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IMPORTANT Applications for National Guard

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Famiglia di Nemici

Jun 14, 2021
1. Your name IRL Kaiden
2. Your age 18
3. Time zone PST
4. Average online per day 7-8 hours weekdays 12-14 hours weekends
5. Your Discord Lil/Yactyy#7784
6. Your Nickname Dave Winters
7. Your ID 3099
Additional information
1. Leader of NG
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 Leadership: There's been some amazing leadership for the first term to this last one but i think i can go above and beyond and be the best leader NG has ever seen i know who i want for certain positions already i have everything mapped out.
2.2 Family: this last term made me realize so much NG needs better leadership someone who will step up to the plate when needed someone who can get along with other leaders and not fight with them.
2.3 Discipline: I plan on implementing a lot of discipline but i also want people to be able to have fun while be smart about it i don't want people breaking rules and getting kicked out of the org for stupid reasons.
3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.
3.1 Structure: I'm going to implement enough structure and discipline to where people know how to have fun while not breaking the rules.
3.2 Ranks: I'm going to give people ranks/roles based on experience if they deserve it and if they can show me there fit for that role/rank.
3.3 Corruption: ive seen plenty of corruption in NG last term i had a bad experience with corruption so i plan of trying to limit is a much as possible.
3.4 I want this next term to have the best roleplay experience while still having structure.

30 General of NG [Myself]
29 General [Deputy]
28 LT General [3rd Command]
27 Brigadier General [4th Command]
26 Chief of Staff [5th Command]
25 Colonel [6th Command]
24 LT Colonel [7th Command]
23 Major [8th Command]
22 First Lieutenant [9th Command]
----------High Command---------
21 Chief of Operations
20 Chief of Commands
----------Junior commissioned officers---------
19 Sergent Major of NG
18 Command Sergent Major
17 Sergent Major
16 First Sergent
15 Master Sergent
14 Field Operative Sergent
13 Sergent First Class
12 Staff Sergent
11 Sergent
10 Medic
--------NCO's [Non-Commissioned officers] -------
9 Corporal
8 Specialist
7 Private First Class
6 Private
5 Infantry Trainee
4 Medic Trainee
3 Trainee
2 Recruit
1 Suspended

The Punishment system will be
Strike 1 warning
Strike 2 Demotion
Strike 3 Honorary Discharge from the ORG

There will be rewards for Certain jobs like gate watch the bonuses will be decided by the amount of work put into their job.
The different Divisions with be Air force, Army, Marines, FTO, Navy Seals, Combat Medics

Air Force: The Airforce will be the division that does recon by flight they will get intel by using planes, drones

Army: The army will be the division that takes control of Areas of the marines clear everything out they basically hold down positions.

Marines: The marines are front line they are the first one to push every fight they are highly skilled in marksman and very skilled in be able to communicate during situations.

FTO: The FTO division will train all the new recruits basically the heart of NG they will lead training simulations and seminars.

Navy Seals: The Navy Seals will be the elite of the elite best the best only highly skilled marksman and highly trusted sharpshooters will be a part of the Navy Seals What the navy seals will do it highly secret only the Leader and Deputy will know about the operations apart from the Head of the Navy Seal.

Combat Medics: The combat medics are the people that go in and heal and or provide medical attention to fallen soldiers they will be highly trained and highly intelligent.

I wish NG the best for whoever becomes General.

Regards Ex HOD of Patrol LSPD, Ex HOD of SWAT LSPD, Ex Deputy Chief of SWAT SAHP, Ex 3rd Command bloods, Current 4th Command LSPD
Thank you for your time reading my application
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Hexton Froster

A ruthless veteran of the ghetto !
Jul 18, 2022
1. Your name IRL
Arosh Rayhan
2. Your age
3. Time zone

+6 GMT
4. Average online per day

10 - 14 hours a day
5. Your Discord

Hexton Froster#6666
6. Your Nickname

Hexton Frosterr
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Leader of...National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I have been a leader of crime org before but I did not had good crime deputies and turf deputies to manage gang in my absence. Also I don't had any knowledge of How to manage a gang alone. But I have worked in the state from the start of my Grand rp journey so I know How to manage a org perfectly.

I have been deputy of This org before so I know How to manage the org alone cz I was the only active deputy at that time. Also I was selected for NG interview before so I know which thing I need to improve. Also, I have worked in every legal org as high command so I know all of the work and How to be professional. I know How to sort out any kind of fight and misunderstanding in org.

I have been in NG as deputy and I know what is the main motive and works of NG. I know how to stop raid, how to do ammo run without getting shot or stolen by bandits. I can communicate with other people very perfectly. Also, I have seen other leaders how they completed their terms perfectly so I know How to manage NG. If I get the leadership I can complete the term without any warning. I know how things work over there.

-I have the support of other legal org leaders and previous general and experienced NG soldiers. Also, I have learned so many things after my families gang term so I believe that I will not repeat the same mistakes and run my org so well. If I get 1 last chance to be the leader I will make NG the most active legal org or 2nd most active always. I will have employees from every time zone so my gates can be covered in the full raid time. I will have my grades covered by soldiers during the whole raid time also I will have a department named SOF patrolling in San Andreas and responding to global. I will try to help all of the legal org and I will try to keep the order list of ammunition always clean. I will try to respond to the department always. I will have my high command online 24/7 and I will have deputies from different time zone.

-I will not sure to attend all globals also I will not delay any ammo run in my whole Term. I will act o my Soldiers as a friend not a leader so they don't feel embarrassed. I will not give anyone a strike or will not fire anyone directly. I will always appreciate the work of my soldiers. I will give them bonuses and promotions regularly. I will always try to understand them.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will always try to get more numbers in NG as it's the army so I need quantity more to give the best quality to my curator and the city. I will always do open recruitment and I will host 1 global each day so people can know about NG. I will try to make everyone active and they need to come on duty every day if they are not in LOA my soldiers need to do duty for 1 hour each day or I will reach them to talk and understand why are they not coming on duty if they still don't come on duty without any reason they will receive a strike or demotion.
I will train my soldiers and FTO with every single common and major rule of NG. I will always have my soldiers prepared for the raid. I will focus on the FTO department more cz without the FTO department NG can be in big trouble, I will always let my soldiers ask questions no matter what is the question.

