a chance to mentor and inspire others, further contributing to personal growth and development.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Encourage participants to give feedback to each other. This promotes a culture of mutual learning and helps participants understand how their actions affect others.

Steve Fridman

Oct 1, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Steve

2. Your age: 20

3. Time zone: EST (GMT -5)

4. Average online per day: 8-10 hours

5. Your Discord: stevefridman

6. Your Nickname: Steve Fridman

7. Your ID: 56304

Additional information:

1. Applying For Leader of SAHP​

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):​

a) Firstly I Worked A Lot In Legal Orgs for long time And Also I Worked In Illegal Orgs During This Time I Faced Some Issues In Leaders Which I Think I Can Fix ,SAHP is the most important org and i want to make Paleto Bay Crime Free And Maintain The Highways Clean By Doing Patrolling Regularly and help citizens, I will make Sure The IA Department Will Work Properly To Ensure All The Officers Are Good And Well Trained On The Bases Of Their Work They Will Be Promoted And Get Some Bonuses With Me So That All The Org Members Get Motivated And Do Their Work Properly and I will do my best in making sure that every new members that get hired They will be tested, trained and promoted base to their ability and strength, work for city.

b) I will host regular meetings With All The Legal Orgs Leader And Governor So That We All Can Do Out Best And Get Good Friendship Between All The Legal Orgs Leaders, I Will Make Sure The HR Department Should Be Active And Give Best Training To The New Members So That Each Every Member Will Get Well Trained.

c)I Will Make Sure SAHP Should Be Active All The Time And We Will Hire Different Time Zone Members So That All The Time SAHP Will Be Active And Help Citizens And I Love Working AS Leader Of SAHP And Improve This Org By Trying My Best


Steve Fridman

Punar Badmash

Ex-Marabunta Leader
Oct 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL = Punar
2. Your age = 16
3. Time zone = GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day = 4-8 hrs
5. Your Discord = punar0p
6. Your Nickname = Punar Badmash
7. Your ID = 46029

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

2.1 Experience: During my time at SAHP, I had climbed through the ranks and worked on almost all of the departments, gaining HC in every department in less than 2 weeks of being a part of SAHP. Due to that, I’ve worked heavily on the HR, IA, and Detectives department and improved both HR and IA significantly to increase the standards of our employees as well as the standard of roleplay in SAHP. I have proven to be able to lead as during my time at SAHP working in HR and IA, I had decreased the number of our units being taken hostage to a minimum, as well as increased the standard of knowledge of our employees by teaching (when applicable) the proper procedure.

2.2 Coordination: I believe that for SAHP to be successful there needs to be a far greater level of coordination than the other LEOs as we have a bigger area of operation and have to go up against more risks than the other organizations, so working with my team of High Commands, I will make sure each department does their duties to the best of their capabilities while being as coordinated and organized as possible by supervising them personally, but still giving them the power to make some of their own decisions.

2.3 Quality and Communication: In general, I can guarantee a high level of quality with leaders as I have showcased it in my work in the other organizations. I will attempt with the best of my capability to get high activity in SAHP as we had when I was present there (around 26 units sometimes on duty, with our longest convoy having almost 15 vehicles). Even with a 15 vehicle convoy, our convoys were clean due to the good communication we had between our units, and I can guarantee that level of quality and communication with me as leader, working beside all of my HCs and deputies.

I generally want to increase the level of standard for SAHP in order to improve its reputation and improve the standard of Roleplay in the Sandy Shores and Paleto Bay area by guaranteeing that qualified people get High Command, that each unit knows the general aspects of being an LEO, and having good communication with other units. Changing SAHP to more of a family that communicates with each other frequently, by having fun together when applicable, but also maintaining a high level of professionalism and knowledge.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

My plan as a leader to improve the RP in SAHP, is to properly educate the staff on all roleplay commands such as (/me/do) and how to utilize these commands to enhance the roleplay scenario when responding to a situation or speaking with an individual. I realized there are multiple IC events where it is possible to increase RP such as Landslide Protection, where we place barricades to stop the workers from getting hit from speeding vehicles and conducting scheduled radars within our highways. Lastly, I want to increase the unity with SAHP and other organizations by conducting routine convoys alongside them for an overall RP experience for other orgs as well, all while keeping our city safe. I go into more detail below:

3.1 Training and Growth: While working on HRT, I realized that newer employees weren’t getting as much attention that they needed. To combat this, I worked on a better training system that improved the organization’s employees significantly while I was supervising it with my partner. In addition to the training, I had realized that some people were given promotions at times where they shouldn’t have, and some people who had been working for long hours weren’t, so I started a better system for promotions which I showcased at LSPD as the DHOD of HRT which, in turn, increased the units’ activity and encouraged them to work harder.

3.2 Checkpoint, Landslides, & more: As a HC of Highway Patrol, I realized there were so many IC events that we could go to in order to increase roleplay in San Andreas, such as Landslide Protections, where we place barricades to stop the workers from getting hit from fast vehicles, which I introduced during my time at SAHP, as well as radar stops and more. Not to mention routine convoy patrols, as well as combined convoys with other organizations to increase the fun for our units.

3.3 Internal Affairs & Management of Units: I believe that the IA department carries a very big importance in the organization by punishing (and issuing training where applicable) can increase the roleplay, legal knowledge, and general professionalism in the organization.

