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IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD

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Jun 6, 2024

1.YOUR NAME IRL : Karan Robidas
3.TIME ZONE : GMT+5:30 ( India )
4-5 Hours
5.YOUR DISCORD: assasinsalmon
Saalmon Pluxury
7.YOUR ID : 140132


1.Leader of : LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1.Ans: When I Came into this city my dream was to become a well respected Leo, But my dad always forced me to become a doctor because he loved me so much and he didn't wanted me to risk my life. But one day everything in my life changed my dad was sent to life imprisonment by a corrupted officer . When I filed a complaint they killed my dad I was helpless and was also fired from ems. Then I decided to follow my dream and become a Leo to end the corruption and crime.

2.Then I was finnally accepted in lspd after my interview and training I learnt many new things new friends and it became my new home . Me and my fellow Leo officer fought against crime together cried together and also laughed together and it became my family and my home

3.Why only lspd why didn't I choose other Leo org inplace of lspd ? It's because it was my first Leo organisation I have even been to and I have spent half of my life in LSPD worked with many leaders and many deputies it became like my home And now I wanna lead this organisation.

3.Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Ans -
High Professional - I will try to make lspd the most professional organisation in los Santos. Professional in work as well as in speaking to citizens

2. When Processing a suspect the officer should take a photo of the 10-15 inside the jail and upload into the LSPD data base by using /me clicks a picture of the suspect then /do upload the picture in LSPD data base . If required i would ask the permission of governor

3. No mixing or rule break - I won't tolerate any officer to do mixing on duty. No rule break will be tolerate

Thanks For Readi
feeling sorry for your dad :)

Nobody Sharma

Mar 27, 2024
1. Your name IRL
Akshaj Sharma
2. Your IRL age 17
3. Time zone GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day 4-5 Hours
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname Sharma Nobodyy
7. Your ID 87949

Additional information

1. Leader of... Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1-I want to be leader of this org as i have good experience in legel orgs for 8 terms as highcommands which i can use for helping my org to be best and helping my org members with their problem.
2-Due to the fact that I have been through a variety of situations and saw my highcammands resolving them, I am able to quickly resolve difficult situations.
3- During my tenure, I will create LSPD both internally and externally, and with the assistance of my fantastic team, I will enhance roleplay as much as possible.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- Giving out bonuses every 3 days a weak
-Making an amazing HR team for training purposes
-Hiring newbies as much as i can
-attending every events possbile with my wonderfull units

Please check once
( Reviewed - Pending review | Curator state )
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Hagimaru Mafia

Ex-Deputy Director Of FIB
Dec 4, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Devanshu Makan

2. Your IRL age: 21
3. Time zone: GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 Hours
5. Your Discord: hagimarumafia
6. Your Nickname: Hagimaru Mafia

7. Your ID: 123960

Additional information

1. Leader of...Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- I Want To Be a Leader of LSPD because I have a lot of experience in the city and after spending a lot of time in State And The Gangs Which gave me a lot of experience in the state. I believe that i can be a good leader of LSPD as i think that i can make this LSPD Term the most active and successful term.

- Since I began in Grand RP, I've focused on supporting those around me and creating positive change with respect for everyone. The Los Santos Police Department (LSPD) is the frontline of law enforcement and often the first group new members join. To me, the LSPD is more than an organization; it's a family I deeply value and am dedicated to strengthening. My goal is to help build a department that not only maintains order but also fosters a positive community where each member feels valued and respected.

- I plan to set up a dedicated Parking Enforcement and Towing division with volunteers focused on towing and issuing parking fines. This will allow our officers to concentrate on key tasks such as ATM robberies, emergency calls, arrests, and handling larger incidents. I also aim to introduce a ride-along program and a police training academy to bring in a new generation of officers and volunteers. This setup lets officers focus on essential duties, while volunteers manage parking enforcement, improving overall efficiency within the department.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level


Head of Traffic Enforcement Units ( TEU ) - it is your responsibility to maintain everything towing and keep the streets clean. Assist with the towing of newer towers and towers that may be in trouble. Can only drive designated vehicles when other towers require assistance on the RP radio; otherwise, must recruit new towers and teach the towing method for this period.

Head of Human Resource ( HR ) - to set up and staff to assist in training any new members or old members who need a refresher. Will also hire old members from previous terms to previous rank or where deemed fit. Training may be required or a FTP test, before proceeding to gain previous ranks.

Head of Anti Terrorism Squad ( ATS ) - Should he choose to accept, he will be the head of ATS, in command of swat procedures, protocol, and members. Head of ATS and the Deputy head of ATS will take the lead in any store robbery or hostage situation.

Head of Gang Intelligence Agency ( GIA ) - where he will develop a strong UC skill with the other members of the Detective departments. Also, with Fib's consent, we will meet once a week for a meeting of the minds to talk over evidence that can assist us get fresh leads and methods of doing so, which we will subsequently teach to the other swat members.

Head of IA ( Internal Affairs ) - the position will entail email presences where issues within the org will be brought forward and will need to demonstrate a professional matter when handling professional misconducts and so forth. If any member of the organization requires assistance, IA will be the one to discard your thoughts about where and when you could or did go wrong.

Ex FIB Deputy Director
Ex Ems Deputy Chief and Temp Chief
Ex Minister of Homeland and Security
Ex Major General Of Army

Ex Chief of Staff SAHP

Best Regards,
Hagimaru Mafia

Nikhil pande

Jul 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your IRL age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL : Nikhil Pande
2. Your IRL age : 30
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 5 to 6 HRS
5. Your Discord : nikhilpande197
6. Your Nickname : Nikk Pande
7. Your ID : 137194
Additional information
1. Leader of... LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I started my legal organizations career with SAHP around 6-7 months ago, then after that i joined LSPD as my second organization where i spent 2 consecutive terms, which enabled me to learn so much from my High Commands. I always loved the way my High Command's treated everyone and way of explaining everything. Since then, i saw the dream to become a leader of an organization one day and guide everyone. So, I am here to grab this opportunity and become the leader.
2.2 Working multiple terms as an High Command of Los Santos Police Department, i have developed decent leadership skillset which is mandatory and necessary to manage a organization, because you have to guide everyone as a leader what to do and not to. That's why i think i am fully capable for becoming the Chief Of Police.
2.3 In the previous term, I have worked continuously 2 and a half term as the Assistant Chief of IA Department And Few Days as the Deputy Chief Of Police. Working as Assistant Chief of Internal Affairs, I guided so many people on how to behave and work properly in LSPD. As i worked few days as Deputy Chief of Police also, so i have gained the experience of managing a state organization from that level also. Because of that, i know what it takes and demands from a person to manage an organization, that is why i believe that i can take up this responsibility as the Chief Of Police.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization

Guiding the foundation of the Organization : I believe that Lower Commands of any Organization work as same as the foundation of a building, if that part is strong, then nothing can harm the higher part. That's why i will give maximum priority to their trainings and their minor to minor doubts so that they perform well in roleplay and do not make any mistakes.