I will have a punishment system for my term

Strike 1 - Verbal warning
Strike 2 - Demotion
Strike 3 - Kick/Blacklist

Also, I will have a rank system to represent my org

29-Lt. General

28- Cheif of staff

27- Colonel



24-First Lieutenant

23-Second Lieutenant --------------------------------------- High command line

22-Chief Warrant Officer

21-Warrant Officer
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Junior commissioned officers
20- Sergeant Major

19-First Sergeant

18-Master Sergeant

17- Sergeant First Class

16-Gunnery Sergeant

15-Staff Sergeant

14-Sergeant V

13-Sergeant IV

12-Sergeant III

11-Sergeant II

10-Sergeant I
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Non commissioned officer


7-Private First Class


5-MP Trainee

4-AR trainee




Also I will give bonuses regularly

Gate Keeping :- 8k per hour Per
Raid :- 10k
Bank Robbery :- 10k
Store Robbery :- 10k
Ammo will be Per truck delivered:- 5k
Aircraft Carrier :7k
Soldier of the week - 20k

Now I am gonna explain my department

Air force: this is the force some of in best pilots of the city. The main job of the air force is to scout around their base and look for possible attacks by gang members

Military police, which is the most important division in the national guard. The Military Police is an invitation only division and only the best and the most trusted people from the org will be in it. Their job is to make sure all the units are following the state rules and no one is doing any illegal activity. And there is a lot of action in the division.
Also This department will process 10-15s to DOC by reading marinda rules and will hand over them to FIB/SAHP/LSPD

The FTO department is the second most important divisions in the national guard their job is to get new employees to the org and they have a lot to do such as doing Interviews and training to the new units

I will also have a department named CRM (Combat Rescue Medics) There main work will be to provide medical attention to soldier and rescue hostage while hostage situation. They will be a kind of medic but in NG.

SOF : This will be the group of most sharp shooter and brave soldiers of NG. They will take part in most of the 10-10 and shooting situations. They will guide CRM department that what they should do while hostage situation. This department will take part in negotiation from the side of NG. This department will lead ghetto patrol from NG side also this department will protect soldiers while ammo run mostly.

I will like to say sorry to my curator of Families for the dumb things I did also I will like to say sorry to all admins for disturbing them :) I will not mess up this time If I get the leadership because I am highly experienced in NG


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akib khan786

Oct 3, 2022
1. Arman Raza
2. 18
3. Time zone : UTC+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Akib Sheikh#2434
6. Paradoz Rich
7. 21707
Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1 - Being a leader helps other people develop their skills. Through collaboration and teamwork, you're able to achieve more in your organization and create an environment where people enjoy being present. National Guard is safety for people of country and it is a backbone on operations where it does final touch of paint and be where it needs to be in time! National Guard should be keep improving itself and it can be better than before with right leaders. With that being said. I know the problems. I got solutions. In my term i will focus these problems and do my best to make it better.

2 - ENG 3 my first time playing GrandRP but i played Serious RP American Servers before about 2 years. This won't be hard for me who has come from Serious RP servers.

3- My solutions are based on collaborating and bringing people together who love RolePlay and have fun while they spend their time for it.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

- Better communication and making good connection with other organizations and our NG units.
* Clear and good communication always better and less complicated.

* i will create''High Commanders Table'' When a new problem occured. We Discuss and find solution together.
* We work together because we are NG organization.

- Encouraging people to be part of NG.
*Better Salaries and Giving right promotions to right people who deserve. (best if can)

- Importance of rules in NG. Staying coordinated and organized with better trainings.
* I am going to make sure RR department has the right people who can teach and know NG.
Awareness of chain of commands.
* Stick to rules to be better organized and ready to incoming attacks.
* Giving better trainings in better ways and prepare new units for dangers upon us.

- Interacting with everybody positively. Good communication with all units.

* Being clear and understandable are the keys.

Rohan Agarwal

Dec 12, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Subham Mal
2. Your age - 22
3. Time zone - IST
4. Average online per day - 8hours
5. Your Discord - Rohan Anna#3880
6. Your Nickname - Rohan Anna
7. Your ID - 45325
Additional information
1. Leader of


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanations)

  • I want become NG leader because i experience in this organization and other organizations so i think i would be good Ng general thats why i want to apply.

  • I know all things about ng and i saw many mistakes from previous general and even in some events like ammo run and stuff so i want to be leader of national guard so that fix it all and make ng better than ever and i know with the help of loving curator and my fellow high commands I can so

  • at last i want to become leader because i want to experience national guard leadership…………

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

• Departments - Departments are most important things to manage the organization cause General cant do everything and in previous term of en3 ng i saw leader did not have all the HODs( Majors ) before the freeze ended , but it would not be same in my term cause i would add Majors to every single department in NG

• Ideas about Departments :-


HR and FTO :- in other terms i saw they have either FTO or HR to recruit and Train them but i would like to change this system cause i saw many trainee soldiers in the organizations due to lack of training cause FTOs were busy with recruitment and did not focus on training but you know, i know , we all know . that to run the organization properly we dont just need many members, we need members who knows proper system and server rules.

so i would separate this division with 2 different majors and different members.

Recruitment Representative (RR) & Field training officers (FTO) where RR will only focus on Recruitment by hosting serveral recruitment drives and reviewing applications

and FTO will train the trainee soldiers and make them good soldiers by following proper training document ( I have


SOF :- i would like to make this org more active by giving them Responsibilities to host ghetto petrol with the help of other orgs and secure ammo run convoy by having several cars, and this department training would have field training and this division will not be easy to join, soldiers need to have good shooting skills to join this department


IA ( internal affairs ) :- this org is also so important but i woiuld like to give them more responsibilities like checking logs of the organization and find if anything is wrong like someone is stealing from warehouse or kicking members from org or leaving with prime without letting us know , and also blacklist them and also check discord logs and do some bodycam checks also to make sure every soldiers are maintaining proper bodycam(POV) of every situations and also fix any issues in the organization


MP :- This org will be active and i would like to give them responisibilities for petrolling of base and arranging members to respond to global calls and search and confesticate trunks if there is any proper ic reason.

