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IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD

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Kai Hexalord

Making Future
Oct 25, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Utkarsh Boyane
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day: 3-4hr
5. Your Discord: utkarshemberton
6. Your Nickname: Utkarsh Emberton
7. Your ID: 178231

Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

-> LSPD is the heart of the city without LSPD the city cannot function properly and I wont stop until i make that heart beat of the city the strongest its every been, I want to make LSPD the best. I have seen LSPD have a few less Busy/successful terms recently , LSPD's only work is not to just respond to store robberies, hacker attack etc. but they should help citizens too.

-> To me, leadership isn’t just about moving the organization forward—it’s about actively supporting and working alongside my colleagues to ensure that everyone is performing at their best. I believe in creating an environment where everything runs smoothly, and communication is key to making that happen.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1) The promotion ceremony will take place every week, and I’ll personally review each person’s logs to ensure eligibility. I'll be looking at everyone's progress closely to make sure that those who are ready get the recognition they deserve

2) "I'll personally oversee the activities across all departments to make sure everything runs smoothly

3) I started in a low-ranking position and worked my way up to Assistant Chief of Staff during Maarsh Walker's term. Along the way, I’ve done almost every job in LEO , from Patrol Officers to Assistant Chief of police . This has helped me understand how an organization works and the skills needed to manage it.

4) I will improve my hr department so that the training will given professionally in order to reduce unprofessional from our officers. With a strong hrt team we will hire as much as officers in our org

Departments of LSPD
Human Resource & Training (HR&T)
Investigation Bureau (IB)
Special Weapons And Tactics (S.W.A.T)
Internal Affairs (IA)
Public Relation (PR)
Traffic Enforcement (TE)

My Ranking System

30- Chief of Police
29- Deputy Chief of Police
28- Assistant Chief
27- Chief of Staff
26- District Attorney
25- Head of Department
24-Deputy Head of Department
23- Supervisor
22- Inspector
|====== High command ======|
21- Commander
20- Lieutenant
19- Captain
18- Major
17- Human Resources
16- Internal Affairs
15- S.W.A.T
14- Detective
13- Master Sergeant
12- Senior Sergeant
11- Sergeant
10- Master Corporal
9- Senior Corporal
8- Corporal
7- Master Patrol Officer
6- Senior Patrol Officer
5- Patrol Officer
4- Rookie
3- Trainee
2- Leave of Absence
(LOA) 1- Suspended
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May 18, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Utkarsh Boyane
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day: 3-4hr
5. Your Discord: utkarshemberton
6. Your Nickname: Utkarsh Emberton
7. Your ID: 178231

Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

-> LSPD is the heart of the city without LSPD the city cannot function properly and I wont stop until i make that heart beat of the city the strongest its every been, I want to make LSPD the best. I have seen LSPD have a few less Busy/successful terms recently , LSPD's only work is not to just respond to store robberies, hacker attack etc. but they should help citizens too.

-> To me, leadership isn’t just about moving the organization forward—it’s about actively supporting and working alongside my colleagues to ensure that everyone is performing at their best. I believe in creating an environment where everything runs smoothly, and communication is key to making that happen.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1) The promotion ceremony will take place every week, and I’ll personally review each person’s logs to ensure eligibility. I'll be looking at everyone's progress closely to make sure that those who are ready get the recognition they deserve

2) "I'll personally oversee the activities across all departments to make sure everything runs smoothly

3) I started in a low-ranking position and worked my way up to Assistant Chief of Staff during Maarsh Walker's term. Along the way, I’ve done almost every job in LEO , from Patrol Officers to Assistant Chief of police . This has helped me understand how an organization works and the skills needed to manage it.

4) I will improve my hr department so that the training will given professionally in order to reduce unprofessional from our officers. With a strong hrt team we will hire as much as officers in our org

Departments of LSPD
Human Resource & Training (HR&T)
Investigation Bureau (IB)
Special Weapons And Tactics (S.W.A.T)
Internal Affairs (IA)
Public Relation (PR)
Traffic Enforcement (TE)

My Ranking System

30- Chief of Police

29- Deputy Chief of Police
28- Assistant Chief
27- Chief of Staff
26- District Attorney
25- Head of Department
24-Deputy Head of Department
23- Supervisor

22- Inspector
|====== High command ======|
21- Commander
20- Lieutenant

19- Captain
18- Major
17- Human Resources
16- Internal Affairs
15- S.W.A.T
14- Detective
13- Master Sergeant
12- Senior Sergeant
11- Sergeant
10- Master Corporal

9- Senior Corporal
8- Corporal
7- Master Patrol Officer
6- Senior Patrol Officer
5- Patrol Officer

4- Rookie
3- Trainee
2- Leave of Absence

(LOA) 1- Suspended
The deserving one


Oct 13, 2024

  • 1.Your name IRL : Naman Panchal
    2. Your IRL age : 18
    3. Time zone : GMT(5:30) + India
    4. Average online per day : 5-6 Hours
    5. Your Discord : eagle_lazzy12
    6. Your Nickname : Eagle Lazzy
    7. Your ID : 172143
Additional information

Leader Of Los Santos Police Department

1.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

(!) ANS- When i come to the city i joined GOV as DOC OFFICER after that i enjoyed to much in government and i think to join other ORG to gain more experience after the joining other ORG I started liking legal org and then i think about to become leader of an organization and i am thinking to go for LSPD leader because i have a lot of experience in LSPD and To much like LSPD between other ORG .