3.2 Surprise test for the High Commands : The high commands are very valuable asset to a state organization because they are the one who guide the lower commands and new joinees, they are the one who take interview and perform hiring and conduct training sessions. So, to perform all these tasks, firstly its mandatory to have that much knowledge so that they can guide anyone. That's why i will conduct surprise tests for the high commands randomly.

3.3 Conducting Revision Sessions for the New Officers : In my experience as a patrol officer, many of my partner officers were not able to understand things in their training properly, and they were feeling very hesitated to ask for re-training. So, I will instruct my HR Department to conduct Revision Training Session, in which just give a quick refreshment of all the things and basics, So that they can learn that stuff in which they are having doubts.

Chain of Commands
30 Chief of Police
29 Deputy Chief of Police
28 Assistant Chief of Police
27 Chief of Staff
26 District Attorney
25 Division Chief
24 Deputy Division Chief
23 Division Supervisor
22 Division Inspector
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 Senior Inspector
20 Inspector
19 Captain
18 Lieutenant
17 Human Resources
16 Internal Affairs
15 S.W.A.T
14 Detective
13 Master Sergeant
12 Senior Sergeant
11 Sergeant
10 Master Corporal
9 Senior Corporal
8 Corporal
7 Master Patrol Officer
6 Senior Patrol Officer
5 Patrol Officer
4 Rookie
3 Trainee
2 Leave of Absence
1 Suspended

My Experience:

Ex LSPD Deputy Chief of Police (32nd Term)
Ex LSPD Asst Chief of Police x2
Ex LSPD Chief of Staff, Internal Affairs x2
Ex SAHP High Command
Ex NG High Command

Sohn Papdi

Be the best in your mind~ CR7
Jun 26, 2024
1. Your name IRL Tanishq
2. Your IRL age 19
3. Time zone (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day 8-10
5. Your Discord dessi_badmaas
6. Your Nickname Sohn Papdi
7. Your ID 134746

Additional information

1.Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 As LSPD was the first org which i ever joined, that's why i have got the chance to observe this organization very closely, this is why i think that i am fit to become the leader of LSPD.

2.2 In the past two consecutive term of LSPD, i have been a High Command in both terms. Because of that, i have got the chance to develop decent leadership skills and qualities by working under my High Commands and Leader. That's why i think that now its the time that i should become the leader of LSPD and use my leadership skills in the favour of my employees.

2.3 As i explained in the previous point that i have been in LSPD from the past 2 terms, So i have found some mistakes and loopholes, That's why i want to become the leader of LSPD. So that i can make an attempt to correct those mistakes and fix those loopholes.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 Improving the Internal Affairs department:
In my experience, i have observed that whenever the Internal Affairs department is even slightly inactive then the Roleplay level starts declining until the IA department becomes active and strict again because it is the department which is responsible for taking disciplinary actions on the organization members. That's why i will try to improve the IA department, So that it never becomes inactive or weak.

3.2 Standard of LSPD training:
I have observed that because of some minor carelessness of the trainer or interviewer the employee who has newly joined LSPD at the beginner rank starts making mistakes which causes them to suffer from disciplinary action against them. So, i will try to increase the standard of training and interviews of LSPD employees, so that they get the best training from LSPD which will help them not only in LSPD but wherever they go.

3.3 Relationship with other orgs
Since we are responsible for protecting the city from crime it is important to maintain a good and healthy relationship between other legal orgs as well so that we will try to remove crimes within the city.


Pina Reapers

Supports, Media & State Curator
Server Administrator
Apr 12, 2023
Applications for LSPD Leaders are now CLOSED.

The following players have been selected for LSPD Leader interviews at 18:30 Server Time on (Sunday, 27 Oct 2024)

Hydra Nobody - 143920 - @hydra02896
Adriish Ror
- 138676 - @adrishbanerjee
Nikk Pande
- 137194 - @nikhilpande197
Saalmon Pluxury
- 140132 - @assasinsalmon

Thank You to All For Applying and Best Wishes!!

Rix Federal

Jan 10, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Ayush
2. Your age: IRL- 21( Putted wrong age last application , sorry for inconvenience) , IC - 19
3. Time zone : GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-7 hours , more on holidays
5. Your Discord: x_b_1
6. Your Nickname: Rix Federal
7. Your ID: 123123
Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department ( LSPD )
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I wanted to be leader of this Organization because
- i have seen in LSPD , many Highcommand were breaking rules , i wanted to stop that , and enchance the roleplay experience of new players
- I wanted to make the LSPD more Good Organization ,
- i have a good quality of leadership , i have experience in LSPD as Head Of department , National guard as Head of Department , FIB As Secret Agent , SAHP As Master Trooper , USSS elite As Gov
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
to enchance the roleplay experience of Players we should add some daily Task and weekly , which will help cops to work for LSPD , and Stop OOC in IC , i have seen in my past term , Many highcommand were Doing OOC in IC radio chat , I want to stop this

My ranking system will be:
30 Chief
29 Deputy Chief
28 Chief Of Staff
27 district attorney
26 Head Of Department
25 Task force Handler
24 deputy head of department
23 Task Force Agent
22 supervisor of Department
21 Major
20 Captain
19 Master Lieutenant
18 Senior Lieutenant
17 Lieutenant
16 S.W.A.T Agent
15 Master Detective
14 detective First class
13 detective second class
11 executive corporal
11 Master corporal
10 senior corporal
9 Corporal
8 Master Patrol officer
7 senior patrol officer
6 Junior patrol officer
5 rookie 2
4 rookie 1
3 trainee
2 leave of absence ( LOA )
1 suspended