Activity :-

now comes the main part that how will i make the organization active

As i told above i would make RR division which will recruit people in the organization actively and we will gain members but also i would like to do some things to make the org more active -

State waves :- i would like to host several State waves to make the organization active

Global calls :- as i told above , my MP team will arrange members to respond every single global calls

Ghetto Petrols :- As i told abovbe, my SOF team will organize ghetto petrols with the help of FIB and other organizations

Ammo Runs :- as i told and we all know that ammo runs are most important thing in NG and i would like to do ammo runs actively with the help of every high commands i would not give it to a separate division cause if in case they are not active the we will miss the ammo run and i would not be good for the state organizations

Gate keeping :- i would like to make shifts for gate keeping and bonuses as its important to gate keep atleast from 12:00 to 22:00

Thanks for reading my Application


Sep 18, 2022
1. Information.
1. Your name IRL - Anish
2. Your age - 18
3. Time zone - IST GMT+5
4. Average online per day - 5-7 hours
5. Your Discord - Forsaken Koks#7620
6. Your Nickname - Forsaken Kokss
7. Your ID - 45854
Additional information.
Leader of NG.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
- I wanna be the leader because I have been playing on the server for the last 2 years and have been in both legal and illegal organizations. I have gained all the experience, knowledge, and skills which requires to be a leader and manage an org. I have been the leader multiple times on all the 3 servers. I have had one of the most successful and active terms ever. With the amount of dedication, utter, motivation I have towards NG I know, I will make NG the most active and dominating organization. Through my leadership, I will make a big and bold statement so that everyone knows how a well-maintained organization works. I have been a deputy (Lieutenant general) Of NG multiple times and I made those terms the cleanest, most active, and most fun terms ever. I have been in all orgs and been a deputy in all of them multiple times whether it is SAHP, LSPD, FIB, NG, or Gangs. I have the ability to handle any type of situation, conflict, or problem that occurs in any case.

- In my NG term I will make sure that both of my deputies are from different time zones so that we can keep the organization active and don't skip any events. I want to host daily training on the base which would be personally supervised by me or my high command main aim of this training would be to increase leadership capabilities these include all sorts of training.

- I will make sure that we attend each and every global, There will be no delays in ammo runs and all the org will have ammo at all times. and help all the orgs. lastly, I want to say that I know what a general can do, being active among his soldier, always trying to understand them, and never leaving them behind, I will treat my soldier as my comrades rather than treating them as juniors and being bossy which recently many people have done.

How will you improve RP?

1. Firstly national guard is the army so I will be focusing on getting more numbers in the national guard especially getting old ng members back, daily conducting mass recruitments so we always have units

2. Activity - as of activity everyone in the national guard has to be on duty every day for at least 2 hours if they can't be in the city due to some reason they should be putting a vacation request in email. ncos would require to spend 50% of their city time in base, cos would be required to spend 65% of their time in base, these hours will be increased in case of emergency situations.

3. I will also make sure that all the interviews are difficult so that we test everyone's capability so that there are no rule breaks and better RP.

4. As it's important that we have more Realistic things in NG we will have every soldier's health checkups so that they are attentive and healthy.

5. I have a lot of ideas for taking all the events and RP interactions to a new level of realism with my unique and new ideas.

I have noticed that our biggest weakness was not enough attention to new people. If I become a leader, there will be a massive change to it, and new people are a priority because if they don't get it, they will leave for better opportunities.

MY Main Goal Would Be To Make NG ON TOP!

Thanks For Reading My Application.

Krish Federal

Your Evil Nightmare
Nov 27, 2022
My Name IRL : Krish
My Age:18
Time Zone - +5:30 GMT.
Average Online Per Day : 5-6 Hours
My Discord - Krish Royal#2736
NickName-Krish Royall

Leader Of - National Guard

Why I Want To Be Leader Of National Guard :

In My Opinion , being the leader of any organisation is the task of much responsibility , and with the leadership,you need to have experience also that can help your organisation and its members to learn and grow,with me , i have been the deputy head of department of fib , leuitinant of sahp and lspd also i have good experience at ng as an captain . So i believe that now i have a good experience with all the orgs and leading my friends and showing them the right way to succeed. Now with the leadership of national guard , i want to share my experince with even more people and i would be blessed to teach more people and help them to be experienced as well. Morover , i have been holding the deputy position at gangs like ballas , families , vagos so i know how exactly the gangs plan the store robberies/globals/and most importantly the fz raids . So i think if i will get the chance to lead the organisation , i will guide my companions in the organisation about how to succeed in the raid of the gang and protect our city from the terror of gangs.

2-"National Guard" Has always been the most prestigious jobs ever meant to be , a soldier has the topmost respect in everyones eyes,but still i feel like somewhere the power of NG is underestimated due to lack of proper management and lack of proper orders/regulations . Therefore if i get the golden chance to get the leadership of the organisation , i will give my 101% to make ng recognised as it should be and also will take care of the enforcement of all the laws and proper management with the organisation so that it becomes the best organisation of the city in my term.

3-"Army" Is Signified as the best security for any possible situation , therefore , if i will be selected as the leader of the organisation , i will make proper departments like military police , quick response team , air force etc . Also i will make sure to get properly every guard trained according to his department so that he can excel in his department , therefore , i will make sure that our army is ready with specially trained agents to tackle every situation with full efficiency and protect the city . I also have an experience that ng lacks the gate keeping thing and many tresspassers easily enter the base . Therefore , in my leadership , i will give a priortity to gate keeping as well and make sure that every deserving soldier gets the required bonus and special rewards for his hardwork towards the city.

My Advices To Improve RolePlay :

-For improving the roleplay,i will first of all choose the most capable head of all the departments , for this i will not do a random selection , instead , i will keep a proper test system to see which soldier is how much capable for the particular division and therefore choose wisely the head.

