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IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD

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yug gaming yt18

Apr 19, 2024

Name: Yug parmar
age: 18
time zone: India (GMT+5:30)
Average online per day: 2-6 hours
discord: yugyt5256
nickname: yug shadow
ID: 149346

Additional information



• If I want to be the leader of lspd because I have previous experience of many organizations I will respect my team of lspd I will also respect the state organization.

•Since being in Legal orgs i have been working with different kinds of people with different skill set and now i have many good people to work side by side with me to make the term successful, I want to lead the LSPD as it was first every org i had joined and i dreamt of being the leader of it as i was quite inspired by Levi the Chief of Police at that time as he controlled everything quite good and had everything under control.

• if you give me a chance, I will make my term something different. I will attend every globals. Any state department need LSPD we are responce that.

•My goal is to make a successful, enjoyable term for people who want to have a good time and try themselves out as a police officer. I am fortunate to have an incredible team working with me, and it is my responsibility to provide them with a supportive and collaborative environment. Additionally, I will prioritize maintaining positive relationships within the team to ensure we can work together effectively toward our shared mission.

•I'm dedicated to giving new comers a effective and good-quality training on time. To appreciate outstanding efforts, I want to introduce a bonus system. My idea is to give daily bonuses, making sure our team gets regular financial rewards to keep them motivated. I believe in consistently recognizing and rewarding hard work to make our workplace a motivating and appreciative space for everyone.

• I also know the rules,Due to all these reasons I am suitable to be a leader, please give me a change.

•Finally, I would like to create an organization with no verbal warnings. My organization will be founded on the principles of respect and equal treatment for all, regardless of rank, experience, age, or any other factors. Everyone will be treated with the same level of respect and consideration.

3. When someone is over speeding, we give them a demand, when we cannot stop their engine because they have anti radar, we are very angry that someone can break
the rules with money.

I will try and get the HR to hire as many newbie as possible and get many units for nightshift as it is the hardest to maintain.

•I would like to introduce an improved set of LSPD rankings and departments. It is crucial that these remain both realistic and functional.

The Patrols Department is responsible for towing and ticketing illegally parked vehicles to prevent overcrowding in the city and to enforce penalties for parking violations.

The S.W.A.T Department is responsible for being the most experienced form of law enforcement in eliminating all types of crime, arresting the most wanted criminals in the city, and carrying out heavy operations against all forms of criminal activity.

Chain of Commands

30 Chief of Police
29 Deputy Chief of Police
28 Assistant Chief
27 Chief of Staff
26 District Attorney
25 Head of Department
24 Deputy Head of Department
23 Supervisor
22 Inspector

I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I

21 Commander
20 Lieutenant
19 Captain
18 Major
17 Human Resources
16 Internal Affairs
15 S.W.A.T
14 Detective
13 Master Sergeant
12 Senior Sergeant
11 Sergeant
10 Master Corporal
9 Senior Corporal
8 Corporal
7 Master Patrol Officer
6 Senior Patrol Officer
5 Patrol Officer
4 Rookie
3 Trainee
2 Leave of Absence (LOA)
1 Suspended

Thanx for reading. Its yug_yt...
Mistakly second time post

yug gaming yt18

Apr 19, 2024

Name: Yug parmar
age: (forum age mistakenly 18) real age 16
time zone: India (GMT+5:30)
Average online per day: 2-6 hours
discord: yugyt5256
nickname: yug shadow
ID: 149346

Additional information



• If I want to be the leader of lspd because I have previous experience of many organizations I will respect my team of lspd I will also respect the state organization.

•Since being in Legal orgs i have been working with different kinds of people with different skill set and now i have many good people to work side by side with me to make the term successful, I want to lead the LSPD as it was first every org i had joined and i dreamt of being the leader of it as i was quite inspired by Levi the Chief of Police at that time as he controlled everything quite good and had everything under control.

• if you give me a chance, I will make my term something different. I will attend every globals. Any state department need LSPD we are responce that.

•My goal is to make a successful, enjoyable term for people who want to have a good time and try themselves out as a police officer. I am fortunate to have an incredible team working with me, and it is my responsibility to provide them with a supportive and collaborative environment. Additionally, I will prioritize maintaining positive relationships within the team to ensure we can work together effectively toward our shared mission.

•I'm dedicated to giving new comers a effective and good-quality training on time. To appreciate outstanding efforts, I want to introduce a bonus system. My idea is to give daily bonuses, making sure our team gets regular financial rewards to keep them motivated. I believe in consistently recognizing and rewarding hard work to make our workplace a motivating and appreciative space for everyone.

• I also know the rules,Due to all these reasons I am suitable to be a leader, please give me a change.

•Finally, I would like to create an organization with no verbal warnings. My organization will be founded on the principles of respect and equal treatment for all, regardless of rank, experience, age, or any other factors. Everyone will be treated with the same level of respect and consideration.