My Departments will be

Human Resource
Train and Recruit new Players and i have right to promote anyone when needed

Do Special Operations and first to go to State Emergency ( Global )

Do a license check on the member , that they have gun license and Health insurance , do a Background check on member , that they dont have any criminal stucture or wanted level, do a Bodycam check and logs check , that the member had the bodycam of situation and filled the logs

Do investigations and Send the number of license plate from Recent Event on the respected channel

Traffic Enforcement Group ( TEG )
Manage the traffic level of city and TOW the abandoned vehicle and fine the owners who are doing parking violation

Best Regards , Rix Federal - Ex HOD in LSPD , Ex HOD in National Guards , Ex Secret Agent in FIB , Ex USSS Elite in Government
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Aug 2, 2024
1. Your name IRL Ansh sahni
2. Your IRL age 17
3. Time zone (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day 8-10
5. Your Discord ansh993538
6. Your Nickname Ansh minazuki
7. Your ID 169259

Additional information

1.Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 I want to be a leader in the LSPD because I see many people using their powers in a wrong way and showing favour to their Family and friends. In my term I will make sure that I don't do any power abuse, and will try to help my juniors to learn basic rules and laws.

2.2 In the past terms of LSPD, i have been a High Command in all the terms. Because of that, i have got the chance to develop decent leadership skills and qualities by working under my High Commands and Leader. That's why i think that now its the time that i should become the leader of LSPD and use my leadership skills in the favour of my employees.

2.3 As i explained in the previous point that i have been in LSPD from the past terms, So i have found some mistakes and loopholes, That's why i want to become the leader of LSPD. So that i can make an attempt to correct those mistakes and fix those loopholes.

3. Your advices for improving
RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 Improving the Internal Affairs department:
In my experience, i have observed that whenever the Internal Affairs department is even slightly inactive then the Roleplay level starts declining until the IA department becomes active and strict again because it is the department which is responsible for taking disciplinary actions on the organization members. That's why i will try to improve the IA department, So that it never becomes inactive or weak.

3.2 Standard of LSPD training:
I have observed that because of some minor carelessness of the trainer or interviewer the employee who has newly joined LSPD at the beginner rank starts making mistakes which causes them to suffer from disciplinary action against them. So, i will try to increase the standard of training and interviews of LSPD employees, so that they get the best training from LSPD which will help them not only in LSPD but wherever they go.

3.3 Relationship with other orgs
Since we are responsible for protecting the city from crime it is important to maintain a good and healthy relationship between other legal orgs as well so that we will try to remove crimes within the city.

3.4 We will actively engage in critical scenarios such as hostage situations, store robberies, bank protection, and aircraft carrier operations. Additionally, we will assist the FIB in raiding gangs and aim to gather evidence.

3.5 I will never do any type of favoritism in the org and if i see any of my unit is doing favoritism i will take strict action against them.

Chain of Commands

30 - Chief Of Police

29 - Deputy Chief Of Police
28- Assistant chief of police
27- Chief of staff
26- District Attorney
25-Chief of division
24-Deputy chief of Division
23-Supervisor of Division
22-Inspector of Division
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 -Senior Inspector
20 -Inspector
17-Human Resources
16-Internal Affairs
13-Master Sergeant
12-Senior Sergeant
10-Master Corporal
9-Senior Corporal
7-Master Patrol Officer
6-Senior Patrol Officer
5-Patrol Officer
2-Leave of Absence
1- Suspended

I-----------------------------MY DEPARTMENTS -----------------------------I

Human resources and training


My Experiences :

ACP OF SWAT ( Adrish term )
ACP OF SWAT X1 (Rust term )
HOD OF SWAT X1(Rust term )
COS OF SPEC OPS X1 ( Bam term)
CHIEF OF SWAT ( Mickey term)


Ansh Minazuki
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Craice Holloway

Oct 11, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Harry Joseph

2. Your IRL age : 17

3. Time zone : GMT + 5:30

4. Average online per day : 9Hours

5. Your Discord : noahisdead1

6. Your Nickname : Noah Zixx

7. Your ID : 175117

1. Leader of... LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

i) My journey as a leo started in the LSPD, but it was not a good experience for me at first. Because of that, I decided to move to SAHP, where I served for a long time and learned a lot. I now have good experience as a leo.
Even though I worked in SAHP, I feel LSPD is much better and has more potential. It is very important for the safety of the city, and I want to lead it to make it even better. I believe I can improve the LSPD by making it stronger, more
organized, and focused on keeping the city safe. I know I can be a great leader for the LSPD and help it become the best organization in the city.

ii) I have good experience in legal organizations and I believe I can lead the LSPD well. The LSPD is the most active and beginner-friendly organization in the city, and I want to make it even better for everyone.

iii) I believe the biggest issue in LSPD is favoritism. This is something that everyone faces, and it causes problems in the organization. Some officers get special treatment, while others don’t get the chance they deserve. If I become the leader, my main focus will be to make sure that favoritism no longer exists in the LSPD. Every officer will be treated equally and fairly, no matter who they are. I will make sure that all officers have the knowledge and skills they need for their rank. No one will get special treatment, and promotions will be based on hard work and abilities. This will help create a better, more balanced environment for everyone in the LSPD.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

LSPD is one of the most powerful organizations in the city, but I feel it can be improved a lot. I have noticed that many officers, including high commands, have not a perfect experience, and this affects the overall performance of the organization. I will make sure every officer gets proper training and knows how to do their job well. I will also make sure that every promotion is fair, and officers only get
ranks they truly deserve. This will make the LSPD stronger and more respected in the city. I will make sure the that everytime officer will do patrolling in city to make it more safe for citizens. and i will make sure that offciers will also focus on the traffic of the city.