-I will make sure every hardworking soldier gets special bonuses as well along with the paycheck , so that they feel involved and appriciated for their hardwork. I will keep a specific and special bonus system for every event,task of every department and make sure everyone is happy with what they get in return of their service for the city.

-I will make a very keen and careful selection of my deputies , so that even if i remain absent due to some OOC work for some days , they take over the NG management with full assurance .

-At last , i would never treat any of the soldier as if i am their leader , will always remain like their friend and always listen to their problems and take it as my first priority. I will always try to keep them happy in my term .

I hope my application will be accepted , i will be highly obliged.

Regards,Krish Royall (70540).

Punar Badmash

Ex-Marabunta Leader
Oct 26, 2022
1. Information.
1. Your name IRL - Punar
2. Your age - 16
3. Time zone UTC+5:30
4. Average online per day - 5 - 7hours
5. Your Discord -Punar0p#2132
6. Your Nickname - Punar Badmash
7. Your ID - 46029
Additional information.

1. Leader of NG.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

- I wanna be the leader because I have been playing on the server for 1,5 years i have been in both legal and illegal orgs i have the experience and knowledge,skills to be a leader of organization i have experienced to lead both family and organization. through my leadership, I will make a big and bold statement so that everyone knows how a well-maintained organization works.

- In my term i will make sure that there is HCs from diffrent time zone for not missing any event for us and protecting the military also i will make sure to choose my deputy from diffrent time zone too.

- I will make sure to help all leos in events and globals. There will be no missing in ammo runs and all the org will have ammo at all times. and help all the orgs. lastly, I want to say that I know what a general can do, being active among his soldier, always trying to understand them, and never leaving them behind, I will treat my soldier as my comrades rather than treating them as juniors and being bossy which recently many people have done.

3. How will you improve RP?

1. Firstly national guard is the army so I will be focussing on more numbers in the national guard especially hiring old ng members back, daily conducting mass recruitments so we always have units and always make sure to keep them active with good bonuses.

2. I will also make sure that all the interviews will be difficult so that we can test everyone's capability so that there will be no rule breaks and providing better RP.

3. As it's important that we will have more realistic things in NG we will have every soldiers health checkups (by ems) so that they are attentive and healthy.

4. Active soldiers -
as duty of soldier everyone in the national guard has to be on duty every day for at least 2 hours if they can't be in the city due to some reason they should be putting a vacation and waiting for it to get accepted in email. NCOs would require to spend 60% of their city time in base, COs would be required to spend 75% of their time in base, these hours will be change in case of emergency situations

Tabrej Federal

Ex-Governor Aka Ex-General
Aug 17, 2022
My Name IRL : Tabrej

My Age:18
Time Zone - +5:30 GMT
Average Online Per Day : 4-6 Hours
My Discord - Tabrej#0523
My Nickname- Badmash Tabrej
My ID-51746

Leader of National Guard

1.Why do you want to be a leader of National Guard?

I)-I was High command and deputy of National Guard, so I know How things work over here. I have full knowledge of Leading NG, i have already worked with many successful leaders who have completed her term very goodly. if i get a chance to be a NG leader i am sure i can proof that I can be good and successful NG leader.
II)-I am professional in every work, and I am one of the best negotiators of my NG term and i know How to take or accept any legal org ammo run request and how to manage the Whole NG. I am active and creative. Also, I have plans for so many Global(IC) Calls .
III) I will have the support of other legal org member and some leader who will help me to run my org. Also, I got supportive families and friends to get numbers in my org. I will have high commands from every time zone to Manage the org. I will have my special department patrolling the area of FZ. I will respond to all departments from other legal orgs. If I get leadership, I can confirm I will be able to stop every raid for my strategy and IQ.

2). My advice for improving Roleplay level in the National Guard

-As we know the NG is Army so first of all, I will try to have numbers in my org. after getting good number soldier i already have good FTO team, that's why I can get many Good Solider for Maintain The NG.
-I will host open recruitment every day to get members into my Org.
-I will not delay any ammo runs.
-I will have my high command guiding my soldiers 24/7.
-I will bring back the old free gun license, driving license, and air transport license feature Also I will make changes in my department:

Air force: this is the force some of in best pilots of the city. The main job of the air force is to scout around their base and look for possible attacks by gang members.
Military police: which is the most important division in the national guard. The Military Police is an invitation only division and only the best and the most trusted people from the org will be in it. Their job is to make sure all the units are following the state rules and no one is doing any illegal activity. And there is a lot of action in the division. Also This department will process 10-15s to DOC by reading Marinda rules and will hand over them to FIB/SAHP/LSPD.
Human Resource(FTO): The FTO department is the second most important divisions in the national guard their job is to get new employees to the org and they have a lot to do such as doing Interviews and training to the new units.

Medical Team: I will also have a department named Medical Team ( Rescue Medics Team ) There main work will be to provide medical attention to soldier and rescue hostage while hostage situation. They will be a kind of medic but in NG.
SOF : This will be the group of most sharp shooter and brave soldiers of NG. They will take part in most of the 10-10 and shooting situations. They will guide CRM department that what they should do while hostage situation. This department will take part in negotiation from the side of NG. This department will lead ghetto patrol from NG side also this department will protect soldiers while ammo run mostly.
The seals: These will be the most master mind and classified soldiers of NG. I will only get 5 people in this department with special badge number who will be super classified and active. They will mainly focus on the protection of the General and other org leaders.

