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IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD

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Kakashi Pluxury

I fear only god, not his creations.
Apr 8, 2022
1. Your name IRL-Vansh
2. Your age-18
3. Time zone-(UTC+5:30)
4. Average online per day-7-10 hours
5. Your Discord- ヴァンシュ#2857
6. Your Nickname-Kakashi Pluxury
7. Your ID-15849

Additional Information:

1. I want to be the leader of
LSPD (Los Santos Police Department)

2. The reson I want to be the leader of this specific department is:

i. LSPD is one of the most important department to control the criminal activity in the city. I have been in LSPD for 2 terms serving the state and learning about the state myself and I Think I am ready to become the leader of LSPD and bring some good changes.

ii. As I have been in LSPD for too long now I have seen many backsteps of LSPD which in my opinion should not be in such a big organization. I have seen Favourism and Discrimination
between the male citizens and female citizens. This is so disguised in my opinion.

iii. LSPD is a kind of organization where the new members who arrive in the city want to get a good experience of legal organization. The first organization in everyone's mind when thinking to serve the state is my organization LSPD. Each and every citizen and officer will be treated with respect. I will also make sure that all the new citizens will never be ignored and there problems will be solved as soon as possible.


My Advices to improve RolePlay level in organizations are:

i. All officers will be getting a quickest strike if they dont follow a proper RolePlay even after knowing about the RP.

ii. I being the leader of LSPD will make sure that there are not such Non-RP COPs and the Internal affairs team will be working as good as a new great organization,And personally will check check and every member of org.

iii. I will add a new guide for the new LSPD members so they can learn and follow the RolePlay situations.

Thank you for reading my application!!
Best regards
Ex-Chief of Police
-Kakashi Pluxury
Last edited:

Alan Zelensky

Feb 9, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Avi
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 Hours
5. Your Discord: INTRO GAMER#9785
6. Your Nickname: Alan Zelensky
7. Your ID: 93571
Additional information
1. Leader of...
Ans - Los Santos Police Department
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Ans - 1. I have been experiencing things as a LEO and I have been in vagos at the start of my rp life, then I joined LSPD, then I became Families Boss (Underdeputy), at recent I was Underdeputy of Bloods and now at recent I was the major general of NG leading the airforce with my skills and I spent more than half of my life being in LSPD from a suspended to all way up to HOD of IA while learning and discovering new things. I was present at the time when servers got nuked and I created many channels and handled IA work efficiently and I think that these indicated my leadership quality. Like other leaders, I have the capability to make a term successful as I've seen a lot of ups and downs.
2. I know how to manage people and things to make an organization work efficiently whether it's legal or illegal. During my 3 terms in LSPD as HC, I saw many legal things and the way they work and illegal things too. So, I think that my these 2 experiences will help me a lot to become the leader of LSPD. As I have been selected for LSPD leadership interview, I think that I am ready for this position and now I things which was a mistake for me. I want to make LSPD a place of happiness and a justice area where we will provide service to the citizens till the end of my term. I will be happy to do it.
3. Personally I want to decrease the crime rate of los santos as much as I can and want to make sure that the LSPD always complete their tasks which they committed. I want to implement my skills developed so far in the leadership of LSPD. Now, I think that I've got enough experiences as being a HC in both orgs specially being underdeputy and HOD. I can handle LSPD very efficiently with my experienced deputies and underdeputies. I want to make it happen by having good relations with every LSPD officer and keeping it active.

My experiences:

Selected for LSPD and Families Leadership interview.

Ex - Major General (NG)

Ex - Bloods Under Deputy

Ex - Families Under Deputy

Ex - HOD of IA (LSPD)

Ex - Senator candidate of DOR (GOV)

Ex - Vagos Clapper

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Ans - (i) I will be having good relations with my officers and other state orgs because in my opinion it's necessary to maintain a good quality of relation between us as we together provide justice to the people of Los Santos.
(ii) I will try to maintain LSPD's position at top which is maintained by our previous chiefs especially Evan, as being a leader and I will recruit the best experienced people as HC. I will make sure that our HCs are doing all weekly tasks while following our rules and regulations.
(iii) I will implement my ranking system and strike system in a very efficient manner such that everyone who commits something wrong will get a lesson and with my ranking system, everyone can understand the actual importance of specific ranks (e.g. HCs ranks).
(iv) I will try to make sure that no one is avoiding duty by making my IA department work and I will be recruiting deserving officers who got a dream to be in LSPD and serve the nation with the help of my HRT team.
(v) To improve roleplay, my one of the first work as leader would be to make every LSPD officer do anything like breaking trunks with proper RP command or checking someone's passport, etc. They will be getting proper trainings from HRT team about this topic and I will be teaching HRT team about this, mainly HRT head.

Strike system:-
Strike 1 - Verbal
Strike 2 - Demotion
Strike 3 - Blacklist/Fire

I'll be highly obliged if my application gets selected for interview. I need a chance again to prove myself.

Thanking You All
Yours Faithfully
Alan Zelensky

Sam Pricee

Being A King
May 22, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Avi
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 Hours
5. Your Discord: INTRO GAMER#9785
6. Your Nickname: Alan Zelensky
7. Your ID: 93571
Additional information
1. Leader of...
Ans - Los Santos Police Department
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Ans - 1. I have been experiencing things as a LEO and I have been in vagos at the start of my rp life, then I joined LSPD, then I became Families Boss (Underdeputy), at recent I was Underdeputy of Bloods and now at recent I was the major general of NG leading the airforce with my skills and I spent more than half of my life being in LSPD from a suspended to all way up to HOD of IA while learning and discovering new things. I was present at the time when servers got nuked and I created many channels and handled IA work efficiently and I think that these indicated my leadership quality. Like other leaders, I have the capability to make a term successful as I've seen a lot of ups and downs.
2. I know how to manage people and things to make an organization work efficiently whether it's legal or illegal. During my 3 terms in LSPD as HC, I saw many legal things and the way they work and illegal things too. So, I think that my these 2 experiences will help me a lot to become the leader of LSPD. As I have been selected for LSPD leadership interview, I think that I am ready for this position and now I things which was a mistake for me. I want to make LSPD a place of happiness and a justice area where we will provide service to the citizens till the end of my term. I will be happy to do it.
3. Personally I want to decrease the crime rate of los santos as much as I can and want to make sure that the LSPD always complete their tasks which they committed. I want to implement my skills developed so far in the leadership of LSPD. Now, I think that I've got enough experiences as being a HC in both orgs specially being underdeputy and HOD. I can handle LSPD very efficiently with my experienced deputies and underdeputies. I want to make it happen by having good relations with every LSPD officer and keeping it active.