(!!) ANS- i have lot of experience of Role play as normal Citizen or as normal Officer and High command now i want to gain ,more Roleplay Experience as Becoming Leader of organization because i like role play to much and i take role play serious

(!!!) ANS- LSPD is very good organization in my eyes and i wanted to improve LSPD more i want to make it an elite organization of the city

Your Advices for improving Role play level in Organization

1. I will improve the Quality of professionalism in the organization

2. I will Arrange Every weak a promotion Ceremony and Bonus Ceremony to give promotion and bonus to the officer those who Working hard in Organization

3. I try to make all Departments active

4. I will try to improve Human resources Department to Hire new people and train new people

5. I will make city crime free and saving other civilians from gangster

6. I will make good relationship with other Legal orgs

7. I Will arrange arena training to improve Shooting skills of officers
Ranking System in my term

Chief of Police [30]

Dep. Chief of Police [29]

Assistant Chief of Police [28]

Chief of Staff [27]

District Attorney [26]

Head of Department [25]

Dep. Head of Department [24]

Supervisor of Department [23]


High Command

Inspector [22]

Sub inspector [21]

Colonel [20]

Lt . Colonel [19]

Captain of Police [18]

Human Resource officer [17]

Lieutenant [16]

Internal Affairs [15]

Swat [14]

Detective [13]

Master Sergent [12]

Senior Sergent [11]

Sergent [10]

Master Corporal [9]

Senior Corporal [8]

Corporal [7]

Senior Petrol officer [6]

Petrol officer [5]

Rookie [4]

Trainee [3]

LOA [2]

Suspended [1]

Department In My Term

  • Internal Affairs- This Department handle All the Internal matters of Organization includes licenses Checking Of Officer and logs Checking , disciplinary actions Background Checkup and solving problems of members in organization

  • Swat- There are many fully trained and armed persons in this department or those who are very good in shooting or this department is capable of reaching any situation as quickly as possible or handling the situation.

  • Human Resources and training - The job of this department is to hire new people, interview them and give them training.

  • Traffic Enforcement Unit: The work of this department is to manage traffic in the city, issue fines, arrest people and prevent crime

Thank you For Reading My Application

Regard – Eagle Lazzy

Ex. NG Commanding general
EX. NG Major General
Ex. LSPD Officer
Ex. USSS Agent
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thunder defeater

Jan 31, 2024

1. Your name IRL:Anass

2. Your IRL age:20

3. Time zone:UTC+1 & Morocco

4. Average online per day:10-13

5. Your Discord:satoru24

6. Your Nickname:Thunder defeater

7. Your ID:124450

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-Iwant to Become a leader of lspd Because it was a pleasure and I still have a great passion for leading a state organization

- took experiences in all state organizations, and I am now ready to become the president of this organization

-The LSPD is really important for keeping our city safe

-I ned to take experiensse as aleader and and dont break any rulle for city

-I ned to do good term withot any warn or verbal to br good term

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I promise you that lspd you will be muste actif in the city

I promise you that I will clean the city from all criminals aswell I promise Im goana be best leader who lead this org

I promise Im goana teach evreyone Rulle who join my organization

I will confirm no one he will get rank only who deserve and im goana take evrybody Interviw for Hc rank and he will give who deserve

I promise you the city will be safer after my leadership

Rnking Systeme

30 - Chief of Police

29 - Deputy Chief of Police

28 - Assistant Chief of Police

27 - Chief of Staff

26 - District Attorney

25 - Head of Department

24 - Deputy Head of Department

23 - Supervisor of Department

22 - Inspector

21 - Commander

20 - Captain

19 - Master Lieutenant

18 - Lieutenant

17 - Instructor ( Human Resources )

16 - Internal Affairs

15 - S.W.A.T

14 - Detective

13 - Master Sergeant

12 - Senior Sergeant

11 - Sergeant

10 - Master Corporal

9 - Senior Corporal

8 - Corporal

7 - Master Patrol Officer

6 - Senior Patrol Officer

5 - Patrol Officer

4 - Rookie

3 - Trainee

2 - Leave of Absence

1 - Suspended

Kartik Ghost | 61123

Minister OF DOL
Sep 23, 2022

1. Your name IRL: Kartik

2. Your IRL age: 16

3. Time zone: (GMT+5:30)

4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours

5. Your Discord: kartikgodfather

6. Your Nickname: Kartik Ghost

7. Your ID: 61123

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanations

- My Past experience working as the Minister of Labor from the last 6 terms of the Government has helped me understand and allowed me to find certain problems and loopholes in the Los Santos Police Department, Hence I want to improve and improvise on the workplace ethics & environment of the LSPD using the experience I obtained while working in the Government. During the duration of my term, I will for sure work on the operations commenced by the LSPD and offer my fellow officers with the guidance required by them to help them in their betterment. I also want to establish the importance of HR and IA Departments and bring out the amount of work and efforts they put in to the rest of the departments by appreciating them through providing them with bonuses and constant appreciations at the ceremonies which will be held by me. I will spread awareness about the Public Relations(PR) and Human Resources(HR) departments and will try to promote the two departments and lead one of the best terms Los Santos Police Department has ever Had.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1- Improve and advertise the urgency of Emergency Calls and to Respond to them as soon as possible.