Ranking System:
29-Lt. General

28- Chief of staff
27- Colonel

24-First Lieutenant
23-Second Lieutenant
--------------------------------------- High command line
22-Chief Warrant Officer
21-Warrant Officer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Junior commissioned officers
20- Sergeant Major
19-First Sergeant
18-Master Sergeant
17- Sergeant First Class
16-Gunnery Sergeant
15-Staff Sergeant
14-Sergeant V
13-Sergeant IV
12-Sergeant III
11-Sergeant II

10-Sergeant I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Non commissioned officer
7-Private First Class
5- Junior Private

My Bonus system:
Gate Keeping :- 8k per hour
Per Raid :- 10k
Bank Robbery :- 10k
Store Robbery :- 10k
Ammo will be Per truck delivered:- 5k
Aircraft Carrier :7k
Soldier of the week - 30k
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Mac Blu

Sep 25, 2021
1. Your name IRL Glenn
2. Your age 50
3. Time zone GMT+2
4. Average online per day 5+
5. Your Discord Mac Blu#4428
6. Your Nickname Mac Blu
7. Your ID 677
Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. To bring structure and order to Org
2. To make the org a more exiting place to work
3. To bring a legal corp into the org with Military Law in place
4.Work closely with all the legal Orgs

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Have promotion Ceremonies. Visitors FZ would have to be escorted onto base by NG officers. Training of NG personal on a regular Bases plus other orgs

My departments -

Military Police – This is a specialized division who track down on corruption within the National Guards soldiers, they will be the “Internal Affairs” Of the National Guard, they hand out strikes, look into officers and make Case Files on Corrupt officer and in the rare case can stop, track down and apprehend officers gone “AWOL” And bring them into court. These small group of officers can only answer to the general, and can skip the Chain of Command if they withhold classified information

JAG- This is the division where Military law would be enforced by means of a military court system

Infantry – This is a basic division which new troops are put into as they first so they can learn about the National Guard and how to improve, The leader of Infantry must be very experienced within all division and he must be a friend yet also a leader to all new troops he must advise them in what to do and give them information on other divisions so they can join them after they are ready, This division specialises in base duties such as gate keeping, raids and basic events. This will build our soldiers up to be the very best possible, in order to leave this division, you must be promoted past corporal and must join another division, People below Corporal can only be promoted by the Major general of infantry

Airborne – This is an elite division made of the best pilots in the city, There main duty is to patrol the skies looking for on coming threats for example raids, They also perform extractions when are fellow soldiers are in danger and can take them to safety, This is a divisions also made for counter intelligence as they are used as scouts on base and are also the first people on the scene to a global events and relay the information to the Air traffic tower who can dispatch the appropriate response, There guys must always be on the ball and react to react

SASD – This is a division of highly skilled soldiers with the best tactical ability, Gun skills and situational skills, they will host events such as Ammo runs and ghetto patrols and attend global at the advice of the Air Force, this would be one of the biggest divisions excluding infantry.

Regarding the recruitment side of National Guard, there will be a Google Forum Document where High commands officers will use a script so that anyone can take an interview and then if they pass they will be passed on through to infantry

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Snapy Salvador

Dec 9, 2022
--) Information (--

1. Your name IRL
-) Lucky
2. Your age
-) 17
3. Time zone
-) GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day
-) 8-10 hours
5. Your Discord
-) lucky#5547
6. Your Nickname
-) Frsoty Lucky
7. Your ID
-) 70128
Additional information
1. Leader of...
-) National Guard.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

-) Hlo i am Frsoty Lucky and i want to become National Guard leader because i am playing Grand RP from a long time and i served NG in EN 2 And EN 3 with different honourable generals and also faced different kinds of situations and different types of ways to solve them. And i always ready to face new challanges and problems because i love to find out a way from different challenging situations. i love Natonal Guard from my first day when i joined GRAND RP. It attracts me because in my point of view NG is the best and always ready to help ORG.

1. I will help every member in NG and always be friendly with everyone and help them if they're new or facing any kind of problems and provide them proper well maintained National Guard emails . I will never give promotion or any kind of high rank to my friends and always be neutral with both friends or strangers i want to make NG the best and the most active ORG.

2. I will make sure that i will promote every deserving employees in National Guard and give them bonuses for their hard work and also provide bonuses to highcommand as per my past experiences i seen that the hc get bonuses rarely but the most hardworking and headache job is to be an hc in any org and always try to return their money back which they spended on gun licenses and health insurances . I will give them bonuses regularly and every department who is doing a great work all members of that particular department will receive medals and cash prize every week

[ I will focus on open recruitments and promotion ceremony regularly every week and i will to do different improvements in National Guard that i found missing as an soldier in NG. ] and make a new personal logs system to boost the performance of NG and maintain the decipline and friendly behaviour in every soldier

3. I will divide NG in 5 division
-) RR
-) Military Police
-) Air Force
-) CRM

(i) Recruitment Retention

-) This is the main division also we can say the heart of our ORG because without RR we can't even recruitment new members in our ORG

-) I will give proper Format to RR so the Head of RR can lead his division

-) This division will mainly focus on recruitment/interviews and training of new employes

-) RR will also conduct Open recruitment Regularly. Because it attracts the citizens towards NG and they will notify if they wanna serve their state as an Soldier and i will try that RR will always be prepared for that.

(ii) Military Police

-) This division will mainly focus on the internal matters of the ORG and also Can petrol around the base and basically it will properly work as same as [ Internal affairs]

-) Military Police will regularly check the bgc and licenses of ORG members to maintain a proper disciplinary environment in NG

-) Military Police will also petrol around the base and make sure that everything is under controlled and working in a proper manner.

(iii) SASD

-) In SASD there is no open recruitment only the best and the deserving employes will get a chance to enter in SASD that can face any kind of situation and teckle it easily.

-) SASD will always ready to respond on any kind of Global , Hostage situations and Ghetto petrol and this division will be the best and the most Disciplined division

-) They will attend every Event and represent NG. Events like-)
1.Store robbery
2. Submarine
3. Aircraft carrier
4. Prison Protection
5. Bank protection
6. Gang Raid
7. Fz raid

-) SASD Have the acess of whole Armory that will help them to lead the challaging situations on Events or Globals.

-) SASD will help NG in ammo runs and make sure that nobody is chasing the convoy or interfairing in ammo run they will always ready to deal with these kind of situations

(iv) Air Force

-) This division have acces of all aircraft present at Fort zancudo base.

-) Air force will do Air Petroling regularly after every 20-30 minutes to make sure everything is under control around the base.

-) Air force will provide air support when NG will conduct ammo runs.

(v) CRM

-) CRM will join every event with SASD and the main work of CRM is to provide backup and medical support to the Government agencies.