3.4 Response Time/SWAT: During my time in SAHP, I noticed that SWAT was not utilized to their full potential. I want SWAT to be the first on the scene, surveying and devising the best form of action when entering a situation.

Punar Badmash

Barry Vuitton

I love her
Nov 21, 2022
1. Your IRL name: Emir
2. Your age 18
3. Time zone: GMT+3
4. 4-10 hours online on average per day
5. Your discord: gaznesiz
6. Your nickname: Barry Xoxo
7. Your ID: 61050
Additional information
1st Leader San Andres Highway Patrol (SAHP)

2. Why do you want to be the leader of this particular organization? (List three reasons with explanations)

I want to be the leader of SAHP to take my experience and reputation to another level. SAHP is a great organization that I want to lead. I want to be the leader of SAHP to build the level of RP within the organization. SAHP has great scenarios and I love the RP aspect of a sheriff in general and the departments I can create and build in SAHP. I imagine a path in SAHP that is nothing but goodness. I can build SAHP from scratch with the people I work with. I will discover passions within my organization and assign accordingly. During my time in LSPD and other organizations I have gained a lot of knowledge about what to do and what not to do (which will reduce caveats and expand accurate knowledge). I also enjoy SAHP's patrol area and all the RP opportunities it opens up

3. Your recommendations to improve the level of RolePlay in the organization.
I can create an effective training program for SAHP.
I can host effective meetings and encourage people in SAHP and make them feel good and enjoy every part.
Together with our officers I can activate the highway and stop highway robberies.
I will apply all the lessons I learned from LSPD when I move to SAHP.
Establish appropriate RP standards within the organization and teach everyone accordingly
I will apply all my standards regardless of who you are, everyone will be held accountable.
I will count each section and do unique things for each one
I will ensure that all uniforms are of a proper standard, everyone will walk around and look professional and not funny.
Create and set high standards for officers

Ethan Pluxury

Dec 22, 2022
1. Your name IRL- Umar Sadique
2. Your age- 18
3. Time zone- GMT+ 5:30
4. Average online per day- 9-10hrs
5. Your Discord- bigchad102
6. Your Nickname- Robin Federal
7. Your ID- 86942
Additional information
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1. I have been in SAHP for more than 2 terms and it is my first organization in the city. I think I have enough experience to lead SAHP. I have spent my starting RP life working for this organization. I have good knowledge of the organization. I believe I am able to manage the SAHP because I was in every legal org which makes me confident to take leadership.

2. In previous terms in SAHP, I saw that they were not able to get enough units in events and they were facing activity issues most of the time. I will make sure that the org is active all the time. To solve this problem i will look for different time zone people so that this problem will be fixed.

3. I will make sure we are always together like a family at any cost. I will also assign departments to those people who can handle that position. I will make sure to conduct 3 ghetto patrols or more every week. Nowadays People think SAHP is boring. Actually, it is not it depends on the leader to make it boring or interesting. As a good leader who puts effort into making it a good place, I will reward them by giving bonuses and Promotion. I will also make sure that there is no one who is doing power abuse, nepotism, etc if I find anyone doing these things I will directly fire them.
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in an organization.

By giving promotions and bonuses to hard workers- I will make Bonus systems that will be some of the best bonus systems ever, Even if we lack organizational money I will use my personal money to make SAHP a better place with the best Bonus system ever, for promotions, I will held every Sunday of the week for a promotion to the officers who showed their dedication and hard work toward organization to make them more motivated to work hard in future.

By making a proper communication system- Communication is the most important thing for an organization. In events with other organizations to work closely with them, we will do as much communication as we can in events. where we tend to lose mostly if we can communicate about these things with other organizations.

By Making department: I will make many departments to improve roleplay like:

Internal Affairs: The work is to check that everything is going well inside, doing logs check, trunk search, license check, and to give strikes on non-discipline.

Human Resources: Hiring members into the organization, firing members, training members, and checking applications.

Special Weapons and Tactics: Doing special operations. these are the most trained officers in the organization they were used in very serious situations. They host special operations.

Frosty Paul

May 29, 2022
1.Your name IRL- Vineeth Babu
2. Your age- 21
3. Time zone-5.30+IST
4. Average online per day-4 To 6 hours weekend 12 hrs +

5.Your discord-Frosty Paul#6670

6.Yours nickname-Frosty Paul

7.Your ID- 2405

1. Leader of SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1) Firstly I have been in state organizations around the state for more than 11 months City 2 combined, Whether being a deputy or a under deputy, I have gained a lot of experience from these which sets me to become a good leader with good leading skills, I also have been a leader before perhaps it taught me how a orgs run and how it should be lead, I also think being a leader means a lot of responsibility in terms to run the org perfectly and perhaps needs a good and strong leader to run it smoothly through the term, so as of me I have a lot of new ideas and ways to improve the org and rp in org, like regular training of situations so while we they are taking place practically we don't mess up, I will also focus on making bonds with my employees itself so we stay as a family, I will also give rank to those who knows the value of it and the responsibility not just taking the rank for rank proof. I have seen a lot of leaders, some have succeeded and some failed, From their failures I have learned from their mistakes from their successes I have learned tricks and ways, which allows me to be more confident as a leader and strong candidate.