3. When someone is over speeding, we give them a demand, when we cannot stop their engine because they have anti radar, we are very angry that someone can break
the rules with money.

I will try and get the HR to hire as many newbie as possible and get many units for nightshift as it is the hardest to maintain.

•I would like to introduce an improved set of LSPD rankings and departments. It is crucial that these remain both realistic and functional.

The Patrols Department is responsible for towing and ticketing illegally parked vehicles to prevent overcrowding in the city and to enforce penalties for parking violations.

The S.W.A.T Department is responsible for being the most experienced form of law enforcement in eliminating all types of crime, arresting the most wanted criminals in the city, and carrying out heavy operations against all forms of criminal activity.

Chain of Commands

30 Chief of Police
29 Deputy Chief of Police
28 Assistant Chief
27 Chief of Staff
26 District Attorney
25 Head of Department
24 Deputy Head of Department
23 Supervisor
22 Inspector

I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I

21 Commander
20 Lieutenant
19 Captain
18 Major
17 Human Resources
16 Internal Affairs
15 S.W.A.T
14 Detective
13 Master Sergeant
12 Senior Sergeant
11 Sergeant
10 Master Corporal
9 Senior Corporal
8 Corporal
7 Master Patrol Officer
6 Senior Patrol Officer
5 Patrol Officer
4 Rookie
3 Trainee
2 Leave of Absence (LOA)
1 Suspended

Thanx for reading. Its yug_yt...
Its my main application check this

Devain Uchiha

Nov 1, 2023
1. Your name IRL -> Rehan
2. Your age -> 23
3. Time zone -> (GMT+5:00)
4. Average online per day -> 8-10 Hours
5. Your Discord -> Rehanrana0314
6. Your Nickname -> Rehan Rana
7. Your ID -> 140403

Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2-1:Becoming the leader of the LSPD is important to me because it feels like i have a strong bond with this organization. I feel a strong sense of belonging when I work with my team and collogue. The friendship with my fellow workers not just making the job enjoyable but also create Never ending connections. It's not just a job to me but a group of friends, I've gained So much experiences in other orgs and I want LSPD to be one of them. that's why I really wanna became LSPD leader and make a successful and memorable term with the help of my fellow officers.

2-2:I have been with LSPD only for one time but I have gained a lot of experience being in FIB and SAHP in various leader's term. I have lead many departments many teams, these legal organizations has really helped me grow professionally. The time I have spent in legal orgs and the experience I have gained have allowed me to be a strong leader. These experiences helped me work and behave professionally.

2-3:I want to be leader of Los Santos Police Department because I really care about this organization and I have good experiences to lead it in a new way, that make a new way to lead LSPD with new ideas and good experience to new the people, if I get chance to be leader I will make sure that the workers in LSPD will be my family, they will be as close to me as my own family, and I will to make a good bond with every single officers so that we will enjoy our work and will try to make the term enjoyable.

3. Your advices for improving Role-play level in organization

3-1:As a Chief, I will be actively involved in every single situation and will try to make LSPD active organization ever. I will lead it with my experienced Deputies, setting a good relationship with other organization . As a Chief it is important to make a healthy relationship with other legal organizations so that the city will be clean from crimes, I'll set up a day in a week for my officers for any suggestions of improving our term, not only from our org but from other legal orgs as well so that it will help my term so be successful and enjoyable.

3-2:My focus for recruitment will be friendly officers not toxic during my term. I'll bring in members who understand basic city and general laws and if they don't know I will personally teach them , and also, i and the HR department will teach them how to behave in a situation and how to react. I will try to set up a day in a week for training of my officers like shooting, negotiations etc. And after training will issue a bonus not only from org but from my pocket as well so that it will increase their courage to work more.

3-3:In my term i will make sure there will be nothing like Favoritisms. Every Officer no matter their rank, will play a crucial role on LSPD, and their contributions will help me to grow my term and end it in a successful way.

Thanks for reading it (Rehan Rana)

Chain of Commands

30 Chief of Police
29 Deputy Chief of Police
28 Assistant Chief of Police
27 Chief of Staff
26 District Attorney
25 Head of Department
24 Deputy Head of Department
23 Supervisor of Department
22 Inspector
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 Commander
20 Captain
19 Master Lieutenant
18 Lieutenant
17 Human Resources
16 Internal Affairs
15 S.W.A.T
14 Detective
13 Master Sergeant
12 Senior Sergeant
11 Sergeant
10 Master Corporal
9 Senior Corporal
8 Corporal
7 Master Patrol Officer
6 Senior Patrol Officer
5 Patrol Officer
4 Rookie
3 Trainee
2 Leave of Absence
1 Suspended
best leader of all time

Miike Hunt

DOJ | Supreme Court Judge
Aug 13, 2024
Your name IRL: Mike
Your IRL age: 18
Time zone: GMT+1 (Germany)
Average online per day: 4 - 7 Hours
On weekends more Your Discord: the_supersaiyan_god | #6661
Your Nickname: Miike Hunt
Your ID: 99029

Additional information:

Leader of Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. I want to build the organization to grow even better than it currently is. Vipers term was a great 2 terms with a lot of good successes for LSPD. E.g. they had a lot of active units in the organization. However, I think there is still space for improvement to make it even better. I have seen amazing things from LSPD but also noticed there are things missing. When I get leadership of LSPD I will make sure to recruit non-stop for skilled police officers. Of course, I won’t be able to do this on my own, therefore I will select people with good communication and training skills as my High Command. I will provide them with selection criteria and with a training that is made to learn on the job, as the job within LSPD is all about practical thinking and thinking in solutions rather than problems. I will select based on the qualities someone has.