2- I will improve the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Department by keeping only the best officers in the department, making it an amazing and quick response team.

3- I will utilize the time granted to me during the Promotion Ceremonies and Weekly Ceremonies to Make sure my employees know they are well taken care of and that their presence is important and valuable to the Los Santos Police Department(LSPD).

|My Ranking System|
30 - Chief of Police
29 - Deputy Chief of Police
28 - Assistant Chief of Police
27 - Chief of Staff
26 - District Attorney
25 - Head of Department
High Command Ranks


24 - Senior Internal Affairs Officer

23 - Internal Affairs Investigator

22 - Inspector

21 - SWAT Commander

20 - Precinct Captain

19 - Division Lieutenant

18 - Shift Lieutenant

17 - Operations Sargent

16 - Lead Detective

15 - Detective

14 - Swat Sargent

13 - Senior Tactical Officer

12 - Tactical Officer

11 - Specialist Officer

10 - Training Officer

9 - Corporal

8 - Master Patrol Officer

7 - Senior Patrol Officer

6 - Senior Patrol Officer

5 - Patrol Officer

4 - Patrolman

3 - Recruit

2 - Vacation

1 - Suspended

Departments In My LSPD

Special Weapons and Tactics Team(SWAT)- Consists of only the best officers in the Police, Swift and agile with excellence skill in combats and Exceptional Survival Skills, this departments seeks to respond to Global Calls throughout the day tirelessly to make the City of Los Santos a better Place, SWAT is also going to be the department which Leads Special Operations Commenced by the LSPD.

Human Resources(HR)- This department is established to look after the training, recruitment and betterment of the units in LSPD, This department also co-ordinates with Internal Affairs(IA) to ensure all officers are up to the standard of training maintained by the LSPD. Human Resources also looks after complaints from employees about anyone else working in the Organization.

Internal Affairs(IA)- This department takes care of any disciplinary actions such as Strikes, Demotion & Suspension or termination of employment contract. This department oversees the work of other departments and reports weekly to the Leader with a detailed analysis of work done by each department, Only Internal Affairs will have the right to Issue any sort of Disciplinary actions on the Officers Working in the LSPD.

Patrol Team- This Team will consist of Patrol Officers who will Patrol throughout the Jurisdiction of Los Santos Police Department to ensure safety of all Civilians Residing in the City. It is the Team which issues fines, Responds to Emergency call with the Needed backup and one of the most crucial department in the Police Department which helps Maintain Discipline and Conduct amongst the Civilians.

=========================================================================================================================Thank you for Reviewing my Application!

Regards- Kartik Ghost

6X DOL Minister In Government

1X Chief of Staff in Federal Investigation Bureau

1X Assistant General of Nation Guard

1X EMS Division Chief
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Oct 26, 2024

1. Your name IRL
: Apoorva Bhalerao

2. Your age: 22

3. Time zone: IST

4. Average online per day:
5-7 Hours

5. Your Discord: maverik9815

6. Your Nickname: Maverik Junior

7. Your ID: 174759

Additional information:

1. Leader of

Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):
a) I can make quick and effective decisions under pressure. My experience and ability to stay calm in intense situations would ensure that the LSPD operates efficiently. I think i can foster a well-organized, disciplined, and motivated team that will maintain law and order in the city.
b) I have the dedication to uphold the law and ensure the safety of the citizens. I would prioritize not just enforcing laws, but also building a positive relationship with citizens. I think that my leadership could lead to a more approachable and respected police force, which in turn, enhances the city's overall experience for both law enforcement and civilians.
c) I would bring a fresh perspective and innovative strategies to the LSPD, improving operational efficiency. Whether it’s optimizing resources, coordinating with other departments, or adapting tactics to changing scenario. i can also help improve training and protocols for officers, ensuring that the LSPD stays ahead in dealing with the city's evolving criminal activities.
I have also got the chance of working under great leader and directors before and i have been a high command in GOV before.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in the organization
My advices would that we should always prioritize teamwork over individual glory . The LSPD should maintain realistic police protocols, such as proper arrest procedures, traffic stops, searches, and handling evidence. For example, don’t skip Miranda rights during arrests, ensure proper communication on the radio during pursuits etc. Treat everyone with respect. Ask your team for feedback of the work you are doing and keep a healthy and friendly relationship with everyone.

Jatt Prabhjeet

Sep 8, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Prabhjeet Singh
2. Your IRL age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day : 5 hours
5. Your Discord : prabhjeet_punisher
6. Your Nickname : Prabhjeet Ghost
7. Your ID :

Additional information
1. Leader of... Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 Implementation of the experience I got towards the other Organizations including my efforts from LSPD as well.

2.2 Plans for my leadership will implement a good impact for other Organization and helping citizens.
2.3 Efforts and acknowledgement of hard-working employees and most wanted crimes to make city safe for citizens.
2.4 Providing knowledge and my plans to my colleagues to help them and the organization to perform more.