2) I will make sure that if I get into the SAHP, I can serve set a good inspiration to other upcoming leaders, I will also make sure SAHP fulfills all its tasks like Insurance service for citizens, attending store robberies/gun stores, and regular events with high activity, I will also make sure my curators are happy with what I am doing with the org any cost, If I get any troubles in my org I will try to tackle them face to face rather than running away or making a conflict with it if its some of our org mem did something wrong to other org or what I will always stand for justice and the thing which is correct in ways doesn't matter if the guy is my deputy or what. I also have a lot of friends and connections throughout the city who are willing to see me as a leader and want to serve under me to help me run the org and tackle inactivity, I will make sure I won't let my curator feel regretted for choosing me as a leader but to be proud as they are really hardworking in all costs for just making SAHP better.

3) I will make sure we are always together like a family at any cost, I will also assign departments to those people who can handle that position. I will make sure to conduct 3 GPS per week and a Global event every 2 weeks to fulfill our tasks, nowadays People do things SAHP is boring, it actually isn't if it's lead by a good leader who does put effort into making it fun to work environment, as of me I will conduct various things inner tournaments, etc to make my guys always excited to work, I will make sure that there is always a good HC who can lead org in a time zone as I do think if an org has good Hc/deputy/Lr in different time zones where one is not present so it can always have someone to lead which an org needs for activity in all time zone so I will focus on this too, I will make sure when SAHP is not in any serious work or situations people should always go for Towing and Patrolling as these things are most likely to get ignored from the recent leader but in my term it won't be ignored at any cost, I will make sure that Jurisdiction is followed by each and everyone in SAHP exception can be made if its Joint jurisdiction.

I would also want some changes in SAHP and its structure:-

Human Resources:- HR is the backbone of an organization, What they contribute is what an organization needs, so this will be one of my most important departments, Their work is to hire new people, train them, and make them an officer who is ready to serve for Blaine county. They will also focus on open recruitment in different time zones so we don't lack in any time zones onward, They will also make sure all officers are qualified enough for what they have, and they will make sure we have units for all time zones also will work as an IA.

San Andreas Highway Patrol and towing service:- Their work is simple, patrol the sectors under SAHP jurisdiction, Tow the illegally park vehicles and make the state of San Andreas Blaine County clean with no illegal parking, make the citizens of Blaine County feel safe.

Special Weapons and Tactics:- They are the tactics department of SAHP, Their work is to respond to any state emergency especially which is stated in SAHP's jurisdiction, and coordinate with other organizations to win it, They will work closely with other organizations in any event with comms to make the best out of it, they will also conduct regular training so our officers are well trained for any situation that comes.

Public Relations:- PR will work for SAHP and help conduct various IC events for citizens, Open rec in different time zones with HR, Advertisement of the better side of SAHP so it can look attractive to citizens and interesting to join.


Parz Federal

E L 𖤍 Dorado
Feb 9, 2023
- Information

1. Your name IRL - Abhishek
2. Your age - 22
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day - 6hrs - 8hrs
5. Your Discord - abhixxhekk
6. Your Nickname - Abhishek Federal
7. Your ID - 96587

- Additional information

1. Leader of
San Andreas Highway Patrol. (S A H P)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? ( List three reasons with explanation )

• The SAHP is crucial in upholding law and order, guaranteeing public safety, and promoting justice in the neighborhood. In order to serve and protect the residents of Los Santos, I want to be a part of a powerful organization. Being in charge of the department will provide me the chance to influence strategies and policies that will improve the safety and wellbeing of city inhabitants.

• I am driven to lead the SAHP because I am passionate about bringing about positive change inside the Organization. One would like to put changes into place, modernize processes, and encourage a police force that is more open and accountable. They may strengthen community connections, cultivate a culture of constant improvement, and educate officers effectively by managing the SAHP.

• A leadership position in a respected organization like the SAHP may be the apex of a person's career for some. The position involves particular difficulties, such as handling complex issues, making important choices, and upholding public confidence. It can be incredibly fulfilling and personally satisfying to have the chance to make a positive impact on society, motivate others, and leave a lasting legacy. And I've finished the 7-8th term of LSPD. and i was a former Deputy Chief Of Police | LSPD, I executed it flawlessly and honestly. I'll do a superb job of securing the city if you choose to make me the leader.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

• To create a realistic environment within the SAHP, encourage officers to fully commit to their roles. This requires being courteous, using real police procedures, and being knowledgeable about the laws and regulations of Los Santos City. Realistic play enhances the whole roleplay experience and makes the virtual environment more compelling and convincing.

SAHP Officer's should be encouraged to cooperate and work together as a team. Encourage interaction among officers during role-playing exercises and emphasize the value of cooperation to deal with challenging situations. Collaboration improves role playing as well as fosters a sense of belonging within the organization.

• If any officer don't follow a proper roleplay then a getting a quickest strike even after knowing about the RP.

- Divisions

Highway Patrol & Traffic Enforcement Units -
it is your responsibility to maintain everything towing and keep the streets clean. Assist with the towing of newer towers and towers that may be in trouble. Can only drive designated vehicles when other towers require assistance on the RP radio; otherwise, must recruit new towers and teach the towing method for this period.

Head of FTO - to set up and staff to assist in training any new members or old members who need a refresher. Will also hire old members from previous terms to previous rank or where deemed fit. Training may be required or a FTP test, before proceeding to gain previous ranks.

Head of SWAT - Should he choose to accept, he will be the head of SWAT, in command of swat procedures, protocol, and members. Head of SWAT and the Deputy head of SWAT will take the lead in any store robbery or hostage situation.