I will also set a strict policy where it comes to professional behavior of the LSPD. During my time as JAG for NG, I have made sure that all the internal rules and laws were followed. When I get leadership, this will be further improved by setting up documents that specify which role in the LSPD has which permissions and a document that describes what kind of organization we want to be and what standards our officers have to comply to. These documents will also make clear to everyone what they can expect if it comes to growing in the organization. So if you want a promotion, there will be a set minimum you must bring to the table, and the High Commands must approve the Promotion.

When I get leadership my third, but definitely not my final change, will be the communications. I will setup a proper communication system within the LSPD and will enforce this strictly. The communication systems currently are being used wrongfully at times. Some officers simply don’t have their radios on or are being unclear over the radios. This will be improved in their initial training as well as during mandatory trainings setup over the time of the term. Besides internal communication I would also like to improve inter-departmental communications. An example for this is having bi-daily meetings with HC of the other legal organizations and setting up a communications team with members of all legal organizations in it. This can be used to quickly communicate mission critical information over all organization radios within a matter of seconds. This change can save valuable lives of, not just our, but all officers and citizens working and living for the State of Los Santos.

Your advice's for improving Role Play level in organization.

I have many ideas on changing and improving role play within the organization. With these changes I will not just improve the role play in the LSPD itself, but also for the entire Grand Community. Here are three examples:

Proper procedures:

I will make our officers follow proper procedures when, for example, arresting someone. The LSPD contains holding cells, an interrogation room and the ability to get someone’s mugshot. I will try to implement these features to be actually used before arresting the criminals. I will also make sure to maintain a healthy relationship with the GOV, FIB, SAHP, EMS, with this we will be able to have more realistic court cases and special operations against the most wanted criminals of Los Santos. Making this change will cause a more realistic role play experience for the entire Grand Community.

Appropriate Departments:

I have noticed that there is a lot of confusion about the tasks of the different divisions. I will implement an exact description of the tasks per division. I will make sure everyone gets their roles and that missions will require teamwork to accomplish them. All the new procedures will be transparent and overlooked by a professional Internal Affairs department and their Commanders.


Currently LSPD has a ranking system partially based on roles within the organization and partially based on regular ranks. This means if a officer is a Sergeant, they work for 1 Division primarily, and partially for a different division. They are both Sergeant of a Division and a Normal Agent in another Division. So their primary work is in the designated Department they are a sergeant off, but after they finish their work in their department, only then can they concentrate on other departments with full force. As a leader I want to have people put in positions, but they must do the work if they want. So saying if they are a Chief of HR, they must do their duties first in HR, then afterwards the other departments.

The Ranking System will be following:

---LSPD Leadership---

(30) Chief of Police
(29) Deputy Chief of Police
(28) Chief of Staff (Chief of Department)

---LSPD High Commands---

(27) Department Chief (HOD of HR, IA)
(26) Chief of Detectives (HOD of the Gang Unit aka UC, makes sure that we help FIB bring in evidences for casefiles) (also known as the Chief of D's)
(25) Chief of Special Operations (HOD of SO, organizes GPs and leads events)
(24) Chief of Patrol (HOD of TEU, makes sure that the city is being patrolled and that towies are towing)
(23) Deputy Department Chief (DHOD of HR, IA, SO, GU, TEU)

(22) Commander (Rank Given to Experienced Officers/Ex- Officers)

---Senior LSPD Ranks---

(21) Supervisor of Department (HR, IA, SO)
(20) Major
(19) Captain
(18) Lieutenant
(17) Detective Sergeant ( Supervisor of the Detectives, evidence Checker)
(16) Patrol Sergeant (Supervisor of Patrol)
(15) Staff Sergeant
(14) Sergeant II
(13) Sergeant I
(12) Detective First Grade (Senior Undercover Agent)
(11) Detective Second Grade (Undercover Agent)
(10) Field Training Officer (FTO) (HR's Training Officer for training Low Ranks)

---LSPD Lower Ranks---

(9) Master Corporal
(8) Corporal
(7) Senior Officer
(6) Police Officer I I
(5) Police Officer I

---LSPD Starting Ranks---

(4) Rookie
(3) Towie
(2) Probationary Officer

---LSPD Disciplinary Issued Rank or Joining Rank---

(1). Suspended

Little bit of a Guidance in my ranks:

The Department Chief of IA and HR and the Chiefs of Patrol/Detectives and SO are going to be viewed as the Same rank. The Department Chief cannot put/remove one of the Chief without proper clearance (e.g approval from Chief or Deputy Chief of PD or the Chief of Staff). The Chiefs of Department cannot promote ANYONE to a Department rank, without clearing it with the Chief of that Department.