My experiences:

Selected for LSPD and Families Leadership interview.

Ex - Major General (NG)

Ex - Bloods Under Deputy

Ex - Families Under Deputy

Ex - HOD of IA (LSPD)

Ex - Senator candidate of DOR (GOV)

Ex - Vagos Clapper

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Ans - (i) I will be having good relations with my officers and other state orgs because in my opinion it's necessary to maintain a good quality of relation between us as we together provide justice to the people of Los Santos.
(ii) I will try to maintain LSPD's position at top which is maintained by our previous chiefs especially Evan, as being a leader and I will recruit the best experienced people as HC. I will make sure that our HCs are doing all weekly tasks while following our rules and regulations.
(iii) I will implement my ranking system and strike system in a very efficient manner such that everyone who commits something wrong will get a lesson and with my ranking system, everyone can understand the actual importance of specific ranks (e.g. HCs ranks).
(iv) I will try to make sure that no one is avoiding duty by making my IA department work and I will be recruiting deserving officers who got a dream to be in LSPD and serve the nation with the help of my HRT team.
(v) To improve roleplay, my one of the first work as leader would be to make every LSPD officer do anything like breaking trunks with proper RP command or checking someone's passport, etc. They will be getting proper trainings from HRT team about this topic and I will be teaching HRT team about this, mainly HRT head.

Strike system:-
Strike 1 - Verbal
Strike 2 - Demotion
Strike 3 - Blacklist/Fire

I'll be highly obliged if my application gets selected for interview. I need a chance again to prove myself.

Thanking You All
Yours Faithfully
Alan Zelensky
Great person for leadership

Willian Federal

EX FIB Curator
Nov 8, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Ethan
2. Your age: 26
3. Time zone: GMT
4. Average online per day: 4 to 8 hours
5. Your Discord: Stallion#8187
6. Your Nickname: Willlian Federal
7. Your ID: 82396

Additional Information:
1. Leader of LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I know that LSPD has gone through some pretty great terms and I was lucky enough to be in a couple of them, and I'll do my best to make my term like theirs.

2. I've been in the city for a very long time & I have had the privilege of working, learning, and being trained by very expert officers in LSPD. I plan to bring back all the good units that were in those terms to help me make LSPD great again.

3. FTO and IA are two very important departments:
.. FTO: I am always open to new ideas and one of the ideas that were put to me is to do some kind of test for the newcomers to give them a proper rank depending on their results eg (1 to 20) patrol officer 1,2 or 3 - (20 to 40), corporal. This will be useful for any expert newcomers to rank up straight from the start instead of climbing up the normal startup ranks.
All FTO Officers will receive a generous bonus for every trainee they train, PERFECTLY! But if I notice that he/she is not well trained, the officer who trained him/her might get a strike :)

.. Internal Affairs aka IA: I want them to focus primarily on corruption and making sure that all officers keep a proper log at all times and check officers' licenses.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in the organization.
. All officers must execute the proper RP before making arrests or issuing fines and know how and when to execute the (/me, /do, /try, ...) commands. And in regards to fines, LSPD is mainly here to serve and protect the citizens and make their lives safer and easier, not to plunge them into debt with fines. Therefore, the imposition of fines will be reorganized in a way to prevent unnecessary fines.

LSPD is one of the most important state institutions and is as important as all other state institutions. They should all work together as one big team and have good relations and communication with each other because we all have one goal, which is to protect the citizen and fight and stop all criminal activities in the city.

And since I expect my officers to treat all leos of the state with respect, I expect my officers to be treated back with respect as well.

Dedha Jii

Ex-SAHP Sheriff en2
Apr 17, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Himanshu Dedha
2. Your age : 19
3. Time zone : +5:30 IST
4. Average online per day : 6-7 hours
5. Your Discord : TOXIC_BOY_#8893
6. Your Nickname : Dedha Jiii
7. Your ID : 14199

Additional information

1. Leader of LSPD - Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- As of late I’ve seen many issues with organizations including low activity during night time when there are still plenty of people in the city which RP situations can be created, I want to bring back a high activity rate during all times of the day with set numbers and using those to achieve higher goals.

- As I have not been in LSPD for a long time but I know how to / What to do in every division and know how to run them, As I have achieved many goals in the short time as I achieved to become the SHERIFF and to keep the higways clean of criminals and is now looking forward to be the CHIEF of LSPD so that I could mentain the decorum inside the city which was not possible being the sheriff of the sahp which looks after the highways which I did for sure.

- As I have seen many times and noticed that there is a lot f activity issuse during the day and night which is not good and have seen past leaders declining to hire anymore units by saying we are ful for now at at last I never saw LSPD taking that much charge inside the city. If I become the leader I will be looking forward to make this orginisation back on there feets as it was used to be.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

-Work better with other Leo’s better communication is key more leader meetings is a must and so is joint training this will help all orgs better there rp as there will be more rp interactions which can help the city.

- I will make sure there is no bias / Favouritism in the org and that everyone works the for there respect.

Thank you very much for your time

Aditya Gupta

FIB Director
Dec 28, 2022
1. Aditya Gupta
2. 17
3. +5:30 IST
4. 8- 10 hours
5. Aditya Gupta#0024
6. Adityaa Gupta
7. 84697
Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD (Los Santos Police Department)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. I want to be the leader of LSPD Just because of my attachment to this organization. When i joined this city this was my first state org to which i served a lot and I Experienced to its core and further i joined FIB. So i also saw the condition of LSPD by being in other state org too. I have painted a picture that how i want the LSPD to be and will make sure to continue on that vision.

ii) As i served a lot to LSPD I will love to payback all the things which i did for LSPD as a leader i will just bring the dignity of the org and will try my best out to make LSPD like it used to be. I will try my best to become a respected leader and gonna listen out to every issue of our mates.

iii) I have been in LSPD for a pretty good of time and as in previous term i was the deputy of the LSPD for a short period so this time i will just make sure to run LSPD smoothly especially focusing on the rookies so they dont do much rule breaks.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

i) These days a lot of officer are doing a lot of server rule breaks which is a great danger to the org. So this time i am just gonna make sure that the people who are getting trained are also getting to know about the server rules and they are also able to do a proper roleplay without any rule breaks.

ii) I Will divide the units into different shifts so they can also do their personal work in city and can also do a good roleplay by doing out the LEO Stuffs to make sure that we got units active at all times and at every moment.

iii) Conducting out regular training sessions for rookies will also make them habitual to have a good level of cop RP without any rule breaks and introducing bonus system will also increase their excitement in doing their job and i am damn sure they would love to do their job for whatever they are assigned for.