My ranking system will be :

30 Chief of Police
29 Deputy Chief of Police
28 Assistant Chief of Police
27 District Attorney
26 Chief of staff
25 Division Chief
24 Deputy Division Chief
23 Division Supervisor
22 Division Inspector
21 Senior Inspector
20 Inspector
19 Captain
18 Lieutenant
17 Human Resources
16 Internal Affairs
15 S.W.A.T
14 Detective
13 Master Sergeant
12 Senior Sergeant
11 Sergeant
10 Master Corporal
9 Senior Corporal
8 Corporal
7 Master Patrol Officer
6 Senior Patrol Officer
5 Patrol Officer
4 Rookie
3 Trainee
2 Leave of Absence
1 Suspended
Noah Zixx
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Cranky Minazuki

Sep 20, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Shresht Bhukania
2. Your IRL age: 24
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 HOURS
5. Your Discord: Shrey4299
6. Your Nickname: Cranky Minazuki
7. Your ID: 169927

Additional information

1.Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 Attachment With LSPD:

After coming to the city for the first time, I had worked very hard to survive in the city, after gaining some experience as a citizen I planned to join a legal organizations to build my career. Then I got an opportunity to join LSPD and without having a second thought I grabbed the opportunity. After joining LSPD I started to love my work as a police officer because of great working atmosphere in LSPD. That was the reason I got attached to LSPD than any other organization this is one of the reasons I want to become the leader of LSPD.

2.2 Dedication For LSPD:

Since the beginning of my career in LSPD I have been very honest and worked really hard for LSPD. Because of my outstanding work and capabilities I became a high command in a short spam of time, which gave me an opportunity and platform to develop leadership skills and qualities. I have spent 2 terms in LSPD ( Rust Viper's term) and I was working day and night to contribute towards LSPD and make the city crime free. That was the reason I developed lots of dedication towards LSPD. This is why I want to become the leader of LSPD and show my Love and dedication towards LSPD.

2.3 Guiding everyone with my experience:

After the 2 terms in LSPD I got a chance to become The EMS Chief, being the EMS Chief I led a successful and outstanding term which was active throughout the full time span. Because of that my team leading skills got leveled up and I also gained a lot of experience being a leader of an organization. After that I became a Chief Commander in SAHP which gave me more confidence as a Police Officer. I believe i can use this experience and leadership skills to lead the Los Santos Police Department. This is also one of the reason I want to become the leader of LSPD.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 Improving the S.W.A.T Department:

Throughout my experience in Law Enforcement Organizations i.e. LSPD and SAHP, I have noticed that the S.W.A.T agents are not doing their duty properly i.e. protecting the Chief and they should be the first units to respond at any emergency situations. I will appoint a Department Chief who has proper knowledge about these basic things. So that the department can get the best guidance and training possible. I will personally ensure that each and every unit in S.W.A.T is doing their work properly and are trained to Fearless in the combat situations.

3.2 Preparing every Officer for Hostage Negotiations:

I have noticed in my experience while being in legal organizations, many times there have been hostage situations when there was no trained negotiater present at situation who can handle it properly, even I have also experienced that when I was new in LSPD and wasn't trained for these situations. This is why I will ensure that most of the units will be trained and prepared to deal with these kind of situations. I will also conduct regular drills to ensure every unit is fluent enough.

3.3 Revision Classes for New Officers.

I have noticed that the new officers hesitate to clear their doubts or to ask questions if they have any confusion . So in order to solve this issue i have planned to conduct revision classes for the new officers so that they won't
have to hesitate to ask about their doubts. I would personally appoint a senior officer who will be given the duty to host the sessions at regular interval

Chain of Commands

30 Chief of Police
29 Deputy Chief of Police
28 Assistant Chief of Police
27 Chief of Staff
26 District Attorney
25 Division Chief
24 Deputy Division Chief
23 Division Supervisor
22 Division Inspector
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 Senior Inspector
20 Inspector
19 Captain
18 Lieutenant
17 Human Resources
16 Internal Affairs
15 S.W.A.T
14 Detective
13 Master Sergeant
12 Senior Sergeant
11 Sergeant
10 Master Corporal
9 Senior Corporal
8 Corporal
7 Master Patrol Officer
6 Senior Patrol Officer
5 Patrol Officer
4 Rookie
3 Trainee
2 Leave of Absence
1 Suspended

Cranky Minazuki

Gio Jimko

Lead Never Follow
Jun 6, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Gio
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT +4:00
4. Average online per day: 6-8 HOURS
5. Your Discord : hurtz7
6. Your Nickname: Gio Exlord
7. Your ID: 44459

Additional information

Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

Why Do You Want to Be the Leader of This Organization?
1) Being a leader is not easy. A good leader needs experience, knowledge of the rules, and activity, and I have all three. Let me explain my experience from different servers: EN1, EN2, and EN3.
  • I started on EN1 with the LSPD as my first organization. I worked there for 3–4 months and held important roles like Head of SWAT, Head of HR, and Chief of Staff. These positions helped me learn how the LSPD works.
  • On EN2, I continued with LSPD as part of the High Command. I also gained experience in other organizations:
    • Deputy Director in FIB
    • Deputy Governor in GOV
    • Lieutenant General in NG
    • Head of SWAT in SAHP
    • COS of SWAT in LSPD
  • On EN3, I became Chief of Staff in FIB and Assistant Chief in LSPD.
  • This shows that I have the experience and knowledge needed to lead LSPD successfully.
  1. Another reason I want to lead is to make the organization more active. I already have a team of experienced people who will join as High Command, and together we will work hard to keep LSPD active and organized.
  2. My third reason is to build a strong and united team. A successful organization needs teamwork and good communication. I plan to create a positive environment where everyone works together. I will focus on promoting teamwork between departments like SWAT, Detectives, and Patrol, ensuring everyone feels valued and motivated. This will make our organization stronger and more efficient.

Your Advice for Improving RolePlay in the Organization :

  1. Improving Activity:
    • We will hire members with good RP skills and experience in state organizations.
    • Our team will take part in all major events like hostage situations, store robberies, bank protection, and Aircraft Carrier missions.
    • We will also help FIB with gang raids and collecting evidence to improve teamwork between state organizations.
  2. Following the Rules:
    • I’ve seen reports about LSPD and other state organizations breaking State Rules (like 5.5, 1.8, and 1.5). These problems ruin RP and cause complaints.
    • Under my leadership, we will follow all the rules. I will make sure my officers are trained and monitored to prevent any rule-breaking.