2.5 My leadership may create a good experience for the citizens to have the city more safe and more secure faculty to provide them the perfect help related to the crimes and problem occurs in certain way and situation to handle.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 Meetings with other organization to lead and make certain operations and trainings for the faculties to learn and improving the statics.
3.2 Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

3.3 Leading certain operations to provide a professional experience towards the citizens for the organization.
3.4 Having meetings with higherups and knowing the information related to the work and scenarios happening internally.
3.5 Helping out lower commands with the work of organization with help of certain departments like HR/IA.
3.6 Improving their skills for handling situations and taking leads in specific situation and tactics with help of SWAT.
3.7 Having Traffic Enforcement Units department to make sure that city is safe for citizens and stop criminal activities happening among the Los Santos without disturbing the internal work for HR/IA.
3.8 Providing citizen a friendly and secure experienced officers to help them in situations whenever necessary.
3.9 Meetings with NG/FIB/SAHP would conclude certain operations like spec ops and tactical trainings for units to improve understanding and skills towards the city.
3.10 Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

My Acknowledgement from Other Organization
Chief Commander SAHP (28)

Minister of State Government (27)
2x DOC Director Government (24)
Assistant Chief of Police LSPD (28)
Brigadier General of ARMY NG (25)

Department which i am planning to implement in my term are as follows:

Human Resources (HR)
- This Department will Hire and Give Training to the new officers those who are joining LSPD.
Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)
- This Department will Respond to the Global ASAP and Will lead the Spec ops.
Internal Affairs (IA)
- This Department will check logs and keep an eye on officer.
Traffic Enforcement Units
- This Department will do Patrolling in city and make sure that city is safer from illegal activities.
Detective Bureau
- This Department will have members having detective skills, who can work secretly to gather evidence of a criminal act without revealing their identity.

------Chain Of Command------
30. Chief of Police
29. Deputy Chief of Police
28. Assistant Chief of Police
27. Chief of Staff
26.Head of Department
25. Deputy Head of Department
24. District Attorney
23.Supervisory of Department
22. Inspector

-------High Command--------
21. Commander
20. Captain
19. Master Lieutenant
18. Lieutenant
17. Human Resource
16. Internal Affairs
15. SWAT
14. Detective
13. Master Sergeant
12. Senior Sergeant
11. Sergeant
10. Master Corporal
9. Senior Corporal
8. Corporal
7. Master Patrol officer
6. Senior Patrol officer
5. Patrol officer
4. Rookie
3. Trainee
2. L.O.A.
1. Suspended

Thank You
Warm Regards,
Prabhjeet Ghost

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Harvey Dent

35th Sheriff of SAHP
Oct 2, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Akarsh Rao

2. Your age: 21
3. Time zone: (GMT +5:30) India
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: Harveyy
6. Your Nickname: Harvey Dent

7. Your ID: 169710

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

Since I came to the city, I have always been drawn towards the procedures and purposes of legal organizations, Climbing my way up from Being just an US Secret Service agent to Now Being the US Secret Service Director. I have always had a soft spot for State Organizations hence Being a leader of one would be an experience of a lifetime, allowing me to gain experience as a leader and along with that, I would get to lead one of most happening State organizations of the city.
Over the years, I’ve worked closely with leaders from different state organizations. Watching how they navigate challenges and lead their teams has taught me so much. It’s helped me grow as a person and sharpen my ability to make tough decisions thoughtfully. I’ve learned that leadership isn’t just about giving orders—it’s about listening, understanding, and creating a space where people feel they belong.

My time as U.S. Secret Service Director has taught me how to handle tricky situations with care and keep a team connected, even during tough times. I truly believe those experiences have prepared me for this next step. I’m ready to lead with an open heart and a clear vision, and I’d be so proud to help this organization reach new heights.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1-Encouraging Creativity: I would love to give everyone the chance to share their ideas and take the lead on events or storylines. It keeps things exciting and makes Roleplay feel more personal and fun for everyone involved.

2-Improving Communication: Roleplay works best when we’re all on the same page. I’d focus on making communication simple and clear, whether it’s within the organization or when we’re working with other organizations, so everything runs smoothly.

3-Rewards and Recognition:
It’s important to recognize those who put in extra effort. I’d set up a way to acknowledge great roleplay and teamwork, so everyone feels valued for what they bring to the Organization.

4-Listening to Feedback: I know I don’t have all the answers, so I’d make it a point to listen to everyone’s ideas and concerns. Together, we can keep improving and making the experience better for everyone.

Departments In my LSPD

Human Resource & Training (HR&T)- Human Resource and training will look after Recruitment, Training and Dismissal of employees from the organization, while making sure that procedures and protocols are being followed.

Special Weapons And Tactics (S.W.A.T)- SWAT will be the vigorous department in the Los Santos Police Department, Being Punctual and responding immediately to any sort of situation, whether it be a Store Robbery, FZ Raid or Black Market Raid. SWAT Will be the head of Special Operations and on most occasions, will lead the Special Operations commenced by the LSPD.

Internal Affairs (IA)- Internal affairs will look after the Working of the Los Santos Police Department, Ensuring Employees are not being treated unfairly. With that only officers from Internal Affairs will have the authority to Issue any sort of disciplinary actions(Strike, Demotion, Suspension), IA will also be responsible for Conducting Logs Checkup and Activity Checkup.

Public Relation (PR) The Public Relation Department will handle media relations, including press releases and social media, and engages with the community through events and safety programs to foster trust. The department also manages crises by addressing misinformation and maintaining transparency. The Public Relation Team will help in strengthening the relationship between the Police Department and the Civilians.