Thanks for reading out my applications :)
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Rocky Federal

Feb 20, 2023
1. Aditya Gupta
2. 17
3. +5:30 IST
4. 8- 10 hours
5. Aditya Gupta#0024
6. Adityaa Gupta
7. 84697
Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD (Los Santos Police Department)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. I want to be the leader of LSPD Just because of my attachment to this organization. When i joined this city this was my first state org to which i served a lot and I Experienced to its core and further i joined FIB. So i also saw the condition of LSPD by being in other state org too. I have painted a picture that how i want the LSPD to be and will make sure to continue on that vision.

ii) As i served a lot to LSPD I will love to payback all the things which i did for LSPD as a leader i will just bring the dignity of the org and will try my best out to make LSPD like it used to be. I will try my best to become a respected leader and gonna listen out to every issue of our mates.

iii) I have been in LSPD for a pretty good of time and as in previous term i was the deputy of the LSPD for a short period so this time i will just make sure to run LSPD smoothly especially focusing on the rookies so they dont do much rule breaks.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

i) These days a lot of officer are doing a lot of server rule breaks which is a great danger to the org. So this time i am just gonna make sure that the people who are getting trained are also getting

AxVinit 0

Ex-SCJ , Ex-NG Caption , Ex-Ballas Under Deputy
Mar 19, 2023


1. Your name IRL : Vinit Malik
2. Your age : 19
3. Time zone : +5:30 IST
4. Average online per day : 5 hours
5. Your Discord : Saint Markus#1827
6. Your Nickname : Master AxVinit
7. Your ID : 21543

Additional Information

1. Leader of LSPD

- Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

- LSPD is very important organization for Los Santos as it protect Los Santos from crime . In LSPD many officers behave rudely with the citizens with make them afraid to tell about there problem . Officers many time miss use there power against citizen which has downgraded the image of LSPD in front of citizen . I want to make a friendly environment for citizen and bring back a good image of LSPD .

- LSPD is a organization which fought against crime so it is important for all the members of LSPD to work coordination and make unity among them . Now this rare to see coordination among them . I may bring the coordination and unity among the members of LSPD which will lead to better result .

- Now days in LSPD most of the new recruit do not have enough knowledge of rules as they forget to read Miranda rights

, take more time in arresting procedure then the limit . I want to provide them a good knowledge of rules and how everything works .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- If all the members of the organization have good knowledge of rules and how everything works they would do proper RP in organization work as well as in city and if they have good coordination among them that would lead to higher level of Rp.

My Experience
Ex Associate Attorney
Ex Supreme Court Judge
Ex Caption in NG
Ex Vagos High Command



Aug 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1 Kevin
2 34
3 Time zone: +00:00 GMT
4 4 to 10 hours during the week, 6-12 hours on weekends
5 Discord ID: KevinLamar-42030#9261
6 Kevin Lamar
7 42030

Application for the Leadership Position in LSPD:

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific Organisation? (List three reasons with explanation)

My previous role as the Director of the Secret Service within the government has provided me with valuable insights into maintaining law and order. I have successfully created a calm and secure environment while optimizing employee productivity. My ability to motivate and ensure the happiness of team members is essential for a high-performing workforce. Moreover, my experience in this position has given me a solid foundation in understanding the intricacies of organizational leadership.

Having served as an Assistant Chief in the LSPD, I possess a deep understanding of the department's operations and the unique challenges it faces. This firsthand experience has allowed me to develop a strong connection with the state and its specific requirements. I am confident that I am ready to step up and lead the LSPD, leveraging my knowledge and insights gained during my tenure.

Improving the Charter and Police Academy: One of my primary objectives as the leader of LSPD would be to enhance and refine the existing charter. Working closely with the lawyer, who would also serve as my deputy, I aim to build upon the foundations laid by previous leaders. With my extensive knowledge of the law acquired through my experience in government, I am well-equipped to contribute to the ongoing development of the police academy and ensure its effectiveness.

In conclusion, my diverse experience, strong interpersonal relationships within the city, and unwavering dedication make me an ideal candidate for the leadership role in LSPD. If given the opportunity, I promise to fulfill my duties to the best of my abilities and make a positive impact on the department and the community it serves. (edited)
[7:32 AM]
Your advice for improving Role Play level in Organisation.

1) Continuously improve our existing departments to enhance the roleplay experience for new recruits during the hiring and training process. By providing comprehensive training programs and mentorship, we can ensure that officers are well-prepared and equipped to engage in immersive roleplay.

2) Building upon the successes of previous leaders is crucial to elevating the roleplay standards of LSPD. It is essential to learn from any past mistakes and take proactive measures to rectify them. Collaborating with other organizations will foster a collective effort to develop effective policies and plans, ensuring a progressive and dynamic future for our esteemed institution.

3) Developing an effective and comprehensive charter is vital for enhancing roleplay within a law enforcement agency. As the leader, I am dedicated to crafting a modern and relevant charter that aligns with the ever-evolving needs of our organization. By incorporating the latest legislation and best practices, we can establish a framework that promotes professionalism, integrity, and excellence in all our operations.

4) Open and transparent communication with our citizens is paramount. With the necessary permissions, I intend to establish a dedicated suggestion and question-and-answer channel through LSPD emails. This platform will encourage public participation, allowing individuals to freely share their ideas and concerns. Our commitment to responsiveness and support will foster a strong bond between the police force and the community we serve.

Thank you for considering my application. I am confident that with my experience as the former Assistant Chief of LSPD, Secret Service Director, and FIB DHOD of Spec Ops, I can contribute significantly to the growth and success of our organization. Have a wonderful day!