Detective Intelligence Units (DIU) - where he will develop a strong UC skill with the other members of the Detective departments. Also, with Fib's consent, we will meet once a week for a meeting of the minds to talk over evidence that can assist us get fresh leads and methods of doing so, which we will subsequently teach to the other SWAT members.

Head Of IA - the position will entail email presences where issues within the org will be brought forward and will need to demonstrate a professional matter when handling professional misconducts and so forth. If any member of the organization requires assistance, IA will be the one to discard your thoughts about where and when you could or did go wrong.

- This term, SAHP will have a lot of objectives, and we'll work hard to reach them all.

Traffic Safety - The SAHP has a number of important objectives, including rules and putting policies in place to lessen accidents and increase road safety.

Community Safety - It is of utmost importance to ensure the security and safety of both locals and new citizens to Los Santos & Highway. Crime prevention programs, proactive policing strategies, and the development of strong community ties can all help achieve this.

Reduced Crime Rates - Strategies to lower crime, particularly violent and property crimes, can have a large positive impact on city residents' general well-being.

Diversity and Inclusion - Building a better, more inclusive community requires promoting diversity within the police force and ensuring that everyone is treated fairly, regardless of their background.

Thank you for reading my application.

Best Regards:- Abhishek Federal.
Last edited:

Abdullah Pluxury

Feb 14, 2023

1. Your name IRL: Abdullah
2. Your age: I prefer to state that privately.
3. Time zone: GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day: From 6 To 7 Hours
5. Your Discord: franhill
6. Your Nickname: Abdulllah Pluxury
7. Your ID: 73748

1. Leader of...

San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

I would like to serve as the sheriff of the San Andreas Highway Patrol for a variety of reasons. Firstly, I think I am the best person for this role due to my over five years of role-playing experience. I've held top command positions in the SAHP in cities other than the Grand RP servers, giving me the experience to apply confidentiality for the leadership of the SAHP on Grand RP, one of the best and largest RP servers. I want to improve RP on this server, especially because new people who are new to RP may not be experienced, and I would like to assist them and build a community to improve RP levels all around. Lastly, I would like to be the leader of the SAHP because I think I am perfect for this role, and my past experience and RP standards could lead this organization to success
I have a lot of expertise in public relations. I'm able to communicate with others. I'm really empathetic and like to lend a hand. I want to get to know my team well if I ever become a leader. Regardless of my position, I want employees to feel at ease enough to speak with me about anything they need. I want to create a professional environment that is also enjoyable to work in. I'll have a ceremony honoring the hard-working employee of the week once per week. I hope people will continue with us and take pleasure in their time being the best officers they can be because friendships will develop throughout the organization.

3. I will give my best to make the organization more active to help other organizations in every activity, like when it comes to a raid, a global robbery, or a robbery, In the past few terms, I have also seen SAHP units becoming a lot of hostages I will try to ensure that my people are not taken hostage by sending them on patrols in a convoy and also ensuring their and the civilian's safety. SAHP is an exciting organization to me because they patrol the entire highway. The whole organization is good to me because it's away from other organizations and they always have something to do, whether patrolling, hiring, ammo-run, ATM robbery, etc. I have been in all state organizations, and I have a lot of experience as a member of high command, and I feel that I have accumulated enough experience that I can lead SAHP properly.

3. Your advice for improving the role-play level in the organization.

1. Highway Patrol: To begin with HWP is the main department that needs to be well organized in SAHP. All units will be required to be part of this department so patrols will be done at all times to ensure Highways are clear always.

2. Selling Plates & Insurance: Improving great roleplay here to make sure officers explain what they do to a person who visits to buy plates or insurance for their vehicle. Selling plates and insurance are the primary tasks. I will ensure that officers are available at all times so citizens won't have any issues.
3. SWAT: Special and hand-picked officers will be trained mainly for this department, so during the time of FZ Raids our SWAT Team would respond to them at the earliest since we are close to NG Base.
4. Relationships: Maintaining good relationships with other organizations by teaming up to win against Store Robberies or during hostage situations.
5. Public Relations: Hosting random events with exciting prizes to have a good relationship with citizens, doing so they would feel free to reach out when they need help.

6.) I have a lot of expertise in public relations. I'm able to communicate with others. I'm really empathetic and like to lend a hand. I want to get to know my team well if I ever become a leader. Regardless of my position, I want employees to feel at ease enough to speak with me about anything they need. I want to create a professional environment that is also enjoyable to work in. I'll have a ceremony honoring the hard-working employee of the week once per week. I hope people will continue with us and take pleasure in their time being the best officers they can be because friendships will develop throughout the organization


1. Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) :- This department will be trained for every type of special operation like
- The first ones to respond to global and locals
- They will be leading all types of situations like NG raids, Ghetto Patrol, hostage situations, etc...
- They will be the most trained people who will be helping in ATM robberies
2. Human Resource and Training (HRT):-
- Hire units for the organization
- Give units proper training about ( Use of PDAs, Arrest Procedures. Penal Codes, etc...)
- Maintain discipline and follow the rules and keep proper logs
3. Public Relations:-
- It will be a department that will take care of internal problems between units
- Their work will be to Hosts events within the city, and connects with other organizations to plan events!
4. Highway Patrol:-
- They will be taking care of patrols on highways in all sectors
- We will be dividing the highway into different sectors so that we have available units in each sector and no criminal activities are going on over there.
5. IA:-
- To investigate Organization Case files.
- Monitor IC logs for suspicious Activity
6. Under Cover:-
- They will be helping FIB with special operations and collecting evidence and information about gangs and crime-families

3. Your advice for improving the roleplay level in the organization

I will raise all RP standards by offering mass recruiting, where the RR department conducts interviews right away in place of the regular legal organization's online applications. I will also encourage applicants to come to the National Guard Headquarters for recruitment, where I or a representative of my carefully selected high command will do the RP rules interview. I would still not require anyone who wishes to join to be familiar with commands, because I or one of the Field Training Officers will be capable of teaching them. Internet apps are bad because users can look up queries, which means they can't actually be informed about server policies and fundamental RP conventions like metagaming, PG, and much more. I will make sure that no one does any prohibited action against the server rules!
Org goals
1. Attending All Events
2. Completing one Global event per two weeks
3. Zero Favoritism: I will never allow favoritism during my term.