Traffic Enforcement (TE)- The Traffic Enforcement Department will look after the Roads of Los Santos, Making sure that all Traffic Laws are being followed within the jurisdiction of the LSPD, The Traffic Enforcement will consist of officers Patrolling throughout the City Day & Night. This team will Issue fines, Tow Vehicles Away and Deal with any sort of Problem Related to Traffic Laws.

My Ranking System

30- Chief of Police
29- Deputy Chief of Police
28- Assistant Chief
27- Chief of Staff
26- District Attorney
25- Head of Department
24-Deputy Head of Department
23- Supervisor
22- Inspector
|====== High command ======|
21- Commander
20- Lieutenant
19- Captain
18- Major
17- Human Resources
16- Internal Affairs
15- S.W.A.T
14- Detective
13- Master Sergeant
12- Senior Sergeant
11- Sergeant
10- Master Corporal
9- Senior Corporal
8- Corporal
7- Master Patrol Officer
6- Senior Patrol Officer
5- Patrol Officer
4- Recruit
3- Trainee
2- Vacation(LOA)
1- Suspended

Thank you For Reviewing My Application!
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Kelly Uchia

Jul 19, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Akarsh Rao

2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: (GMT +5:30) India
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: Harveyy
6. Your Nickname: Harvey Dent

7. Your ID: 169710

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

Since I came to the city, I have always been drawn towards the procedures and purposes of legal organizations, Climbing my way up from Being just an US Secret Service agent to Now Being the US Secret Service Director. I have always had a soft spot for State Organizations hence Being a leader of one would be an experience of a lifetime, allowing me to gain experience as a leader and along with that, I would get to lead one of most happening State organizations of the city.
Over the years, I’ve worked closely with leaders from different state organizations. Watching how they navigate challenges and lead their teams has taught me so much. It’s helped me grow as a person and sharpen my ability to make tough decisions thoughtfully. I’ve learned that leadership isn’t just about giving orders—it’s about listening, understanding, and creating a space where people feel they belong.

My time as U.S. Secret Service Director has taught me how to handle tricky situations with care and keep a team connected, even during tough times. I truly believe those experiences have prepared me for this next step. I’m ready to lead with an open heart and a clear vision, and I’d be so proud to help this organization reach new heights.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1-Encouraging Creativity: I would love to give everyone the chance to share their ideas and take the lead on events or storylines. It keeps things exciting and makes Roleplay feel more personal and fun for everyone involved.

2-Improving Communication: Roleplay works best when we’re all on the same page. I’d focus on making communication simple and clear, whether it’s within the org or when we’re working with other orgs, so everything runs smoothly.

3-Rewards and Recognition:
It’s important to recognize those who put in extra effort. I’d set up a way to acknowledge great roleplay and teamwork, so everyone feels valued for what they bring to the Org.

4-Listening to Feedback: I know I don’t have all the answers, so I’d make it a point to listen to everyone’s ideas and concerns. Together, we can keep improving and making the experience better for everyone.

Departments In my LSPD

Human Resource & Training (HR&T)- Human Resource and training will look after Recruitment, Training and Dismissal of employees from the organization, while making sure that procedures and protocols are being followed.

Special Weapons And Tactics (S.W.A.T)- SWAT will be the vigorous department in the Los Santos Police Department, Being Punctual and responding immediately to any sort of situation, whether it be a Store Robbery, FZ Raid or Black Market Raid. SWAT Will be the head of Special Operations and on most occasions, will lead the Special Operations commenced by the LSPD.

Internal Affairs (IA)- Internal affairs will look after the Working of the Los Santos Police Department, Ensuring Employees are not being treated unfairly. With that only officers from Internal Affairs will have the authority to Issue any sort of disciplinary actions(Strike, Demotion, Suspension), IA will also be responsible for Conducting Logs Checkup and Activity Checkup.

Public Relation (PR) The Public Relation Department will handle media relations, including press releases and social media, and engages with the community through events and safety programs to foster trust. The department also manages crises by addressing misinformation and maintaining transparency. The Public Relation Team will help in strengthening the relationship between the Police Department and the Civilians.

Traffic Enforcement (TE)- The Traffic Enforcement Department will look after the Roads of Los Santos, Making sure that all Traffic Laws are being followed within the jurisdiction of the LSPD, The Traffic Enforcement will consist of officers Patrolling throughout the City Day & Night. This team will Issue fines, Tow Vehicles Away and Deal with any sort of Problem Related to Traffic Laws.

My Ranking System

30- Chief of Police
29- Deputy Chief of Police
28- Assistant Chief
27- Chief of Staff
26- District Attorney
25- Head of Department
24-Deputy Head of Department
23- Supervisor
22- Inspector
|====== High command ======|
21- Commander
20- Lieutenant
19- Captain
18- Major
17- Human Resources
16- Internal Affairs
15- S.W.A.T
14- Detective
13- Master Sergeant
12- Senior Sergeant
11- Sergeant
10- Master Corporal
9- Senior Corporal
8- Corporal
7- Master Patrol Officer
6- Senior Patrol Officer
5- Patrol Officer
4- Recruit
3- Trainee
2- Vacation(LOA)
1- Suspended

Thank you For Reviewing My Application!
bestt leaderr Lspd can get is HARVEY sarrr!!