Balkan Choo

Mar 24, 2023
Your name IRL: Dannell Nadarevic
Your age: 19
Time zone: CET(+01:00)
Average online per day: 7-8 hours on week days 8-16 hours on weekends.
Your Discord: Balkan#0001
Your Nickname: Rihanna Choo
Your ID: 96931

Additional Info

Leader of LSPD ( Los Santos Police Department)
Why do you want to be a leader of this specific Organisation? (List three reasons with explanation)

1) Leadership Expertise: With my extensive experience in various organizations such as FIB, NG, and SAHP, I have honed my leadership skills and gained the ability to effectively lead and inspire others. My strong communication skills and persuasive speaking style allow me to build rapport and garner support easily. I am confident in my capability to create a calm and safe environment within LSPD, as I possess the innate talent to motivate and uplift the morale of my team members. I will strive to cultivate a positive and productive work environment that brings out the best in each employee.

2)The Los Santos Police Department plays a crucial role in maintaining law and order in our city. Drawing from my past experience as the Assistant Chief of LSPD, I have gained valuable insights into the specific needs and challenges of the organization. This experience has equipped me with the necessary knowledge and understanding to effectively address the demands of the position. I am committed to bringing positive changes to LSPD, fostering a culture of excellence, professionalism, and integrity.

3)I view the leadership role in LSPD as the natural progression in my law enforcement career. Building upon my extensive knowledge of the law and understanding the responsibilities of LSPD, I am prepared to take on the challenges that come with leading a prominent organization. With a deep passion for law enforcement and a genuine commitment to serving and protecting our community, I am driven to make a lasting impact and contribute to the success of LSPD.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that I possess the qualifications, leadership expertise, and dedication needed to be an exceptional leader for the Los Santos Police Department. I am confident that, with my knowledge of the law, ability to motivate and inspire, and understanding of the responsibilities, I can guide LSPD towards continued excellence and make a positive difference in our city.

Your advice for improving Role Play level in Organisation.

1) It is crucial for officers to adhere to proper terminology and commands during roleplay situations, such as using the correct terms for actions like breaking trunks or disabling body cameras for corrupt officers. I would prioritize consistent and accurate usage of these commands among all members of the organization. Addressing any deviations from proper usage through individual discussions and implementing appropriate consequences will ensure a high standard of roleplay.

2) Emphasizing the importance of responsibility while on duty is paramount. Officers should understand the significance of responding to situations in a realistic and professional manner, avoiding any rule-breaking behaviours like power gaming (PG). Encouraging and reinforcing appropriate conduct will contribute to a more immersive and authentic roleplay experience.

3) As the potential Chief of LSPD, I am committed to bringing the idea of a police academy to life. Collaborating with the government, I would work towards establishing a comprehensive police academy that provides training and education to our officers. This initiative will enhance their skills, knowledge, and professionalism, ultimately elevating the overall roleplay standard within our organization.

4) To ensure clarity and understanding of the organization's expectations, I would enhance the realism and comprehensiveness of our charter (contract). By expanding its content and clearly communicating its provisions, officers will have a clear understanding of their responsibilities. Implementing a system where officers acknowledge and submit their agreement to the charter will enable easy access for reference and verification.

By implementing these initiatives, we can create a more immersive and realistic roleplay environment within our organization. Together, we will uphold the highest standards of professionalism and integrity, fostering a cohesive and dedicated team of law enforcement officers.

Rudolph Bird

Former LSPD Division Chief of Traffic Enforcement
Apr 28, 2023

My application letter for the position of

101 | Chief of LSPD

By: Blitzen Bird | 21719

Basic Information
1. Your name IRL: Gijs
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: It varies heavily depending on the day, but 2/3 hours on average, 4/5 on a good day.
I'm almost always available on the emails.
5. Your Discord: Gijs#2288
6. Your Nickname: Blitzen Bird
7. Your ID: 21719

Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I. Managing a team and working together in a system like the LSPD has always felt amazing to me. Last term I spend my time as the HoD of the Traffic Unit. It was in shambles when me and my team took over, neglected by the previous HoD. They had all the time in the world, but no systems were put in place. Unlike our other divisions, which put systems in place right from the start of the term! I felt like the Traffic Unit was falling behind in comparison to the rest, so I wrote a letter of intent to our beloved Chief. He put his trust in me and within just a few days we gave the unit a huge makeover! I loved organizing my unit, creating roadmaps for my staff to follow. I feel like I am able to do the same when leading the LSPD as a whole, but on a much bigger scale. Managing a team of this scale would obviously be a way bigger task than only leading one department, but I believe I can handle that. I've learned a lot from my work at the TEU and can put my skills to the test with this new adventure.

II. I want to put my skills to the test. Last term I've shown how strong my communicative and leadership skills are. I'm professional and yet can have a good laugh with my colleagues. While working for the LSPD i've grown to love the job, the people and organisation as a whole. I want to put the skills I've developed last term to good use! I'll make sure to get LSPD back on top, where it deserves to be! I feel like I've gained sufficient leadership experience through my work as Chief of Department and believe I can perform just as good on a bigger scale as Chief. Constantly trying to perfect communication between departments, rewarding officers who are showing excellent performance and generally pushing the LSPD to it's absolute limits. I'm confident my "quality over quantity" mindset will be passed on to my peers and they will pass it on to theirs so we'll be able to keep the job serious but fun. My job will only be done once people rarely need my guidance. Great channel management and a good sense of hierarchy will make sure every bit of information can be found in the blink of an eye! I've achieved everything I'd hoped to achieve, and more, previous term and have now set my eyes on even bigger goals!

III. I want to be there for the little man. I've seen firsthand that a lot of people put into high/leading positions will quickly powertrip. Often threatening their staff with unreasonable punishments, even when they don't actually have the power to do so. I'd like to see a lot more positive coaching instead of the negativity I currently see a lot of. This would create a way nicer and overall more positive work environment for our officers. I feel like a lot of people who are just starting out get scared away from legal organisations by this type of negative reinforcement. I want to try and banish this type of behaviour from our team of officers and the beautiful organisation that is the LSPD. This should be a workplace with lots of trust and brotherhood. Not some corporate organisation that doesn't know or care about who they employ. It's a difficult task at hand and I won't be able to do this all by myself, but with the right team I know we'll be able to get very far!