💕Thank you for reading my application💕

Frank Columbo

Ex. Sheriff in SAHP/Ex COS in GOV/Ex HOD in FIB
Feb 3, 2022
1. Your name IRL -> Frank Columbo
2. Your age -> 24
3. Time zone -> GMT +03:00 Istanbul
4. Average online per day -> 5-8 Hours
5. Your Discord -> 0frankcolumbo0
6. Your Nickname -> Frank Columbo
7. Your ID -> 13455

Additional information
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- The first thing I want to say is that I was born, raised, cooked and aged in SAHP. This is my home. My achievements, which I cannot mention here, can be found in my bio. I have dedicated a lifetime to this department. I was 5 years old when I joined for the first time. I am now 94 years old in total. And I still continue to work for this wonderful department and fight until my last breath. My 94 years of experience, which I have gained from the deepest of its culture, makes me one of the most ideal people for this position. I've been here on the best days and the worst days of this department.

- As a total of 17 Term SAHP, 5 Term FIB, 4 Term NG, 3 Term Gov employees throughout my 94 years of life, I have worked as a senior manager in different departments and organizations, and I understand their differences and requirements very well. This will help me form a reasonable table with other leaders for effective city defense if I take the sheriff office. Focusing on SAHP, I have a clean and reliable system with more than 10 special documents, from the Academy to patrol routes, defense patterns and special attack techniques. My confidence is very high because they were written with the blood and sweat of the commanders I have met and worked under throughout my career and the rookies I have trained.

- I take my courage to be elected leader for SAHP from the nearly all officers i meet in SAHP. I have no hesitation in making this application today because of the leadership qualities I have shown over time and the appreciation I have received in return. The departments I have led are Highway Patrol, SWAT, Recuritment and Training Department, Chief's Room as a Chief Commander and lastly Sheriff Office as Sheriff and Undersheriff. During my leadership of all of them, I can look to the future with hope because I have solved old problems, created new systems from scratch, and been able to get approval for these systems I created.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- Unlike my previous applications, I see that SAHP has almost disappeared as its last commanders, who carried SAHP's place in the city and the valuable culture they had, left the herd. There must be a strong and always ready SAHP. It should give confidence to citizens. A successful recruitment and training program must be delivered by old wolves who are experts in their field. More social activities involving citizens will be held to revitalize the training and recruitment process. The troppers will be turned from enemy to friend.

- Secondly, another issue that needs to be corrected recently is respect and merit. The respect that old and high-ranking troopers should receive, the merit that should be taken into consideration when receiving their rank, and the care and attention that young people need should be brought back as a part of the culture. I believe that the victories brought by an arrangement in greetings and the rigidity of the chain of command and the comfortable and fun environment outside the duty times will revive the old family culture that we miss and need.

- And in my opinion, the last of my 3rd most important projects is love and respect. As someone from the SAHP culture, being the traffic cop of the north should never be enough for a department like SAHP. SAHP need to be a home to the most elite units of the city. A strong SAHP fully competent in its field is my last project. We will be remembered with love and respect in the hearts of our citizens. We will serve our city, which will work for this, until our last breath. Death is our wedding day. Until that day, we will destroy the bad, corrupt police perception in the hearts of our citizens, just as we have cleaned the streets of the city.

**My respects to everyone who held my hand, guided me, and enlightened me with their mistakes and truths throughout my long career as I finalized my application.**

Signed by
Frank Columbo
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Prabhat deejay

Aug 17, 2022
1. Your name IRL -> Prabhat sahu
2. Your age -> 23
3. Time zone -> 5.30+IST
4. Average online per day 5-24 Hours
5. Your Discord -> Lasya Leoo#5928
6. Your Nickname -> Lasya leoo
7. Your ID -> 41372

Additional information
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- I held high command positions in SAHP and [FIB] I have served deeply for many different leaders and their visions. I've witnessed their rise and fall. I've learned from their mistakes and been a part of their success. Now it's time to start my own story. I think it's time to take matters into my own hands to take SAHP as far as my imagination and the city's realities allow.

- I am one of the very, very few rangers born into the SAHP and always loyal. From the time it was shut down until the time it was on active duty, with or without a badge, in uniform or not, anytime and anywhere, people like us have always been and always will be rangers.