-) CRM can also considered as Military Doctors team those who do work of both killers and protectors.

-) They will regularly maintain the medical supplies in ORG and always ready to deal with situations.

29.Lt general
28.Major general
27.Brigadier general
25.Lt colonel
22.1st lieuteant

21.2nd lieuteant ( ʜᴄ ʀᴀɴᴋꜱ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛ ꜰʀᴏᴍ 2ɴᴅ ʟᴛ )

20.Command sergeant majot
19.Sergeant major
18.1st Sergeant
17.Master gunnery sergeant
16.Master sergeant
15.Platon sergeant
14.Sergeant 1st class
13.Gunnery sergeant
12.Staff sergeant
8.Senior specialist
7.Junior specialist
6.Private 1st class
5.Private 2nd class

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

-) 1.) Doing very High Level of RP in all ORG related activities
2.)Taking Only people who knows rules of National Gaurd and experienced.
3.) Making HC to those only people who are calm and can handle situation
4.)By making a punishment criteria for people who breaks rules
Like -) for minors mistake they will get verbals
-) if they break major rules they will get strikes and if you get 2 strikes and deranked them or gave them last warning.
5.) Professional Rank system for ORG members and always maintain chain of command while doing RP
6.) By not giving high rank to anyone without a prior interview or valid proofs of previous ranks and experiences .
7.) Always maintain proper role play procedure while arresting 10-14.
8.) By placing spikes on both gates when gate keeping timings will start because it will help us to teckle gangs and trespassing activities


Dec 27, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Aleksandra
2. Your age - 19
3. Time zone – GMT+4
4. Average online per day – 4 hrs (holidays min)
5. Your Discord – Carl Kirigaya#0005
6. Your Nickname – Carl Kirigaya
7. Your ID - 15360
Additional information
1. Leader of... National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1)I want to make this org Legendary and with my experience and work. When I got many fails and rejections, I didn’t stop. Why? Because I love that org and this city as F**k and I know that life sometimes will beat up to your knees and wont stop, world aint sun shine and rainbows and sometimes people have to look at their dreams and see NG there, that is what I see. And that’s why I choose NG for my leadership, I know Im gonna get reject but know.. Im not going to stop.

2) As you look at last message I love that org and may try to change some things, that aren’t military at all.

3)Third reason is all 2 reasons and 3rd section.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1I think that soldiers aren’t trained good and don’t have good aim, so I’ll use my chance to teach people shooting good at arena of NG

2We will have some changes to divisions. Only: Military patrol – internal affairs; Recruitment and training; Combat Medics and Air force.

3Im going to change cars and barricades at gates.

akib khan786

Oct 3, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Arman Raza
2. Your age -
3. Time zone - ( GMT +5:30 )
4. Average online per day - 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord - Akib Sheikh#2434
6. Your Nickname - Paradox Ali
7. Your ID - 21707
Additional information
1. Leader of
National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

  • I want become NG leader because i have experience in this organization and other organizations so i think i would be good Ng general thats why i want to apply.
  • Recently i completed my SAHP term and i have been in NG in other servers for more than 2-3 terms and i gained a lot of experience and also i was curator of NG in past thats why i have a lot of Experience in state organizations so i want to be leader of National Guard.
  • I know all things about ng and i saw many mistakes from previous general and even in some events like ammo run and stuff so i want to be leader of national guard so that fix it all and make ng better than ever and i know with the help of loving curators and my fellow high commands i can so these
  • at last i want to become leader because i want to experience national guard leadership.
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

• Departments - Departments are most important things to manage the organization cause General cant do everything and in previous term of en3 ng i saw leader did not have all the HODs( Majors ) before the freeze ended , but it would not be same in my term cause i would add Majors to every single department in NG

• Ideas about Departments :-

HR and FTO :- in other terms i saw they have either FTO or HR to recruit and Train them but i would like to change this system cause i saw many trainee soldiers in the organizations due to lack of training cause FTOs were busy with recruitment and did not focus on training but you know, i know , we all know . that to run the organization properly we dont just need many members, we need members who knows proper system and server rules.
so i would separate this division with 2 different majors and different members.
Recruitment Representative (RR) & Field training officers (FTO) where RR will only focus on Recruitment by hosting serveral recruitment drives and reviewing applications
and FTO will train the trainee soldiers and make them good soldiers by following proper training document ( I have it )

SOF :- i would like to make this org more active by giving them Responsibilities to host ghetto petrol with the help of other orgs and secure ammo run convoy by having several cars, and this department training would have field training and this division will not be easy to join, soldiers need to have good shooting skills to join this department

IA ( internal affairs ) :- this org is also so important but i woiuld like to give them more responsibilities like checking logs of the organization and find if anything is wrong like someone is stealing from warehouse or kicking members from org or leaving with prime without letting us know , and also blacklist them and also check discord logs and do some bodycam checks also to make sure every soldiers are maintaining proper bodycam(POV) of every situations and also fix any issues in the organization

MP :- This org will be active and i would like to give them responisibilities for petrolling of base and arranging members to respond to global calls and search and confesticate trunks if there is any proper ic reason.

___________Happy New Year _________

Activity :-
now comes the main part that how will i make the organization active

As i told above i would make RR division which will recruit people in the organization actively and we will gain members but also i would like to do some things to make the org more active -

important Team :- If you want to keep NG well you have to talk to him best because my team mood feels yes my leader is very good Because I will talk to the best and those people will also talk to me well I will not let them feel that they are talking to a leader

Global calls :- If any global drop is done my MP team will respond to them immediately

Ghetto Petrols :- Just like FIB ghetto patrol my SOF team will definitely help them and other organizations will also help them

Ammo Runs :- If I am thinking of doing Ammo Run, then first of all I will ask the High Command at what time can you be present And if they tell me the time I will Ammo Run with everyone at that time because it is very important to have a high command

Gate keeping :- i would like to make shifts for gate keeping and bonuses as its important to gate keep atleast from 12:00 to 22:00

Change- 1 Hour Gatekeeping 5k | Per Hour Bonus 10k

Thanks You Reading My Apllication Akib Sheikh


Lisa Flx

Ex-Leader Of Bloods
Oct 25, 2022
1. Ayush Agarwal
2. 17
3. GMT +5:30 ( IST )
4. 8 to 10 hours and 10 to 12 hours on weekends
6. Sophia Knights
7. 46522

Additional information
1. Leader of....