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I want to make sure the system for training is being utilized properly. There already are some guides on how to correctly train an officer, but from my personal experience I know these guides aren't always being followed. I've also reviewed these guides myself and came to the conclusion that this is something that need to be worked on before starting a new term. One way I would do this, would be to have video guides make a comeback. I know that in a previous term there were some video guides in place, made by Jessie. I am planning on reworking these video guides to make sure they are up to modern code. I already planned on doing this in the previous term, but unfortunately this could not get done in time due to the sudden disbanding of LSPD. I already had some excellent plans in my head for these guides and discussed these with my deputies to improve on them further. These video guides will make it easier for officers who aren't yet getting their training done to understand the basics of their jobs. They can study in their free time, which will lead to them stepping into their training more confident then ever before, because they are a lot less unknowing when starting out for the first time! This will also make the training sessions shorter, thus giving trainers more room in their schedule for other trainees. I know from personal experience that the time to train a new officer currently is just to long to make it processable for trainers. Their schedules are overcrowded, making them burn out quickly. This makes staff turnover in the training department very high, which I believe my solution would solve.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to read through my application.
I'm looking forward to your response!

Kind regards,
Blitzen Bird | EX-Chief of Traffic Enforcement Unit

King jaden

May 21, 2023
1 - Jaden
2 - 16
3 -est
4 - 6to 5
hours in the week, 8-16 hours on the weekend
5 - king Jaden#3062
6- King Jaden
7- 94823

Leader of LSPD (Los Santos Police Department)

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific Organisation? (List three reasons with explanation)

  1. Drawing on my extensive experience at the Government, where I held the position of doc Elite officer , I have honed my ability to effectively lead people, create a calm and safe environment, and optimize employee productivity. I am skilled in motivating and keeping employees happy, which is crucial in maintaining a high-performing team.
  2. The LSPD is a critical department tasked with controlling criminal activity in our city. As a former Deputy director of LSPD, I have had the opportunity to serve the state and gain a deep understanding of its needs. I believe I am now prepared to step into a leadership role and bring about positive changes within the LSPD.

  3. Additionally, I am determined to establish a comprehensive and effective charter for LSPD. Drawing on my extensive knowledge of the law, I am confident in my ability to contribute to the creation of a robust LSPD charter that will guide the organization for generations to come.

    In summary, my experience, leadership skills, and commitment to professional values make me well-equipped to take on the role of leader at LSPD. I am dedicated to making LSPD the best it can be, and I am confident that my passion and expertise will drive positive change within the organization.

Your advice for improving Role Play level in Organisation.
1) Our officers will undergo comprehensive training to ensure their professionalism and ability to conduct themselves with respect and calmness in all situations, whether on duty or off duty.

2) To elevate the roleplay standards within LSPD, I believe it's crucial to build upon the successes of previous leaders while also rectifying any past mistakes. Additionally, fostering collaborative relationships with other organizations will enable us to develop effective policies and plans for the future, ensuring the sustained success of this esteemed institution for generations to come.

3) An effective and comprehensive charter is imperative for enhancing RP within a law enforcement agency. As a leader, I am committed to developing and implementing the most up-to-date legislation tailored to our organization's needs. I possess the knowledge and expertise to craft a robust charter that will elevate the standards of our agency, fostering professionalism and excellence in all aspects of our operations.

4) Under my leadership, LSPD will prioritize open communication and engagement with our citizens. With the necessary permissions from the curators, I intend to establish a dedicated suggestion and question-and-answer channel through LSPD emails. This platform will allow members of the public to freely inquire and provide suggestions, and we will be proactive in responding to help and support our valued citizens.

Thank you for reading my application, have a great day!
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Ash Dior

Apr 22, 2023

My application letter for the position of

101 | Chief of LSPD

By: Blitzen Bird | 21719

Basic Information
1. Your name IRL: Gijs
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: It varies heavily depending on the day, but 2/3 hours on average, 4/5 on a good day.
I'm almost always available on the emails.
5. Your Discord: Gijs#2288
6. Your Nickname: Blitzen Bird
7. Your ID: 21719

Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I. Managing a team and working together in a system like the LSPD has always felt amazing to me. Last term I spend my time as the HoD of the Traffic Unit. It was in shambles when me and my team took over, neglected by the previous HoD. They had all the time in the world, but no systems were put in place. Unlike our other divisions, which put systems in place right from the start of the term! I felt like the Traffic Unit was falling behind in comparison to the rest, so I wrote a letter of intent to our beloved Chief. He put his trust in me and within just a few days we gave the unit a huge makeover! I loved organizing my unit, creating roadmaps for my staff to follow. I feel like I am able to do the same when leading the LSPD as a whole, but on a much bigger scale. Managing a team of this scale would obviously be a way bigger task than only leading one department, but I believe I can handle that. I've learned a lot from my work at the TEU and can put my skills to the test with this new adventure.

II. I want to put my skills to the test. Last term I've shown how strong my communicative and leadership skills are. I'm professional and yet can have a good laugh with my colleagues. While working for the LSPD i've grown to love the job, the people and organisation as a whole. I want to put the skills I've developed last term to good use! I'll make sure to get LSPD back on top, where it deserves to be! I feel like I've gained sufficient leadership experience through my work as Chief of Department and believe I can perform just as good on a bigger scale as Chief. Constantly trying to perfect communication between departments, rewarding officers who are showing excellent performance and generally pushing the LSPD to it's absolute limits. I'm confident my "quality over quantity" mindset will be passed on to my peers and they will pass it on to theirs so we'll be able to keep the job serious but fun. My job will only be done once people rarely need my guidance. Great channel management and a good sense of hierarchy will make sure every bit of information can be found in the blink of an eye! I've achieved everything I'd hoped to achieve, and more, previous term and have now set my eyes on even bigger goals!

III. I want to be there for the little man. I've seen firsthand that a lot of people put into high/leading positions will quickly powertrip. Often threatening their staff with unreasonable punishments, even when they don't actually have the power to do so. I'd like to see a lot more positive coaching instead of the negativity I currently see a lot of. This would create a way nicer and overall more positive work environment for our officers. I feel like a lot of people who are just starting out get scared away from legal organisations by this type of negative reinforcement. I want to try and banish this type of behaviour from our team of officers and the beautiful organisation that is the LSPD. This should be a workplace with lots of trust and brotherhood. Not some corporate organisation that doesn't know or care about who they employ. It's a difficult task at hand and I won't be able to do this all by myself, but with the right team I know we'll be able to get very far!