Kairo Cooper

Sep 12, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Akarsh Rao

2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: (GMT +5:30) India
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: Harveyy
6. Your Nickname: Harvey Dent

7. Your ID: 169710

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

Since I came to the city, I have always been drawn towards the procedures and purposes of legal organizations, Climbing my way up from Being just an US Secret Service agent to Now Being the US Secret Service Director. I have always had a soft spot for State Organizations hence Being a leader of one would be an experience of a lifetime, allowing me to gain experience as a leader and along with that, I would get to lead one of most happening State organizations of the city.
Over the years, I’ve worked closely with leaders from different state organizations. Watching how they navigate challenges and lead their teams has taught me so much. It’s helped me grow as a person and sharpen my ability to make tough decisions thoughtfully. I’ve learned that leadership isn’t just about giving orders—it’s about listening, understanding, and creating a space where people feel they belong.

My time as U.S. Secret Service Director has taught me how to handle tricky situations with care and keep a team connected, even during tough times. I truly believe those experiences have prepared me for this next step. I’m ready to lead with an open heart and a clear vision, and I’d be so proud to help this organization reach new heights.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1-Encouraging Creativity: I would love to give everyone the chance to share their ideas and take the lead on events or storylines. It keeps things exciting and makes Roleplay feel more personal and fun for everyone involved.

2-Improving Communication: Roleplay works best when we’re all on the same page. I’d focus on making communication simple and clear, whether it’s within the org or when we’re working with other orgs, so everything runs smoothly.

3-Rewards and Recognition:
It’s important to recognize those who put in extra effort. I’d set up a way to acknowledge great roleplay and teamwork, so everyone feels valued for what they bring to the Org.

4-Listening to Feedback: I know I don’t have all the answers, so I’d make it a point to listen to everyone’s ideas and concerns. Together, we can keep improving and making the experience better for everyone.

Departments In my LSPD

Human Resource & Training (HR&T)- Human Resource and training will look after Recruitment, Training and Dismissal of employees from the organization, while making sure that procedures and protocols are being followed.

Special Weapons And Tactics (S.W.A.T)- SWAT will be the vigorous department in the Los Santos Police Department, Being Punctual and responding immediately to any sort of situation, whether it be a Store Robbery, FZ Raid or Black Market Raid. SWAT Will be the head of Special Operations and on most occasions, will lead the Special Operations commenced by the LSPD.

Internal Affairs (IA)- Internal affairs will look after the Working of the Los Santos Police Department, Ensuring Employees are not being treated unfairly. With that only officers from Internal Affairs will have the authority to Issue any sort of disciplinary actions(Strike, Demotion, Suspension), IA will also be responsible for Conducting Logs Checkup and Activity Checkup.

Public Relation (PR) The Public Relation Department will handle media relations, including press releases and social media, and engages with the community through events and safety programs to foster trust. The department also manages crises by addressing misinformation and maintaining transparency. The Public Relation Team will help in strengthening the relationship between the Police Department and the Civilians.

Traffic Enforcement (TE)- The Traffic Enforcement Department will look after the Roads of Los Santos, Making sure that all Traffic Laws are being followed within the jurisdiction of the LSPD, The Traffic Enforcement will consist of officers Patrolling throughout the City Day & Night. This team will Issue fines, Tow Vehicles Away and Deal with any sort of Problem Related to Traffic Laws.

My Ranking System

30- Chief of Police
29- Deputy Chief of Police
28- Assistant Chief
27- Chief of Staff
26- District Attorney
25- Head of Department
24-Deputy Head of Department
23- Supervisor
22- Inspector
|====== High command ======|
21- Commander
20- Lieutenant
19- Captain
18- Major
17- Human Resources
16- Internal Affairs
15- S.W.A.T
14- Detective
13- Master Sergeant
12- Senior Sergeant
11- Sergeant
10- Master Corporal
9- Senior Corporal
8- Corporal
7- Master Patrol Officer
6- Senior Patrol Officer
5- Patrol Officer
4- Recruit
3- Trainee
2- Vacation(LOA)
1- Suspended

Thank you For Reviewing My Application!
very god person

God Madhara

Oct 13, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Akarsh Rao

2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: (GMT +5:30) India
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: Harveyy
6. Your Nickname: Harvey Dent

7. Your ID: 169710

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

Since I came to the city, I have always been drawn towards the procedures and purposes of legal organizations, Climbing my way up from Being just an US Secret Service agent to Now Being the US Secret Service Director. I have always had a soft spot for State Organizations hence Being a leader of one would be an experience of a lifetime, allowing me to gain experience as a leader and along with that, I would get to lead one of most happening State organizations of the city.
Over the years, I’ve worked closely with leaders from different state organizations. Watching how they navigate challenges and lead their teams has taught me so much. It’s helped me grow as a person and sharpen my ability to make tough decisions thoughtfully. I’ve learned that leadership isn’t just about giving orders—it’s about listening, understanding, and creating a space where people feel they belong.

My time as U.S. Secret Service Director has taught me how to handle tricky situations with care and keep a team connected, even during tough times. I truly believe those experiences have prepared me for this next step. I’m ready to lead with an open heart and a clear vision, and I’d be so proud to help this organization reach new heights.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1-Encouraging Creativity: I would love to give everyone the chance to share their ideas and take the lead on events or storylines. It keeps things exciting and makes Roleplay feel more personal and fun for everyone involved.