- In my past experiences, I was a student first. I carried that badge at a time when Cadets were Cadets for a full term. Then I became a trainer and gave countless trainings to over 40 rookies. Then I became Major. I fixed the gaps in the training programs, talked to students and ex-wolves and prepared a new system. Then I took over the HWP. During a full term, I carried out dozens of successful operations on the highways without losing a single officer. I took mixed posts in high command. I served 2 terms as SOD in the FIB. Even at that time, I spent some of my time with the officers at SAHP. This is my home. Best job I've ever had.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- I don't have big or mega projects. I don't have any fancy words or fanatical rhetoric, we deserve not only a few highways in the north of the city to be safe, but also a SAHP, which every citizen in the city sees as a friend who puts trust in the hearts of all citizens, from children to adults. I will work hard on this. From rookie who just entered the academy to deputy sheriff. SAHP fell in love with his city and we will return to those warm days when his city fell in love with him. This is the only word I can make and the only goal I can show.

- In addition, it is an issue that I want to move forward with fast but firm steps in the first days of my term, to draw the fine line between professionalism and entertainment and to offer them a healthy working environment by thinking about our citizens as well as my officers.

- And finally, our laws and respect for them is one of the cornerstones of our order, and we are only their enforcers. I've never had anything to do with politics, backdoor games, or double ego wars, and never will. Me and my SAHP will only serve and do so by putting a smile on everyone else's hearts and by fully following our laws.

**My respects to everyone who held my hand, guided me, and enlightened me with their mistakes and truths throughout my long career as I finalized my application.**

Yaswanth Trigger

Always On Consideration .............
Server Administrator
Sep 18, 2022
Applications CLOSED Participants will be Announced soon..

Yaswanth Trigger

Always On Consideration .............
Server Administrator
Sep 18, 2022
The following players have been selected for the SAHP Leader interview tomorrow at 14:00 server time ( 4rth October 2023)

1.Frank Columbo > > 13455 >> 0frankcolumbo0
2. Robin Federal >> 86942 >> bigchad102
3. Jaden Daku >> 66891>> jadendaku66891

Applications for SAHP Leader is CLOSED.

Punar Badmash

Ex-Marabunta Leader
Oct 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL = Punar
2. Your age = 16
3. Time zone = GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day = 4-8 hrs
5. Your Discord = punar0p
6. Your Nickname = Punar Badmash
7. Your ID = 46029

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

2.1 Experience: During my time at SAHP, I had climbed through the ranks and worked on almost all of the departments, gaining HC in every department in less than 2 weeks of being a part of SAHP. Due to that, I’ve worked heavily on the HR, IA, and Detectives department and improved both HR and IA significantly to increase the standards of our employees as well as the standard of roleplay in SAHP. I have proven to be able to lead as during my time at SAHP working in HR and IA, I had decreased the number of our units being taken hostage to a minimum, as well as increased the standard of knowledge of our employees by teaching (when applicable) the proper procedure.

2.2 Coordination: I believe that for SAHP to be successful there needs to be a far greater level of coordination than the other LEOs as we have a bigger area of operation and have to go up against more risks than the other organizations, so working with my team of High Commands, I will make sure each department does their duties to the best of their capabilities while being as coordinated and organized as possible by supervising them personally, but still giving them the power to make some of their own decisions.

2.3 Quality and Communication: In general, I can guarantee a high level of quality with leaders as I have showcased it in my work in the other organizations. I will attempt with the best of my capability to get high activity in SAHP as we had when I was present there (around 26 units sometimes on duty, with our longest convoy having almost 15 vehicles). Even with a 15 vehicle convoy, our convoys were clean due to the good communication we had between our units, and I can guarantee that level of quality and communication with me as leader, working beside all of my HCs and deputies.

I generally want to increase the level of standard for SAHP in order to improve its reputation and improve the standard of Roleplay in the Sandy Shores and Paleto Bay area by guaranteeing that qualified people get High Command, that each unit knows the general aspects of being an LEO, and having good communication with other units. Changing SAHP to more of a family that communicates with each other frequently, by having fun together when applicable, but also maintaining a high level of professionalism and knowledge.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

My plan as a leader to improve the RP in SAHP, is to properly educate the staff on all roleplay commands such as (/me/do) and how to utilize these commands to enhance the roleplay scenario when responding to a situation or speaking with an individual. I realized there are multiple IC events where it is possible to increase RP such as Landslide Protection, where we place barricades to stop the workers from getting hit from speeding vehicles and conducting scheduled radars within our highways. Lastly, I want to increase the unity with SAHP and other organizations by conducting routine convoys alongside them for an overall RP experience for other orgs as well, all while keeping our city safe. I go into more detail below:

3.1 Training and Growth: While working on HRT, I realized that newer employees weren’t getting as much attention that they needed. To combat this, I worked on a better training system that improved the organization’s employees significantly while I was supervising it with my partner. In addition to the training, I had realized that some people were given promotions at times where they shouldn’t have, and some people who had been working for long hours weren’t, so I started a better system for promotions which I showcased at LSPD as the DHOD of HRT which, in turn, increased the units’ activity and encouraged them to work harder.

3.2 Checkpoint, Landslides, & more: As a HC of Highway Patrol, I realized there were so many IC events that we could go to in order to increase roleplay in San Andreas, such as Landslide Protections, where we place barricades to stop the workers from getting hit from fast vehicles, which I introduced during my time at SAHP, as well as radar stops and more. Not to mention routine convoy patrols, as well as combined convoys with other organizations to increase the fun for our units.

3.3 Internal Affairs & Management of Units: I believe that the IA department carries a very big importance in the organization by punishing (and issuing training where applicable) can increase the roleplay, legal knowledge, and general professionalism in the organization.