This Means, the Chief take orders from their Chief of Staff, Deputy / Chief of Police. There will be no power trips, and i will make sure it stays that way.


IA (Internal Affairs) HR (Human Resources) GU (Gang Unit) SO (Special Operations) TEU (Traffic Enforcement Unit)

I hope to get a chance to prove myself in an interview.

Miike Hunt

Hiko Heerera

Oct 18, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Mehul
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30 (India)
4. Average online per day: 5-6Hours
5. Your Discord: Hikohe
6. Your Nickname: Hiko Herrera
7. Your ID: 99479

Additional information

1. Leader of...

Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

I am thrilled at the prospect of assuming a leadership role within the Los Santos Police Department. My experience in various legal organizations has equipped me with the necessary skills to excel in this position.

My Experience in state organizations has been highly rewarding. I have held HighcommandAnd Leader roles in several instances, including with the with the Federal Investigation Bureau and the goverment Additionally, I previously served as Deputy Chief in the LSPD under Chanush Movva and Sam Hill, En3 contributing to a successful term.

I have comprehensive plans and assembled an experienced high-command team that will facilitate effective leadership of the LSPD. These plans include a redesigned training structure, strategies for the Special Response Team, and a new chain of command. My primary focus will be on maintaining high numbers and ensuring quality within the LSPD. I am confident in my ability to foster growth and excellence within the LSPD, making our term successful.

Addressing the common challenge of inactivity among previous leaders in the LSPD is a priority for me. I have established a robust human resources team dedicated to preventing activity issues through frequent open recruitments, ensuring a diverse pool of recruits from various time zones for consistent activity. Additionally, I have devised engagement strategies to keep units actively involved during their shifts, promoting sustained participation and productivity.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

Promotion Ceremonies: Every week we have ceremonies where we recognize and promote dedicated individuals in our faction. As an impartial body, these promotions will be guided by fairness and meritocracy neither allowing any form of favoritism. Any cases of favoritism will lead to immediate expulsion from the group.

Department & High Command Weekly Meetings: We will have meetings with all departments and their high commands every weekend addressing any issues within a department and suggesting possible solutions. I am devoted to seeing that all departments are involved actively, whereas the high command positions will be achieved by those who show both activeness and experience.

Utilization of RP Commands: During duty hours we will increase use of RP commands (me/try/do) in order to enhance roleplay immersion levels! This initiative aims at making it more involving, dynamic and immersive in nature

Quality & Activity Assessments: Our members communication effectiveness and professionalism during radio operations shall be assessed in regular “Quality” checks conducted by us. Besides, ‘Activity’ checks will confirm whether units meet factions minimum working hour requirements.

Chain of Commands

30 Chief of Police

29 Deputy Chief of Police

28 Assistant Chief of Police

27 Chief of Staff

26 District Attorney

25 Head of Department

24 Deputy Head of Department

23 Supervisor of Department

22 Inspector

I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I

21 Commander

20 Captain

19 Master Lieutenant

18 Lieutenant

17 Human Resources

16 Internal Affairs

15 S.W.A.T

14 Detective

13 Master Sergeant

12 Senior Sergeant

11 Sergeant

10 Master Corporal

9 Senior Corporal

8 Corporal

7 Master Patrol Officer

6 Senior Patrol Officer

5 Patrol Officer

4 Rookie

3 Trainee

2 Leave of Absence

1 Suspended

Thank you For Reviewing My Application.
Last edited:

Ati Akhil

Apr 25, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Ati Akhil
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-7 hrs
5. Your Discord: akhil.16
6. Your Nickname: Ethan NineTails
7. Your ID: 6777

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 - I have been in legal organizations and have a good amount of experience by now. I would like to step forward and take leadership of LSPD, where it leads my confidence and knowledge to increase the roleplay between crime and legal.

2.2 - I am close to one of my family members who is in an illegal org and from him I got to know that the crime in city has increased a lot. Innocent people are being robbed and looted. I don’t want my city to be in a such situation. It should be a place where law and order should come first and help the citizens. That is when I have decided to take a leadership position and use my experience to do my best in cleaning the city and making it crime free to the maximum extent possible.

2.3 - I have many good relations in the city and I can get the best and experienced officers on the ground. This will make sure the organization is operating at its best and at the same time less crime in the city.

3.Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

3.1 - If I am the leader of the organization, I will make sure to have the most experienced people in the training department. Because, I have noticed many new people in the city get excited to join the department, they do not get proper training and commit many mistakes. This will defame the organization and also spoil the roleplay in the city.