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I want to make sure the system for training is being utilized properly. There already are some guides on how to correctly train an officer, but from my personal experience I know these guides aren't always being followed. I've also reviewed these guides myself and came to the conclusion that this is something that need to be worked on before starting a new term. One way I would do this, would be to have video guides make a comeback. I know that in a previous term there were some video guides in place, made by Jessie. I am planning on reworking these video guides to make sure they are up to modern code. I already planned on doing this in the previous term, but unfortunately this could not get done in time due to the sudden disbanding of LSPD. I already had some excellent plans in my head for these guides and discussed these with my deputies to improve on them further. These video guides will make it easier for officers who aren't yet getting their training done to understand the basics of their jobs. They can study in their free time, which will lead to them stepping into their training more confident then ever before, because they are a lot less unknowing when starting out for the first time! This will also make the training sessions shorter, thus giving trainers more room in their schedule for other trainees. I know from personal experience that the time to train a new officer currently is just to long to make it processable for trainers. Their schedules are overcrowded, making them burn out quickly. This makes staff turnover in the training department very high, which I believe my solution would solve.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to read through my application.
I'm looking forward to your response!

Kind regards,
Blitzen Bird | EX-Chief of Traffic Enforcement Unit
Nice guy and a hard working too I would love to see you lspd leader bro❤

Mubassim Fareed

Raptor Mubassim
Jul 17, 2022
Basic Information
1. Your name IRL: Mubassim Fareed
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+5
4. Average online per day: 12-13 hours normally
5. Your Discord: Raptor Mubassim#0695
6. Your Nickname: Raptor Mubassim

7. Your ID: 14556

1. Leader of LSPD

2.Reasons for Wanting to be a Leader of LSPD:

a) Commitment to Service and Public Safety: I want to be a leader of the LSPD because of my unwavering commitment to serving and ensuring public safety. I firmly believe that effective leadership is crucial in maintaining law and order within the community. With my experience and passion for protecting and serving the public, I am confident that I can lead the LSPD in achieving its mission of creating a safe and secure environment for all residents.
b) Strong Leadership and Communication Skills: I possess strong leadership and communication skills that are essential for leading a law enforcement organization like the LSPD. I have successfully led teams in the past, demonstrating the ability to motivate and inspire officers to perform at their best. By fostering a culture of open communication, collaboration, and professional development, I aim to create a positive and cohesive work environment within the LSPD.

c) Strategic Vision and Problem-Solving Abilities: As a leader, I understand the importance of having a strategic vision and the ability to address complex challenges effectively. I will work tirelessly to develop and implement innovative strategies that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of LSPD operations. By leveraging advanced technology, community partnerships, and data-driven decision-making, I aim to enhance the overall performance of the organization and ensure that the LSPD remains at the forefront of modern policing.

3.Advice for Improving Roleplay Level in the Organization:

To improve the roleplay level in the organization, I would suggest implementing the following measures:

a) Training and Development Programs: Conduct regular training and development programs that focus on enhancing roleplay skills and techniques. These programs can include scenario-based simulations, communication workshops, and specialized training in de-escalation tactics. By providing officers with the necessary tools and knowledge, we can elevate the overall roleplay level within the LSPD.

b) Encouraging Creative Problem-Solving: Foster a culture that encourages officers to think creatively and engage in problem-solving. Roleplay scenarios can be designed to challenge individuals to come up with innovative solutions, thereby enhancing their roleplay abilities. Encouraging officers to think outside the box and rewarding their efforts will further motivate them to improve their roleplay skills.

c) Feedback and Evaluation: Establish a system for regular feedback and evaluation of roleplay performance. Constructive feedback from supervisors and peers can help identify areas for improvement and provide guidance on enhancing roleplay techniques. Additionally, recognizing and rewarding exceptional roleplay skills can serve as a motivation for officers to continuously strive for improvement.

By implementing these measures, we can create an environment within the LSPD that fosters realistic and immersive roleplay, ultimately enhancing the organization's overall effectiveness and reputation.

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Feb 10, 2023

My application letter for the position of

101 | Chief of LSPD

By: Blitzen Bird | 21719

Basic Information
1. Your name IRL: Gijs
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: It varies heavily depending on the day, but 2/3 hours on average, 4/5 on a good day.
I'm almost always available on the emails.
5. Your Discord: Gijs#2288
6. Your Nickname: Blitzen Bird
7. Your ID: 21719

Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I. Managing a team and working together in a system like the LSPD has always felt amazing to me. Last term I spend my time as the HoD of the Traffic Unit. It was in shambles when me and my team took over, neglected by the previous HoD. They had all the time in the world, but no systems were put in place. Unlike our other divisions, which put systems in place right from the start of the term! I felt like the Traffic Unit was falling behind in comparison to the rest, so I wrote a letter of intent to our beloved Chief. He put his trust in me and within just a few days we gave the unit a huge makeover! I loved organizing my unit, creating roadmaps for my staff to follow. I feel like I am able to do the same when leading the LSPD as a whole, but on a much bigger scale. Managing a team of this scale would obviously be a way bigger task than only leading one department, but I believe I can handle that. I've learned a lot from my work at the TEU and can put my skills to the test with this new adventure.

II. I want to put my skills to the test. Last term I've shown how strong my communicative and leadership skills are. I'm professional and yet can have a good laugh with my colleagues. While working for the LSPD i've grown to love the job, the people and organisation as a whole. I want to put the skills I've developed last term to good use! I'll make sure to get LSPD back on top, where it deserves to be! I feel like I've gained sufficient leadership experience through my work as Chief of Department and believe I can perform just as good on a bigger scale as Chief. Constantly trying to perfect communication between departments, rewarding officers who are showing excellent performance and generally pushing the LSPD to it's absolute limits. I'm confident my "quality over quantity" mindset will be passed on to my peers and they will pass it on to theirs so we'll be able to keep the job serious but fun. My job will only be done once people rarely need my guidance. Great channel management and a good sense of hierarchy will make sure every bit of information can be found in the blink of an eye! I've achieved everything I'd hoped to achieve, and more, previous term and have now set my eyes on even bigger goals!