As you can see, I have a clear plan to improve activity, teamwork, and RP in LSPD. With my leadership, I’m confident we can make this term great for the organization.
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Salmon Pluxury

Never give up never wt?
Jul 31, 2024

1.Your Name IRL - Karan Robidas

2.Your IRL age - 21
3.Time Zone - (GMT+5:30)
4.Average online per day - 5-6 hours
5.Your Discord - assasinsalmon
6.Your Nickname - Salmon Pluxury

7.Your id- 140132


1.Leader of Los Santos Police Department

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Ans- Living in the streets of los Santos, having big dream in eyes to end the corruption. The first time I went for the interview for lspd I failed, again the second time I fail but finally I was accepted the third time. I experience something never before made many friends worked with them and also struggled with them and like that I become my home...

2nd Reason- I have experience 5 Terms of LSPD ( Arvinds term, Marsh walker terms , mafia paull terms , Rust viper term and Adrish term ) I have seen their mistakes and learnt from that also this people helped me alot to gain knowledge about legal org. And now I want to continue the legacy and be the leader of this Organisation.

3rd reason - I want to be the leader of LSPD because it's the first legal organisation I join, it's like my home and everything I belong their And I want to lead this organisation to the most active organisation who patrols in the city every second and punich the offender.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1) High Professionalism can highly improve the roleplay in organization.

2) Making them well known to /me , /do and /try also where to use that

3) By giving patrol officer freedom, I have seen many leaders don't let the patrol officer to go for patrolling when no hcs are available, I will allow all patrol officer to freely patrol and do fines inthe city. I beleive my hr team will make them prepare for everything

4) Proper training I have seen hr giving training while the Trainne is not even in city. I will not tolerate that until and unless both are in ic then only training will be conducted

5) Also I will hire good teachers ( lawyer or da) so that they can teach all the lspd members the Legislation.

--------Chain Of Command
30 Chief
29 Deputy Chief
28 ACP
27 COS
26 Head Of Department
24 SOD
20 Captain
19 Lieutenant
18 Junior Lieutenant
17 Humans Resources
16 I.A
15 S.W.A.T
14 The Shadows
13 Master Sergeant
12 Senior Sergeant
11 Sergeant
10 Master Corporal
9 Senior Corporal
8 Corporal

7 Master patrol officer
6 Senior Patrol officer
5 Patrol Officer

4 rookie 1
3 trainee
2 leave of absence ( LOA )

1 suspended
My Departments

Human resources - Hiring and giving training

I.A- Make sure everyone is working fine and check logs

S.W.A.T - They will respond to global very fast and give security to chief

The shadows - Their work is to go in civilian Dress and collect evidence and to never
show their identity when they are working as a Shadow
Also I will never allow and tolerate any kind of Favourtalism ..


Ex SAHP Master Trooper
Ex USSS Agent
Ex FIB 00 Agent

" My Rank might be low , but this vast experience of all this legal org allow me to quickly think from all perspective and make decisions "


Thanks for reading My application!!!!

Relay Minazuki

First Person
May 8, 2024
1. Your name IRL:- Adarsh saha
2. Your IRL age:-23
3. Time zone:- GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day:-8-9 Hours
5. Your Discord:- r3lay_
6. Your Nickname:- Relay Minazuki
7. Your ID:- 68610

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

. As a LSPD leader, I will ensure our officers have a resource and support they need to serve. This means provide good training, use of each and every weapon and high commands to help other officers for responding to any situation and who to coordinate in any situation.

2.2. I believe in fairness and equality, and I want to ensure LSPD also holds these values. As a leader, I will ensuring that our officers are held to the highest standers of professionalism that help in our decision making process. i will conduct training programs to help our officers better understand and also establish community advisory boards to provide a platform for officers to share their concerns and feedback.

2.3. I want to lead by example, motivating LSPD officers to work together and make a positive impact. As a leader, I will inspire our officers to be their best selves and make a difference in our community. I believe that every officer has the potential to be a leader and make a positive impact. As a leader of LSPD, I will provide opportunities for professional development to help our officers grow and succeed.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.

3.1. Mentorship program

In my experience I have trained to much offices and now they are capable to be a leader of any legal organization not as HR but as a SWAT high command. So that's why, I will establish a mentorship program that pairs experienced officers with a newer recruits. This will help our newer officers develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed, while also providing our experienced officers with opportunities to share their knowledge and expertise.

3.2. Focusing on Freshers
The freshers are those members of any state org who have joined at a beginner rank and have just finish their training. They are the one who decides the fate of any organization, they work as a foundation of any State org. So, I will make the HR and IA to focus on their minor to minor mistake and guide them how to correct it and not to do it ever again.

3.3. Special Operations Training
From my point of view, I have observed that their are very few officers who know how to conduct a ammo run and the unit who know how to conduct a ghetto patrol are even less than that. Because of that the LSPD struggles while leading a ghetto patrol and because of that they make mistakes. So, I will conduct frequent training sessions to teach the units about these special operations. I will try to fix a specific time for conducting Ghetto Patrols and some internal events by doing a meeting with all the officers and taking their opinions for what time period they are active the most. This will create a discipline about time, because it's very necessary to be in discipline for the Officers personnel.

3.4. Stealing from the Army
I have noticed in my experience while being in NG, many times there have been stealing of trucks and hide trucks in city as we know National guard as not able to follow them outside the base. So, I will make special force team to do a air patrols and ground patrols it will help nation guard to take their truck back it also give new experience to LSPD officers and National Guard soldiers.