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1- Experience Side -
I Have Been In National Guard For More Than 4 Months Now I Have Been On Every Rank Starting From Private To COS I have leaded small teams , ammo runs and now I want to lead a big team I Have Spent A Lot Of Time in National Guard I Have Been A Part Of all Departments In National Guard and I Was A Head of MP ( Military Police ) and IA ( Internal Affairs ).

2- Some Changes - NG Currently Is Doing very good and in a good position. I would like to make some changes which will be under my leadership. Like daily Recruitment daily trainings on base MP doing license checks , background check 2 times a week in base this will help in maintaining discipline among soldiers.

3- New Policies - If I became leader of National guard I will be implementing many new policies the Policies are written down below:-

New Policies are as follows :-

1-Respect Policy -
Everyone in NG no matter what rank they have, high ranking officer can't disrespect a lower ranking officer and cant abuse his power of rank, In my career of NG I saw many HC's didn't gave respect to other units.

2-Policy for joining NG - If someone wants to join NG they have to agree on a contract to join NG if they deny to accept the contract they can't join NG

3-Ranking Policy - I am going to give those people ranks who are doing well and have enough experience for that rank and after they got the rank and they are not doing well they will be removed from that rank.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.

- Firstly I will focus on getting as much numbers as possible since NG is Army and more numbers means more working people in the ORG specially I will focus on bringing old NG officers Back because I will need experienced people in the ORG.

-Everyone in NG have to be on duty everyday for At least 1 hour.

- I would be making sure that I am giving fair promotions to all NG officers and they can always come to me and talk to me if they think they deserve more.

-I have noticed that our biggest weakness is not giving enough attention to new peoples. I will be giving attention to new peoples because if they don't get it, they will leave for better opportunities and we need those people.

These are going to be my Departments :-

- Human Resources ( FTO )

Human Resources is like a FTO only the name is going to change their work is to train new people take interviews and check applications!

- Military Police
This is the most important division in NG. The Military Police is an invitation only division and only the best and the most trusted people can only join this division because their work is to give out strike check people background and maintain Discipline among NG soldiers and also they have to take a 10-15 to DOC by reading their miranda rights and hand them over to FIB/SAHP/LSPD so they can process them!

- Air Force
This is a special division made up of the best pilots. Their main work is to patrol/scout around the Military Base and alert the other units for a possible raid or any danger they have to report to other fellow units Immediately!

- Combat Medics
Combat medic work is to provide health (HP) Whenever their fellow soldier's need (HP) they have to provide the soldier's medicines med kits and keep the soldier's healthy!

- SOF ( Special Operation Force )
This is a department filled with sharp shooters , brave soldiers of NG. They will take part in most of the 10-10 situations , hostage situation , ghetto patrol , ammo runs . subs and this department is the one who is going to lead Ghetto Patrol from NG side!

-Punishment System

1st Strike- Nothing ( Verbal Warn )
2nd Strike - Demotion
3rd strike - Blacklist/Suspension for 24 to 48 based on the situation

-Bonus System
Gate Keeping -6k ( Per Hour )
Raid - 8k ( Per Raid )
Bank Robbery -10k
Store Robbery -10k
Ammo Run - 5k ( Per Truck Delivered )
Aircraft Carrier -9k
Soldier of the week - 40k
Any other Event - 8k

-Ranking System
30-General ( Myself )

29-Lt.General ( Deputy )

28- Chief of Staff ( Curator/Upper Head of all divisions )

27- Colonel ( Head of Departments )

26-Major ( Deputy Head of Departments )


24-First Lieutenant
====== High Command ====== 👆

====== National Guards ======👇
23-Second Lieutenant

22-Chief Warrant Officer

21-Warrant Officer

20-Command Sergeant Major

19-Sergeant Major

18-Master Sergeant

17-Gunnery Sergeant

16-Staff Sergeant

15-Sergeant V

14-Sergeant IV

13-Sergeant III

12-Sergeant II

11-Sergeant I


9-Corporal First Class


7-Gate Keeper

6-Private First Class






Last edited:


May 7, 2022
1. Divyansh
2. 19
3. IST
4. 4-5 Hours ( Weekends 8-10 Hours)
5. Danny Cooper#3083
6. Danny Badmash
7. 21928
Additional Information
Leader of the National Guards!

. I was the Major General (Under Deputy) during the last terms of NG and saw many false actions taken over my priority should be the welfare of the Guards. I would like to add and erase some rules and regulations cause I saw many loopholes in the current System I would like to change it to make the best RP experience for the units

2. From the beginning I'm in LEO I know all the basics to high-level tactics when I'm in LSPD I tied up with Ng and do special operations when I join NG after working for a while I got high experience in NG and it's my expertise in solving internal issues cause I worked as HC in nearly every ORG (except EMS ).

3. Talking specifically about NG I was working here for more than 2 terms I saw and noticed the bad things and my fellow officer's complaints about that I want to solve those things and make NG a better startup for all the young fellows of the city

Advice to improve the roleplay of National Guards

Advise no1:- My First is to improve the bonus system I will introduce the best bonus system ever someone has seen due to that everyone enjoys the gatekeeping stuff and I will make a special employee fund for all the employees of this ORG

Advise no2:- I will make slight changes to the powers and control of all the departments and the rank system . and I will specifically make an eye on every Department so that everyone gets their equal human rights which the state gave them and everyone should grow in their department and try to quit the Nepotism System !!

Advise no3:- I will try to add fun activities that I already did in NG before like sky diving Special combat drills training, gangs pullover drill, Jet Planes Show, Parade, Camping over MT Chiliad trekking, and many more fun activities so everyone would get some refreshment and enjoyment rather than gatekeeping and internal issues!