3.2 - I will make sure to have a very stringent strike system in place and also that my high command officers are strictly following it without any excuse. This is not to be rude but it will make sure that everyone is following the city and department rules and are not committing any mistakes.

3.3 - I will regularly connect with my officers including the low rank officers and make sure that they have any issues. This is because often some of the experienced players do not care about the rules and take their own decisions and penalize the juniors. I will not allow that to happen in my leadership. Everyone single person has to follow the rules, chain of command, do proper roleplay in the org and are treated equally.

Sneaky Sanmun

Era of love ;)
Server Administrator
Aug 8, 2024

1. Your name IRL:
Md. Sanmun Islam
2. Your age: 21
3. Time zone: (UTC+6:00) Dhaka
4. Average online per day: 7-8.5 hours ( more than active on weekends )
5. Your Discord: sanmun0142
6. Your Nickname: Sneaky Sanmun
7. Your ID: 140111

Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. I want to return to my nest as Leader I have been popular within the former OG's I have been the one contributing PD On most of the term
2.I have done tons of thing served on many terms most of the employees will know me as sneaky the trainer İ have put tons of efforts in training peoples most of them get to a great places eg deputy or leader
3. I want to be a pioneer of the former OG's of the Grand RP
Training and development
Undercover operations
Law enforcement
Sketch memory {i know the blueprints of most of the 24/7 shops]
Awards and Honors:
[Marksman Cross], [LSPD]
[Agent Of The Week], [FIB

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization: The PD will return back to his Feet under my leadership

1) Human Resource (HR)

- HR They will check apps respond to the applicants they will train unexperienced employees They will Maintain The system in FIB

-Checking the apps
-Hiring and firing
-Training agents
-Fixing the problems Of the employees between each other or with other legal orgs

2) Internal affairs (IA)

- IA will prevent The corruption İnside The LSPD so They Will make sure everyone following the order and making their jobs not neglecting them
-Checking Bodycam
- Checking Logs

3) Detective[Similar to Under Cover]

- They will collect evidence against street gangs and families
-They Will Trace Wanted Suspects
-They will share the info with the FIB So they can arrange a bust


- They will lead on most of the ops The active employees will get chosen from the best employees

30.Chief Of Police
29.Deputy Chief
28.Assistant Chief
27.Chief of Staff
26.HOD (Head Of Any Department)
25.DHOD(Deputy Head Of Any department)
24.OC( Officer In Charge)
22.DS( Deputy Superintendent)
21.AS(Assistant Superintendent)
------------------------------------------------------------------High Command
19.SI(Sub Inspector)
18.ASI(Assistant Sub Inspector)
16.Human Resources
15.Internal Affairs
13.Master Sergeant
12.Senior Sergeant
10.Master Corporal
9.Senior Corporal
7.Master Patrol Officer
6.Senior Patrol Officer
5.Patrol Officer
4.Trainee (Training Phase 1 completed )
3.LOA( Leave Of Absence)

Thank you for reading it
Sneaky Sanmun
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Chetan GSuralkar

May 12, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Chetan Suralkar
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-6 hours
5. Your Discord: me.b2m_yt
6. Your Nickname: Chetan xoxo
7. Your ID: 151641

1. Leader of LPSD

2 Three reasons why i want to become leader
1:-I began my career as a Rookie at SAHP before transitioning to the Los Santos Police Department (LSPD), where I've truly found my passion. Over the course of four terms with the LSPD, I've had the honor of serving as Chief of Department and HOD once. Additionally I also served as the Chief Commander in the San Andreas Highway Patrol (SAHP).
2:-My vision for the LSPD is to make it a lively and exciting place to work. I plan to introduce initiatives like bonuses, fun events, and friendly competitions to build a strong sense of camaraderie among our team. It's important for everyone to feel valued and part of a unique community. By celebrating and recognizing everyone's contributions, we'll boost morale and strengthen our shared sense of purpose. Together, we'll make the LSPD an extraordinary place to work.
3:-Titles don't matter much to me. What really matters is that everyone in the LSPD feels respected and valued. I want to create a friendly and supportive environment where everyone can do their best. No matter who you are, you're important here. I'll work hard to make sure everyone feels comfortable and able to contribute. It's about working together like a big family, where everyone knows they matter and can succeed. That's the kind of place I want the LSPD to be.