III. I want to be there for the little man. I've seen firsthand that a lot of people put into high/leading positions will quickly powertrip. Often threatening their staff with unreasonable punishments, even when they don't actually have the power to do so. I'd like to see a lot more positive coaching instead of the negativity I currently see a lot of. This would create a way nicer and overall more positive work environment for our officers. I feel like a lot of people who are just starting out get scared away from legal organisations by this type of negative reinforcement. I want to try and banish this type of behaviour from our team of officers and the beautiful organisation that is the LSPD. This should be a workplace with lots of trust and brotherhood. Not some corporate organisation that doesn't know or care about who they employ. It's a difficult task at hand and I won't be able to do this all by myself, but with the right team I know we'll be able to get very far!

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I want to make sure the system for training is being utilized properly. There already are some guides on how to correctly train an officer, but from my personal experience I know these guides aren't always being followed. I've also reviewed these guides myself and came to the conclusion that this is something that need to be worked on before starting a new term. One way I would do this, would be to have video guides make a comeback. I know that in a previous term there were some video guides in place, made by Jessie. I am planning on reworking these video guides to make sure they are up to modern code. I already planned on doing this in the previous term, but unfortunately this could not get done in time due to the sudden disbanding of LSPD. I already had some excellent plans in my head for these guides and discussed these with my deputies to improve on them further. These video guides will make it easier for officers who aren't yet getting their training done to understand the basics of their jobs. They can study in their free time, which will lead to them stepping into their training more confident then ever before, because they are a lot less unknowing when starting out for the first time! This will also make the training sessions shorter, thus giving trainers more room in their schedule for other trainees. I know from personal experience that the time to train a new officer currently is just to long to make it processable for trainers. Their schedules are overcrowded, making them burn out quickly. This makes staff turnover in the training department very high, which I believe my solution would solve.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to read through my application.
I'm looking forward to your response!

Kind regards,
Blitzen Bird | EX-Chief of Traffic Enforcement Unit
As EX-USSS director and this mans personal Deputy Chief of Division i can tell you guys, hands down ,that this man is very professional, very knowledgeable, treats people with the greatest respect and has a lot of potential good ideas that never came to fruition because of our third warn. As an adult i can say this is one the few actual 'adults' who applied for this position, i think if you invite this man for an interview you will be pleasantly surprised !

Del Federal

🎃 Hello Am I Audible !!
Senior Administrator
Dec 19, 2022
1.Your name IRL- Kartikay
2.Your age- 20
3.Time zone- GMT +5.30
4.Average Online per day- 6+ hours
5.Your Discord- ǃ TRΔP NB#7150
6.Your Nickname- Dell Akatsuki
7.Your ID: 87300

Additional Information

1. Leader of...Los Santos Police Department
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?:
1. Desire to have more impact: I have a limited impact as an individual contributor. However, as a leader, you can influence other people in an organization and accomplish more goals that can create change for an LSPD.

2. Opportunity to build different skills: I can draw upon very different skills than individual contributors. They develop communication, problem-solving, motivation, decision-making, and more skills.

3. Interest in watching others grow: Some leaders start because they wanted to positively influence others and watch them grow.
I have the experience to build a fully wealthy and healthy SAHP and NG organization. I served 3 terms in SAHP and I started from starting Cadet rank to Deputy Chief of IA and also i was deputy in NG. So by this, I climbed one step by day with experience and also solve many situations.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

1. Bonuses and perks will be increased so that the members of the organization will have good interaction and never be unsatisfied with bonus times

2. Regular events will be arranged in the city so that the citizen enjoy and have fun with roleplay.

3. Just Try to make the organization fully healthy and calm tries to interact with every member of an organization so that they do not feel any difficulties. We will be so quick to respond if any disasters happen in the city.

Luna Pluxury

Former Governor En2
May 23, 2023

My application letter for the position of

101 | Chief of LSPD

By: Blitzen Bird | 21719

Basic Information
1. Your name IRL: Gijs
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: It varies heavily depending on the day, but 2/3 hours on average, 4/5 on a good day.
I'm almost always available on the emails.
5. Your Discord: Gijs#2288
6. Your Nickname: Blitzen Bird
7. Your ID: 21719

Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I. Managing a team and working together in a system like the LSPD has always felt amazing to me. Last term I spend my time as the HoD of the Traffic Unit. It was in shambles when me and my team took over, neglected by the previous HoD. They had all the time in the world, but no systems were put in place. Unlike our other divisions, which put systems in place right from the start of the term! I felt like the Traffic Unit was falling behind in comparison to the rest, so I wrote a letter of intent to our beloved Chief. He put his trust in me and within just a few days we gave the unit a huge makeover! I loved organizing my unit, creating roadmaps for my staff to follow. I feel like I am able to do the same when leading the LSPD as a whole, but on a much bigger scale. Managing a team of this scale would obviously be a way bigger task than only leading one department, but I believe I can handle that. I've learned a lot from my work at the TEU and can put my skills to the test with this new adventure.

II. I want to put my skills to the test. Last term I've shown how strong my communicative and leadership skills are. I'm professional and yet can have a good laugh with my colleagues. While working for the LSPD i've grown to love the job, the people and organisation as a whole. I want to put the skills I've developed last term to good use! I'll make sure to get LSPD back on top, where it deserves to be! I feel like I've gained sufficient leadership experience through my work as Chief of Department and believe I can perform just as good on a bigger scale as Chief. Constantly trying to perfect communication between departments, rewarding officers who are showing excellent performance and generally pushing the LSPD to it's absolute limits. I'm confident my "quality over quantity" mindset will be passed on to my peers and they will pass it on to theirs so we'll be able to keep the job serious but fun. My job will only be done once people rarely need my guidance. Great channel management and a good sense of hierarchy will make sure every bit of information can be found in the blink of an eye! I've achieved everything I'd hoped to achieve, and more, previous term and have now set my eyes on even bigger goals!

III. I want to be there for the little man. I've seen firsthand that a lot of people put into high/leading positions will quickly powertrip. Often threatening their staff with unreasonable punishments, even when they don't actually have the power to do so. I'd like to see a lot more positive coaching instead of the negativity I currently see a lot of. This would create a way nicer and overall more positive work environment for our officers. I feel like a lot of people who are just starting out get scared away from legal organisations by this type of negative reinforcement. I want to try and banish this type of behaviour from our team of officers and the beautiful organisation that is the LSPD. This should be a workplace with lots of trust and brotherhood. Not some corporate organisation that doesn't know or care about who they employ. It's a difficult task at hand and I won't be able to do this all by myself, but with the right team I know we'll be able to get very far!