Chain of Commands

30 Chief of Police
29 Deputy Chief of Police
28 Advisory board
27 District Attorney
26 Assistant Chief of Police
25 Head Of Department
24 Deputy Head Of Department
23 Supervisor Of Department
22 Commander
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 Black OPS S.W.A.T
20 Senior Inspector
19 Inspector
18 Elite S.W.A.T
17 Captain
16 Lieutenant
15 Human Resources
14 Internal Affairs
13 S.W.A.T
12 Master Sergeant
11 Senior Sergeant
10 Sergeant
9 Master Corporal
8 Senior Corporal
7 Corporal
6 Master Patrol Officer
5 Senior Patrol Officer
4 Patrol Officer
3 Rookie
2 Trainee
1 Suspended


Relay Minazuki
Last edited:

Kairo Cooper

Sep 12, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Tahir
2. Your IRL age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 6 to 8 hours
5. Your Discord: vladimir073
6. Your Nickname: Vladimir Glebov
7. Your ID: 157987

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. **Shaping the Department:** As a leader, I can influence the department's operations, creating a more realistic and engaging environment for all players.

2. **Team Building:** develop a well-organized and skilled force that not only addresses crime effectively but also improves the overall RP experience for everyone involved.

3. **Leadership Challenge:** Managing the department presents opportunities to solve problems, develop strategies, and ensure smooth operations in a high-stakes, dynamic roleplay environment.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1. **Active Participation**: We will hire knowledgeable individuals as members of the state organization who are well-versed in RP situations and rules. We will actively engage in critical scenarios such as hostage situations, store robberies, bank protection, and aircraft carrier operations. Additionally, we will assist the FIB in raiding gangs and aim to gather evidence.

2. **Maintaining LSPD's Position**: As a leader, I will focus on keeping the LSPD at the top. I will recruit highly experienced individuals for the high command (HC) positions and ensure that our HCs complete all weekly tasks while adhering to our rules and regulations.

3. **Implementing a Ranking and Strike System**: I will introduce an efficient ranking and strike system to address any infractions. This system will ensure that everyone learns from their mistakes, and it will clarify the significance of various ranks, especially those of the high command.

=================ꜱᴛʀɪᴋᴇ ꜱʏꜱᴛᴇᴍ=================

Strike 1 - Verbal
Strike 2 - Demotion
Strike 3 - Fire/Blacklist

=================ᴄʜᴀɪɴ ᴏꜰ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴀɴᴅꜱ=================

[30] Chief of Police
[29] Deputy Chief of Police
[28] Assistant Chief of Police
[27] Chief of Staff
[26] District Attorney
[25] Head of Department
[24] Deputy Head of Department
[23] Supervisor
[22] Inspector
---LSPD High Commands---
[21] Commander
[20] Lieutenant
[19] Captain
[18] Major
[17] Human Resources
[16] Internal Affairs
[15] S.W.A.T
[14] Detective
[13] Master Sergeant
[12] Senior Sergeant
[11] Sergeant
[10] Master Corporal
[9] Senior Corporal
[8] Corporal
[7] Master Patrol Officer
[6] Senior Patrol Officer
[5] Patrol Officer
[4] Rookie
[3] Trainee
[2] Leave of Absence

[1] Suspended

=================DEPARTMENTS =================
Human Resources

Internal Affairs [IA]
Special Weapons And Tactics [SWAT]
Detective [DET]

=================𝖯𝖠𝖲𝖳 𝖤𝖷𝖯𝖤𝖱𝖨𝖤𝖭𝖢𝖤=================
Ex. Assistant Chief of Police [28]
Ex. Head of Department of IA [25]
Ex. Supervisor of IA [23]

𝐈 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.

𝙑𝙡𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙧 𝙂𝙡𝙚𝙗𝙤𝙫
Best experience

Danny walker

Aug 25, 2024

1.Your Name IRL - Karan Robidas

2.Your IRL age - 21
3.Time Zone - (GMT+5:30)
4.Average online per day - 5-6 hours
5.Your Discord - assasinsalmon
6.Your Nickname - Salmon Pluxury

7.Your id- 140132


1.Leader of Los Santos Police Department

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Ans- Living in the streets of los Santos, having big dream in eyes to end the corruption. The first time I went for the interview for lspd I failed, again the second time I fail but finally I was accepted the third time. I experience something never before made many friends worked with them and also struggled with them and like that I become my home...

2nd Reason- I have experience 5 Terms of LSPD ( Arvinds term, Marsh walker terms , mafia paull terms , Rust viper term and Adrish term ) I have seen their mistakes and learnt from that also this people helped me alot to gain knowledge about legal org. And now I want to continue the legacy and be the leader of this Organisation.

3rd reason - I want to be the leader of LSPD because it's the first legal organisation I join, it's like my home and everything I belong their And I want to lead this organisation to the most active organisation who patrols in the city every second and punich the offender.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1) High Professionalism can highly improve the roleplay in organization.

2) Making them well known to /me , /do and /try also where to use that

3) By giving patrol officer freedom, I have seen many leaders don't let the patrol officer to go for patrolling when no hcs are available, I will allow all patrol officer to freely patrol and do fines inthe city. I beleive my hr team will make them prepare for everything

4) Proper training I have seen hr giving training while the Trainne is not even in city. I will not tolerate that until and unless both are in ic then only training will be conducted

5) Also I will hire good teachers ( lawyer or da) so that they can teach all the lspd members the Legislation.

--------Chain Of Command-----------
30 Chief
29 Deputy Chief
28 ACP
27 COS
26 Head Of Department
24 SOD
20 Captain
19 Lieutenant
18 Junior Lieutenant
17 Humans Resources
16 I.A
15 S.W.A.T
14 The Shadows
13 Master Sergeant
12 Senior Sergeant
11 Sergeant
10 Master Corporal
9 Senior Corporal
8 Corporal

7 Master patrol officer
6 Senior Patrol officer
5 Patrol Officer

4 rookie 1
3 trainee
2 leave of absence ( LOA )

1 suspended
My Departments

Human resources - Hiring and giving training

I.A- Make sure everyone is working fine and check logs

S.W.A.T - They will respond to global very fast and give security to chief

The shadows - Their work is to go in civilian Dress and collect evidence and to never
show their identity when they are working as a Shadow
Also I will never allow and tolerate any kind of Favourtalism ..