3. My advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1:-We believe in teamwork, so we hold weekly meetings where everyone can share their ideas. This helps us understand each other better and work together smoothly. We also create real-life scenarios during our activities to make training more practical. Additionally, we teach our team the basic city laws so they’re better prepared for their jobs.
2:-We want to make sure everyone’s hard work is recognized, especially in key departments like IA and HR. That's why we’re introducing a bonus system to reward their efforts. We’ll also give bonuses to outstanding employees each week to encourage everyone to do their best. This is our way of saying thank you and keeping everyone motivated.
3:-Our team's success is a top priority, so we provide training and support to ensure everyone knows their roles and responsibilities. By learning together, we improve our skills and effectiveness. We also offer guidance on basic city laws to help our team members perform their duties confidently and capably. This support system helps everyone feel secure and competent in their roles.
4:- Make sure to overcome favorism we thought there is no favorism in any org or in our city but there is favorism and I want to overcome the Favorism

Thanks for reading my application
Best Regards

Chetan xoxo
Chief Commander (HR+HWP)
HOD (HR+Detective) |
Black Ops (UC)
ELite Agent (IA) |
Corporal |


Aug 2, 2024
1. Your name IRL Ansh sahni
2. Your IRL age 17
3. Time zone (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day 8-10
5. Your Discord ansh993538
6. Your Nickname Ansh minazukii
7. Your ID 169259

Additional information

1.Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 As LSPD was the first org which i ever joined, that's why i have got the chance to observe this organization very closely, this is why i think that i am fit to become the leader of LSPD.

2.2 In the past two consecutive term of LSPD, i have been a High Command in both terms. Because of that, i have got the chance to develop decent leadership skills and qualities by working under my High Commands and Leader. That's why i think that now its the time that i should become the leader of LSPD and use my leadership skills in the favour of my employees.

2.3 As i explained in the previous point that i have been in LSPD from the past 2 terms, So i have found some mistakes and loopholes, That's why i want to become the leader of LSPD. So that i can make an attempt to correct those mistakes and fix those loopholes.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 Improving the Internal Affairs department:
In my experience, i have observed that whenever the Internal Affairs department is even slightly inactive then the Roleplay level starts declining until the IA department becomes active and strict again because it is the department which is responsible for taking disciplinary actions on the organization members. That's why i will try to improve the IA department, So that it never becomes inactive or weak.

3.2 Standard of LSPD training:
I have observed that because of some minor carelessness of the trainer or interviewer the employee who has newly joined LSPD at the beginner rank starts making mistakes which causes them to suffer from disciplinary action against them. So, i will try to increase the standard of training and interviews of LSPD employees, so that they get the best training from LSPD which will help them not only in LSPD but wherever they go.

3.3 Relationship with other orgs
Since we are responsible for protecting the city from crime it is important to maintain a good and healthy relationship between other legal orgs as well so that we will try to remove crimes within the city.

Ansh minazukii


May 20, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Krish Kumar
2. Your IRL age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT(5:30) + India
4. Average online per day : 7-8 Hours
5. Your Discord : krishbhaiii
6. Your Nickname : Krish Pluxury
7. Your ID : 148205

Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

=> A. LSPD is an organization which plays a critical role in our city, but they hadn't managed to identify themselves and make a good reputation in the eyes of other. I'm committed to improve the reputation of this organization and the citizens should have respect and value for LSPD. And I think, I'm a perfect leader to improve all this.

B. I have a strong communication and bond with a lot of good experienced legal org members in the city. So, I think we as a team can contribute a lot for our LSPD term and manage all the events in a better way. With all this experience, our main focus will be on improving the past problems which LSPD faced as an organization in previous terms, so I feel that I can do this work as being the leader of the organization.

C. I firmly believe that I have a proven leadership qualities, as I can be equally strict and polite depending on the situation, and can handle the critical situations and I know to deal with these situations as a leader. All my past experiences built me for this day to be a leader with my inner leadership qualities and run a particular org and LSPD is the organization which I feel needs a recognition in the city, that's why I chose to start with this org leadership to focus on this org's recognition.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

=> A. By prioritizing public safety and their trust People in city hesitate to call leos even if they are in problem thinking of leos rude and strict behaviour, I will direct my officers to be polite with citizens and interact with the citizens, so rather than hating or disbelieving us, they can actually trust in LSPD. This can improve rp level, as we can get more emergency calls and citizens can have more safety from criminals and can enjoy continuing their rp in a happy manner.

B. Proper team coordination both internally and with other orgs
In events and situations, I have seen all org and their members work individually or along with their few known being, but others don't have any idea what they are planning to do next, so it sounds wrong, and I believe there should be a good bond, communication and coordination with every leos to improve the level of RP and make it look more realistic and professional. It should also include, good relation with all the legal orgs in the city which really lacks as I have seen by now.

C. Departmental Coordination
Ensure that each department focuses on its specific duties and responsibilities without interfering in the operations of other departments. They respect each others work, boundaries, and work collaborate as a team. For eg : for hiring and training purpose only HR team do it, and unauthorized persons of other departments don't interfere in HR work, and similar for other departmental works.

D. I will work on giving knowledge about RP rules to all my members so that they can learn about it and stay alert from OOC punishment and can enjoy their RP moments properly.