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I want to make sure the system for training is being utilized properly. There already are some guides on how to correctly train an officer, but from my personal experience I know these guides aren't always being followed. I've also reviewed these guides myself and came to the conclusion that this is something that need to be worked on before starting a new term. One way I would do this, would be to have video guides make a comeback. I know that in a previous term there were some video guides in place, made by Jessie. I am planning on reworking these video guides to make sure they are up to modern code. I already planned on doing this in the previous term, but unfortunately this could not get done in time due to the sudden disbanding of LSPD. I already had some excellent plans in my head for these guides and discussed these with my deputies to improve on them further. These video guides will make it easier for officers who aren't yet getting their training done to understand the basics of their jobs. They can study in their free time, which will lead to them stepping into their training more confident then ever before, because they are a lot less unknowing when starting out for the first time! This will also make the training sessions shorter, thus giving trainers more room in their schedule for other trainees. I know from personal experience that the time to train a new officer currently is just to long to make it processable for trainers. Their schedules are overcrowded, making them burn out quickly. This makes staff turnover in the training department very high, which I believe my solution would solve.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to read through my application.
I'm looking forward to your response!

Kind regards,
Blitzen Bird | EX-Chief of Traffic Enforcement Unit
I wish that you will be our next Chief of LSPD. I would like to serve under your guidelines.

With Love
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Luna Pluxury

Former Governor En2
May 23, 2023
1 - Jaden
2 - 16
3 -est
4 - 6to 5
hours in the week, 8-16 hours on the weekend
5 - king Jaden#3062
6- King Jaden
7- 94823

Leader of LSPD (Los Santos Police Department)

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific Organisation? (List three reasons with explanation)

  1. Drawing on my extensive experience at the Government, where I held the position of doc Elite officer , I have honed my ability to effectively lead people, create a calm and safe environment, and optimize employee productivity. I am skilled in motivating and keeping employees happy, which is crucial in maintaining a high-performing team.
  2. The LSPD is a critical department tasked with controlling criminal activity in our city. As a former Deputy director of LSPD, I have had the opportunity to serve the state and gain a deep understanding of its needs. I believe I am now prepared to step into a leadership role and bring about positive changes within the LSPD.

  3. Additionally, I am determined to establish a comprehensive and effective charter for LSPD. Drawing on my extensive knowledge of the law, I am confident in my ability to contribute to the creation of a robust LSPD charter that will guide the organization for generations to come.

    In summary, my experience, leadership skills, and commitment to professional values make me well-equipped to take on the role of leader at LSPD. I am dedicated to making LSPD the best it can be, and I am confident that my passion and expertise will drive positive change within the organization.

Your advice for improving Role Play level in Organisation.
1) Our officers will undergo comprehensive training to ensure their professionalism and ability to conduct themselves with respect and calmness in all situations, whether on duty or off duty.

2) To elevate the roleplay standards within LSPD, I believe it's crucial to build upon the successes of previous leaders while also rectifying any past mistakes. Additionally, fostering collaborative relationships with other organizations will enable us to develop effective policies and plans for the future, ensuring the sustained success of this esteemed institution for generations to come.

3) An effective and comprehensive charter is imperative for enhancing RP within a law enforcement agency. As a leader, I am committed to developing and implementing the most up-to-date legislation tailored to our organization's needs. I possess the knowledge and expertise to craft a robust charter that will elevate the standards of our agency, fostering professionalism and excellence in all aspects of our operations.

4) Under my leadership, LSPD will prioritize open communication and engagement with our citizens. With the necessary permissions from the curators, I intend to establish a dedicated suggestion and question-and-answer channel through LSPD emails. This platform will allow members of the public to freely inquire and provide suggestions, and we will be proactive in responding to help and support our valued citizens.

Thank you for reading my application, have a great day!
Wish you all the best king. I'm sure if you appointed as Chief you will do your best.

With Love

Ace walker

Apr 20, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Jayed
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: EST (GMT+6)
4. Average online per day: 5 hours to 6 hours ( Holidays 7-8 hours)
5. Your Discord: Alpha Federal#3588
6. Your Nickname: Alpha Federal
7. Your ID: 65124

Additional information:

1. Leader of LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation):
a) I was in LSPD for 4 terms In each term, I have seen that there are very fewer officers present at night, as a result, officers don't get proper backup to respond to the crimes which are happening at night and the criminals responsible for these crimes don’t get arrested. I want to Hire people those who will support LSPD all the time and also as an LSPD under deputy I saw most of the LSPD officer do lots off rule break and got silly mistakes which are sometimes not expected. I want to give proper training for my officer to not get any Kind of warning or strike,

b) Secondly, to continue, I want to become the leader of the LSPD because I have a strong and confident plan to roll out through the department when I become chief. These plans include managing call signs, adding a strict strike system, and placing people in positions such as sergeant to effectively and confidently run and pursue a strong career path for recruits and trained veterans. I believe that LSPD is one of the most important organizations in the city. The bar must be set very high in terms of standards, and I believe I can achieve that if I am in charge. professionalism is the goal of an organization like LSPD.

c) Thirdly, One of my goals is to make an organization with no verbal warning or IC. My Organisation will be built on respecting and treating others the same regardless of rank, experience, age, etc everyone should be treated the same.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization
My advice to improve role-play would include strategies to make common server rules, known abroad across the officers in and out. I would start immediately by testing and evaluating people who hold high command and supervising ranks about their knowledge of the server rules, to make sure the people at the top know what they are doing, and to rest assured they can make good and accurate decisions in recruitment, and other activities that affect the department. After this is done, I would confirm and approve an effective system to hire and recruit new people. Such a system would include a basic knowledge test that everyone must undergo during an interview, as well as a second Rp test to move on from Cadet to trainee, which tests more in-depth rules, that would be learned and applied during the cadet phase. To pass the Cadet phase, I organized a different and unique plan for academy training sessions, making it easier for cadets and the Ftos in charge of the academy.

Your Best regards
Alpha Federal

Assistant chief LSPD x3 , Under deputy in FIB, GOV DOC DIRECTOR, B.General in NG x2
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