Ex SAHP Master Trooper
Ex USSS Agent
Ex FIB 00 Agent

" My Rank might be low , but this vast experience of all this legal org allow me to quickly think from all perspective and make decisions "


Thanks for reading My application!!!!
Best of luck my friend you can be a very nice leader


Oct 28, 2024
1. Your name IRL Shourya
2. Your IRL age : 16
3.Timezone . India Standard Time zone
4. Average online per day 4 to 6 hour
5. Your Discord shourya kingz
6. Your Nickname Devil Shourya

7. Your ID 159178
Additional information
1. Leader of... LSPD ( Los Santos Police Department
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Here are three reasons why one might want to be a leader of the Los Santos Police Department (LSPD):

  1. Commitment to Community Safety and Justice: Leading the LSPD offers an opportunity to directly influence the safety and well-being of the people of Los Santos. As the leader of this department, you would have the ability to implement strategies, policies, and initiatives that ensure justice, reduce crime, and improve relationships between law enforcement and the community. The chance to make a meaningful impact on the daily lives of citizens by fostering a safer environment is a powerful motivating factor.
  2. Ability to Reform and Innovate: The position of leadership allows you to push for necessary reforms, ensure that the department evolves with the times, and incorporate modern practices in policing. You could focus on developing progressive training programs, improving technology and equipment for officers, and instituting fair practices that enhance the department's effectiveness while respecting citizens’ rights. As a leader, you have the power to shape the department’s culture and create a forward-thinking, proactive team.
  3. Strengthening the Department's Reputation and Collaboration: Leading the LSPD offers the opportunity to restore or strengthen its reputation. By emphasizing professionalism, accountability, and transparency, you can rebuild trust with the community, other law enforcement agencies, and the public. Fostering collaboration between the LSPD and other agencies can improve overall law enforcement efforts, making the city safer and more united in tackling challenges like organized crime, gang activity, and corruption.
These reasons highlight a desire to positively impact the organization, the community, and the broader law enforcement landscape in Los Santos.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Improving roleplay (RP) in an organization like the Los Santos Police Department (LSPD) requires fostering an immersive, engaging, and realistic environment where officers, supervisors, and civilians alike contribute to the storytelling. Here are some tips for enhancing RP within such an organization:

1. Establish Clear Character Backstories and Motivations

  • Encourage LSPD members to develop detailed characters with backstories, personal goals, and motivations. This will deepen the roleplay and make interactions more authentic.
  • Use the backstories to guide character decisions during scenarios. For example, an officer might act differently based on their past experiences or personal struggles.

2. Create Realistic Scenarios

  • Implement diverse and dynamic scenarios that challenge officers' skills, critical thinking, and adaptability. Use roleplay opportunities such as investigations, high-speed chases, hostage situations, and community outreach programs.
  • Integrate civilian roleplayers (e.g., drivers, criminals, witnesses) to enrich the environment. Realistic situations, such as traffic stops or investigations, should be approached with proper procedure and attention to detail.

3. Encourage Teamwork and Communication

  • Emphasize the importance of teamwork within the LSPD. Officers should collaborate on missions, plan tactical operations, and hold discussions in a structured, realistic way (e.g., during briefing sessions).
  • Promote open and clear communication, especially in emergencies. LSPD officers should talk to one another through radios, coordinate actions, and maintain situational awareness.

4. Define Clear Roles and Chain of Command

  • Clearly define the roles of officers, sergeants, lieutenants, and captains, including their responsibilities during missions. This helps create a well-organized environment where everyone knows their duties.
  • Roleplay of promotions, demotions, or disciplinary actions should reflect the in-game chain of command. Supervisors should lead by example, offering guidance to lower-ranked officers.

5. Host Regular Training Sessions

  • Organize training sessions for officers to improve their skills and knowledge of police procedures, criminal law, investigation techniques, and emergency response tactics.
  • Use scenario-based training where officers practice high-pressure situations. This improves their ability to perform under stress and strengthens their roleplaying skills.

6. Develop In-Character Events and Activities

  • Host special in-character events like promotion ceremonies, awards nights, or community outreach programsto engage the LSPD and other factions in Los Santos. These events should feel meaningful to characters and allow them to bond outside of regular operations.
  • An event like a promotion ceremony could involve a formal speech, presentation of ranks, and a congratulatory gathering. This gives officers a chance to roleplay their ascent in rank and allows others to witness and celebrate their achievements.

7. Foster In-Character Relationships

  • Encourage the development of relationships between officers, whether friendly, professional, or even rivalries. These relationships add depth and complexity to roleplay and create memorable dynamics.
  • For example, an officer being promoted may have a rivalry with a colleague, which could play out in subtle ways during missions or social interactions.

8. Encourage Immersion through Environment

  • Ensure that the in-game environment reflects the professionalism of the LSPD. Use police vehicles, uniforms, and equipment to enhance immersion. Officers should make use of police stations for meetings and briefings, creating a structured, realistic setting.
  • Use in-game resources like police databases, MDTs (Mobile Data Terminals), and real-world police procedures to make interactions feel grounded in real law enforcement practice.

9. Promote Respectful Roleplay and Conflict Resolution

  • Establish rules to ensure that all roleplay is respectful and follows the principles of fair play. Encourage players to stay in character and avoid breaking immersion.
  • If there are conflicts or disputes between officers or departments, encourage resolution through roleplay mechanisms (e.g., internal investigations, hearings, or informal talks).

10. Create Ongoing Storylines

  • Develop overarching storylines or events that continue over time. For example, a major crime ring might be the focus of investigations, or a new criminal threat could arise. These events should involve both the LSPD and civilians, creating a sense of continuity and development.
  • Allow characters' actions to influence the progression of these storylines, giving everyone an active role in shaping the world of Los Santos.