2-Improving Communication: Roleplay works best when we’re all on the same page. I’d focus on making communication simple and clear, whether it’s within the org or when we’re working with other orgs, so everything runs smoothly.

3-Rewards and Recognition:
It’s important to recognize those who put in extra effort. I’d set up a way to acknowledge great roleplay and teamwork, so everyone feels valued for what they bring to the Org.

4-Listening to Feedback: I know I don’t have all the answers, so I’d make it a point to listen to everyone’s ideas and concerns. Together, we can keep improving and making the experience better for everyone.

Departments In my LSPD

Human Resource & Training (HR&T)- Human Resource and training will look after Recruitment, Training and Dismissal of employees from the organization, while making sure that procedures and protocols are being followed.

Special Weapons And Tactics (S.W.A.T)- SWAT will be the vigorous department in the Los Santos Police Department, Being Punctual and responding immediately to any sort of situation, whether it be a Store Robbery, FZ Raid or Black Market Raid. SWAT Will be the head of Special Operations and on most occasions, will lead the Special Operations commenced by the LSPD.

Internal Affairs (IA)- Internal affairs will look after the Working of the Los Santos Police Department, Ensuring Employees are not being treated unfairly. With that only officers from Internal Affairs will have the authority to Issue any sort of disciplinary actions(Strike, Demotion, Suspension), IA will also be responsible for Conducting Logs Checkup and Activity Checkup.

Public Relation (PR) The Public Relation Department will handle media relations, including press releases and social media, and engages with the community through events and safety programs to foster trust. The department also manages crises by addressing misinformation and maintaining transparency. The Public Relation Team will help in strengthening the relationship between the Police Department and the Civilians.

Traffic Enforcement (TE)- The Traffic Enforcement Department will look after the Roads of Los Santos, Making sure that all Traffic Laws are being followed within the jurisdiction of the LSPD, The Traffic Enforcement will consist of officers Patrolling throughout the City Day & Night. This team will Issue fines, Tow Vehicles Away and Deal with any sort of Problem Related to Traffic Laws.

My Ranking System

30- Chief of Police
29- Deputy Chief of Police
28- Assistant Chief
27- Chief of Staff
26- District Attorney
25- Head of Department
24-Deputy Head of Department
23- Supervisor
22- Inspector
|====== High command ======|
21- Commander
20- Lieutenant
19- Captain
18- Major
17- Human Resources
16- Internal Affairs
15- S.W.A.T
14- Detective
13- Master Sergeant
12- Senior Sergeant
11- Sergeant
10- Master Corporal
9- Senior Corporal
8- Corporal
7- Master Patrol Officer
6- Senior Patrol Officer
5- Patrol Officer
4- Recruit
3- Trainee
2- Vacation(LOA)
1- Suspended

Thank you For Reviewing My Application!
Harvvey sir should be only the LSPD leader due to his leadership ability

Rohit bansal

Jul 3, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Prabhjeet Singh
2. Your IRL age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day : 5 hours
5. Your Discord : prabhjeet_punisher
6. Your Nickname : Prabhjeet Ghost
7. Your ID :

Additional information
1. Leader of... Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 Implementation of the experience I got towards the other Organizations including my efforts from LSPD as well.

2.2 Plans for my leadership will implement a good impact for other Organization and helping citizens.
2.3 Efforts and acknowledgement of hard-working employees and most wanted crimes to make city safe for citizens.
2.4 Providing knowledge and my plans to my colleagues to help them and the organization to perform more.

2.5 My leadership may create a good experience for the citizens to have the city more safe and more secure faculty to provide them the perfect help related to the crimes and problem occurs in certain way and situation to handle.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 Meetings with other organization to lead and make certain operations and trainings for the faculties to learn and improving the statics.
3.2 Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

3.3 Leading certain operations to provide a professional experience towards the citizens for the organization.
3.4 Having meetings with higherups and knowing the information related to the work and scenarios happening internally.
3.5 Helping out lower commands with the work of organization with help of certain departments like HR/IA.
3.6 Improving their skills for handling situations and taking leads in specific situation and tactics with help of SWAT.
3.7 Having Traffic Enforcement Units department to make sure that city is safe for citizens and stop criminal activities happening among the Los Santos without disturbing the internal work for HR/IA.
3.8 Providing citizen a friendly and secure experienced officers to help them in situations whenever necessary.
3.9 Meetings with NG/FIB/SAHP would conclude certain operations like spec ops and tactical trainings for units to improve understanding and skills towards the city.
3.10 Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

My Acknowledgement from Other Organization
Chief Commander SAHP (28)

Minister of State Government (27)
2x DOC Director Government (24)
Assistant Chief of Police LSPD (28)

Department which i am planning to implement in my term are as follows:

Human Resources (HR)
Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)
Internal Affairs (IA)
Traffic Enforcement Units
Detective Bureau

------Chain Of Command------
30. Chief of Police
29. Deputy Chief of Police
28. Assistant Chief of Police
27. Chief of Staff
26.Head of Department
25. Deputy Head of Department
24. District Attorney
23.Supervisory of Department
22. Inspector

-------High Command--------
21. Commander
20. Captain
19. Master Lieutenant
18. Lieutenant
17. Human Resource
16. Interna Affairs
15. SWAT
14. Detective
13. Master Sergeant
12. Senior Sergeant
11. Sergeant
10. Master Corporal
9. Senior Corporal
8. Corporal
7. Master Patrol officer
6. Senior Patrol officer
5. Patrol officer
4. Rookie
3. Trainee
2. L.O.A.
1. Suspended

Thank You
Warm Regards,
Prabhjeet Ghost

you can be a good leader

Kairo Cooper

Sep 12, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Prabhjeet Singh
2. Your IRL age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day : 5 hours
5. Your Discord : prabhjeet_punisher
6. Your Nickname : Prabhjeet Ghost
7. Your ID :

Additional information
1. Leader of... Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 Implementation of the experience I got towards the other Organizations including my efforts from LSPD as well.