Chain of Commands

30 Chief of Police

29 Deputy Chief of Police

28 Assistant Chief of Police

27 Chief of Staff

26 District Attorney

25 Head of Department

24 Deputy Head of Department

23 Supervisor of Department

22 Inspector

I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I

21 Commander

20 Captain

19 Master Lieutenant

18 Lieutenant

17 Human Resources

16 Internal Affairs

15 S.W.A.T

14 Detective

13 Master Sergeant

12 Senior Sergeant

11 Sergeant

10 Master Corporal

9 Senior Corporal

8 Corporal

7 Master Patrol Officer

6 Senior Patrol Officer

5 Patrol Officer

4 Rookie

3 Trainee

2 Leave of Absence

1 Suspended


Department which I am planning to implement in my term are as following

Human Resources and Training : This department will focus on hiring and training purposes of the organization.

SWAT : This department will consist of specially trained police officer for the field work and will lead other members of the organization in any situation.

Detective Bureau : This department will have members having detective skills, who can work secretly to gather evidences of a criminal act without revealing their identity

Internal Affairs : This department will handle all the internal matters of the organization that includes all members license checkup, disciplinary actions, regular background checks, and members can also share if they are having any problem in the org with this department.

Traffic Enforcement Unit: This department focus will be to ensure the traffic safety of the citizens, they will issue fines incase of traffic rule breaks and toe the vehicles from illegal parking areas, this all can help the normal citizens to feel safe while driving and ensure no one can harm them due to reckless driving.

Thanking you for reading my application

Krish Pluxury

Minister Of State
EX Lt. General
EX Deputy Leader Vagos
EX USSS Director X2
EX FIB Supervisor Of Department

EX OG Of All Gang
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shaurya hellfiree

May 23, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Aryan Mishra
2. Your IRL age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day : 4-5 hours
5. Your Discord : aryanbhai29
6. Your Nickname : Aryan Bhai
7. Your ID : 155683
Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD ( Los Santos Police Department )

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
𖧹 The Los Santos Police Department (LSPD) is important for keeping the city safe and reducing crime, as they have control over the city. Many citizens begin their careers as state employees through the LSPD, which makes it a key part of the community. I want to become the leader of the LSPD to train new officers, help them grow in their jobs, and improve their skills. My goal is to make the city safer and ensure that everyone can live in peace.

𖧹 I want to make the LSPD run more smoothly by improving how we work. This includes creating better patrol routes, responding to emergencies faster, and using our resources more wisely. As a leader, I will help the department work at its best, making the city safer and more organized

𖧹 I am dedicated to keeping high ethical standards in the department. As a leader, I will make sure officers follow the law, respect citizens' rights, and act with honesty in all situations. This will build trust between the police and the public, promoting fairness in the city. If an officer makes a mistake, I will use my experience as a former lawyer and judge to teach them the law and correct procedures. I will also guide my officers to ensure they understand arrest procedures and have strong knowledge of the law, helping them grow in their roles.

𖧹 A strong police department needs officers who work well as a team. I want to create an environment where officers support each other and share what they know. By building teamwork within the LSPD, we can handle challenges better and protect the community more effectively. As a leader, I will make sure there are no internal conflicts and that everyone works together. I will also build good relationships with other state organizations, so we can all work together to keep the city safe.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
𖧹 To improve role play, I will make sure that every LSPD officer has a good understanding of the laws and procedures needed to be a successful officer. If any officer struggles with these, I will personally guide them. I will also set up police academy classes to help my team learn more about the law and improve their skills. After these classes and legal advice from me, my officers will be well-prepared and confident, ensuring they don't make mistakes when arresting people or handling other tasks

𖧹 I will treat everyone in my team equally, with no favoritism. I’ll make sure everyone works together. I’ll also hold mock tests for my officers, and if anyone struggles with certain questions, I’ll personally help them improve in those areas. This way, we can create better role play under my leadership.

𖧹 I will set up a feedback system where officers can get helpful advice after missions or scenarios. This will show them where they can improve and boost their RolePlay skills

𖧹 I will also create a bonus system to recognize officers who consistently do well in RolePlay. This could include promotions motivating everyone to keep up high standards.

𖧹 I will introduce different RolePlay situations, like undercover missions, to keep things interesting and challenging and will make sure officers are trained to communicate well with each other and with civilians. Good communication will make RolePlay smoother and more realistic, especially during tough situations.
  1. Chain of Command:
    30 - Chief of Police
    29 - Deputy Chief of Police
    28 - Assistant Chief of Police
    27 - Chief of Staff
    26 - District Attorney
    25 - Head of Department
    24 - Deputy Head of Department
    23 - Supervisor of Department
    22 - Inspector
    ----------------- HIGH COMMAND -----------------
    21 - Commander
    20 - Captain
    19 - Master Lieutenant
    18 - Lieutenant
    17 - Human Resources
    16 - Internal Affairs
    15 - S.W.A.T
    14 - Detective
    13 - Master Sergeant
    12 - Senior Sergeant
    11 - Sergeant
    10 - Master Corporal
    9 - Senior Corporal
    8 - Corporal
    7 - Master Patrol Officer
    6 - Senior Patrol Officer
    5 - Patrol Officer
    4 - Rookie
    3 - Trainee
    2 - Leave of Absence
    1 - Suspended
    Thank you