Your's Faithfully
Danny Badmash!
Major General of National Guards Ex-Deputy of Marabunta Grande Deputy of Unofficial Organisation EX-Major of LSPD

Liza Hayashi

EX General
Jul 14, 2022
1 .Smit Shinde
2. 16
3 . GMT +5:30
4. Smit_Shinde#4218
5. Suzi Kirigaya
7. 31600

Additional information

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
As I have experience in every org as High Command I can see that people underestimate powers of NG .
a. The first reason every time NG gets strike for most for the gate blocking and using heavy guns in raid. so I will fix that .
b. The second reason leader every time does that if he see that people are leaving orgs for that inactiveness of NG so the leader instantly give High Command rank to the that people who also don't know anything about High Command also at that time also NG gets higher chance to get strikes.
c. As I see NG work from other org when any org ask for ammo run they sometime rejects because of not enough people, so I will create a hype for Ng so more peoples can join NG
I want to be a leader for solving this above problems this is the reason i want to be leader of NG.

3. our advices for improving Role Play level in organization

i. To Improve RP and save city from criminal organizations and make it safe place to live for citizens we will safe the city from gang members.
ii. I will give badge numbers to every person so it can be perfect .
iii. I will take serous actions against the players who will not follow the chain of command.
iv . Treating and Respecting every civilian very well and helping them out from their problems.


Dec 9, 2021
1 .Smit Shinde
2. 16
3 . GMT +5:30
4. Smit_Shinde#4218
5. Suzi Kirigaya
7. 31600

Additional information

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
As I have experience in every org as High Command I can see that people underestimate powers of NG .
a. The first reason every time NG gets strike for most for the gate blocking and using heavy guns in raid. so I will fix that .
b. The second reason leader every time does that if he see that people are leaving orgs for that inactiveness of NG so the leader instantly give High Command rank to the that people who also don't know anything about High Command also at that time also NG gets higher chance to get strikes.
c. As I see NG work from other org when any org ask for ammo run they sometime rejects because of not enough people, so I will create a hype for Ng so more peoples can join NG
I want to be a leader for solving this above problems this is the reason i want to be leader of NG.

3. our advices for improving Role Play level in organization

i. To Improve RP and save city from criminal organizations and make it safe place to live for citizens we will safe the city from gang members.
ii. I will give badge numbers to every person so it can be perfect .
iii. I will take serous actions against the players who will not follow the chain of command.
iv . Treating and Respecting every civilian very well and helping them out from their problems.
If this man gets leader your legit promoting bullying at that point #alfieontop

Manas Badmash

1. Manas Satya
2. 17
3. IST/GMT+5.30
4. 8 Hours
5. Manas#0343
6. Manas Badmash
7. 3318

Additional Information

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. I want to be leader of national guard as i want to stop the Store robberies and crime in the city and make sure that no one tries to enter the fort Zancudo and Steal the ammunation . Will make a strict Strike system and make sure that National Guard is corruption free and no one is there who sell our secret information to anyone .

ii. I would represent the better image of National Guard and will increase the national guard roleplay experience and re-improve it's Radio Codes , Code of Conduct and System of Events.
A new bonus system would be issued that is the following :-
Gate Keeping - 10k Per hour
Person Trained - 10k Per person
Ammo Run - 5k Per Person
Military base Robbery -
Lose - 5k Per Raid
Won - 10k Per Raid
Store Robbery - 8k Per robbery
Escorting to DOC - 5k per person (Safely)
Ghetto Patrol - 10k per patrol
Sandy Shores Patrol - 10k per patrol

(These Bonus System will fluctuate according to the need)
iii. I would Make the Uniform System to be Strict and make the radio system good so that no one does OOC things there and shout , will make the radio system professional. The High command and rank system would be maintained in a Good manner . National Guards would be having professionalism , proper Attiquates and Well Mannered . Will be only issuing higher Ranks to those Who are capable of it .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Will Divide National Guard into different departments
1. Air Force (AF) - This Department would be giving support to National Guard from the Air and will be heavily trained to drive Air Transport Fastly and Professionaly . They would be trained in different Phases So they can control it in any situation and give the best air support to all organizations.
2. Human Resource and Training (HRT) - This Department would be keeping the Track of Arms and ammunations of all organizations and check that How much Arms and ammunation we are supplying to them to make sure that no organization is stealing. This department would also be Recruiting and Training the person. This department would be keeping a truck full of Medics, Repair Kits and Fuel Canisters . They would Keep The track of all illegal Items that are found and confiscated from the person.
3. Internal Affairs (IA) - This Department would keep the check of the recent Patrols and make the proper Weekly Schedule. They Would be issuing Strikes to the Person who is not following rules , unprofessional and doing things without High Command Permission etc.
4. Special Operation Force (SOF) - This Team would be heavily Trained and would be taking over all the special operation including patrols would have a Proper Sniper Team and Would be taking over the Special operations in Store robberies and Hostage Situations . They would be given Training for Every thing .
5. Military Police (MP) - These Will be protecting the base taking the frontier in Every Event and would be doing negotiations in Hostage Situations as well as Store Robberies and in military base robbery they would be fully covering alarms and generators and cover The Gates

This would be the rank System of the organization when I would be leading :-
30. General ( The Main Leader of the organization - Myself )

29. Lt. General ( Deputy )
28. Chief of staff ( This Would be the taking over the Charges and would be keeping the track of all departments )
27. Colonel ( These would be the Head of Departments )
26. Major
25. Captain
High commands
National Guards 👇

24. First lieutenant
23. Second lieutenant
22. Chief Warrant Officer
21. Warrant Officer
20. Gunnery Sergeant
19. Sergeant
18. Major Specialist
17. Master Specialist
16. Senior Specialist
15. Junior Specialist
14. Specialist
13. Major Corporal
12. Master Corporal
11. Senior Corporal
10. Junior Corporal
9. Corporal
8. Major Private
7. Master Private
6. Senior Private
5. Junior Private
4. Private
3. Trainee
2. On Leave / Loa
1. Suspended

All The Decisions Would be Taken by the High Commands, They would be having power to do everything (Except Captains And Majors)
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