2.2 Plans for my leadership will implement a good impact for other Organization and helping citizens.
2.3 Efforts and acknowledgement of hard-working employees and most wanted crimes to make city safe for citizens.
2.4 Providing knowledge and my plans to my colleagues to help them and the organization to perform more.

2.5 My leadership may create a good experience for the citizens to have the city more safe and more secure faculty to provide them the perfect help related to the crimes and problem occurs in certain way and situation to handle.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 Meetings with other organization to lead and make certain operations and trainings for the faculties to learn and improving the statics.
3.2 Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain and proper activity within the organization.

3.3 Leading certain operations to provide a professional experience towards the citizens for the organization.
3.4 Having meetings with higherups and knowing the information related to the work and scenarios happening internally.
3.5 Helping out lower commands with the work of organization with help of certain departments like HR/IA.
3.6 Improving their skills for handling situations and taking leads in specific situation and tactics with help of SWAT.
3.7 Having Traffic Enforcement Units department to make sure that city is safe for citizens and stop criminal activities happening among the Los Santos without disturbing the internal work for HR/IA.
3.8 Providing citizen a friendly and secure experienced officers to help them in situations whenever necessary.
3.9 Meetings with NG/FIB/SAHP would conclude certain operations like spec ops and tactical trainings for units to improve understanding and skills towards the city.
3.10 Including promotions to hardworking and deserving employees for organization and providing them well good bonuses for maintaining good work and hard-working atmosphere among the organization.

My Acknowledgement from Other Organization
Chief Commander SAHP (28)

Minister of State Government (27)
2x DOC Director Government (24)
Assistant Chief of Police LSPD (28)

Department which i am planning to implement in my term are as follows:

Human Resources (HR)
Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)
Internal Affairs (IA)
Traffic Enforcement Units
Detective Bureau

------Chain Of Command------
30. Chief of Police
29. Deputy Chief of Police
28. Assistant Chief of Police
27. Chief of Staff
26.Head of Department
25. Deputy Head of Department
24. District Attorney
23.Supervisory of Department
22. Inspector

-------High Command--------
21. Commander
20. Captain
19. Master Lieutenant
18. Lieutenant
17. Human Resource
16. Interna Affairs
15. SWAT
14. Detective
13. Master Sergeant
12. Senior Sergeant
11. Sergeant
10. Master Corporal
9. Senior Corporal
8. Corporal
7. Master Patrol officer
6. Senior Patrol officer
5. Patrol officer
4. Rookie
3. Trainee
2. L.O.A.
1. Suspended

Thank You
Warm Regards,
Prabhjeet Ghost

best leadership qualities

Hydra Nobudy

Jul 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Ganapati
2. Your IRL age: 21
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-5 hrs
5. Your Discord: hydra02896
6. Your Nickname: Hydra Nobudy
7. Your ID:143920
Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
(i).I started with zero knowledge and i was used to play with unknown person and when i joined SAHP i learned basic server rules and all but that knowledge is not enough me for experience so i joined LSPD,GOV,FIB, throughout all of them i got some knowledge and experience and i got to know about rules and laws and importance of the organizational discipline
(ii).I am going to come up with new concepts that the employees of the organization would find particularly helpful.
(iii).I Applied And Tried To Get An Term of an organization But Since it was not my time , i was unable to get it .I know my Cons and i have worked on it
(iii). i will conduct a separate meeting with me
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1.focus on more role play
2.will held a regular meeting with other organization to get the opinions of the employees works .
3.As a leader i will make sure that high commands have the eligibility of their rank.
4.city will be more secured with the patrolling units all time
5.will focus on quality
6.will eliminate people who spread toxicity or favoritism in org.
7.will get opinions of the organization employees every week.
8.controlling in crime rates in the city with active units
9.i will make sure hr team is working properly without favoritism
10.will try to make most secured organization in the city
11. high bonus and promotion system which makes employees happy
12. LSPD to be more active and crime free .
13. will introduce a new department with dogs.
Last edited:

Pina Reapers

Supports, Media & State Curator
Server Administrator
Apr 12, 2023
Applications for LSPD Leaders are now CLOSED

The following players have been selected for LSPD Leader interviews at 10:00 Server Time on (Thursday, 05 Dec 2024)

Salmon Pluxury - 140132 - @assasinsalmon
Relay Minazuki - 68610 - @r3lay_
Cole SweetHearth- 110716 - @ceyyunn
Eagle Lazzy- 172143 - @eagle_lazzy12
Prabhjeet Ghost- 159579 - @prabhjeet_punisher
Not open for further replies.
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