1. Your name IRL : Aryan Mishra
2. Your IRL age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day : 4-5 hours
5. Your Discord : aryanbhai29
6. Your Nickname : Aryan Bhai
7. Your ID : 155683
Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD ( Los Santos Police Department )

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
𖧹 The Los Santos Police Department (LSPD) is important for keeping the city safe and reducing crime, as they have control over the city. Many citizens begin their careers as state employees through the LSPD, which makes it a key part of the community. I want to become the leader of the LSPD to train new officers, help them grow in their jobs, and improve their skills. My goal is to make the city safer and ensure that everyone can live in peace.

𖧹 I want to make the LSPD run more smoothly by improving how we work. This includes creating better patrol routes, responding to emergencies faster, and using our resources more wisely. As a leader, I will help the department work at its best, making the city safer and more organized

𖧹 I am dedicated to keeping high ethical standards in the department. As a leader, I will make sure officers follow the law, respect citizens' rights, and act with honesty in all situations. This will build trust between the police and the public, promoting fairness in the city. If an officer makes a mistake, I will use my experience as a former lawyer and judge to teach them the law and correct procedures. I will also guide my officers to ensure they understand arrest procedures and have strong knowledge of the law, helping them grow in their roles.

𖧹 A strong police department needs officers who work well as a team. I want to create an environment where officers support each other and share what they know. By building teamwork within the LSPD, we can handle challenges better and protect the community more effectively. As a leader, I will make sure there are no internal conflicts and that everyone works together. I will also build good relationships with other state organizations, so we can all work together to keep the city safe.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
𖧹 To improve role play, I will make sure that every LSPD officer has a good understanding of the laws and procedures needed to be a successful officer. If any officer struggles with these, I will personally guide them. I will also set up police academy classes to help my team learn more about the law and improve their skills. After these classes and legal advice from me, my officers will be well-prepared and confident, ensuring they don't make mistakes when arresting people or handling other tasks

𖧹 I will treat everyone in my team equally, with no favoritism. I’ll make sure everyone works together. I’ll also hold mock tests for my officers, and if anyone struggles with certain questions, I’ll personally help them improve in those areas. This way, we can create better role play under my leadership.

𖧹 I will set up a feedback system where officers can get helpful advice after missions or scenarios. This will show them where they can improve and boost their RolePlay skills

𖧹 I will also create a bonus system to recognize officers who consistently do well in RolePlay. This could include promotions motivating everyone to keep up high standards.

𖧹 I will introduce different RolePlay situations, like undercover missions, to keep things interesting and challenging and will make sure officers are trained to communicate well with each other and with civilians. Good communication will make RolePlay smoother and more realistic, especially during tough situations.
  1. Chain of Command:
    30 - Chief of Police
    29 - Deputy Chief of Police
    28 - Assistant Chief of Police
    27 - Chief of Staff
    26 - District Attorney
    25 - Head of Department
    24 - Deputy Head of Department
    23 - Supervisor of Department
    22 - Inspector
    ----------------- HIGH COMMAND -----------------
    21 - Commander
    20 - Captain
    19 - Master Lieutenant
    18 - Lieutenant
    17 - Human Resources
    16 - Internal Affairs
    15 - S.W.A.T
    14 - Detective
    13 - Master Sergeant
    12 - Senior Sergeant
    11 - Sergeant
    10 - Master Corporal
    9 - Senior Corporal
    8 - Corporal
    7 - Master Patrol Officer
    6 - Senior Patrol Officer
    5 - Patrol Officer
    4 - Rookie
    3 - Trainee
    2 - Leave of Absence
    1 - Suspended
    Thank you

Hydra Nobudy

Jul 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Ganapati
2. Your IRL age: 21
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-5 hrs
5. Your Discord: hydra02896
6. Your Nickname: Hydra Nobody
7. Your ID:143920
Additional information
. Leader of Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
(i).I started with zero knowledge and i was used to play with unknown person and when i joined SAHP i learned basic server rules and all but that knowledge is not enough me for experience so i joined LSPD,GOV,FIB, throughout all of them i got some knowledge and experience and i got to know about rules and laws and importance of the organizational discipline
(ii).I am going to come up with new concepts that the employees of the organization would find particularly helpful.
(iii).I Applied And Tried To Get An Term of an organization But Since it was not my time , i was unable to get it .I know my Cons and i have worked on it
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1.strict role play will be on firest
2.will held a regular meeting with other organization to get the opinions of the employees works .
3.As a leader i will make sure that high commands have the eligibility of their rank.
4.city will be more secured with the patrolling units all time
5.will focus on quality
6.will eliminate people who spread toxicity or favoritism in org.
7.will get opinions of the organization employees every week.
I want to share My Experiences In My Past Legal Organisations --

Ex-SAHP Colonel
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