Promotion Ceremony Roleplay:​

A promotion ceremony is a great way to build pride and recognition within the LSPD and give officers a sense of accomplishment. Here's how to enhance it:

  1. Organize a Formal Event:
    • The ceremony should take place in a formal setting, such as the LSPD headquarters or a prestigious venue within Los Santos. Ensure that all higher-ranking officers attend and participate in the proceedings.
  2. Speech and Acknowledgment:
    • A senior officer or command staff should deliver a speech acknowledging the hard work and dedication of those being promoted. The speech can highlight specific achievements and contributions.
  3. Awarding Ranks and Badges:
    • The ceremony can include the official exchange of rank badges, uniforms, or commendations. This visual acknowledgment of the promotion adds a touch of realism.
  4. Peer and Public Recognition:
    • Allow officers and even civilians to attend the ceremony, creating a public event. This helps to build community engagement and makes the promotion feel more significant.
  5. Post-Ceremony Celebrations:
    • Host a casual gathering or party after the ceremony for officers to socialize. This adds a more personal touch to the event, allowing officers to bond and reflect on their achievements.
By integrating these ideas, you can enhance the roleplay experience in the LSPD and elevate the immersion of everyone involved, making the organization more vibrant, realistic, and engaging.
Chain Of Command

30.Chief of Police
29.Deputy Chief of Police
28.Chief of Staff
27.Division Commander
26.Division Supervisor
25.Task Force
24.Assistant Supervisor


22.Deputy Commissioner
21. Superintendent
20.Sergeant Major
19.Staff Sergeant
17.Lead inspector
16.Corporal 3
15.Corporal 2
14.Corporal 1
13.Master Officer 3
12.Master Officer 2
11.Master Officer 1
10.Senior Officer 3
9.Senior Officer 2
8.Senior Officer 1
7.Patrol Officer 3
6.Patrol Officer 2
5.Patrol Officer 1
4.Probation Officer

Department Available in My Leadership are :
HR ( Human Resources ) : They Have to hire the player and Give them proper training as in my Leadership when there will be promotion ceremony there will be also a Doubt clearing sessions and HR I have to solve officer doubt and makesure no LSPD officer not make any Mistake
Ia ( Internal Affairs) : There work are to maintain discipline in org if someone is doing wrong thing they have to punish them and as if some continuous mistake so they will fire Him
SWAT : They have to attend all the Globals and have to response all the situations and if I get chance I will make sure in every situation my LSPD team is there and they have to protect chief and Deputy chief and they are allow to have heavy weapons license
Detective: There work are to bust crime in city and have to do investigation and collect proof and have to work with FIB make sure that everything is good in city
City Patrol : There work are they have to always go for patrolling I will make sure that in my term every time my patrolling team should be active and always patrol the city

1) Verbal 1 ( Mirror mistake)
2) Verbal 2 ( Last Mirror Mistake)
3) Strike 1 (warning)
4) Strike 2 (demote 2 ranks)
5) Strike3 ( dismiss from org)

Thanks For Reading My Application and Taking for consideration Best Regard. By Shourya I know I write very. Big Application and it take time plz Have some time on my application
Last edited:

Cole SweetHearth

Oct 14, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Ceyhun
2. Your IRL age : 22
3. Time zone : GMT+3
4. Average online per day : 5-7hr
5. Your Discord : ceyyunn
6. Your Nickname : Cole SweetHearth
7. Your ID : 110716
Additional information

1. Leader of... Los Santos Police Department
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 - The reason why I chose this organisation is that it has a special place for me and it is the first place I started, the things that will be in my term will definitely be the continuous activity and the continuous work of HRs.

2.2 I worked as an assistant director of FIB for about 4 terms. Before that, I worked as SAHP Chief Commander and I have a lot of long-term experience and I want to transfer these experiences to the people who will work in my term.

2.3 I will offer a proper and respectable RP. I will definitely, definitely not make a short-term term. I have a lot of confidence in my team and myself.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
3.1 The Human Resource and Internal Affairs department will never be inactive, they will always be active in their work, they will constantly look at recruitment and do daily log checks.

3.2 I want absolutely no inexperienced individuals among my deputies. I promise you that there will be absolutely no favouritism among my high command and regular employees.

3.3 My employees will be put to a surprise test on uncertain days and their knowledge will be measured. Those who pass the test will be given a surprise bonus.

3.4 New employees who pass the Interwiev and all those who continue to work will receive good training.

3.5 Employees will be given a weekly bonus and the person who works the most in that week will be given an extra reward.


My Experiences:
4x Assistant Director Of FIB
1x SAHP Chief Commander
1x GOV USSS Ops Lead
1x LSPD Assistant Chief
1x NG Commanding General
Last edited:

Lord parth

Mar 5, 2024

1. Your name IRL : Parth Batham
2. Your age IRL: 18
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day: 5-6 hours daily more on weekend
5. Your Discord: parth101025r
6. Your Nickname: lost parth
7. Your ID: 147520

Additional information

1. Leader of LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

a) Firstly I am an experienced player in city. I am having experience of en1 of more then 2 years ooc. I want to be a good leader as I am a deserving guy and know everything about organisations as I have worked in fib,lspd and govt in en3 and in en1 I have experience of all legal organisations. I know each and every rule of events in organisations.

b) I will take care of each and every thing in org as a leader. I will not get angry on my employees and citizens as well. I know how to deal in high pressure situations and be calm while dealing with that situations. I will maintain a good level of professionalism in the organisation. I will take care of everything that I can do at my end. I will see everything related of LSPD personally and daily.

c) I will be making a strategy to run the organization and helping out all people. Not just helping them but giving them a good suggestion if anyone gets any issue. My strategy would be like that no one will do rule break and they will maintain good rp and follow all server rules and also I will act very friendly to all people but not do favouratism. I will judge people not only by there experience but also by doing interview to see if they are good.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

a) Firstly I will tell all hr persons in org to hire the guys with interview and if they are ex LSPD as well then also they need to give interview to ensure whether they know all things basic things of LSPD or not.

b) I will work on HR(human resource department) as they hire and train new guys. If HR are active every time in city, whenever the people come to join they can help them out to get in organization. I will increase hr bonus as much as I can.

c) Make sure everyone is following chain of command and no one should do chasing the ranks and all. They should work like a good person. And also I will give more and more bonuses for attending all events so that more and more units come on events.

Undercover Department (UC): Collect evidences, Do secret missions and Do catch the citizens wanted by state.
Internal Affaires (IA): Do investigation on the employees and conduct bodycam checks and see whether every employee is doing good or not.
Human Resource (HR): They will hire and train more and more people.
Spec Ops: Dealing with risky situations and missions, Also uses heavy weapons sometime.

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