3.4 Response Time/SWAT: During my time in SAHP, I noticed that SWAT was not utilized to their full potential. I want SWAT to be the first on the scene, surveying and devising the best form of action when entering a situation.

Punar Badmash

Barry Vuitton

I love her
Nov 21, 2022
1. Your IRL name: Emir
2. Your age 18
3. Time zone: GMT+3
4. 4-10 hours online on average per day
5. Your discord: gaznesiz
6. Your nickname: Barry Xoxo
7. Your ID: 61050
Additional information
1st Leader San Andres Highway Patrol (SAHP)

2. Why do you want to be the leader of this particular organization? (List three reasons with explanations)

I want to be the leader of SAHP to take my experience and reputation to another level. SAHP is a great organization that I want to lead. I want to be the leader of SAHP to build the level of RP within the organization. SAHP has great scenarios and I love the RP aspect of a sheriff in general and the departments I can create and build in SAHP. I imagine a path in SAHP that is nothing but goodness. I can build SAHP from scratch with the people I work with. I will discover passions within my organization and assign accordingly. During my time in LSPD and other organizations I have gained a lot of knowledge about what to do and what not to do (which will reduce caveats and expand accurate knowledge). I also enjoy SAHP's patrol area and all the RP opportunities it opens up

3. Your recommendations to improve the level of RolePlay in the organization.
I can create an effective training program for SAHP.
I can host effective meetings and encourage people in SAHP and make them feel good and enjoy every part.
Together with our officers I can activate the highway and stop highway robberies.
I will apply all the lessons I learned from LSPD when I move to SAHP.
Establish appropriate RP standards within the organization and teach everyone accordingly
I will apply all my standards regardless of who you are, everyone will be held accountable.
I will count each section and do unique things for each one
I will ensure that all uniforms are of a proper standard, everyone will walk around and look professional and not funny.
Create and set high standards for officers

Aman Patel

Mar 6, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Aman Patel
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 8-10 Hours
5. Your Discord: amanvalhalla
6. Your Nickname: Aman Patel
7. Your ID: 92089
Additional information

1. Leader of... SAHP

2. Why do you want to be the leader of this particular organization? (List three reasons with explanations)

1. Leadership roles often come with significant challenges and opportunities for personal growth in a role-play section.Leading an organization requires individuals to develop a diverse set of skills, such as strategic thinking, communication, problem-solving, and decision-making. So i want make my roleplay skill much better by before and also want much growth in my roleplay

2. I have been in SAHP for 7-8 terms and i got my term but i have to leave it bcz of my personal problem so i want to fix it have gained experience from the beginning to the end of the chief commander there, and I have learned a lot. And also work hard and always try to learn there about org so from all the above lines a get much experience to run the SAHP very well .

3.I have a vision for the continuous improvement of sahp I believe in fostering an environment that encourages growth, creativity, and learning. As a leader, I would actively engage with sahp, seeking feedback and suggestions to identify areas for enhancement. By implementing new initiatives, organizing engaging events, and promoting a culture of inclusivity and respect, I am confident that the sahp can thrive and provide an unparalleled roleplaying experience.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Enhance communication skills , Effective role-playing requires clear and concise communication.As communication plays a very important role to perform a very good roleplay so first of all i will try to improve the communication among all the HWP officers for the better roleplay.

2. Develop empathy and emotional, I am trying to Enhance the empathy among the officers for the better understanding and as well for the better roleplay among all the officers, By doing so, you can engage in more realistic and impactful role-playing experiences.

3. As a leader i will try to supervise all my department by my own and also enhance all the officers to follow the chain of commands as chain of commands is very important , as a leader i will try give my much time to select the officers for the specify postions by this there is betterment in roleplay as well as its good for org .
And I will fix a specific day and time for meeting and ceremony and gives bouns to the officers who is doing well
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blue kevin

Jun 5, 2023
1. Jawwad
2. 16
3. +5
4. 2-5 hours
5. Ominato Uchiha
6. bluehiqtop
7. 104285
Additional information
1. Leader of...SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1.i want to become a leader because ive served many orgs and i never became the leader
2. Improve RP. As a senior captain of FTO, I have all types of experience teaching and testing SAHP deputies. I am aware of all procedures and ways to maintain a high level of RP. In my previous time in server 1, I feel RP between gangs and legal orgs was very poor and messy at times. I want to fix these issues and help the new server head in the right direction in terms of RP to create fun and involving situations for all.
3. I already have plans to work with FIB and LSPD to make not only a fun rp experience but cooperation and companionship between the three orgs. I have learned from 5 different sheriffs that all did an amazing job and I want to use the knowledge I have gained from them to help (what I hope to be) my organization. I also want to use the mistakes that those Sheriffs and Myself made to make an even stronger SAHP.
Thank you for taking the time to read my application

Alan Zelensky

Feb 9, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Avi
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-6 Hours
5. Your Discord: alanzelensky
6. Your Nickname: Alan Zelenski
7. Your ID: 93571
Additional information
1. Leader of...
Ans - San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Ans - 1. I have been experiencing things as a LEO from the start of my RP life and I know how to manage a Police org specially SAHP because I have a bond with them as I joined it in Negan's term. I have been in gang also, so I got the ability to deal with gang members and LEOs which will help me to do better interaction with them. I will be a good fit for this organisation.

2. I know how to manage people and things to make an organization work efficiently. During my 7 terms in state orgs as HC I saw many legal things and the way they work and illegal things too. Basically I am aware of all the circumstances and the methods to deal with these Legal and Illegal things. So, I think that my these 2 experiences will help me a lot to become the leader of SAHP. I got to know that it can lead better than other orgs if it has a great leader like our previous sheriffs.

3. I want to decrease the crime rate of san andreas and make it a place of happiness as much as I can and want to make sure that the SAHP always complete their tasks which they committed. I want to implement my skills developed so far in the leadership of SAHP. If I become leader, I will try to make HC only previously experienced person or I will take interview of him/her on my own to see his capabilities and the way he/she sees the management of SAHP. This will help me a lot to recruit best of the best people as HC in SAHP. I want to become a leader to make SAHP go in a better path than before and I want to maintain the status of SAHP achieved by our previous sheriffs.
My experiences:
Current - Assistant Chief (LSPD)
Ex - Major General (NG)
Ex - Bloods Underdeputy
Ex - Families Underdeputy
Ex - HOD of IA (LSPD)
Ex - Senator candidate of DOR (GOV)
Ex - Vagos Clapper
Current - Families UnderDeputy (Boss)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Ans - (i) I won't promote any favoritism in the org like the other sheriffs have. It really helps SAHP to maintain loyalty in between and a feeling of togetherness.

(ii) I will divide my SAHP officers into many departments to make it work efficiently and the curators of it would be Assistant Sheriffs such that Chiefs of various Department can't perform some harmful actions (like recruiting anyone - favoritism) on their own towards the department and Assistant Sherrifs also can't perform some harmful actions on their own towards the department. I will make IA first of all to get the reports of every employee that whether they are doing all works or not and whether they are just being online on emails or just coming in game. In my opinion, every officer must be present in both platforms whether it's in game or in emails. It helps in interaction.

(iii) If I become the leader, I will be hosting exciting events at the paleto bay and sandy shores area to make the people of both area enjoy and live peacefully and happily. License plate and Insurance will be provided with some rp commands to make it more realistic and daily checks will be there of highway crimes.

(iv) I will be having meetings with leaders of all legal orgs to know them better and make SAHP a better and comfortable place for everyone. Instant backup will be provided by SAHP because if I become the leader, I will be making S.W.A.T. department more active than before. They will be having all required weapons all time and for this we will host AMMO RUN after we feel that armory's going less. We will be checking our officers regularly and our detective branch will be collecting evidences from crime scenes specially from NG Raid.

(v) I will implement my strike system in a very efficient manner such that everyone who commits something wrong will get a lesson and will try not to repeat that mistake because a mistake is good because most of the people gets a lesson in that only but repeating that same thing isn't good in my way of thinking.

Strike system:-
1st Strike - Verbal Warning
2nd Strike - Demotion
3rd Strike - Fire/Blacklist depending upon the situation.

I'll be highly obliged if my application gets selected for interview.

Thanking You All
Yours Faithfully
Alan Zelenski

Cam Hill

Apr 30, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
7-8 hours
Cam BozoQuinn

1. Leader of SAHP

2. I want to be leader of SAHP because I have been in SAHP in 2 or 3 terms so I understand how SAHP and SAHP main terms. And I think I’ve got what it takes to be leader of SAHP. Another reason I want to be leader is because I’ll be careful who I put as my deputies because I want deputies what has loads of experience in SAHP because I want to complete a term. Last reason I want to be leader of SAHP because SAHP is in my top 3 list of my favourite legal organisations and I would make SAHP on top if I get leader.

3. I would improve roleplay by doing daily meetings with my deputies about what’s going good and going wrong in the organisation and how we can improve on that so we don’t get disbanded and another thing I will have meeting with my HCs about who derserve a promotion then I will host a promotion ceremony. I will make sure everyone does proper roleplay. I’ll make sure everyone knows how to use /me /try /do commands

My experience
EN2 SAHP chief
EN3 SAHP under sheriff
EN2 LSPD chief of staff
EN2 FIB chief of staff

Raghav Rama

Apr 18, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Ritesh
2. 19
3. UTC+5:30
4. 4 to 5
5. ritesh_01
6. Sanatani Ritesh
7. 31889
Additional information
1. Leader of... SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. Alignment with personal values: The organization’s mission and values align with the leader’s personal values. This alignment can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment in the work.

2.Opportunities for growth: The organization provides opportunities for personal and professional growth. As a leader of the organization, one can help shape these opportunities for themselves and others.
3. Desire to make an impact: The leader has a desire to make a positive impact on the organization and its stakeholders. By leading the organization towards success, they can help create positive change in the world.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Motivate police personnel: Supervisors must work hard to ensure officers perform their duties efficiently and effectively. Many factors can negatively affect productivity and cause officers to become complacent, doing the bare minimum necessary. The difficult nature of crime fighting can cause officers to become cynical toward the population as a whole and develop an “us-versus-them” view. A negative attitude in police work can lead to feelings of inconsequentiality toward law enforcement goals and either slow or stop internal motivation. Officers who begin their careers with an attitude of “saving the world” can become jaded toward that goal after years of witnessing the worst in people. Constantly observing the aftermath of violent crimes, like robbery, rape, murder, and assault, eventually can take its toll on even the most dedicated officer

2.Provide intrinsic rewards: Strategies that include internal shifts in assignments that break the monotony of crime fighting in tough neighborhoods also can provide relief for officers on the verge of burnout. Further, rotating officers in and out of high-crime neighborhoods and alternating with patrols in more affluent areas can result in a positive change in attitude.
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